% solfa.mf - implements solfa shaped notes % % (c) 2001--2004 Glen Prideaux % We can use the regular distorted-elliptical head in the feta font % for the sol head, but we can't use the triangle or diamond heads for % the do or me because they're too narrow and their lines too thin. fet_begingroup("solfa"); noteheight#:=staff_space# + overdone_heads * stafflinethickness#; define_pixels(noteheight); fet_endgroup("solfa") def drawdoshape = save noteshape, noteishape, dx, dy, ai_a, bi_b; path noteshape, noteishape; noteshape = noteishape = triangle; (dx,dy)=(0,0.0); (ai_a,bi_b)=(i_o,i_o); draw_solfa_note_shape; enddef; fet_beginchar("Whole dohead", "s0do") pickup pencircle scaled blot_diameter; save a_b, i_o; a_b = 1.8; i_o = 0.6; drawdoshape; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Half dohead", "s1do") save a_b, i_o; a_b = 1.5; i_o = 0.6; drawdoshape; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Quart dohead", "s2do") save a_b, noteshape; path noteshape; a_b = 1.54; noteshape = triangle; draw_solfa_quarter_note_shape; fet_endchar; save reshape; path reshape; reshape = (-1,1)--(-1,0.2){down} ... (0,-1) ... {up}(1,0.2)--(1,1)--cycle; fet_beginchar("Whole rehead", "s0re") save a_b, ai_a, bi_b, dx, dy, noteshape, noteishape; path noteshape, noteishape; noteshape = reshape; noteishape = reshape; a_b = 1.8; bi_b = 0.65; ai_a = 0.8; (dx,dy)=(0,-0.1); draw_solfa_note_shape; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Half rehead", "s1re") save a_b, ai_a, bi_b, dx, dy, noteshape, noteishape; path noteshape, noteishape; noteshape = reshape; noteishape = reshape; a_b = 1.5; bi_b = 0.65; ai_a = 0.8; (dx,dy)=(0,-0.1); draw_solfa_note_shape; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Quart rehead", "s2re") save a_b, noteshape; path noteshape; a_b = 1.54; noteshape = reshape; draw_solfa_quarter_note_shape; fet_endchar; % fa - scalene triangle: % for stem up: (0,h/2) -- (w,h/2) -- (w,-h/2) -- cycle; % for stem down: (w,-h/2) -- (0,1h/2) -- (0,h/2) -- cycle; % (one is a 180 degree rotation of the other) % stem attachment: (doesn't much matter) save fashape; path fashape; fashape = (-1,1)--(1,1)--(1,-1)--cycle; fet_beginchar("Whole fahead", "s0fa") save a_b, ai_a, bi_b, dx, dy, noteshape, noteishape; path noteshape, noteishape; noteshape = fashape; noteishape = fashape; a_b = 1.8; bi_b = 0.6; ai_a = 0.6; (dx,dy)=(0.2,.05); draw_solfa_note_shape; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Half stemup fahead", "u1fa") save a_b, ai_a, bi_b, dx, dy, noteshape, noteishape; path noteshape, noteishape; noteshape = fashape; noteishape = fashape; a_b = 1.5; bi_b = 0.6; ai_a = 0.6; (dx,dy)=(0.2,.05); draw_solfa_note_shape; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Quart stemup fahead", "u2fa") save a_b, noteshape; path noteshape; a_b = 1.54; noteshape = fashape; draw_solfa_quarter_note_shape; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Half stemdn fahead", "d1fa") save a_b, ai_a, bi_b, dx, dy, noteshape, noteishape; path noteshape, noteishape; noteshape = fashape rotated 180; noteishape = fashape rotated 180; a_b = 1.5; bi_b = 0.6; ai_a = 0.6; (dx,dy)=(-0.2,-.05); draw_solfa_note_shape; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Quart stemdn fahead", "d2fa") save a_b, noteshape; path noteshape; a_b = 1.54; noteshape = fashape rotated 180; draw_solfa_quarter_note_shape; fet_endchar; % sol - oval ... the standard "round" note % la - rectangle: (0,h/2)--(w,h.2)--(w,-h/2)--(0,-h/2)--cycle; % stem attachment: (doesn't much matter) save lashape; path lashape; lashape = (-1,-1)--(-1,1)--(1,1)--(1,-1)--cycle; fet_beginchar("Whole lahead", "s0la") save a_b, ai_a, bi_b, dx, dy, noteshape, noteishape; path noteshape, noteishape; noteshape = lashape; noteishape = lashape; a_b = 1.8; bi_b = 0.6; ai_a = 0.85; (dx,dy)=(0,0); draw_solfa_note_shape; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Half lahead", "s1la") save a_b, ai_a, bi_b, dx, dy, noteshape, noteishape; path noteshape, noteishape; noteshape = lashape; noteishape = lashape; a_b = 1.5; bi_b = 0.6; ai_a = 0.85; (dx,dy)=(0,0); draw_solfa_note_shape; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Quart lahead", "s2la") save a_b, noteshape; path noteshape; a_b = 1.54; noteshape = lashape; draw_solfa_quarter_note_shape; fet_endchar; % ti - an "icecream cone" with about 2/3 of % the height in the cone and only 1/3 in the curved top: % (0,h/6)--(w/2,-h/2)--(w,h/6)..(w/2,h/2)..cycle; % stem attachment: h/6 save tishape; path tishape; tishape = (0,-1)--(-1,0.3)..(0,1)..(1,0.3)--cycle; fet_beginchar("Whole tihead", "s0ti") save a_b, ai_a, bi_b, dx, dy, noteshape, noteishape; path noteshape, noteishape; noteshape = tishape; noteishape = tishape; a_b = 1.8; bi_b = 0.75; ai_a = 0.75; (dx,dy)=(0,-.02); draw_solfa_note_shape; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Half tihead", "s1ti") save a_b, ai_a, bi_b, dx, dy, noteshape, noteishape; path noteshape, noteishape; noteshape = tishape; noteishape = tishape; a_b = 1.5; bi_b = 0.75; ai_a = 0.75; (dx,dy)=(0,-.02); draw_solfa_note_shape; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Quart tihead", "s2ti") save a_b, noteshape; path noteshape; a_b = 1.54; noteshape = tishape; draw_solfa_quarter_note_shape; fet_endchar;