% % feta-beugel.mf -- Staff braces % % source file of the Feta (not an acronym for Font-En-Tja) % pretty-but-neat music font % % (c) 1997--2005 Han-Wen Nienhuys % Jan Nieuwenhuizen input feta-autometric; input feta-macros; staffsize# := 20 pt#; %% arbitrary input feta-params; % % We must let the design increase for each font to make sure that mftrace % doesn't jack up the resolution too highly for the longer braces. % fet_beginfont ("feta-braces-" & char (97 + font_count), (font_count + 1) * 20, "fetaBraces"); mode_setup; save code, braces_per_font; code := 64; braces_per_font := 64; def draw_brace (expr height_sharp, width_sharp, slt_sharp, brace_number) = save pendir, height, width, thin, thick, slt, pat; save penangle; pair pendir; path pat; height# := height_sharp; width# := width_sharp; slt# := slt_sharp; fet_beginchar ("brace number " & decimal (brace_number), "brace" & decimal (brace_number)) set_char_box (width#, 0, height# / 2, height# / 2); define_pixels (height, width, slt); thin = 2 slt; thick = .5 width; z2 = .5 [z1, z3]; y3l = y1 + height / 2; x3 = x1 + width; y1 = 0; x1 = -b; y0 = y1; x0 = x1 - 2/6 thin; pendir = unitvector (x3 - x1, y3l / 6 - y1); penangle = angle pendir - 90; penpos3 (thin, penangle); penpos2 (thick, angle (z3 - z1) - 90); penpos1 (2/3 thin, penangle); penlabels (1, 2, 3); labels (0); pat := z2r .. simple_serif (z3r, z3l, 90) .. z2l .. z1l{dir (angle (z1r - z1l) - 90)} .. z0{down} .. z1r{-dir (angle (z1l - z1r) + 90)} .. cycle; pat := subpath (0, 5) of pat -- subpath (6, 7) of pat .. cycle; fill pat; fill pat yscaled -1; fet_endchar; enddef; save stafflinethickness; save increment; linethickness := 0.5 pt#; increment := 0.5 pt#; y := 10 pt#; for i := 0 step 1 until font_count: save number; number := braces_per_font * i; for j := 0 step 1 until (braces_per_font - 1): % message "l: "&decimal l; % note: define_pixels (x) multiplies x by hppp, % must never get bigger than infinity y := y + increment; if y > infinity / hppp: message "Resolution and/or magnification is too high"; message "HPP: "& decimal hpp &" Y: " & y; error "please report to "; fi; % x should be about one staff space, taking brace to have % default height of 3 staffs, this yields height / 3 / 4 = 12 % but 15 looks better x := y / 15; increment := x / 10; linethickness := min (0.5 pt#, y / 150); if i = font_count: draw_brace (y, x, linethickness, number); fi; number := number + 1; endfor; endfor; fet_endfont ("feta-braces");