# -*- perl -*- # $Id: errorlib.in,v 1.29 2003/06/06 17:56:05 cjwatson Exp $ sub F_SETLK { 6; } sub F_WRLCK{ 1; } $flockstruct= 'sslll'; # And there ought to be something for this too. sub get_hashname { return "" if ( $_[ 0 ] < 0 ); return sprintf "%02d", $_[ 0 ] % 100; } sub unlockreadbugmerge { local ($rv) = @_; &unfilelock if $rv >= 2; &unfilelock if $rv >= 1; } sub lockreadbugmerge { local ($lref, $location) = @_; local $data; if (!($data = &lockreadbug($lref, $location))) { return ( 0, undef ); } if (!length($data{mergedwith})) { return ( 1, $data ); } &unfilelock; &filelock('lock/merge'); if (!&lockreadbug($lref, $location)) { &unfilelock; return ( 0, undef ); } return ( 2, $data ); } sub getbuglocation { my ( $bugnum, $ext ) = @_; my $archdir = sprintf "%02d", $bugnum % 100; return 'archive' if ( -r "$gSpoolDir/archive/$archdir/$bugnum.$ext" ); return 'db-h' if ( -r "$gSpoolDir/db-h/$archdir/$bugnum.$ext" ); return 'db' if ( -r "$gSpoolDir/db/$bugnum.$ext" ); return undef; } sub getlocationpath { my ($location) = @_; if ($location eq 'archive') { return "$gSpoolDir/archive"; } elsif ($location eq 'db') { return "$gSpoolDir/db"; } else { return "$gSpoolDir/db-h"; } } sub getbugcomponent { my ($bugnum, $ext, $location) = @_; $location = getbuglocation($bugnum, $ext) unless defined $location; my $dir = getlocationpath($location); return undef unless $dir; if ($location eq 'db') { return "$dir/$bugnum.$ext"; } else { my $hash = get_hashname($bugnum); return "$dir/$hash/$bugnum.$ext"; } } sub readbug { local ($lref, $location) = @_; my $status = getbugcomponent($lref, 'status', $location); return undef unless defined $status; if (!open(S,$status)) { return undef; } my %data; chop($data{originator}= ); chop($data{date}= ); chop($data{subject}= ); chop($data{msgid}= ); chop($data{package}= ); chop($data{keywords}= ); chop($data{done}= ); chop($data{forwarded}= ); chop($data{mergedwith}= ); chop($data{severity}= ); chop($data{versions}= ); chop($data{fixed_versions}= ); close(S); $data{severity} = 'normal' if $data{severity} eq ''; return \%data; } sub lockreadbug { local ($lref, $location) = @_; &filelock("lock/$lref"); my $data = readbug($lref, $location); &unfilelock unless defined $data; return $data; } sub writebug { local ($ref, $data, $location) = @_; my $change; my $status = getbugcomponent($ref, 'status', $location); &quit("can't find location for $ref") unless defined $status; open(S,"> $status.new") || &quit("opening $status.new: $!"); print(S "$data->{originator}\n". "$data->{date}\n". "$data->{subject}\n". "$data->{msgid}\n". "$data->{package}\n". "$data->{keywords}\n". "$data->{done}\n". "$data->{forwarded}\n". "$data->{mergedwith}\n". "$data->{severity}\n". "$data->{versions}\n". "$data->{fixed_versions}\n") || &quit("writing $status.new: $!"); close(S) || &quit("closing $status.new: $!"); if (-e $status) { $change = 'change'; } else { $change = 'new'; } rename("$status.new",$status) || &quit("installing new $status: $!"); &bughook($change,$ref, "$data->{originator}\n". "$data->{date}\n". "$data->{subject}\n". "$data->{msgid}\n". "$data->{package}\n". "$data->{keywords}\n". "$data->{done}\n". "$data->{forwarded}\n". "$data->{mergedwith}\n". "$data->{severity}\n". "$data->{versions}\n". "$data->{fixed_versions}\n"); } sub unlockwritebug { writebug(@_); &unfilelock; } sub filelock { # NB - NOT COMPATIBLE WITH `with-lock' local ($lockfile,$flockpushno,$evalstring,$count,$errors,@s1,@s2) = @_; $flockpushno= $#filelocks+1; $count= 10; $errors= ''; for (;;) { $evalstring= " open(FLOCK${flockpushno},\"> \$lockfile\") || die \"open: \$!\"; \$flockwant= pack(\$flockstruct,&F_WRLCK,0,0,1,0);". ($] >= 5.000 ? " fcntl(FLOCK$flockpushno,&F_SETLK,\$flockwant) || die \"setlk: \$!\";" : " \$z= syscall(&SYS_fcntl,fileno(FLOCK$flockpushno),&F_SETLK,\$flockwant) < 0 && die \"syscall fcntl setlk: \$!\";") ." (\@s1= lstat(\$lockfile)) || die \"lstat: \$!\"; (\@s2= stat(FLOCK$flockpushno)) || die \"fstat: \$!\"; join(',',\@s1) eq join(',',\@s2) || die \"file switched\"; 1; "; last if eval $evalstring; $errors .= $@; eval "close(FLOCK$flockpushno);"; if (--$count <=0) { $errors =~ s/\n+$//; &quit("failed to get lock on file $lockfile: $errors // $evalstring"); } sleep 10; } push(@cleanups,'unfilelock'); push(@filelocks,$lockfile); } sub unfilelock { if (@filelocks == 0) { warn "unfilelock called with no active filelocks!\n"; return; } local ($lockfile) = pop(@filelocks); pop(@cleanups); eval 'close(FLOCK'.($#filelocks+1).');' || warn "failed to close lock file $lockfile: $!"; unlink($lockfile) || warn "failed to remove lock file $lockfile: $!"; } sub quit { print DEBUG "quitting >$_[0]<\n"; local ($u); while ($u= $cleanups[$#cleanups]) { &$u; } die "*** $_[0]\n"; } %saniarray= ('<','lt', '>','gt', '&','amp', '"','quot'); sub sani { local ($in) = @_; local ($out); while ($in =~ m/[<>&"]/) { $out.= $`. '&'. $saniarray{$&}. ';'; $in=$'; } $out.= $in; $out; } sub update_realtime { my ($file, $bug, $new) = @_; # update realtime index.db open(IDXDB, "<$file") or die "Couldn't open $file"; open(IDXNEW, ">$file.new"); my $line; my @line; while($line = ) { @line = split /\s/, $line; last if ($line[1] >= $bug); print IDXNEW $line; $line = ""; } if ($new eq "NOCHANGE") { print IDXNEW $line if ($line ne "" && $line[1] == $ref); } elsif ($new eq "REMOVE") { 0; } else { print IDXNEW $new; } if ($line ne "" && $line[1] > $bug) { print IDXNEW $line; $line = ""; } print IDXNEW while(); close(IDXNEW); close(IDXDB); rename("$file.new", $file); return $line; } sub bughook_archive { my $ref = shift; &filelock("debbugs.trace.lock"); &appendfile("debbugs.trace","archive $ref\n"); my $line = update_realtime( "$gSpoolDir/index.db.realtime", $ref, "REMOVE"); update_realtime("$gSpoolDir/index.archive.realtime", $ref, $line); &unfilelock; } sub bughook { my ( $type, $ref ) = ( shift, shift ); &filelock("debbugs.trace.lock"); &appendfile("debbugs.trace","$type $ref\n",@_); my @stuff=split /\n/, "$_[0]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; my $whendone = "open"; my $severity = $gDefaultSeverity; (my $pkglist = $stuff[4]) =~ s/[,\s]+/,/g; $pkglist =~ s/^,+//; $pkglist =~ s/,+$//; $whendone = "forwarded" if length $stuff[7]; $whendone = "done" if length $stuff[6]; $severity = $stuff[9] if length $stuff[9]; my $k = sprintf "%s %d %d %s [%s] %s %s\n", $pkglist, $ref, $stuff[1], $whendone, $stuff[0], $severity, $stuff[5]; update_realtime("$gSpoolDir/index.db.realtime", $ref, $k); &unfilelock; } sub appendfile { my $file = shift; if (!open(AP,">>$file")) { print DEBUG "failed open log<\n"; print DEBUG "failed open log err $!<\n"; &quit("opening $file (appendfile): $!"); } print(AP @_) || &quit("writing $file (appendfile): $!"); close(AP) || &quit("closing $file (appendfile): $!"); } sub getmailbody { my $entity = shift; my $type = $entity->effective_type; if ($type eq 'text/plain' or ($type =~ m#text/# and $type ne 'text/html') or $type eq 'application/pgp') { return $entity->bodyhandle; } elsif ($type eq 'multipart/alternative') { # RFC 2046 says we should use the last part we recognize. for my $part (reverse $entity->parts) { my $ret = getmailbody($part); return $ret if $ret; } } else { # For other multipart types, we just pretend they're # multipart/mixed and run through in order. for my $part ($entity->parts) { my $ret = getmailbody($part); return $ret if $ret; } } return undef; } sub escapelog { my @log = @_; map { s/^([\01-\07\030])/\030$1/gm } @log; return \@log; } @severities= grep { not exists $gObsoleteSeverities{$_} } @gSeverityList; @showseverities= @severities; grep ($_= $_ eq '' ? $gDefaultSeverity : $_, @showseverities); @strongseverities= @gStrongSeverities; %displayshowseverities= %gSeverityDisplay; 1;