;;; lilypond-font-lock.el --- syntax coloring for LilyPond mode ;; Copyright (C) 1992,1993,1994 Tim Peters ;; Author: 2001-2002: Heikki Junes ;; * Emacs-mode: new keywords, reserved words, identifiers, notenames, ;; some dynamics and brackets are font-lock-keywords ;; * File lilypond.words gives keywords, identifiers and reserved words ;; Author: 1997: Han-Wen Nienhuys ;; Author: 1995-1996 Barry A. Warsaw ;; 1992-1994 Tim Peters ;; Created: Feb 1992 ;; Version: 1.7.8 ;; Last Modified: 23NOV2002 ;; Keywords: lilypond languages music notation ;; This software is provided as-is, without express or implied ;; warranty. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute or sell this ;; software, without fee, for any purpose and by any individual or ;; organization, is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright ;; notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. ;; This started out as a cannabalised version of python-mode.el, by hwn ;; For changes see the LilyPond ChangeLog ;; ;; TODO: ;; - handle lexer modes (\header, \melodic, \lyric) etc. (defconst LilyPond-font-lock-keywords (let* ((kwregex (mapconcat (lambda (x) (concat "\\" x)) LilyPond-keywords "\\|")) (iregex (mapconcat (lambda (x) (concat "\\" x)) LilyPond-identifiers "\\|")) (rwregex (mapconcat (lambda (x) (concat "" x)) LilyPond-reserved-words "\\|")) ) (list ;; Fonts in use (from GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual, elisp.ps): ;; font-lock- comment / string / keyword / builtin / function-name / ;; variable-name / type / constant / warning -face ;; The order below is designed so that proofreading would be possible. ;; Fontify... ;; ... first identifiers and keywords. ;; ... then other expressions having '\'-mark in the beginning. ;; ... the right and the left side of '='-marks. ;; ... reserved words, e.g., FiguredBass. ;; ... notes and rests ;; "on top", 6) ... '<{[]}>'-brackets ;; "on top", 7) ... ties, slurs and hairpins ;; "on top", 8) ... (multiline-)scheme; urgh. one should count the slurs ;; "on top", 9) ... strings ;; "on top", 10) ... (multiline-)comments ;; One should note 'font-lock-multiline' has been possible since Emacs 21.1. ;; See, e.g., text in "http://emacs.kldp.org/emacs-21.1/etc/NEWS". ;; ... identifiers (defined above, see iregex) (cons (concat "\\(\\([_^-]?\\(" iregex "\\)\\)+\\)\\($\\|[] \t(~{}>\\\\_()^*-]\\)") '(1 font-lock-function-name-face)) ;; ... keywords (defined above, see kwregex) (cons (concat "\\(\\([_^-]?\\(" kwregex "\\)\\)+\\)\\($\\|[] \t(~{}>\\\\_()^*-]\\)") '(1 font-lock-keyword-face)) ;; ... keyword-type constructs, e.g., ^\abracadabra; not \breve (= a duration) '("\\([_^-]?