% -*-Fundamental-*- % parmesan-heads.mf -- implement ancient note heads % % source file of LilyPond's pretty-but-neat music font % % (c) 2001--2002 Juergen Reuter % save black_notehead_width; numeric black_notehead_width; fet_begingroup ("noteheads") noteheight#:=staff_space# + (1 + overdone_heads)*stafflinethickness#; define_pixels(noteheight); %%%%%%%% % % % % MENSURAL NOTATION % % % brevis_wid# := 2 staff_space#; def draw_neo_brevis(expr brevwid) = save beamheight, head_width; save holeheight, stem_width; save serif_size, serif_protrude; head_width# = brevwid; holeheight = 3 stafflinethickness; stem_width = 1.4 stafflinethickness; define_pixels(head_width); set_char_box(0, head_width#, noteheight#/2, noteheight#/2); 2 beamheight + holeheight = noteheight; serif_size = (holeheight - stafflinethickness)/2; serif_protrude = 1.5 serif_size; penpos1(stem_width, 0); penpos2(stem_width, 0); penpos3(beamheight, 90); penpos4(beamheight, 90); penpos5(stem_width, 180); z1l = (0, 0); z2l = (0, -stafflinethickness/2); z3r = z2r + serif_size *(1,-1); y4r = y3r; x4r = head_width/2; z5l = z3l + (-serif_size, -serif_protrude); penlabels(1,2,3,4, 5); fill z1r -- z1l -- z5r{down} .. z5l{up} .. z3l{right} -- z4l -- z4r -- z3r{left} .. z2r{up} -- cycle; addto currentpicture also currentpicture yscaled -1; show z4r; show z4l; addto currentpicture also currentpicture shifted (-x4r,0) xscaled -1 shifted (x4l,0); enddef; def draw_neo_left_stemmed_head (expr wid) = draw_neo_brevis(wid); x6 = x7 = head_width - stem_width/2; y6 = y5; y7 = y5 - 2.25staff_space; pickup pencircle scaled stem_width; draw z6 .. z7; enddef; fet_beginchar("Left stemmed notehead", "lneo_mensural", "mensuralleftstemmedhead"); draw_neo_left_stemmed_head (brevis_wid#) fet_endchar; % % Some sources (eg Musix/OpusTeX think that the appendage should be on % the left, some say right. Right wins democratically. % def draw_neo_longa (expr wid) = draw_neo_brevis(wid); save theta; x7r = head_width; y7 = y5; % z7 = z5; z6 - z7 = (stem_width/2, -staff_space); theta = angle(z6-z7)+ 90; penpos7(stem_width, theta); penpos6(1.2 stem_width, theta); fill z7r .. z6r{z6-z7} .. {z7-z6} z6l -- z7l -- cycle; penlabels(6,7); enddef; % % En wij presenteren U: de opvolgster van Emily % % (ze is wel breed) % fet_beginchar("Maxima notehead", "-3neo_mensural", "mensuralmaximahead"); draw_neo_longa (1.3 brevis_wid#) fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Longa notehead", "-2neo_mensural", "mensurallongahead"); draw_neo_longa (brevis_wid#) fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Brevis notehead", "-1neo_mensural", "mensuralbrevishead") draw_neo_brevis(brevis_wid#); fet_endchar; def draw_neo_mensural_black_head (expr wid) = save head_width; head_width# = wid; set_char_box (0, head_width#, noteheight#/2, noteheight#/2); y3 = y1 =0; x2 = x4 = (x1 + x3) /2; define_pixels (head_width); pickup pencircle scaled blot_diameter; top y2 = h; bot y4 = -d; lft x1 = 0; rt x3 = w; filldraw z1 -- z2 -- z3 -- z4 -- cycle; enddef; def draw_neo_mensural_open_head (expr wid)= draw_neo_mensural_black_head (wid); save diamNW, diamSW; diamNW = length (z2 - z1) + blot_diameter; diamSW = length (z4 - z1) + blot_diameter; save hole_widthNW, hole_widthSW; hole_widthNW = 0.34 diamNW ; hole_widthSW + 2.6 stafflinethickness = diamSW; (z7 + z5)/2 = (w/2, 0); (z8 + z6)/2 = (w/2, 0); (z6 - z5) = hole_widthNW * unitvector (z2 - z1); (z7 - z6) = hole_widthSW * unitvector (z4 - z1); labels (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); unfill z5 -- z6 -- z7 -- z8 --cycle; enddef; fet_beginchar("Neo-mensural open head","0neo_mensural","neomensuralsemibrevishead") draw_neo_mensural_open_head (staff_space#); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Neo-mensural open head","1neo_mensural","neomensuralminimahead") draw_neo_mensural_open_head (staff_space#); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Neo-mensural black head","2neo_mensural","neomensuralsemiminimahead") draw_neo_mensural_black_head (staff_space#); fet_endchar; brevis_wid# := 1 staff_space#; def draw_brevis (expr wid) = % TODO. For the moment, fall back to draw_neo_brevis. draw_neo_brevis(wid); enddef; def draw_left_stemmed_head (expr wid) = draw_brevis(wid); save theta; x6 = x7 = stem_width/2; y6 = y5; y7 = y5 - 2.25staff_space; pickup pencircle scaled stem_width; draw z6 .. z7; enddef; fet_beginchar("Left stemmed notehead", "lmensural", "mensuralleftstemmedhead"); draw_left_stemmed_head (brevis_wid#) fet_endchar; def draw_longa (expr wid) = draw_brevis(wid); x6 = x7 = head_width - stem_width/2; y6 = y5; y7 = y5 - 2.25staff_space; pickup pencircle scaled stem_width; draw z6 .. z7; enddef; fet_beginchar("Maxima notehead", "-3mensural", "mensuralmaximahead"); draw_longa (2.0 brevis_wid#) fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Longa notehead", "-2mensural", "mensurallongahead"); draw_longa (brevis_wid#) fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Brevis notehead", "-1mensural", "mensuralbrevishead") draw_brevis(brevis_wid#); fet_endchar; def draw_mensural_head (expr wid, open) = save head_width; head_width# = wid; set_char_box (head_width#/2, head_width#/2, noteheight#/2, noteheight#/2); define_pixels(head_width, noteheight); x1 = -x3; y1 = x2 = y3 = x4 = 0; y4 = -y2; y2 = 1.4 noteheight/2; tand(30) = x3 / y2; pickup pencircle xscaled 0.15 head_width yscaled 0.30 head_width rotated -30; % pencircle width correction save zc, zd; pair zc, zd; zc = (+0.150 head_width * sind(30), +0.150 head_width * cosd(30)); zd = (+0.075 head_width * sind(30), -0.075 head_width * cosd(30)); if open: draw (z1+zc+zd) -- (z2-zc+zd) -- (z3-zc-zd) -- (z4+zc-zd) -- cycle; else: filldraw (z1+zc+zd) -- (z2-zc+zd) -- (z3-zc-zd) -- (z4+zc-zd) -- cycle; fi; enddef; fet_beginchar("Mensural open head","0mensural","mensuralsemibrevishead") draw_mensural_head (staff_space#, true); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Mensural open head","1mensural","mensuralminimahead") draw_mensural_head (staff_space#, true); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Mensural black head","2mensural","mensuralsemiminimahead") draw_mensural_head (staff_space#, false); fet_endchar; %%%%%%%%%%%% % % % ledger (leger) lines % % fet_beginchar("Ledger ending", "ledgerending", "ledgerending") set_char_box (5/2 ledgerlinethickness#, 5/2 ledgerlinethickness#, ledgerlinethickness#/2,ledgerlinethickness#/2); pickup pencircle scaled 1.3 blot_diameter; rt x2 = w; lft x1 = -b; x3 = x2; bot y1 = -d; y2 = y1; top y3 = h; y4 = y3; x4 = x1; filldraw z1 --- z2 --- z3 --- z4 --- cycle ; fet_endchar; %%%%%%%% % % % % EDITIO VATICANA (including solesmes extensions) % % % % parameterized punctum def punctum_char (expr verbose_name, internal_name, mudela_name, left_stem, right_stem, linea, cavum, straight, auctum, direction_up, excentric, up_shift, mag) = fet_beginchar(verbose_name, internal_name, mudela_name) save b_h, a_w; a_b := 1.54; % b_h*a_b/a_w = wd/ht b_h := 0.85; a_w := 1.09; save a, beta, ht, wd; ht# = noteheight#; %% * mag; 2beta# = ht# * b_h; a# = beta# * a_b; wd# = 2a# / a_w; set_char_box(0.50wd#, 0.10wd#, 0.5ht#, 0); black_notehead_width# := wd#; % direction save direction, direction_sign; pair direction; if direction_up: direction = up; direction_sign# = 1; else: direction = down; direction_sign# = -1; fi; % convexity and excentricity save u_convexity, u_excentricity; if straight: u_convexity# = -0.01ht#; u_excentricity# = 0.0ht#; % dummy elseif auctum: u_convexity# = -0.03ht#; u_excentricity# = +0.25ht#; else: u_convexity# = -0.05ht#; u_excentricity# = 0.0ht#; % dummy fi; save convexity, excentricity; convexity# = direction_sign# * u_convexity#; excentricity# = direction_sign# * u_excentricity#; % y shift offset save yoffs; if up_shift: yoffs# = 0.08ht#; else: yoffs# = 0.00ht#; fi define_pixels(convexity, excentricity, yoffs, ht, wd); pickup pencircle scaled stafflinethickness; path p; save height, yoffs_bt; define_pixels (height, yoffs_bt); height# = max (0.5ht# - stafflinethickness#, 0); yoffs_bt# = yoffs# - (height# - stafflinethickness#)/2 - convexity#; xpart z1a = xpart z1b; xpart z2a = xpart z2b; xpart z3a = xpart z3b; ypart z1a + height = ypart z1b; ypart z2a + height = ypart z2b; ypart z3a + height = ypart z3b; if auctum: z1a = (0.00wd + stafflinethickness/2, yoffs_bt); z2a = (0.20wd, yoffs_bt + 1.0*convexity); z3a = (0.40wd - stafflinethickness/2, yoffs_bt + 1.0*excentricity); p = z1a .. {right}z2a .. {direction}z3a -- z3b{-direction} .. z2b{left} .. z1b -- cycle; elseif excentric: z1a = (0.00wd + stafflinethickness/2, yoffs_bt - 1.0*convexity); z2a = (0.08wd, yoffs_bt + 1.4*convexity); z3a = (0.40wd - stafflinethickness/2, yoffs_bt); p = z1a{direction} .. z2a{right} .. z3a -- z3b .. {left}z2b .. {-direction}z1b -- cycle; else: z1a = (0.00wd + stafflinethickness/2, yoffs_bt); z2a = (0.20wd, yoffs_bt + 1.0*convexity); z3a = (0.40wd - stafflinethickness/2, yoffs_bt); p = z1a .. z2a .. z3a -- z3b .. z2b .. z1b -- cycle; fi; if cavum: draw p; else: filldraw p; fi; pickup pencircle scaled stafflinethickness; if left_stem: z5=(0.00wd + stafflinethickness/2, yoffs); z6=(0.00wd + stafflinethickness/2, yoffs - 1.5ht); draw z5 -- z6; fi; if right_stem: z5=(0.40wd - stafflinethickness/2, yoffs); z6=(0.40wd - stafflinethickness/2, yoffs - 1.5ht); draw z5 -- z6; fi; if linea: save linea_width, linea_height; linea_width# = stafflinethickness#; linea_height# = 0.85 ht#; define_pixels (linea_width, linea_height); draw_block ((-0.10wd - linea_width/2, yoffs - linea_height/2), (-0.10wd + linea_width/2, yoffs + linea_height/2)); draw_block ((+0.50wd - linea_width/2, yoffs - linea_height/2), (+0.50wd + linea_width/2, yoffs + linea_height/2)); fi; fet_endchar; enddef; % parameterized punctum inclinatum def inclinatum_char(expr verbose_name, internal_name, mudela_name, small, stropha, auctum) = fet_beginchar(verbose_name, internal_name, mudela_name) save b_h, a_w; a_b := 1.54; % b_h*a_b/a_w = wd/ht b_h := 0.85; a_w := 1.09; save a, beta, ht, wd; ht# = noteheight#; 2beta# = ht# * b_h; a# = beta# * a_b; wd# = 2a# / a_w; set_char_box(0.3wd#, 0.3wd#, 0.5 ht#, 0.5 ht#); black_notehead_width# := wd#; save za, alpha, size; pair za; alpha = 35; define_pixels(ht, wd); if small: size# = 0.23ht#; else: size# = 0.45ht#; fi; define_pixels(size); pickup pencircle xscaled blot_diameter yscaled size rotated -alpha; za = (0, size - blot_diameter/2) / 2 rotated alpha; draw -za .. za; if stropha: pickup pencircle xscaled (size/3) yscaled size rotated alpha; save za, off_angle; pair za; off_angle := 15; za = (0, -size) / 2 rotated -(alpha + off_angle); undraw za; fi; if auctum: pickup pencircle scaled stafflinethickness; save za, zb; pair za, zb; za = ((0, -size) rotated -alpha) + (0, stafflinethickness/2); xpart zb = 0; ypart zb = ypart za; draw za{(0,-1) rotated alpha} .. {(0,1) rotated -alpha}zb; fi; fet_endchar; enddef; % punctum punctum_char("Ed. Vat. punctum", "vaticana_punctum", "vatpunctumhead", false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, 1.0); % punctum cavum (for OpusTeX compatibility) punctum_char("Ed. Vat. punctum cavum", "vaticana_punctum_cavum", "vatpunctumcavumhead", false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, 1.0); % linea punctum (for OpusTeX compatibility) punctum_char("Ed. Vat. linea punctum", "vaticana_linea_punctum", "vatlineapunctumhead", false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, 1.0); % linea punctum cavum (for OpusTeX compatibility) punctum_char("Ed. Vat. linea punctum cavum", "vaticana_linea_punctum_cavum", "vatlineapunctumcavumhead", false, false, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, 1.0); % punctum inclinatum inclinatum_char("Ed. Vat. inclinatum", "vaticana_inclinatum", "vatinclinatumhead", false, false, false); % virga (i.e. right stemmed punctum) punctum_char("Ed. Vat. virga", "vaticana_virga", "vatvirgahead", false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, 1.0); % left stemmed punctum as used in clivis (flexa) ligature punctum_char("Ed. Vat. reverse virga", "vaticana_rvirga", "vatrvirgahead", true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, 1.0); % pes lower punctum punctum_char("Ed. Vat. pes lower punctum", "vaticana_lpes", "vatlpeshead", false, false, false, false, true, false, true, false, false, 1.0); % pes upper punctum punctum_char("Ed. Vat. pes upper punctum", "vaticana_upes", "vatupeshead", false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, 1.0); % pes upper punctum (shifted variation) % % Note: This note head is used instead of the regular pes upper % punctum to avoid collision with the