==================== #debian-ctte Meeting ==================== Meeting started by OdyX at 17:00:02 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-ctte/2016/debian-ctte.2016-05-31-17.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Check-in round (OdyX, 17:00:09) * Next Meeting? (OdyX, 17:05:26) * AGREED: Push end-of-June meeting to early-July, during DebConf, around Tue 5th, 17UTC. Fine-tune when DebConf program is known. (OdyX, 17:09:26) * ACTION: OdyX to handle the meeting coordination. (OdyX, 17:10:10) * 766708 Cross toolchain packages in Debian (OdyX, 17:10:18) * #766708 & 771070 are two mixed issues, which aged since their creation. (OdyX, 17:14:00) * AGREED: Close #766708 with an excerpt of our understanding of the status & a statement of our willingness to be involved again; as well as a promise to be quicker (OdyX, 17:24:24) * ACTION: fil to Close #766708 as #agreed, eventually asking privately for feedback before. (OdyX, 17:25:37) * Additional business (OdyX, 17:25:59) * ACTION: keithp To start the enlightenment of the TC members on the "consider "/usr w/o initramfs or programs in /bin depending on libraries in /usr/lib" question. (OdyX, 17:40:59) * Check-out round (OdyX, 17:42:34) Meeting ended at 17:44:58 UTC. Action Items ------------ * OdyX to handle the meeting coordination. * fil to Close #766708 as #agreed, eventually asking privately for feedback before. * keithp To start the enlightenment of the TC members on the "consider "/usr w/o initramfs or programs in /bin depending on libraries in /usr/lib" question. Action Items, by person ----------------------- * fil * fil to Close #766708 as #agreed, eventually asking privately for feedback before. * keithp * keithp To start the enlightenment of the TC members on the "consider "/usr w/o initramfs or programs in /bin depending on libraries in /usr/lib" question. * OdyX * OdyX to handle the meeting coordination. * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * OdyX (63) * Mithrandir (22) * keithp (18) * hartmans (16) * fil (15) * aba (5) * MeetBot (2) * bdale (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot