%{ // -*-Fundamental-*- /* parser.yy -- Bison/C++ parser for mudela source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter (c) 1997--2000 Han-Wen Nienhuys Jan Nieuwenhuizen */ #include #include "lily-guile.hh" #include "notename-table.hh" #include "translation-property.hh" #include "lookup.hh" #include "misc.hh" #include "my-lily-lexer.hh" #include "paper-def.hh" #include "midi-def.hh" #include "main.hh" #include "file-path.hh" #include "debug.hh" #include "dimensions.hh" #include "identifier.hh" #include "command-request.hh" #include "musical-request.hh" #include "my-lily-parser.hh" #include "context-specced-music.hh" #include "translator-group.hh" #include "score.hh" #include "music-list.hh" #include "change-translator.hh" #include "file-results.hh" #include "scope.hh" #include "relative-music.hh" #include "lyric-combine-music.hh" #include "transposed-music.hh" #include "time-scaled-music.hh" #include "repeated-music.hh" #include "mudela-version.hh" #include "grace-music.hh" #include "auto-change-music.hh" #include "output-property.hh" // mmm Mudela_version oldest_version ("1.3.4"); bool is_duration_b (int t) { return t == 1 << intlog2(t); } void print_mudela_versions (ostream &os) { os << _f ("Oldest supported input version: %s", oldest_version.str ()) << endl; } // needed for bison.simple's malloc() and free() #include #ifndef NDEBUG #define YYDEBUG 1 #endif #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 #define YYPARSE_PARAM my_lily_parser_l #define YYLEX_PARAM my_lily_parser_l #define THIS ((My_lily_parser *) my_lily_parser_l) #define yyerror THIS->parser_error #define ARRAY_SIZE(a,s) if (a.size () != s) THIS->parser_error (_f ("Expecting %d arguments", s)) %} %union { Array *pitch_arr; Link_array *reqvec; Array *intvec; Notename_table *chordmodifiertab; Duration *duration; Identifier *id; String * string; Music *music; Music_list *music_list; Score *score; Scope *scope; Interval *interval; Musical_req* musreq; Music_output_def * outputdef; Musical_pitch * pitch; Midi_def* midi; Moment *moment; Notename_table *notenametab; Paper_def *paper; Real real; Request * request; /* We use SCMs to do strings, because it saves us the trouble of deleting them. Let's hope that a stack overflow doesnt trigger a move of the parse stack onto the heap. */ SCM scm; Tempo_req *tempo; Translator_group* trans; char c; int i; } %{ int yylex (YYSTYPE *s, void * v_l) { My_lily_parser *pars_l = (My_lily_parser*) v_l; My_lily_lexer * lex_l = pars_l->lexer_p_; lex_l->lexval_l = (void*) s; return lex_l->yylex (); } %} %pure_parser /* tokens which are not keywords */ %token AUTOCHANGE %token TEXTSCRIPT %token ACCEPTS %token ALTERNATIVE %token BAR %token BREATHE %token CHORDMODIFIERS %token CHORDS %token CHAR_T %token CLEF %token CM_T %token CONSISTS %token SEQUENTIAL %token SIMULTANEOUS %token CONSISTSEND %token DURATION %token EXTENDER %token FONT %token GRACE %token HEADER %token HYPHEN %token IN_T %token INVALID %token KEY %token KEYSIGNATURE %token LYRICS %token MARK %token MEASURES %token MIDI %token MM_T %token MUSICAL_PITCH %token NAME %token NOTENAMES %token NOTES %token PAPER %token PARTIAL %token PENALTY %token PROPERTY %token PT_T %token RELATIVE %token REMOVE %token REPEAT %token REPETITIONS %token ADDLYRICS %token SCM_T %token SCORE %token SCRIPT %token SKIP %token SPANREQUEST %token COMMANDSPANREQUEST %token TEMPO %token OUTPUTPROPERTY %token TIME_T %token TIMES %token TRANSLATOR %token TRANSPOSE %token TYPE %token CONTEXT /* escaped */ %token E_CHAR E_EXCLAMATION E_SMALLER E_BIGGER %token CHORD_BASS CHORD_COLON CHORD_MINUS CHORD_CARET %type exclamations questions %token DIGIT %token NOTENAME_PITCH %token TONICNAME_PITCH %token CHORDMODIFIER_PITCH %token DURATION_IDENTIFIER %token IDENTIFIER %token NOTENAME_TABLE_IDENTIFIER %token MUSIC_IDENTIFIER %token REQUEST_IDENTIFIER %token REAL_IDENTIFIER %token STRING_IDENTIFIER %token TRANS_IDENTIFIER %token INT_IDENTIFIER %token SCORE_IDENTIFIER %token MIDI_IDENTIFIER %token PAPER_IDENTIFIER %token REAL %token DURATION RESTNAME %token STRING %token SCM_T %token UNSIGNED %type output_def %type mudela_header mudela_header_body %type open_request_parens close_request_parens open_request close_request %type request_with_dir request_that_take_dir verbose_request %type sub_quotes sup_quotes %type simple_element request_chord command_element Simple_music Composite_music %type Alternative_music Repeated_music %type tremolo_type %type int unsigned %type script_dir %type optional_modality %type identifier_init %type steno_duration optional_notemode_duration %type entered_notemode_duration explicit_duration %type int_list %type pre_requests post_requests %type gen_text_def %type explicit_musical_pitch steno_musical_pitch musical_pitch absolute_musical_pitch %type steno_tonic_pitch %type pitch_list %type chord %type chord_additions chord_subtractions chord_notes chord_step %type chord_note chord_inversion chord_bass %type midi_block midi_body %type duration_length %type embedded_scm scalar %type Music Sequential_music Simultaneous_music Music_sequence %type relative_music re_rhythmed_music %type property_def translator_change %type Music_list %type paper_block paper_def_body %type real real_with_dimension %type shorthand_command_req %type post_request %type command_req verbose_command_req %type extender_req %type hyphen_req %type string %type score_block score_body %type script_abbreviation %type translator_spec_block translator_spec_body %type tempo_request %type notenames_body notenames_block chordmodifiers_block %left '-' '+' %left '*' '/' %left UNARY_MINUS %% mudela: /* empty */ | mudela toplevel_expression {} | mudela assignment { } | mudela error | mudela INVALID { THIS->error_level_i_ =1; } ; toplevel_expression: notenames_block { THIS->lexer_p_->set_notename_table ($1); } | chordmodifiers_block { THIS->lexer_p_->set_chordmodifier_table ($1); } | mudela_header { delete header_global_p; header_global_p = $1; } | score_block { score_global_array.push ($1); } | paper_block { Identifier * id = new Paper_def_identifier ($1, PAPER_IDENTIFIER); THIS->lexer_p_->set_identifier ("$defaultpaper", id) } | midi_block { Identifier * id = new Midi_def_identifier ($1, MIDI_IDENTIFIER); THIS->lexer_p_->set_identifier ("$defaultmidi", id) } | embedded_scm { // junk value } ; embedded_scm: SCM_T ; chordmodifiers_block: CHORDMODIFIERS '{' notenames_body '}' { $$ = $3; } ; notenames_block: NOTENAMES '{' notenames_body '}' { $$ = $3; } ; notenames_body: /**/ { $$ = new Notename_table; } | NOTENAME_TABLE_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1-> access_content_Notename_table(true); } | notenames_body STRING '=' explicit_musical_pitch { $$->add_note_name (ly_scm2string ($2), $4); delete $4; } ; mudela_header_body: { $$ = new Scope; THIS->lexer_p_-> scope_l_arr_.push ($$); } | mudela_header_body assignment semicolon { } ; mudela_header: HEADER '{' mudela_header_body '}' { $$ = $3; THIS->lexer_p_-> scope_l_arr_.pop (); } ; /* DECLARATIONS */ assignment: STRING { THIS->remember_spot (); } /* cont */ '=' identifier_init { THIS->lexer_p_->set_identifier (ly_scm2string ($1), $4); $4->init_b_ = THIS->init_parse_b_; $4->set_spot (THIS->pop_spot ()); } ; identifier_init: score_block { $$ = new Score_identifier ($1, SCORE_IDENTIFIER); } | chordmodifiers_block { $$ = new Notename_table_identifier ($1, NOTENAME_TABLE_IDENTIFIER); } | notenames_block { $$ = new Notename_table_identifier ($1, NOTENAME_TABLE_IDENTIFIER); } | paper_block { $$ = new Paper_def_identifier ($1, PAPER_IDENTIFIER); } | midi_block { $$ = new Midi_def_identifier ($1, MIDI_IDENTIFIER); } | translator_spec_block { $$ = new Translator_group_identifier ($1, TRANS_IDENTIFIER); } | Music { $$ = new Music_identifier ($1, MUSIC_IDENTIFIER); } | post_request { $$ = new Request_identifier ($1, REQUEST_IDENTIFIER); } | explicit_duration { $$ = new Duration_identifier ($1, DURATION_IDENTIFIER); } | real { $$ = new Real_identifier (new Real ($1), REAL_IDENTIFIER); } | string { $$ = new String_identifier (new String (ly_scm2string ($1)), STRING_IDENTIFIER); } | int { $$ = new int_identifier (new int ($1), INT_IDENTIFIER); } ; translator_spec_block: TRANSLATOR '{' translator_spec_body '}' { $$ = $3; } ; translator_spec_body: TRANS_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1->access_content_Translator_group (true); $$-> set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } | TYPE STRING semicolon { Translator* t = get_translator_l (ly_scm2string ($2)); Translator_group * tg = dynamic_cast (t); if (!tg) THIS->parser_error (_("Need a translator group for a context")); tg = dynamic_cast (t->clone ()); tg->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); $$ = tg; } | translator_spec_body STRING '=' embedded_scm { Translator_group* tg = dynamic_cast ($$); tg->set_property (ly_scm2string ($2), $4); } | translator_spec_body STRING '=' identifier_init semicolon { Identifier* id = $4; String_identifier *s = dynamic_cast (id); Real_identifier *r= dynamic_cast(id); int_identifier *i = dynamic_cast (id); SCM v; if (s) v = ly_str02scm (s->access_content_String (false)->ch_C()); if (i) v = gh_int2scm (*i->access_content_int (false)); if (r) v = gh_double2scm (*r->access_content_Real (false)); if (!s && !i && !r) THIS->parser_error (_("Wrong type for property value")); delete $4; /* ugh*/ Translator_group* tg = dynamic_cast ($$); tg->set_property (ly_scm2string ($2), v); } | translator_spec_body NAME STRING semicolon { $$->type_str_ = ly_scm2string ($3); } | translator_spec_body CONSISTS STRING semicolon { dynamic_cast ($$)-> set_element (ly_scm2string ($3), true); } | translator_spec_body CONSISTSEND STRING semicolon { dynamic_cast ($$)-> set_element (ly_scm2string ($3), true); } | translator_spec_body ACCEPTS STRING semicolon { dynamic_cast ($$)-> set_acceptor (ly_scm2string ($3), true); } | translator_spec_body REMOVE STRING semicolon { dynamic_cast ($$)-> set_element (ly_scm2string ($3), false); } ; /* SCORE */ score_block: SCORE { } /*cont*/ '{' score_body '}' { $$ = $4; if (!$$->def_p_arr_.size ()) $$->add_output (THIS->default_paper_p ()); } ; score_body: { $$ = new Score; $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } | SCORE_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1->access_content_Score (true); } | score_body mudela_header { $$->header_p_ = $2; } | score_body Music { if ($$->music_p_) $2->warning (_ ("More than one music block")); $$->music_p_ = $2; } | score_body output_def { $$->add_output ($2); } | score_body error { } ; output_def: paper_block { $$ = $1; } | midi_block { $$= $1; } ; /* PAPER */ paper_block: PAPER '{' paper_def_body '}' { $$ = $3; THIS-> lexer_p_->scope_l_arr_.pop (); } ; paper_def_body: /* empty */ { Paper_def *p = THIS->default_paper_p (); THIS-> lexer_p_-> scope_l_arr_.push (p->scope_p_); $$ = p; } | PAPER_IDENTIFIER { Paper_def *p = $1->access_content_Paper_def (true); THIS->lexer_p_->scope_l_arr_.push (p->scope_p_); $$ = p; } | paper_def_body int '=' FONT STRING { // ugh, what a syntax Lookup * l = new Lookup; l->font_name_ = ly_scm2string ($5); $$->set_lookup ($2, l); } | paper_def_body assignment semicolon { } | paper_def_body