1.7-0 (NOT YET RELEASED) * Added some vectorization code to improve performance. * Let "caption" be length 2, in which case the second value is the short caption used when creating a list of tables. * Added "toLatex" method. * Included "print.xtable" in the exported methods in the NAMESPACE file. * Added "print.results" argument to "print" that can be used to suppress the printing. * Added "format.args" argument to "print" that can be used to pass additional arguments such as "big.marks" to "formatC()". * Added "rotate.colnames" and "rotate.rownames" arguments to "print.xtable". * Added "booktabs" argument to use the "\toprule", "\midrule", and "\bottomrule" tags from the Latex "booktabs" package rather than using "\hline" for all horizontal lines. * Added "scalebox" argument to include a "\scalebox" clause around the tabular environment with the specified value used as the scaling factor. * Added "width" argument to allow specification of the width value in tabular environments such as "tabularx". * Added "X" as an allowed alignment value in the "align()" replacement function. * Changed the "print.xtable()" arguments to use "getOption()" to check the options for a default value. This was suggested since "print.xtable()" has a lot of arguments that the user will typically leave unchanged between tables. * Added an "is.null()" check on the "table.placement" argument. * Added examples using the new arguments to the vignette. 1.6-0 (2011-10-07) * Allow "table*" as a value for "floating.environment" in print.xtable(). * Fix bug under which multiple logical columns were formatted incorrectly. * Stop with an error if "xtable.table" is used on a table with more than two dimensions. * Add some newlines to "Rd" file to prevent lines from extending off the page in the PDF version of the help files. * Changed the maintainer to "Charles Roosen". * Created an "xtable" project on R-Forge. 1.5-6 (2009-10-30) * Support caption at the top in the LaTeX longtable. * Use options()$OutDec for decimal mark. 1.5-5 (2009-03-24) * Added html.table.attributes to set the attributed of the tag for HTML tables. * Accommodated logicals by converting to characters. * Add an extra space at end of each line for LaTeX tables. * Fixed typographical error in documentation.