\name{yule.time} \alias{yule.time} \title{Fits the Time-Dependent Yule Model} \usage{ yule.time(phy, birth, BIRTH = NULL, root.time = 0, opti = "nlm", start = 0.01) } \arguments{ \item{phy}{an object of class \code{"phylo"}.} \item{birth}{a (vectorized) function specifying how the birth (speciation) probability changes through time (see details).} \item{BIRTH}{a (vectorized) function giving the primitive of \code{birth}.} \item{root.time}{a numeric value giving the time of the root node (time is measured from the past towards the present).} \item{opti}{a character string giving the function used for optimisation of the likelihood function. Three choices are possible: \code{"nlm"}, \code{"nlminb"}, or \code{"optim"}, or any unambiguous abbreviation of these.} \item{start}{the initial values used in the optimisation.} } \description{ This function fits by maximum likelihood the time-dependent Yule model. The time is measured from the past (\code{root.time}) to the present. } \details{ The model fitted is a straightforward extension of the Yule model with covariates (see \code{\link{yule.cov}}). Rather than having heterogeneity among lineages, the speciation probability is the same for all lineages at a given time, but can change through time. The function \code{birth} \emph{must} meet these two requirements: (i) the parameters to be estimated are the formal arguments; (ii) time is named \code{t} in the body of the function. However, this is the opposite for the primitive \code{BIRTH}: \code{t} is the formal argument, and the parameters are used in its body. See the examples. It is recommended to use \code{BIRTH} if possible, and required if speciation probability is constant on some time interval. If this primitive cannot be provided, a numerical integration is done with \code{\link[base]{integrate}}. The standard-errors of the parameters are computed with the Hessian of the log-likelihood function. } \value{ An object of class "yule" (see \code{\link{yule}}). } \author{Emmanuel Paradis \email{Emmanuel.Paradis@mpl.ird.fr}} \seealso{ \code{\link{branching.times}}, \code{\link{ltt.plot}}, \code{\link{birthdeath}}, \code{\link{yule}}, \code{\link{yule.cov}} } \examples{ ### define two models... birth.logis <- function(a, b) 1/(1 + exp(-a*t - b)) # logistic birth.step <- function(l1, l2, Tcl) { # 2 rates with one break-point ans <- rep(l1, length(t)) ans[t > Tcl] <- l2 ans } ### ... and their primitives: BIRTH.logis <- function(a, b) log(exp(-a*t) + exp(b))/a + t BIRTH.step <- function(t) { if (t <= Tcl) return(t*l1) Tcl*l1 + (t - Tcl)*l2 } data(bird.families) ### fit both models: yule.time(bird.families, birth.logis) yule.time(bird.families, birth.logis, BIRTH.logis) # same but faster yule.time(bird.families, birth.step) # fails yule.time(bird.families, birth.step, BIRTH.step) } \keyword{models}