When systemd is in operation in conjunction with lvm and lvmetad is not in use, lvchange -aay must be called after udevadm --settle which is provided by systemd-udev-settle.service, and before (and after) encrypted devices are configured (cryptsetup.target). ==COMMENT== Is there any case where udevadm --settle would be required after the encrypted devices are configured? Does cryptsetup.target ensure that udev has triggered the appropriate rules for the newly configured encrypted devices? ==END COMMENT== The patch prepared by Michael Stapelberg in http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=728486#163 installs the two systemd unit files necessary to properly configure lvm devices when systemd is running, and additionally configures systemd-tmpfiles.d to create the lockfile directories required by systemd. Therefore, the CTTE: A. Overides the objection of the maintainer of lvm (Bastian Blank ) to this patch, and directs the maintainer to accept this patch or alternatively, authorizes an NMU to implement this patch. B. Further discussion