lower punctum note of the pes when % the upper punctum sits directly on top of the lower punctum. % punctum_char("Ed. Vat. var pes upper punctum", "vaticana_vupes", "vatvupeshead", false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, true, 1.0); % small punctum as used in epiphonus/cephalicus punctum_char("Ed. Vat. plica", "vaticana_plica", "vatplicahead", false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, 0.5); % excentric punctum as used in epiphonus punctum_char("Ed. Vat. epiphonus", "vaticana_epiphonus", "vatepiphonushead", false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, false, 1.0); % excentric punctum as used in cephalicus punctum_char("Ed. Vat. cephalicus", "vaticana_cephalicus", "vatcephalicushead", false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, false, 1.0); % quilisma fet_beginchar("Ed. Vat. quilisma", "vaticana_quilisma", "vatquilismahead") save b_h,a_w; a_b:=1.54; % b_h*a_b/a_w = wd/ht b_h:=0.85; a_w:=1.09; save a, beta, ht, wd; ht# = noteheight#; 2beta# = ht#*b_h; a# = beta#*a_b; wd# = 2a# / a_w; set_char_box(0.4wd#, 0.00wd#, 0.5 ht#, 0.5 ht#); black_notehead_width# := wd#; define_pixels(ht, wd); pickup pencircle xscaled stafflinethickness yscaled 0.4ht; z1 = (0.00wd, -0.11ht); z2 = (0.00wd, +0.06ht); z3 = (0.10wd, -0.05ht); z4 = (0.16wd, +0.11ht); z5 = (0.24wd, -0.01ht); z6 = (0.30wd, +0.15ht); z7 = (0.40wd, +0.04ht); z8 = (0.40wd, +0.21ht); draw z1 -- z2 -- z3 -- z4 -- z5 -- z6 -- z7 -- z8; fet_endchar; % solesmes punctum inclinatum parvum inclinatum_char("Solesmes punctum inclinatum parvum", "solesmes_incl_parvum", "solinclparvumhead", true, false, false); % solesmes punctum auctum ascendens punctum_char("Solesmes punctum auctum ascendens", "solesmes_auct_asc", "solauctaschead", false, false, false, false, false, true, true, false, false, 1.0); % solesmes punctum auctum descendens punctum_char("Solesmes punctum auctum descendens", "solesmes_auct_desc", "solauctdeschead", false, false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, 1.0); % solesmes punctum inclinatum auctum inclinatum_char("Solesmes punctum incl. auctum", "solesmes_incl_auctum", "solpunctuminclinatumauctumhead", false, false, true); % solesmes stropha inclinatum_char("Solesmes stropha", "solesmes_stropha", "solstrophahead", false, true, false); % solesmes stropha aucta inclinatum_char("Solesmes stropha aucta", "solesmes_stropha_aucta", "solstrophaauctahead", false, true, true); % solesmes oriscus fet_beginchar("Solesmes oriscus", "solesmes_oriscus", "soloriscushead") save b_h, a_w; a_b := 1.54; % b_h*a_b/a_w = wd/ht b_h := 0.85; a_w := 1.09; save a, beta, ht, wd; ht# = noteheight#; %% * mag; 2beta# = ht# * b_h; a# = beta# * a_b; wd# = 2a# / a_w; set_char_box(0.5wd#, 0.0wd#, 0.5ht#, 0.5ht#); black_notehead_width# := wd#; save convexity; convexity# = +0.05ht#; define_pixels(ht, wd, convexity); pickup pencircle xscaled blot_diameter yscaled 0.50ht; z1 = (0.00wd, -convexity); z2 = (0.16wd, +convexity); z3 = (0.33wd, -convexity); z4 = (0.50wd, +convexity); draw z1 .. z2 .. z3 .. z4; fet_endchar; %%%%%%%% % % % % EDITIO MEDICAEA % % % % inclinatum fet_beginchar("Ed. Med. inclinatum", "medicaea_inclinatum", "medinclinatumhead") save b_h, a_w; a_b := 1.54; % b_h*a_b/a_w = wd/ht b_h := 0.85; a_w := 1.09; save a, beta, ht, wd; ht# = noteheight#; 2beta# = ht# * b_h; a# = beta# * a_b; wd# = 2a# / a_w; set_char_box(wd#/2, wd#/2, 0.5 ht#, 0.5 ht#); black_notehead_width# := wd#; save za, alpha, size; pair za; define_pixels(ht, wd); alpha = 35; size = 0.7ht; pickup pencircle xscaled blot_diameter yscaled size rotated -alpha; za = (0, size) / 2 rotated alpha; draw -za .. za; fet_endchar; % parametrized punctum def punctum_char (expr verbose_name, internal_name, mudela_name, left_up_stem, left_down_stem) = fet_beginchar(verbose_name, internal_name, mudela_name) save a, beta, ht, wd; ht# = 2 staff_space#; wd# = ht#; set_char_box(0.0, 0.4wd#, 0.5ht#, 0.5ht#); black_notehead_width# := wd#; define_pixels(ht, wd); pickup pencircle xscaled blot_diameter yscaled 0.50ht; z1 = (0.00wd + blot_diameter/2, 0); z2 = (0.40wd - blot_diameter/2, 0); draw z1 .. z2; pickup pencircle xscaled stafflinethickness yscaled blot_diameter; if left_down_stem: z4=(0.00wd + stafflinethickness/2, blot_diameter/2); z5=(0.00wd + stafflinethickness/2, - 1.25ht); draw z4 .. z5; elseif left_up_stem: z4=(0.00wd + stafflinethickness/2, blot_diameter/2); z5=(0.00wd + stafflinethickness/2, + 1.25ht); draw z4 .. z5; fi; fet_endchar; enddef; % punctum punctum_char("Ed. Med. punctum", "medicaea_punctum", "medpunctumhead", false, false); % left up-stemmed punctum punctum_char("Ed. Med. reverse virga", "medicaea_rvirga", "medrvirgahead", true, false); % virga (i.e. left down-stemmed punctum) punctum_char("Ed. Med. virga", "medicaea_virga", "medvirgahead", false, true); %%%%%%%% % % % % HUFNAGEL % % % % punctum % parametrized punctum def punctum_char (expr verbose_name, internal_name, mudela_name, down_stem) = fet_beginchar(verbose_name, internal_name, mudela_name) save b_h, a_w; a_b := 1.54; % b_h*a_b/a_w = wd/ht b_h := 0.85; a_w := 1.09; save a, beta, ht, wd; ht# = noteheight#; 2beta# = ht# * b_h; a# = beta# * a_b; wd# = 2a# / a_w; set_char_box(wd#/2, wd#/2, 0.5 ht#, 0.5 ht#); black_notehead_width# := wd#; save za, zb, zc, alpha, size; pair za, zb, zc; define_pixels(ht, wd); alpha = 55; size = 0.7ht; pickup pencircle xscaled blot_diameter yscaled size rotated -alpha; za = (0, size) / 2 rotated alpha; draw -za .. za; if down_stem: zb = (0.00wd, 0); zc = (0.00wd, - 1.25ht); draw zb -- zc; fi; fet_endchar; enddef; % punctum punctum_char("Hufnagel punctum", "hufnagel_punctum", "hufpunctumhead", false) % virga punctum_char("Hufnagel virga", "hufnagel_virga", "hufvirgahead", true) % pes lower punctum fet_beginchar("Hufnagel pes lower punctum", "hufnagel_lpes", "huflpeshead") save b_h, a_w; a_b := 1.54; % b_h*a_b/a_w = wd/ht b_h := 0.85; a_w := 1.09; save a, beta, ht, wd; ht# = noteheight#; 2beta# = ht# * b_h; a# = beta# * a_b; wd# = 2a# / a_w; set_char_box(wd#, wd#, 0.7 ht#, 0.7 ht#); black_notehead_width# := wd#; save za, alpha, size; pair za; define_pixels(ht, wd); alpha = 35; size = 0.7ht; pickup pencircle xscaled blot_diameter yscaled size rotated -alpha; za = (size, 0); draw -za .. za; fet_endchar; fet_endgroup ("noteheads")