==================== #debian-ctte Meeting ==================== Meeting started by dondelelcaro at 18:07:58 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-ctte/2014/debian-ctte.2014-12-18-18.07.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Who is here? (dondelelcaro, 18:08:06) * Next Meeting? (dondelelcaro, 18:09:48) * #769972 New member selection process (dondelelcaro, 18:13:11) * AGREED: start discussing nominees for new CTTE member (dondelelcaro, 18:13:38) * #636783 constitution: super-majority bug (dondelelcaro, 18:13:44) * ACTION: everyone to rank nominees and talk about them in e-mail (dondelelcaro, 18:14:44) * AGREED: shelve #636783 until january (dondelelcaro, 18:16:01) * #741573 menu systems and mime-support (dondelelcaro, 18:16:06) * ACTION: keithp to present #741573 to policy and work to get consensus (dondelelcaro, 18:18:10) * #762194 Automatic switch to systemd on wheezy->jessie upgrades (dondelelcaro, 18:18:14) * ACTION: dondelelcaro to poke vorlon about reviewing draft for #762194, and proceed in e-mail (dondelelcaro, 18:23:41) * #750135 Maintainer of aptitude package (dondelelcaro, 18:23:47) * ACTION: dondelelcaro to ping aba re #750135 (dondelelcaro, 18:26:40) * #771070 Coordinate plan and requirements for cross toolchain packages in Debian (dondelelcaro, 18:26:47) * Additional Business (dondelelcaro, 18:38:33) Meeting ended at 18:40:44 UTC. Action Items ------------ * everyone to rank nominees and talk about them in e-mail * keithp to present #741573 to policy and work to get consensus * dondelelcaro to poke vorlon about reviewing draft for #762194, and proceed in e-mail * dondelelcaro to ping aba re #750135 Action Items, by person ----------------------- * dondelelcaro * dondelelcaro to poke vorlon about reviewing draft for #762194, and proceed in e-mail * dondelelcaro to ping aba re #750135 * keithp * keithp to present #741573 to policy and work to get consensus * **UNASSIGNED** * everyone to rank nominees and talk about them in e-mail People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * dondelelcaro (65) * bdale (39) * wookey (19) * MeetBot (2) * Mithrandir (2) * keithp (2) * KGB-3 (1) * cjwatson (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot