#!/bin/bash set -eu # the Debian release to use as a basis for the live-cd nd_basedist="squeeze" nd_version="6.0.0" deb_mirror="http://debproxy:9999" # Prepare splash screen if [ ! -e neurodebian-splash.png ]; then # For Grub2 it should be .tga; # NOTE: RLE compression is not supported by imagemagick for write xcf2png -o neurodebian-splash-big.png ../artwork/wallpaper_hotbrain.xcf convert neurodebian-splash-big.png -geometry 640x480 neurodebian-splash.png fi # enable recommends for now since we care about 'typical' use patterns atm lb config noauto \ --apt apt \ --apt-recommends true \ --architecture i386 \ --archive-areas "main contrib non-free" \ --binary-images iso-hybrid \ --binary-indices none \ --bootstrap-flavour standard \ --debian-installer netinst \ --distribution ${nd_basedist} \ --hostname neurodebian \ --iso-application "NeuroDebian Live" \ --iso-preparer "NeuroDebian v.{nd_version}; http://neuro.debian.net" \ --iso-publisher "NeuroDebian project; http://neuro.debian.net" \ --keyring-packages "debian-archive-keyring neurodebian-keyring" \ --memtest memtest86+ \ --mirror-bootstrap "${deb_mirror}/debian/" \ --mirror-chroot "${deb_mirror}/debian/" \ --mirror-chroot-security "${deb_mirror}/security/" \ --packages-lists "nd-core nd-neuroimaging nd-neuroimaging-doc nd-electrphysiology nd-electrphysiology-doc" \ --repositories neuro.debian.net \ --security true \ --syslinux-splash neurodebian-splash.png \ --syslinux-timeout 10 \ --username brain \ --win32-loader enabled \ ${@} # Leads to a stall... may be incorrect format # seems to be KVM issue... # --mirror-bootstrap "http://debian.lcs.mit.edu/debian/" \ # --packages-lists xfce \ # May be # Deploy 1:1 copy of the running Live system # --debian-installer live # Would be nice to have it utterly useful, but rescue is too bloated, may be # at least forensics # --packages-lists # Do we need any of the additional tools from live.debian.net? # --repositories live.debian.net \ # Should we enable backports repo? then add # debian-backports-keyring