\name{klastorin} \alias{klastorin} \title{Klastorin's (1982) method for classifying genes as suggested by Misawa and Tajima (2000)} \usage{ klastorin(phy) } \arguments{ \item{phy}{a phylogenetic tree, i.e. an object of class \code{"phy"}. The root of the tree should make sense biologically. } } \description{ The function \code{klastorin} uses the method by Klastorin's (1982) as suggested by Misawa and Tajima (2000) for identifying groups within gene trees. } \value{ A vector indication the class affiliation for each sequence/taxon in the tree. } \seealso{ \code{\link{opsin}}. } \references{ Klastorin T.D. (1982) An alternative method for hospital partition determination using hierarchical cluster analysis. \emph{Operations Research} \bold{30},1134--1147. Misawa, K. (2000) A simple method for classifying genes and a bootstrap test for classifications. \emph{Molecular Biology and Evolution}, \bold{17}, 1879--1884. } \author{Gangolf Jobb (\url{http://www.treefinder.de})} \examples{ # find groups in landplant tree data("landplants.newick") tree1 <- read.tree(text = landplants.newick) plot(tree1, label.offset = 0.001) klastorin(tree1) tree1$tip.label # find groups in opsin tree data("opsin.newick") tree2 <- read.tree(text = opsin.newick) plot(tree2,label.offset = 0.01) groups <- klastorin(tree2) groups tree2$tip.label[groups==1] tree2$tip.label[groups==2] tree2$tip.label[groups==3] tree2$tip.label[groups==4] tree2$tip.label[groups==5] } \keyword{manip}