SCM_T '=' SCM_T { if (!gh_symbol_p ($2)) THIS->parser_error ("expect a symbol as lvalue"); else $$->default_properties_.set ($2, $4); } | paper_def_body SCM_T '=' real semicolon { if (!gh_symbol_p ($2)) THIS->parser_error ("expect a symbol as lvalue"); else $$->default_properties_.set ($2, gh_double2scm ($4)); } | paper_def_body translator_spec_block { $$->assign_translator ($2); } | paper_def_body error { } ; real_with_dimension: REAL CM_T { $$ = $1 CM; } | REAL PT_T { $$ = $1 PT; } | REAL IN_T { $$ = $1 INCH; } | REAL MM_T { $$ = $1 MM; } | REAL CHAR_T { $$ = $1 CHAR; } ; real: REAL { $$ = $1; } | real_with_dimension | REAL_IDENTIFIER { $$= *$1->access_content_Real (false); } | '-' real %prec UNARY_MINUS { $$ = -$2; } | real '*' real { $$ = $1 * $3; } | real '/' real { $$ = $1 / $3; } | real '+' real { $$ = $1 + $3; } | real '-' real { $$ = $1 - $3; } | '(' real ')' { $$ = $2; } ; /* MIDI */ midi_block: MIDI '{' midi_body '}' { $$ = $3; THIS-> lexer_p_-> scope_l_arr_.pop(); } ; midi_body: /* empty */ { Midi_def * p =THIS->default_midi_p (); $$ = p; THIS->lexer_p_->scope_l_arr_.push (p->scope_p_); } | MIDI_IDENTIFIER { Midi_def * p =$1-> access_content_Midi_def (true); $$ = p; THIS->lexer_p_->scope_l_arr_.push (p->scope_p_); } | midi_body assignment semicolon { } | midi_body translator_spec_block { $$-> assign_translator ($2); } | midi_body tempo_request semicolon { $$->set_tempo ($2->dur_.length_mom (), $2->metronome_i_); delete $2; } | midi_body error { } ; tempo_request: TEMPO steno_duration '=' unsigned { $$ = new Tempo_req; $$->dur_ = *$2; delete $2; $$-> metronome_i_ = $4; } ; Music_list: /* empty */ { $$ = new Music_list; $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } | Music_list Music { $$->add_music ($2); } | Music_list error { } ; Music: Simple_music | Composite_music ; Alternative_music: /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | ALTERNATIVE Music_sequence { $$ = $2; $2->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } ; Repeated_music: REPEAT STRING unsigned Music Alternative_music { Music_sequence* m = dynamic_cast ($5); if (m && $3 < m->length_i ()) $5->warning (_ ("More alternatives than repeats. Junking excess alternatives.")); Repeated_music * r = new Repeated_music ($4, $3 >? 1, m); $$ = r; r->fold_b_ = (ly_scm2string ($2) == "fold"); r->volta_fold_b_ = (ly_scm2string ($2) == "volta"); r->set_spot ($4->spot ()); } ; Music_sequence: '{' Music_list '}' { $$ = new Music_sequence ($2); $$->set_spot ($2->spot ()); } ; Sequential_music: SEQUENTIAL '{' Music_list '}' { $$ = new Sequential_music ($3); $$->set_spot ($3->spot ()); } | '{' Music_list '}' { $$ = new Sequential_music ($2); $$->set_spot ($2->spot ()); } ; Simultaneous_music: SIMULTANEOUS '{' Music_list '}'{ $$ = new Simultaneous_music ($3); $$->set_spot ($3->spot ()); } | '<' Music_list '>' { $$ = new Simultaneous_music ($2); $$->set_spot ($2->spot ()); } ; Simple_music: request_chord { $$ = $1; } | OUTPUTPROPERTY embedded_scm embedded_scm '=' embedded_scm { SCM pred = $2; if (!gh_symbol_p ($3)) { THIS->parser_error (_("Second argument must be a symbol")); } /*hould check # args */ if (!gh_procedure_p (pred)) { THIS->parser_error (_("First argument must be a procedure taking 1 argument")); } $$ = new Output_property (pred,$3, $5); } | MUSIC_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1->access_content_Music (true); } | property_def | translator_change | Simple_music '*' unsigned '/' unsigned { $$ = $1; $$->compress (Moment($3, $5 )); } | Simple_music '*' unsigned { $$ = $1; $$->compress (Moment ($3, 1)); } ; Composite_music: CONTEXT STRING Music { Context_specced_music *csm = new Context_specced_music ($3); csm->translator_type_str_ = ly_scm2string ($2); csm->translator_id_str_ = ""; $$ = csm; } | AUTOCHANGE STRING Music { Auto_change_music * chm = new Auto_change_music (ly_scm2string ($2), $3); $$ = chm; chm->set_spot ($3->spot ()); } | GRACE Music { $$ = new Grace_music ($2); } | CONTEXT STRING '=' STRING Music { Context_specced_music *csm = new Context_specced_music ($5); csm->translator_type_str_ = ly_scm2string ($2); csm->translator_id_str_ = ly_scm2string ($4); $$ = csm; } | TIMES { THIS->remember_spot (); } /* CONTINUED */ unsigned '/' unsigned Music { $$ = new Time_scaled_music ($3, $5, $6); $$->set_spot (THIS->pop_spot ()); } | Repeated_music { $$ = $1; } | Simultaneous_music { $$ = $1; } | Sequential_music { $$ = $1; } | TRANSPOSE musical_pitch Music { $$ = new Transposed_music ($3, *$2); delete $2; } | TRANSPOSE steno_tonic_pitch Music { $$ = new Transposed_music ($3, *$2); delete $2; } | NOTES { THIS->lexer_p_->push_note_state (); } Music { $$ = $3; THIS->lexer_p_->pop_state (); } | CHORDS { THIS->lexer_p_->push_chord_state (); } Music { $$ = $3; THIS->lexer_p_->pop_state (); } | LYRICS { THIS->lexer_p_->push_lyric_state (); } Music { $$ = $3; THIS->lexer_p_->pop_state (); } | relative_music { $$ = $1; } | re_rhythmed_music { $$ = $1; } ; relative_music: RELATIVE absolute_musical_pitch Music { $$ = new Relative_octave_music ($3, *$2); delete $2; } ; re_rhythmed_music: ADDLYRICS Music Music { Lyric_combine_music * l = new Lyric_combine_music ($2, $3); $$ = l; } ; translator_change: TRANSLATOR STRING '=' STRING { Change_translator * t = new Change_translator; t-> change_to_type_str_ = ly_scm2string ($2); t-> change_to_id_str_ = ly_scm2string ($4); $$ = t; $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } ; property_def: PROPERTY STRING '.' STRING '=' scalar { Translation_property *t = new Translation_property; t->var_str_ = ly_scm2string ($4); t->value_ = $6; Context_specced_music *csm = new Context_specced_music (t); $$ = csm; $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); csm-> translator_type_str_ = ly_scm2string ($2); } ; scalar: string { $$ = $1; } | int { $$ = gh_int2scm ($1); } | embedded_scm { $$ = $1; } ; request_chord: pre_requests simple_element post_requests { Music_sequence *l = dynamic_cast($2); if (l) { for (int i=0; i < $1->size(); i++) l->add_music ($1->elem(i)); for (int i=0; i < $3->size(); i++) l->add_music ($3->elem(i)); } else programming_error ("Need Sequence to add music to"); $$ = $2; } | command_element ; command_element: command_req { $$ = new Request_chord; $$-> set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); $1-> set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); ((Simultaneous_music*)$$) ->add_music ($1);//ugh } | PARTIAL duration_length ';' { Translation_property * p = new Translation_property; p->var_str_ = "measurePosition"; p->value_ = (new Moment (-$2->length_mom ()))->smobify_self (); delete $2; Context_specced_music * sp = new Context_specced_music (p); $$ =sp ; sp-> translator_type_str_ = "Score"; } ; command_req: shorthand_command_req | verbose_command_req semicolon { $$ = $1; } ; shorthand_command_req: extender_req { $$ = $1; } | hyphen_req { $$ = $1; } | '|' { $$ = new Barcheck_req; } | '~' { $$ = new Tie_req; } | '[' { Span_req*b= new Span_req; b->span_dir_ = START; b->span_type_str_ = "beam"; $$ =b; } | '[' ':' unsigned { if (!is_duration_b ($3)) THIS->parser_error (_f ("not a duration: %d", $3)); else THIS->set_chord_tremolo ($3); Chord_tremolo_req* a = new Chord_tremolo_req; a->span_dir_ = START; // urg a->type_i_ = THIS->chord_tremolo_type_i_; $$=a; } | ']' { /* URG */ if (!THIS->chord_tremolo_type_i_) { Span_req*b= new Span_req; b->span_dir_ = STOP; b->span_type_str_ = "beam"; $$ = b; } else { Chord_tremolo_req* a = new Chord_tremolo_req; a->span_dir_ = STOP; a->type_i_ = THIS->chord_tremolo_type_i_; THIS->set_chord_tremolo (0); $$ = a; } } | BREATHE { $$ = new Breathing_sign_req; } ; verbose_command_req: BAR STRING { $$ = new Bar_req (ly_scm2string ($2)); } | COMMANDSPANREQUEST int STRING { Span_req * sp_p = new Span_req; sp_p-> span_dir_ = Direction($2); sp_p->span_type_str_ = ly_scm2string ($3); sp_p->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); $$ = sp_p; } | MARK { Mark_req * m = new Mark_req; $$ = m; } | MARK STRING { Mark_req *m = new Mark_req; m->mark_label_ = $2; $$ = m; } | MARK unsigned { Mark_req *m = new Mark_req; m->mark_label_ = gh_int2scm ($2); $$ = m; } | TIME_T unsigned '/' unsigned { Time_signature_change_req *m = new Time_signature_change_req; m->beats_i_ = $2; m->one_beat_i_=$4; $$ = m; } | PENALTY int { Break_req * b = new Break_req; b->penalty_f_ = $2 / 100.0; b->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); $$ = b; } | SKIP duration_length { Skip_req * skip_p = new Skip_req; skip_p->duration_ = *$2; delete $2; $$ = skip_p; } | tempo_request { $$ = $1; } | CLEF STRING { $$ = new Clef_change_req (ly_scm2string ($2)); } | KEY { Key_change_req *key_p= new Key_change_req; key_p->key_ = 0; $$ = key_p; } /* UGH. optional. */ | KEY NOTENAME_PITCH optional_modality { Key_change_req *key_p= new Key_change_req; Key_def d; d.pitch_arr_.push (*$2); d.ordinary_key_b_ = true; d.modality_i_ = $3; key_p->key_ = new Key_def (d); $$ = key_p; delete $2; } | KEYSIGNATURE pitch_list { Key_change_req *key_p= new Key_change_req; Key_def d; d.pitch_arr_ = *$2; d.ordinary_key_b_ = false; key_p->key_ = new Key_def(d); $$ = key_p; delete $2; } ; post_requests: { $$ = new Link_array; } | post_requests post_request { $2->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); $$->push ($2); } ; post_request: verbose_request | request_with_dir | close_request ; request_that_take_dir: gen_text_def | verbose_request | script_abbreviation { Identifier*i = THIS->lexer_p_->lookup_identifier ("dash-" + ly_scm2string ($1)); Articulation_req *a = new Articulation_req; a->articulation_str_ = *i->access_content_String (false); $$ = a; } ; request_with_dir: script_dir request_that_take_dir { if (Script_req * gs = dynamic_cast ($2)) gs->dir_ = Direction ($1); else if ($1) $2->warning (_ ("Can't specify direction for this request")); $$ = $2; } ; verbose_request: REQUEST_IDENTIFIER { $$ = (Request*)$1->access_content_Request (true); $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } | TEXTSCRIPT STRING STRING { Text_script_req *ts_p = new Text_script_req; ts_p-> text_str_ = ly_scm2string ($2); ts_p-> style_str_ = ly_scm2string ($3); ts_p->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); $$ = ts_p; } | SPANREQUEST int STRING { Span_req * sp_p = new Span_req; sp_p-> span_dir_ = Direction($2); sp_p->span_type_str_ = ly_scm2string ($3); sp_p->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); $$ = sp_p; } | tremolo_type { Tremolo_req* a = new Tremolo_req; a->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); a->type_i_ = $1; $$ = a; } | SCRIPT STRING { Articulation_req * a = new Articulation_req; a->articulation_str_ = ly_scm2string ($2); a->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); $$ = a; } ; optional_modality: /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | int { $$ = $1; } ; sup_quotes: '\'' { $$ = 1; } | sup_quotes '\'' { $$ ++; } ; sub_quotes: ',' { $$ = 1; } | sub_quotes ',' { $$ ++ ; } ; steno_musical_pitch: NOTENAME_PITCH { $$ = $1; } | NOTENAME_PITCH sup_quotes { $$ = $1; $$->octave_i_ += $2; } | NOTENAME_PITCH sub_quotes { $$ = $1; $$->octave_i_ += - $2; } ; steno_tonic_pitch: TONICNAME_PITCH { $$ = $1; } | TONICNAME_PITCH