\\\\\\(longa[a-zA-Z]\\|long[^a]\\|lon[^g]\\|lo[^n]\\|l[^o]\\|[^lb]\\|b[^r]\\|br[^e]\\|bre[^v]\\|brev[^e]\\|breve[a-zA-Z]\\)[a-zA-Z]*\\)" 1 font-lock-constant-face) ;; ... the left side of '=' -mark '("\\([_a-zA-Z.0-9-]+\\)[ \t]*=[ \t]*" 1 font-lock-variable-name-face) ;; ... the right side of '=' -mark '("[ \t]*=[ \t]*\\([_a-zA-Z.0-9-]+\\)" 1 font-lock-variable-name-face) ;; ... reserved words (defined above, see rwregex) (cons (concat "\\(" rwregex "\\)") 'font-lock-variable-name-face) ;; ... notes and rests, accidentals and duration (multiplied), e.g., b,?16.*3/4 '("\\(^\\|[ <\{[~(!)\t\\\|]\\)\\(\\(\\(\\(bb\\|as[ae]s\\|eses\\|\\(do\\|re\\|[ms]i\\|[fl]a\\|sol\\)\\(bb?\\|dd?\\|ss?\\)?\\)\\|\\([a-h]\\(\\(flat\\)+\\|\\(sharp\\)+\\|is\\(siss\\|i?s\\)?\\|es\\(sess\\|e?s\\)?\\|ff?\\|ss?\\)?\\)\\)[,']*[?!]?\\|[srR]\\)\\([ \t]*\\(128\\|6?4\\|3?2\\|16?\\|8\\|\\\\breve\\|\\\\longa\\)[.]*\\([ \t]*[*][ \t]*[0-9]+\\(/[1-9][0-9]*\\)?\\)?\\)?\\)" 2 font-lock-type-face) ;; "on top", ... '{[]}'-brackets '("\\([][}{]\\)" 0 font-lock-warning-face t) ;; "on top", ... '<>'-brackets, not marcato '->' '("\\(\\(-.\\)+\\|[^-^_]\\)\\([[<>]+\\)" 3 font-lock-warning-face t) ;; "on top", ... ties ~, slurs \( () \), hairpins \<, \>, \! '("\\(\\\\[()]\\|[(~)]\\)" 0 font-lock-builtin-face t) ;; "on top", ... (multiline-)scheme: try find slurs up to 7th '("[_^-]?#\\(#[ft]\\|-?[0-9.]+\\|\"[^\"]*\"\\|['`]?[a-zA-Z-:]+\\|['`]?([^()]*\\(([^()]*\\(([^()]*\\(([^()]*\\(([^()]*\\(([^()]*\\(([^)]*)[^()]*\\)*)[^()]*\\)*)[^()]*\\)*)[^()]*\\)*)[^()]*\\)*)[^()]*\\)*[^)]*)\\)" 0 font-lock-string-face t) ;; "on top", ... strings '("\\([_^-]?\"\\([^\"\\\\]\\|\\\\.\\|\\\\\n\\)*\"\\)" 0 font-lock-string-face t) ;; "on top", ... (multiline-)comments '("\\(%\\({[^%]*%\\(}\\|\\([^}][^%]*%\\)+}\\)\\|.*\\)\\)" 0 font-lock-comment-face t) ) ) "Additional expressions to fontify in LilyPond mode.") ;; define a mode-specific abbrev table for those who use such things (defvar LilyPond-mode-abbrev-table nil "Abbrev table in use in `LilyPond-mode' buffers.") (define-abbrev-table 'LilyPond-mode-abbrev-table nil) (defvar LilyPond-mode-syntax-table nil "Syntax table used in `LilyPond-mode' buffers.") ;; (if LilyPond-mode-syntax-table () (setq LilyPond-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table)) (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (modify-syntax-entry (car x) (cdr x) LilyPond-mode-syntax-table))) '(( ?\( . "." ) ( ?\) . "." ) ( ?\[ . "(]" ) ( ?\] . ")[" ) ;; all the other paren characters are now handled by ( ?\{ . ". 2b" ) ;; lily-specific indenting/matching code in lilypond-indent.el ( ?\} . ". 4b" ) ( ?\< . "." )( ?\> . ".") ( ?\$ . "." ) ( ?\& . "." ) ( ?\* . "." ) ( ?\+ . "." ) ( ?\/ . "." ) ( ?\= . "." ) ( ?\| . "." ) (?\\ . "\\" ) ( ?\- . "." ) ( ?\_ . "." ) ( ?\^ . "." ) ; accent positioners: puctuation characters ( ?\' . "w") ( ?\, . "w") ; transposing octaves, parts of words (notes) ( ?\" . "\"" ) ; string quote characters ( ?\% . "< 1b3b" ) ; (block-)comment starter (or ender) ( ?\n . ">") ; newline: comment ender ( ?\r . ">") ; formfeed: comment ender )) )