\name{subtrees} \alias{subtrees} \title{All subtrees of a Phylogenetic Tree} \usage{ subtrees(tree, wait=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{tree}{an object of class \code{"phylo"}.} \item{wait}{a logical indicating whether the node beeing processed should be printed (useful for big phylogenies).} } \description{ This function returns a list of all the subtrees of a phylogenetic tree. } \author{Damien de Vienne \email{damien.de-vienne@u-psud.fr}} \seealso{ \code{\link{zoom}}, \code{\link{subtreeplot}} for functions extracting particular subtrees. } \value{ \code{subtrees} returns a list of trees of class \code{"phylo"} and returns invisibly for each subtree a list with the following components: \item{tip.label} \item{node.label} \item{Ntip} \item{Nnode} } \examples{ ### Random tree with 12 leaves phy<-rtree(12) par(mfrow=c(4,3)) plot(phy, sub="Complete tree") ### Extract the subtrees l<-subtrees(phy) ### plot all the subtrees for (i in 1:11) plot(l[[i]], sub=paste("Node", l[[i]]$node.label[1])) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) } \keyword{manip}