### xtable package ### ### Produce LaTeX and HTML tables from R objects. ### ### Copyright 2000-2007 David B. Dahl ### ### This file is part of the `xtable' library for R and related languages. ### It is made available under the terms of the GNU General Public ### License, version 2, or at your option, any later version, ### incorporated herein by reference. ### ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be ### useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ### warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ### PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more ### details. ### ### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public ### License along with this program; if not, write to the Free ### Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, ### MA 02111-1307, USA "caption<-" <- function(x,value) UseMethod("caption<-") "caption<-.xtable" <- function(x,value) { if (length(value)>1) stop("\"caption\" must have length 1") attr(x,"caption") <- value return(x) } caption <- function(x,...) UseMethod("caption") caption.xtable <- function(x,...) { return(attr(x,"caption",exact=TRUE)) } "label<-" <- function(x,value) UseMethod("label<-") "label<-.xtable" <- function(x,value) { if (length(value)>1) stop("\"label\" must have length 1") attr(x,"label") <- value return(x) } label <- function(x,...) UseMethod("label") label.xtable <- function(x,...) { return(attr(x,"label",exact=TRUE)) } "align<-" <- function(x,value) UseMethod("align<-") # Based on contribution from Jonathan Swinton in e-mail dated Wednesday, January 17, 2007 .alignStringToVector <- function(aString) { # poor mans parsing - separating string of form "l{2in}llr|p{1in}c|{1in}" # into "l{2in}" "l" "l" "r" "|" "p{1in}" "c" "|{1in}" aString.Align <- character(0); aString.Width <- character(0); wString <- aString while( nchar(wString)>0) { aString.Align <- c(aString.Align,substr(wString,1,1)) # is it followed by a brace? thisWidth <- "" if ( nchar(wString)>1 & substr(wString,2,2)=="{") { beforeNextBrace <- regexpr("[^\\]\\}",wString) if (beforeNextBrace <0 ) { stop("No closing } in align string") } thisWidth <- substr(wString,2,beforeNextBrace+1) wString <- substr(wString,beforeNextBrace+2,nchar(wString)) } else { wString <- substr(wString,2,nchar(wString)) } aString.Width <- c(aString.Width,thisWidth) } alignAllowed <- c("l","r","p","c","|") if (any( !(aString.Align %in% alignAllowed))) { warning("Nonstandard alignments in align string") } res <- paste(aString.Align,aString.Width,sep="") res } #.alignStringToVector ("l{2in}llr|p{1in}c|{1in}") #.alignStringToVector ("l{2in}llr|p{1in}c|") #.alignStringToVector ("{2in}llr|p{1in}c|") # latex syntax error, but gives wrong alignment #.alignStringToVector("llllp{3cm}") "align<-.xtable" <- function(x,value) { # Based on contribution from Benno in e-mail dated Wednesday, December 01, 2004 # Based on contribution from Jonathan Swinton in e-mail dated Wednesday, January 17, 2007 # cat("%",value,"\n") if ( (!is.null(value)) && ( is.character(value) ) && ( length(value) == 1 ) && ( nchar(value) > 1 ) ) { value <- .alignStringToVector(value) } # That should have checked we had only lrcp| # but what if the "if statement" is false? # For simplicity, deleting check present in version 1.4-2 and earlier. c.value <- if (any(!is.na(match(value,"|")))) { value[-which(value=='|')] } else { value } if (length(c.value)!=ncol(x)+1) stop(paste("\"align\" must have length equal to",ncol(x)+1,"( ncol(x) + 1 )")) attr(x,"align") <- value return(x) } align <- function(x,...) UseMethod("align") align.xtable <- function(x,...) { return(attr(x,"align",exact=TRUE)) } "digits<-" <- function(x,value) UseMethod("digits<-") "digits<-.xtable" <- function(x,value) { if( is.matrix( value ) ) { if( ncol( value ) != ncol(x)+1 || nrow( value ) != nrow(x) ) { stop( "if argument 'digits' is a matrix, it must have columns equal", " to ", ncol(x)+1, " ( ncol(x) + 1 ) and rows equal to ", nrow(x), " ( nrow( x )" ) } } else { if( length(value)==1 ) { value <- rep(value, ncol(x)+1) } if( length( value ) >1 & length( value ) != ncol(x)+1 ) { stop( "if argument 'digits' is a vector of length more than one, it must have length equal", " to ", ncol(x)+1, " ( ncol(x) + 1 )" ) } } if (!is.numeric(value)) stop("\"digits\" must be numeric") attr(x,"digits") <- value return(x) } digits <- function(x,...) UseMethod("digits") digits.xtable <- function(x,...) { return(attr(x,"digits",exact=TRUE)) } "display<-" <- function(x,value) UseMethod("display<-") "display<-.xtable" <- function(x,value) { if (length(value)!=ncol(x)+1) stop(paste("\"display\" must have length equal to",ncol(x)+1,"( ncol(x) + 1 )")) if (!all(!is.na(match(value,c("d","f","e","E","g","G","fg","s"))))) stop("\"display\" must be in {\"d\",\"f\",\"e\",\"E\",\"g\",\"G\", \"fg\", \"s\"}") attr(x,"display") <- value return(x) } display <- function(x,...) UseMethod("display") display.xtable <- function(x,...) { return(attr(x,"display",exact=TRUE)) }