% % The stems of the natural are brushed (at least, in Barenreiter SCS) % def draw_natural (expr arrowup, arrowdown) = save stemwidth, top_stem_thick; save ne, pat_top, pat_bottom; save depth, height, extendleft, extendright, stemlength; save brush_scale_up, brush_scale_down; pair ne; path pat_top, pat_bottom; top_stem_thick# = stafflinethickness# + .10 staff_space#; stemwidth# = 0.09 staff_space# + .5 stafflinethickness#; define_whole_blacker_pixels (top_stem_thick, stemwidth); stemlength# = 1.5 staff_space#; define_pixels (stemlength); height# = stemlength#; depth# = stemlength#; extendleft# = 0; extendright# = 0; if arrowup: extendleft# := 3 stafflinethickness#; height# := height# + 1.2 staff_space#; fi; if arrowdown: extendright# := 3.15 stafflinethickness#; depth# := depth# + 1.2 staff_space#; fi; define_pixels (extendright); set_char_box (extendleft#, 2/3 staff_space#, depth#, height#); d := d - feta_space_shift; pickup pencircle scaled stemwidth; brush_scale_up := 1.0; brush_scale_down := 1.0; % to look nice, arrowed stems must be less brushed if arrowup: brush_scale_up := 0.85; fi; if arrowdown: brush_scale_down := 0.85; fi; penpos1 (top_stem_thick, 0); penpos3 (top_stem_thick, 0); penpos2 (stemwidth, 0); penpos4 (stemwidth, 0); % z1' and z3' are needed for the arrowed accidentals penpos1' (top_stem_thick * brush_scale_up, 0); penpos3' (top_stem_thick * brush_scale_down, 0); x2r = w; x4l = 0; x3 = x3' = x2; x1 = x1' = x4; y1 = y1' = stemlength; y3 = y3' = -stemlength; top y2 = vround (staff_space - 3/2 stafflinethickness); y4 = -y2 + feta_space_shift; pat_bottom := z4r{z4r - z1r} .. bot z4 .. z4l{z1l - z4l}; fill simple_serif (z1'l, z1'r, -30) -- pat_bottom -- cycle; pat_top := z2r{z2r - z3r} .. top z2 .. z2l{z3l - z2l}; fill simple_serif (z3'l, z3'r, 30) -- pat_top -- cycle; ne = (x2 - x4, stafflinethickness); z11' = z3l + whatever * (z2l - z3l); y11' = vround (.5 (staff_space - stafflinethickness)); z11 = z11' + whatever * ne; x11 = x12; z12 = directionpoint -ne of pat_top; z13 = z12 + whatever * ne; x13 = x1; z14 = z11 + whatever * ne; x14 = x1; z21' = z4r + whatever * (z1r - z4r); y21' = -y11' + feta_space_shift; z21 = z21' + whatever * ne; x21 = x22; z22 = directionpoint -ne of pat_bottom; z23 = z22 + whatever * ne; x23 = x3; z24 = z21 + whatever * ne; x24 = x3; fill z11 -- z12 -- z13 -- z14 -- cycle; fill z21 -- z22 -- z23 -- z24 -- cycle; penlabels (1, 1', 2, 3, 3', 4); labels (11, 11', 12, 13, 14, 21, 21', 22, 23, 24); if arrowup: draw_arrow (z1, top_stem_thick * brush_scale_up, z1'l - z4l, stafflinethickness / 2, false); fi; if arrowdown: draw_arrow (z3, top_stem_thick * brush_scale_down, z2r - z3'r, stafflinethickness / 2, true); w := w + extendright; fi; draw_staff_if_debugging (-2, 2); enddef; fet_beginchar ("Natural", "natural"); draw_natural (false, false); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Arrowed Natural (arrow up)", "natural.arrowup"); draw_natural (true, false); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Arrowed Natural (arrow down)", "natural.arrowdown"); draw_natural (false, true); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("Arrowed Natural (arrows up and down)", "natural.arrowboth"); draw_natural (true, true); fet_endchar;