#!/usr/bin/env r use_pbuilder <- 1 pbuilder_results <- '/var/cache/pbuilder/result' version.new <- function(rver,debian_revision=1, debian_epoch=0) { # generate a string representation of the Debian version of an # R version of a package pkgver = rver # ``Writing R extensions'' says that the version consists of at least two # non-negative integers, separated by . or - if (!length(grep('^([0-9]+[.-])+[0-9]+$',rver))) { stop(paste('Not a valid R package version',rver)) } # Debian policy says that an upstream version should start with a digit and # may only contain ASCII alphanumerics and '.+-:~' if (!length(grep('^[0-9][A-Za-z0-9.+:~-]*$',rver))) { stop(paste('R package version',rver ,'does not obviously translate into a valid Debian version.')) } # if rver contains a : then the Debian version must also have a colon if (debian_epoch == 0 && length(grep(':',pkgver))) debian_epoch = 1 # if the epoch is non-zero then include it if (debian_epoch != 0) pkgver = paste(debian_epoch,':',pkgver,sep='') # always add the '-1' Debian release; nothing is lost and rarely will R # packages be Debian packages without modification. return(paste(pkgver,'-',debian_revision,sep='')) } version.epoch <- function(pkgver) { # return the Debian epoch of a Debian package version if (!length(grep(':',pkgver))) return(0) return(as.integer(sub('^([0-9]+):.*','\\1',pkgver))) } # version.epoch . version.new(x,y) = id # version.epoch(version.new(x,y)) = 0 version.revision <- function(pkgver) { # return the Debian revision of a Debian package version return(as.integer(sub('.*-([0-9]+)$','\\1',pkgver))) } # version.revision . version.new(x) = id # version.revision(version.new(x)) = 1 version.upstream <- function(pkgver) { # return the upstream version of a Debian package version return(sub('-[0-9]+$','',sub('^[0-9]+:','',pkgver))) } # version.upstream . version.new = id version.update <- function(rver, prev_pkgver) { prev_rver <- version.upstream(prev_pkgver) if (prev_rver == rver) { # increment the Debian revision return(version.new(rver ,debian_revision = version.revision(prev_pkgver)+1 ,debian_epoch = version.epoch(prev_pkgver) )) } # new release # TODO: implement Debian ordering over version and then autoincrement # Debian epoch when upstream version does not increment. return(version.new(rver ,debian_epoch = version.epoch(prev_pkgver) )) } setup <- function() { tmp <- tempfile('cran2deb') dir.create(tmp) return (tmp) } cleanup <- function(dir) { unlink(dir,recursive=T) invisible() } prepare.pkg <- function(dir, pkgname,repo='cran',repoURL='http://cran.uk.r-project.org/') { # based loosely on library/utils/R/packages2.R::install.packages # should do nothing Debian specific archive <- download.packages(pkgname, dir, repos=repoURL, type="source")[1,2] wd <- getwd() setwd(dir) if (length(grep('\\.zip$',archive))) { cmd = paste('unzip',shQuote(archive)) } else if (length(grep('\\.tar\\.gz$',archive))) { cmd = paste('tar','xzf',shQuote(archive)) } else { stop(paste('Type of archive',archive,'is unknown.')) } ret = system(cmd) setwd(wd) if (ret != 0) { stop(paste('Extraction of archive',archive,'failed.')) } pkg <- pairlist() pkg$name = pkgname pkg$archive = archive pkg$path = sub("_\\.(zip|tar\\.gz)", "" ,gsub(.standard_regexps()$valid_package_version, "" ,archive)) pkg$description = read.dcf(paste(pkg$path,'DESCRIPTION',sep='/')) pkg$repo = repo pkg$repoURL = repoURL pkg$version = pkg$description[1,'Version'] # TODO: re-pack into a Debian-named archive with a Debian-named directory. return(pkg) } debian_ok_licenses=c('GPL','LGPL','AGPL','ARTISTIC','UNLIMITED','BSD') is_acceptable_license <- function(license) { # compress spaces into a single space license = gsub('[[:space:]]+',' ',license) # make all characters upper case license = toupper(license) # don't care about versions of licenses license = chomp(sub('\\([<=>!]+[[:space:]]*[0-9.]+\\)','' ,sub('-[0-9.]+','',license))) if (license %in% debian_ok_licenses) { return(T) } # remove all punctuation license = gsub('[[:punct:]]+','',license) # remove everything that looks like a version specification license = gsub('(VERSION|V)? *[0-9.]+ *(OR *(LATER|NEWER))?','' ,license) # remove any extra space license = chomp(gsub('[[:space:]]+',' ',license)) if (license %in% debian_ok_licenses) { message(paste('W: Accepted wild license as',license,'. FIX THE PACKAGE!')) return(T) } # TODO: put debian_ok_licenses in DB # TODO: file {LICENSE,LICENCE} (+ maybe COPYING?) message(paste('E: Wild license',license,'did not match')) return(F) } chomp <- function(x) { return(sub('^[[:space:]]+','',sub('[[:space:]]+$','',x))) } host.arch <- function() { system('dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH',intern=T) } prepare.new.debian <- function(pkg) { maintainer = 'cran2deb buildbot ' # generate Debian version and name pkg$debversion = version.new(pkg$version) if (!length(grep('^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9+.-]+$',pkg$name))) { stop(paste('Cannot convert package name into a Debian name',pkg$name)) } pkg$srcname = tolower(pkg$name) pkg$debname = paste('r',tolower(pkg$repo),pkg$srcname,sep='-') # rename package into something Debian-friendly if (!length(grep('\\.tar\\.gz',pkg$archive))) { stop('archive is not tarball') } debarchive= paste(dirname(pkg$archive),'/' ,pkg$srcname,'_' ,pkg$version,'.orig.tar.gz' ,sep='') file.rename(pkg$archive, debarchive) pkg$archive = debarchive # make the debian/ directory debdir <- paste(pkg$path,'debian',sep='/') debfile <- function(x) { paste(debdir,x,sep='/') } unlink(debdir,recursive=T) dir.create(debdir) # check the license if (!('License' %in% names(pkg$description[1,]))) { stop('package has no License: field in description!') } accept=NULL for (license in strsplit(chomp(pkg$description[1,'License']) ,'[[:space:]]*\\|[[:space:]]*')[[1]]) { if (is_acceptable_license(license)) { accept=license break } } if (is.null(accept)) { stop(paste('No acceptable license:',pkg$description[1,'License'])) } else { message(paste('N: Auto-accepted license',accept)) } if (accept == 'Unlimited') { # definition of Unlimited from ``Writing R extensions'' accept=paste('Unlimited (no restrictions on distribution or' ,'use other than those imposed by relevant laws)') } # construct a dummy changelog # TODO: ``Writing R extensions'' mentions that a package may also have # {NEWS,ChangeLog} files. cat(paste(paste(pkg$srcname,' (',pkg$debversion,') unstable; urgency=low',sep='') ,'' ,' * Initial release.','' ,paste(' --',maintainer,'',format(Sys.time(),'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z')) ,'',sep='\n'),file=debfile('changelog.in')) cat(paste('#!/usr/bin/make -f' ,'include /usr/share/R/debian/r-cran.mk' ,'',sep='\n') ,file=debfile('rules')) Sys.chmod(debfile('rules'),'0700') # generate copyright file; we trust DESCRIPTION writeLines(strwrap( paste('This Debian package of the GNU R package',pkg$name ,'was generated automatically using cran2deb by' ,paste(maintainer,'.',sep='') ,'' ,'The original GNU R package is Copyright (C) ' # TODO: copyright start date, true copyright date ,format(Sys.time(),'%Y') ,pkg$description[1,'Author'] ,'and possibly others.' ,'' ,'The original GNU R package is maintained by' ,pkg$description[1,'Maintainer'],'and was obtained from:' ,'' ,pkg$repoURL ,'' ,'' ,'The GNU R package DESCRIPTION offers a' ,'Copyright licenses under the terms of the',accept ,'license. On a Debian GNU/Linux system, common' ,'licenses are included in the directory' ,'/usr/share/common-licenses/.' ,'' ,'The DESCRIPTION file for the original GNU R package ' ,'can be found in ' ,paste('/usr/lib/R/site-library' ,pkg$debname ,'DESCRIPTION' ,sep='/') ,sep='\n'), width=72), con=debfile('copyright.in')) # see if this is an architecture-dependent package. # heuristic: if /src/ exists in pkg$path, then this is an # architecture-dependent package. # CRAN2DEB.pm is a bit fancier about this but ``Writing R extensions'' # says: ``The sources and headers for the compiled code are in src, plus # optionally file Makevars or Makefile.'' It seems unlikely that # architecture independent code would end up here. pkg$archdep = file.exists(paste(pkg$path,'src',sep='/')) pkg$arch <- 'all' if (pkg$archdep) { pkg$arch <- host.arch() } # construct control file shlibdep = '' if (pkg$archdep) { shlibdep = '${shlibs:Depends}' } control = data.frame() control[1,'Source'] = pkg$srcname control[1,'Section'] = 'math' control[1,'Priority'] = 'optional' control[1,'Maintainer'] = maintainer control[1,'Build-Depends'] = paste('debhelper (>> 4.1.0)' ,'r-base-dev (>= 2.7.0)' ,'cdbs' ,sep=', ') control[1,'Standards-Version'] = '' control[2,'Package'] = pkg$debname control[2,'Architecture'] = 'all' if (pkg$archdep) { control[2,'Architecture'] = 'any' } control[2,'Depends'] = paste('r-base-core', shlibdep, sep=', ') descr = 'GNU R package "' if ('Title' %in% colnames(pkg$description)) { descr = paste(descr,pkg$description[1,'Title'],sep='') } else { descr = paste(descr,pkg$name,sep='') } control[2,'Description'] = paste(descr,'"\n' ,pkg$description[1,'Description'] ,sep='') # Debian policy says 72 char width; indent minimally write.dcf(control,file=debfile('control.in'),indent=1,width=72) # TODO: debian/watch # convert text to utf8 (who knows what the original character set is -- # let's hope iconv DTRT). for (file in c('control','changelog','copyright')) { system(paste('iconv -o ',shQuote(debfile(file)) ,' -t utf8 ' ,shQuote(debfile(paste(file,'in',sep='.'))))) } return(pkg) } build.debian <- function(pkg) { wd <- getwd() setwd(pkg$path) message(paste('N: building Debian package' ,pkg$debname ,paste('(',pkg$debversion,')',sep='') ,'...')) if (use_pbuilder) { # resulting files are in # /var/cache/pbuilder/result/ ret = system('pdebuild') } else { # results not kept ret = system('debuild -us -uc -b') } setwd(wd) if (ret != 0) { stop('Failed to build package.') } } go <- function(name) { dir <- setup() pkg <- try((function() { pkg <- prepare.new.debian(prepare.pkg(dir,name)) build.debian(pkg) message('N: running lintian') upfiles=c( paste(pkg$srcname,'_',pkg$debversion,'.dsc',sep='') ,paste(pkg$srcname,'_',pkg$debversion,'_',host.arch(),'.changes',sep='') ,paste(pkg$debname,'_',pkg$debversion,'_',pkg$arch,'.deb',sep='')) if (use_pbuilder) { rp = pbuilder_results } else { rp = paste(pkg$path,'/..',sep='') } for (file in upfiles) { ret = system(paste('lintian -v ',rp,'/',file,sep='')) if (ret != 0) { break } } message('N: lintian done') if (ret != 0) { stop('lintian failed!') } return(pkg) })()) cleanup(dir) if (inherits(pkg,'try-error')) { stop(call.=F) } return(pkg) } if (exists('argv')) { # check for littler for (arg in argv) { go(arg) } }