require(xtable) V <- matrix(c(1.140380e-03, 3.010497e-05, 7.334879e-05, 3.010497e-05, 3.320683e-04, -5.284854e-05, 7.334879e-05, -5.284854e-05, 3.520928e-04), nrow = 3) ### Simple test of print.xtableMatharray print.xtableMatharray(xtable(V, display = rep("E", 4))) class(V) <- c("xtableMatharray") class(V) ### Test without any additional arguments mth <- xtableMatharray(V) str(mth) print(mth) ### Test with arguments to xtable mth <- xtableMatharray(V, display = rep("E", 4)) str(mth) print(mth) mth <- xtableMatharray(V, digits = 6) str(mth) print(mth) ### Test with additional print.xtableMatharray arguments mth <- xtableMatharray(V, digits = 6) str(mth) print(mth, format.args = list(decimal.mark = ",")) print(mth, scalebox = 0.5) print(mth, comment = TRUE) print(mth, timestamp = "2000-01-01") print(mth, comment = TRUE, timestamp = "2000-01-01")