\name{mcmc.popsize} \alias{mcmc.popsize} \alias{extract.popsize} \alias{plot.popsize} \alias{lines.popsize} \title{Reversible Jump MCMC to Infer Demographic History} \usage{ mcmc.popsize(tree,nstep, thinning=1, burn.in=0,progress.bar=TRUE, method.prior.changepoints=c("hierarchical", "fixed.lambda"), max.nodes=30, lambda=0.5, gamma.shape=0.5, gamma.scale=2, method.prior.heights=c("skyline", "constant", "custom"), prior.height.mean, prior.height.var) extract.popsize(mcmc.out, credible.interval=0.95, time.points=200, thinning=1, burn.in=0) \method{plot}{popsize}(x, show.median=TRUE, show.years=FALSE, subst.rate, present.year, ...) \method{lines}{popsize}(x, show.median=TRUE,show.years=FALSE, subst.rate, present.year, ...) } \arguments{ \item{tree}{Either an ultrametric tree (i.e. an object of class \code{"phylo"}), or coalescent intervals (i.e. an object of class \code{"coalescentIntervals"}). } \item{nstep}{Number of MCMC steps, i.e. length of the Markov chain (suggested value: 10,000-50,000).} \item{thinning}{Thinning factor (suggest value: 10-100).} \item{burn.in}{Number of steps dropped from the chain to allow for a burn-in phase (suggest value: 1000).} \item{progress.bar}{Show progress bar during the MCMC run.} \item{method.prior.changepoints}{If \code{hierarchical}is chosen (the default) then the smoothing parameter lambda is drawn from a gamma distribution with some specified shape and scale parameters. Alternatively, for \code{fixed.lambda} the value of lambda is a given constant. } \item{max.nodes}{Upper limit for the number of internal nodes of the approximating spline (default: 30).} \item{lambda}{Smoothing parameter. For \code{method="fixed.lambda"} the specifed value of lambda determines the mean of the prior distribution for the number of internal nodes of the approximating spline for the demographic function (suggested value: 0.1-1.0).} \item{gamma.shape}{Shape parameter of the gamma function from which \code{lambda} is drawn for \code{method="hierarchical"}.} \item{gamma.scale}{Scale parameter of the gamma function from which \code{lambda} is drawn for \code{method="hierarchical"}.} \item{method.prior.heights}{Determines the prior for the heights of the change points. If \code{custom} is chosen then two functions describing the mean and variance of the heigths in depence of time have to be specified (via \code{prior.height.mean} and \code{prior.height.var} options). Alternatively, two built-in priors are available: \code{constant} assumes constant population size and variance determined by Felsenstein (1992), and \code{skyline} assumes a skyline plot (see Opgen-Rhein et al. 2004 for more details).} \item{prior.height.mean}{Function describing the mean of the prior distribution for the heights (only used if \code{method.prior.heights = custom}).} \item{prior.height.var}{Function describing the variance of the prior distribution for the heights (only used if \code{method.prior.heights = custom}).} \item{mcmc.out}{Output from \code{mcmc.popsize} - this is needed as input for \code{extract.popsize}.} \item{credible.interval}{Probability mass of the confidence band (default: 0.95).} \item{time.points}{Number of discrete time points in the table output by \code{extract.popsize}.} \item{x}{Table with population size versus time, as computed by \code{extract.popsize}. } \item{show.median}{Plot median rather than mean as point estimate for demographic function (default: TRUE).} \item{show.years}{Option that determines whether the time is plotted in units of of substitutions (default) or in years (requires specification of substution rate and year of present).} \item{subst.rate}{Substitution rate (see option show.years).} \item{present.year}{Present year (see option show.years).} \item{\dots}{Further arguments to be passed on to \code{plot}.} } \description{ These functions implement a reversible jump MCMC framework to infer the demographic history, as well as corresponding confidence bands, from a genealogical tree. The computed demographic history is a continous and smooth function in time. \code{mcmc.popsize} runs the actual MCMC chain and outputs information about the sampling steps, \code{extract.popsize} generates from this MCMC output a table of population size in time, and \code{plot.popsize} and \code{lines.popsize} provide utility functions to plot the corresponding demographic functions. } \details{ Please refer to Opgen-Rhein et al. (2004) for methodological details, and the help page of \code{\link{skyline}} for information on a related approach. } \author{Rainer Opgen-Rhein (\url{http://www.stat.uni-muenchen.de/~opgen/}) and Korbinian Strimmer (\url{http://www.stat.uni-muenchen.de/~strimmer/}). Parts of the rjMCMC sampling procedure are adapted from R code by Karl Browman (\url{http://www.biostat.jhsph.edu/~kbroman/})} \seealso{ \code{\link{skyline}} and \code{\link{skylineplot}}. } \references{ Opgen-Rhein, R., Fahrmeir, L. and Strimmer, K. 2005. Inference of demographic history from genealogical trees using reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo. \emph{BMC Evolutionary Biology}, \bold{5}, 6. } \examples{ # get tree data("hivtree.newick") # example tree in NH format tree.hiv <- read.tree(text = hivtree.newick) # load tree # run mcmc chain mcmc.out <- mcmc.popsize(tree.hiv, nstep=100, thinning=1, burn.in=0,progress.bar=FALSE) # toy run #mcmc.out <- mcmc.popsize(tree.hiv, nstep=10000, thinning=5, burn.in=500) # remove comments!! # make list of population size versus time popsize <- extract.popsize(mcmc.out) # plot and compare with skyline plot sk <- skyline(tree.hiv) plot(sk, lwd=1, lty=3, show.years=TRUE, subst.rate=0.0023, present.year = 1997) lines(popsize, show.years=TRUE, subst.rate=0.0023, present.year = 1997) } \keyword{manip}