\name{print.xtable} \alias{print.xtable} \title{Print Export Tables} \description{ Function returning and displaying or writing to disk the LaTeX or HTML code associated with the supplied object of class \code{xtable}. } \usage{ \method{print}{xtable}(x, type = getOption("xtable.type", "latex"), file = getOption("xtable.file", ""), append = getOption("xtable.append", FALSE), floating = getOption("xtable.floating", TRUE), floating.environment = getOption("xtable.floating.environment", "table"), table.placement = getOption("xtable.table.placement", "ht"), caption.placement = getOption("xtable.caption.placement", "bottom"), caption.width = getOption("xtable.caption.width", NULL), latex.environments = getOption("xtable.latex.environments", c("center")), tabular.environment = getOption("xtable.tabular.environment", "tabular"), size = getOption("xtable.size", NULL), hline.after = getOption("xtable.hline.after", c(-1,0,nrow(x))), NA.string = getOption("xtable.NA.string", ""), include.rownames = getOption("xtable.include.rownames", TRUE), include.colnames = getOption("xtable.include.colnames", TRUE), only.contents = getOption("xtable.only.contents", FALSE), add.to.row = getOption("xtable.add.to.row", NULL), sanitize.text.function = getOption("xtable.sanitize.text.function", NULL), sanitize.rownames.function = getOption("xtable.sanitize.rownames.function", sanitize.text.function), sanitize.colnames.function = getOption("xtable.sanitize.colnames.function", sanitize.text.function), math.style.negative = getOption("xtable.math.style.negative", FALSE), html.table.attributes = getOption("xtable.html.table.attributes", "border=1"), print.results = getOption("xtable.print.results", TRUE), format.args = getOption("xtable.format.args", NULL), rotate.rownames = getOption("xtable.rotate.rownames", FALSE), rotate.colnames = getOption("xtable.rotate.colnames", FALSE), booktabs = getOption("xtable.booktabs", FALSE), scalebox = getOption("xtable.scalebox", NULL), width = getOption("xtable.width", NULL), comment = getOption("xtable.comment", TRUE), timestamp = getOption("xtable.timestamp", date()), ...)} \arguments{ \item{x}{An object of class \code{"xtable"}.} \item{type}{Type of table to produce. Possible values for \code{type} are \code{"latex"} or \code{"html"}. Default value is \code{"latex"}.} \item{file}{Name of file where the resulting code should be saved. If \code{file=""}, output is displayed on screen. Note that the function also (invisibly) returns a character vector of the results (which can be helpful for post-processing). Default value is \code{""}.} \item{append}{If \code{TRUE} and \code{file!=""}, code will be appended to \code{file} instead of overwriting \code{file}. Default value is \code{FALSE}.} \item{floating}{If \code{TRUE} and \code{type="latex"}, the resulting table will be a floating table (using, for example, \code{\\begin\{table\}} and \code{\\end\{table\}}). See \code{floating.environment} below. Default value is \code{TRUE}. } \item{floating.environment}{If \code{floating=TRUE} and \code{type="latex"}, the resulting table uses the specified floating environment. Possible values include \code{"table"}, \code{"table*"}, and other floating environments defined in LaTeX packages. Default value is \code{"table"}.} \item{table.placement}{If \code{floating=TRUE} and \code{type="latex"}, the floating table will have placement given by \code{table.placement} where \code{table.placement} must be \code{NULL} or contain only elements of \{"h","t","b","p","!","H"\}. Default value is \code{"ht"}.} \item{caption.placement}{The caption will be placed at the bottom of the table if \code{caption.placement} is \code{"bottom"} and at the top of the table if it equals \code{"top"}. Default value is \code{"bottom"}.} \item{caption.width}{The caption will be placed in a \code{"parbox"} of the specified width if \code{caption.width} is not \code{NULL} and \code{type="latex"}. Default value is \code{NULL}.} \item{latex.environments}{If \code{floating=TRUE} and \code{type="latex"}, the specified LaTeX environments (provided as a character vector) will enclose the tabular environment. Default value is \code{"center"}. } \item{tabular.environment}{When \code{type="latex"}, the tabular environment that will be used. When working with tables that extend more than one page, using \code{tabular.environment="longtable"} with the corresponding LaTeX package (see Fairbairns, 2005) allows one to typeset them uniformly. Note that \code{floating} should be set to \code{FALSE} when using the \code{longtable} environment. Default value is \code{"tabular"}.} \item{size}{A character vector that is inserted just before the tabular environment starts. This can be used to set the font size and a variety of other table settings. Initial backslashes are automatically prefixed, if not supplied by user. Default value is \code{NULL}. } \item{hline.after}{When \code{type="latex"}, a vector of numbers between -1 and \code{nrow(x)}, inclusive, indicating the rows after which a horizontal line should appear. If \code{NULL} is used no lines are produced. Repeated values are allowed. Default value is \code{c(-1,0,nrow(x))} which means draw a line before and after the columns names and at the end of the table.} \item{NA.string}{String to be used for missing values in table entries. Default value is \code{""}.} \item{include.rownames}{If \code{TRUE} the rows names are printed. Default value is \code{TRUE}.} \item{include.colnames}{If \code{TRUE} the columns names are printed. Default value is \code{TRUE}.} \item{only.contents}{If \code{TRUE} only the rows of the table are printed. Default value is \code{FALSE}. } \item{add.to.row}{A list of two components. The first component (which should be called 'pos') is a list that contains the position of rows on which extra commands should be added at the end. The second component (which should be called 'command') is a character vector of the same length as the first component, which contains the command that should be added at the end of the specified rows. Default value is \code{NULL}, i.e. do not add commands.} \item{sanitize.text.function}{All non-numeric entries (except row and column names) are sanitized in an attempt to remove characters which have special meaning for the output format. If \code{sanitize.text.function} is not \code{NULL}, it should be a function taking a character vector and returning one, and will be used for the sanitization instead of the default internal function. Default value is \code{NULL}.} \item{sanitize.rownames.function}{Like the \code{sanitize.text.function}, but applicable to row names. The default uses the \code{sanitize.text.function}. } \item{sanitize.colnames.function}{Like the \code{sanitize.text.function}, but applicable to column names. The default uses the \code{sanitize.text.function}. } \item{math.style.negative}{In a LaTeX table, if \code{TRUE}, then use $-$ for the negative sign (as was the behavior prior to version 1.5-3). Default value is \code{FALSE}.} \item{html.table.attributes}{In an HTML table, attributes associated with the \code{} tag. Default value is \code{"border=1"}.} \item{print.results}{If \code{TRUE}, the generated table is printed to standard output. Set this to \code{FALSE} if you will just be using the character vector that is returned invisibly. Default value is \code{TRUE}.} \item{format.args}{List of arguments for the \code{formatC} function. For example, standard German number separators can be specified as \code{format.args=list(big.mark = "'", decimal.mark = ","))}. The arguments \code{digits} and \code{format} should not be included in this list. See details. Default value is \code{NULL}.} \item{rotate.rownames}{If \code{TRUE}, the row names are displayed vertically in LaTeX. Default value is \code{FALSE}.} \item{rotate.colnames}{If \code{TRUE}, the column names are displayed vertically in LaTeX. Default value is \code{FALSE}.} \item{booktabs}{If \code{TRUE}, the \code{toprule}, \code{midrule} and \code{bottomrule} commands from the LaTeX "booktabs" package are used rather than \code{hline} for the horizontal line tags. } \item{scalebox}{If not \code{NULL}, a \code{scalebox} clause will be added around the tabular environment with the specified value used as the scaling factor. Default value is \code{NULL}.} \item{width}{If not \code{NULL}, the specified value is included in parentheses between the tabular environment \code{begin} tag and the alignment specification. This allows specification of the table width when using tabular environments such as \code{tabular*} and \code{tabularx}. Note that table width specification is not supported with the \code{tabular} or \code{longtable} environments. Default value is \code{NULL}.} \item{comment}{If \code{TRUE}, the version and timestamp comment is included. Default value is \code{TRUE}. } \item{timestamp}{Timestamp to include in LaTeX comment. Set this to \code{NULL} to exclude the timestamp. Default value is \code{date()}. } \item{...}{Additional arguments. (Currently ignored.) } } \details{ This function displays or writes to disk the code to produce a table associated with an object \code{x} of class \code{"xtable"}. The resulting code is either a LaTeX or HTML table, depending on the value of \code{type}. The function also (invisibly) returns a character vector of the results (which can be helpful for post-processing). Since version 1.4 the non default behavior of \code{hline.after} is changed. To obtain the same results as the previous versions add to the \code{hline.after} vector the vector \code{c(-1, 0, nrow(x))} where \code{nrow(x)} is the numbers of rows of the object. From version 1.4-3, all non-numeric columns are sanitized, and all LaTeX special characters are sanitized for LaTeX output. See Section 3 of the \code{xtableGallery} vignette for an example of customizing the sanitization. From version 1.4-4, the sanitization also applies to column names. To remove any text sanitization, specify \code{sanitize.text.function=function(x){x}}. From version 1.6-1 the default values for the arguments other than \code{x} are obtained using \code{getOption()}. Hence the user can set the values once with \code{options()} rather than setting them in every call to \code{print.xtable()}. The argument \code{format.args} is used to supply arguments to the \code{formatC} function, but will throw an error if values for \code{digits} or \code{format} are included in the list of arguments. The recommended approach to specify \code{digits} is to supply the argument \code{digits} to \code{xtable}, and to specify \code{format} supply the argument \code{display} to \code{xtable}. See the examples. } \author{ David Dahl \email{dahl@stat.byu.edu} with contributions and suggestions from many others (see source code). } \references{ Fairbairns, Robin (2005) \emph{Tables longer than a single page.} The UK List of TeX Frequently Asked Questions on the Web. \url{http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=longtab} } \seealso{ \code{\link{xtable}}, \code{\link{caption}}, \code{\link{label}}, \code{\link{align}}, \code{\link{digits}}, \code{\link{display}}, \code{\link{formatC}} } \examples{ df <- data.frame(A = c(1.00123, 33.1, 6), B = c(111111, 3333333, 3123.233)) ## The following code gives the error ## formal argument "digits" matched by multiple actual arguments ## print(xtable(df, display = c("s","e","e")), ## format.args = list(digits = 3, big.mark = " ", decimal.mark = ",")) ## specify digits as argument to xtable instead print(xtable(df, display = c("s","f","f"), digits = 4), format.args = list(big.mark = " ", decimal.mark = ",")) ## The following code gives the error ## formal argument "format" matched by multiple actual arguments ## print(xtable(df, digits = 4), ## format.args = list(format = c("s","e","e"), ## big.mark = " ", decimal.mark = ",")) ## specify format using display argument in xtable print(xtable(df, display = c("s","e","e"), digits = 4), format.args = list(big.mark = " ", decimal.mark = ",")) } \keyword{print}