This is a font of music symbols. All MF sources are original. The symbols are modelled after various editions of music, notably - Baerenreiter - Hofmeister - Breitkopf - Durand & C'ie The best references on Music engraving are [Wanske] and [Ross], some of their insights have also been used. Although a matter of taste, I'd say that Baerenreiter has the finest typography of all. Traditional engraving uses a set of 9 standardised sizes for Staffs (running from 0 to 8). I tried measuring those (helped by a magnifying glass), and I get the staffsizes in the following table. One should note that these are estimates, so I think there could be a measuring error of ~ .5 pt. Moreover [Ross] states that not all engravers use exactly those sizes. Staffsize Numbers Name 26.2pt No. 0 22.6pt No. 1 Giant/English 21.3pt No. 2 Giant/English 19.9pt No. 3 Regular, Ordinary, Common 19.1pt No. 4 Peter 17.1pt No. 5 Large middle 15.9pt No. 6 Small middle 13.7pt No. 7 Cadenza 11.1pt No. 8 Pearl This table is partially taken from [Ross]. Most music is set in No.3, but the papersizes usually are bigger than standard printer paper (such as A4). If you plot these, you'll notice that the sizes (With exception of 26) almost (but not quite) form a arithmetic progression. [Ross] states that the dies (the stamps to make the symbols) come in 12 different sizes.