\name{multi2di} \alias{multi2di} \alias{di2multi} \title{Collapse and Resolve Multichotomies} \description{ These two functions collapse or resolve multichotomies in phylogenetic trees (objects of class \code{"phylo"}). } \usage{ multi2di(phy, random = TRUE) di2multi(phy, tol = 1e-08) } \arguments{ \item{phy}{an object of class \code{"phylo"}.} \item{random}{a logical value specifying whether to resolve the multichotomies randomly (the default) or in the order they appear in the tree (if \code{random = FALSE}).} \item{tol}{a numeric value giving the tolerance to consider a branch length significantly greater than zero.} } \details{ \code{multi2di} transforms all multichotomies into a series of dichotomies with one (or several) branch(es) of length zero. \code{di2multi} deletes all branches smaller than \code{tol} and collapses the corresponding dichotomies into a multichotomy. } \seealso{ \code{\link{is.binary.tree}} } \author{Emmanuel Paradis \email{Emmanuel.Paradis@mpl.ird.fr}} \value{ Both functions return an object of class \code{"phylo"}. } \examples{ data(bird.families) is.binary.tree(bird.families) is.binary.tree(multi2di(bird.families)) all.equal(di2multi(multi2di(bird.families)), bird.families) ### To see the results of randomly resolving a trichotomy: tr <- read.tree(text = "(a:1,b:1,c:1);") layout(matrix(1:4, 2, 2)) for (i in 1:4) plot(multi2di(tr), use.edge.length = FALSE, cex = 1.5) layout(matrix(1)) } \keyword{manip}