% feta-haak.mf -- implement bracket tips -*-Fundamental-*- % % part of LilyPond's pretty-but-neat music font % % source file of the Feta (not the Font-En-Tja) music font % % (c) 2005--2006 Han-Wen Nienhuys fet_begingroup ("brackettips"); def draw_bracket (expr thick_sharp, width_sharp, updown) = begingroup; save p, thin, thick, flattening, width, hair, flare; path p; pair tipdir; flattening = 0.72; thick# = thick_sharp; flare# = flattening * width#; width# = width_sharp; define_pixels (thick, width, flare); if updown = 1: set_char_box (0, width#, .5 thick#, flare#); else: set_char_box (0, width#, flare#, .5 thick#); fi; thin = 2 linethickness; hair = 1.25 linethickness; pickup pencircle scaled thin; y7 = y1; x7 = x2; z2 = z4r + (thin, 0); penpos3 (thin, 0); penpos4 (thin, 90); z3 = z4; top y3 = 0.5 thick; lft x3 = 0.0; x1 = x3l; y1 = -0.5 thick; z8 = .5 [z2, z7]; top y5 = flare; rt x5 = width; p := z8{right} ..tension 1.2.. z5{curl 0}; tipdir := direction 1 of p; penpos5 (hair, angle tipdir); penpos6 (hair, 90 + angle tipdir); z5 = z6; pickup pencircle scaled 1; fill (z1 -- z3l{up} .. z4r{right} -- z2{right} .. z6r{tipdir} .. z5r .. z6l{-tipdir} ..tension 1.1.. z7{left} & z7 -- z1 & cycle) yscaled updown; if updown = 1: penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8); fi; endgroup; enddef; fet_beginchar ("bracket tip up", "up"); draw_bracket (0.45 staff_space#, 1.9 staff_space#, 1); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar ("bracket tip down", "down"); draw_bracket (0.45 staff_space#, 1.9 staff_space#, -1); fet_endchar; fet_endgroup ("brackettips");