sup_quotes { $$ = $1; $$->octave_i_ += $2; } | TONICNAME_PITCH sub_quotes { $$ = $1; $$->octave_i_ += - $2; } ; explicit_musical_pitch: MUSICAL_PITCH '{' int_list '}' {/* ugh */ Array &a = *$3; ARRAY_SIZE(a,3); $$ = new Musical_pitch; $$->octave_i_ = a[0]; $$->notename_i_ = a[1]; $$->accidental_i_ = a[2]; delete &a; } ; musical_pitch: steno_musical_pitch { $$ = $1; } | explicit_musical_pitch { $$ = $1; } ; explicit_duration: DURATION '{' int_list '}' { $$ = new Duration; Array &a = *$3; ARRAY_SIZE(a,2); $$-> durlog_i_ = a[0]; $$-> dots_i_ = a[1]; delete &a; } ; extender_req: EXTENDER { if (!THIS->lexer_p_->lyric_state_b ()) THIS->parser_error (_ ("Have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics")); $$ = new Extender_req; } ; hyphen_req: HYPHEN { if (!THIS->lexer_p_->lyric_state_b ()) THIS->parser_error (_ ("Have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics")); $$ = new Hyphen_req; } ; close_request: close_request_parens { $$ = $1; dynamic_cast ($$)->span_dir_ = START; } close_request_parens: '(' { Span_req* s= new Span_req; $$ = s; s->span_type_str_ = "slur"; } | E_SMALLER { Span_req*s =new Span_req; $$ = s; s->span_type_str_ = "crescendo"; } | E_BIGGER { Span_req*s =new Span_req; $$ = s; s->span_type_str_ = "decrescendo"; } ; open_request: open_request_parens { $$ = $1; dynamic_cast ($$)->span_dir_ = STOP; } ; open_request_parens: E_EXCLAMATION { Span_req *s = new Span_req; s->span_type_str_ = "crescendo"; $$ = s; } | ')' { Span_req* s= new Span_req; $$ = s; s->span_type_str_ = "slur"; } ; gen_text_def: string { Text_script_req *t = new Text_script_req; $$ = t; t->text_str_ = ly_scm2string ($1); $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } | DIGIT { Text_script_req* t = new Text_script_req; $$ = t; t->text_str_ = to_str ($1); t->style_str_ = "finger"; $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } ; script_abbreviation: '^' { $$ = gh_str02scm ("hat"); } | '+' { $$ = gh_str02scm("plus"); } | '-' { $$ = gh_str02scm ("dash"); } | '|' { $$ = gh_str02scm ("bar"); } | '>' { $$ = gh_str02scm ("larger"); } | '.' { $$ = gh_str02scm ("dot"); } ; script_dir: '_' { $$ = DOWN; } | '^' { $$ = UP; } | '-' { $$ = CENTER; } ; pre_requests: { $$ = new Link_array; } | pre_requests open_request { $$->push ($2); } ; absolute_musical_pitch: steno_musical_pitch { $$ = $1; } ; duration_length: steno_duration { $$ = $1; } | duration_length '*' unsigned { $$->tuplet_iso_i_ *= $3; } | duration_length '/' unsigned { $$->tuplet_type_i_ *= $3; } ; entered_notemode_duration: steno_duration { THIS->set_last_duration ($1); } ; optional_notemode_duration: { $$ = new Duration (THIS->default_duration_); } | entered_notemode_duration { $$ = $1; } ; steno_duration: unsigned { $$ = new Duration; if (!is_duration_b ($1)) THIS->parser_error (_f ("not a duration: %d", $1)); else { $$->durlog_i_ = intlog2 ($1); } } | DURATION_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1->access_content_Duration (true); } | steno_duration '.' { $$->dots_i_ ++; } ; tremolo_type: ':' { $$ =0; } | ':' unsigned { if (!is_duration_b ($2)) THIS->parser_error (_f ("not a duration: %d", $2)); $$ = $2; } ; simple_element: musical_pitch exclamations questions optional_notemode_duration { if (!THIS->lexer_p_->note_state_b ()) THIS->parser_error (_ ("Have to be in Note mode for notes")); Note_req *n = new Note_req; n->pitch_ = *$1; n->duration_ = *$4; /* URG */ if (THIS->chord_tremolo_type_i_) { if (n->duration_.plet_b ()) // urg, burp. what nonsense / silly implementation THIS->parser_error (_ ("can't put stem tremolo on tuplet")); else n->duration_.set_plet (1, 2); } n->cautionary_b_ = $3 % 2; n->forceacc_b_ = $2 % 2 || n->cautionary_b_; Simultaneous_music*v = new Request_chord; v->set_spot ($1->spot ()); n->set_spot ($1->spot ()); v->add_music (n); $$ = v; delete $1; delete $4; } | RESTNAME optional_notemode_duration { Simultaneous_music* velt_p = new Request_chord; velt_p->set_spot (THIS->here_input()); if (ly_scm2string ($1) =="s") { /* Space */ Skip_req * skip_p = new Skip_req; skip_p->duration_ = *$2; skip_p->set_spot (THIS->here_input()); velt_p->add_music (skip_p); } else { Rest_req * rest_req_p = new Rest_req; rest_req_p->duration_ = *$2; rest_req_p->set_spot (THIS->here_input()); velt_p->add_music (rest_req_p); } delete $2; $$ = velt_p; } | MEASURES optional_notemode_duration { Skip_req * sk = new Skip_req; sk->duration_ = *$2; Music_list * ms = new Music_list; Request_chord * rqc1 = new Request_chord; Request_chord * rqc2 = new Request_chord; Request_chord * rqc3 = new Request_chord; Span_req *sp1 = new Span_req; Span_req *sp2 = new Span_req; sp1-> span_dir_ = START; sp2-> span_dir_ = STOP; sp1->span_type_str_ = sp2->span_type_str_ = "rest"; rqc1->add_music (sp1); rqc2->add_music (sk); rqc3->add_music (sp2); ms->add_music (rqc1); ms->add_music (rqc2); ms->add_music (rqc3); $$ = new Sequential_music (ms); } | STRING optional_notemode_duration { if (!THIS->lexer_p_->lyric_state_b ()) THIS->parser_error (_ ("Have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics")); Simultaneous_music* velt_p = new Request_chord; Lyric_req* lreq_p = new Lyric_req; lreq_p ->text_str_ = ly_scm2string ($1); lreq_p->duration_ = *$2; lreq_p->set_spot (THIS->here_input()); velt_p->add_music (lreq_p); delete $2; $$= velt_p; } | chord { if (!THIS->lexer_p_->chord_state_b ()) THIS->parser_error (_ ("Have to be in Chord mode for chords")); $$ = $1; } ; chord: steno_tonic_pitch optional_notemode_duration chord_additions chord_subtractions chord_inversion chord_bass { $$ = THIS->get_chord (*$1, $3, $4, $5, $6, *$2); }; chord_additions: { $$ = new Array; } | CHORD_COLON chord_notes { $$ = $2; } ; chord_notes: chord_step { $$ = $1 } | chord_notes '.' chord_step { $$ = $1; $$->concat (*$3); } ; chord_subtractions: { $$ = new Array; } | CHORD_CARET chord_notes { $$ = $2; } ; chord_inversion: { $$ = 0; } | '/' steno_tonic_pitch { $$ = $2; $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } ; chord_bass: { $$ = 0; } | CHORD_BASS steno_tonic_pitch { $$ = $2; $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } ; chord_step: chord_note { $$ = new Array; $$->push (*$1); } | CHORDMODIFIER_PITCH { $$ = new Array; $$->push (*$1); } | CHORDMODIFIER_PITCH chord_note { /* Ugh. */ $$ = new Array; $$->push (*$1); $$->push (*$2); } ; chord_note: unsigned { $$ = new Musical_pitch; $$->notename_i_ = ($1 - 1) % 7; $$->octave_i_ = $1 > 7 ? 1 : 0; $$->accidental_i_ = 0; } | unsigned '+' { $$ = new Musical_pitch; $$->notename_i_ = ($1 - 1) % 7; $$->octave_i_ = $1 > 7 ? 1 : 0; $$->accidental_i_ = 1; } | unsigned CHORD_MINUS { $$ = new Musical_pitch; $$->notename_i_ = ($1 - 1) % 7; $$->octave_i_ = $1 > 7 ? 1 : 0; $$->accidental_i_ = -1; } ; /* UTILITIES */ pitch_list: { $$ = new Array; } | pitch_list musical_pitch { $$->push (*$2); delete $2; } ; int_list: /**/ { $$ = new Array } | int_list int { $$->push ($2); } ; unsigned: UNSIGNED { $$ = $1; } | DIGIT { $$ = $1; } ; int: unsigned { $$ = $1; } | '-' unsigned { $$ = -$2; } | INT_IDENTIFIER { $$ = *$1->access_content_int (false); } ; string: STRING { $$ = $1; } | STRING_IDENTIFIER { $$ = ly_str02scm ($1->access_content_String (true)->ch_C ()); } | string '+' string { $$ = scm_string_append (scm_listify ($1, $3, SCM_UNDEFINED)); } ; exclamations: { $$ = 0; } | exclamations '!' { $$ ++; } ; questions: { $$ = 0; } | questions '?' { $$ ++; } ; semicolon: ';' ; %% void My_lily_parser::set_yydebug (bool b) { #ifdef YYDEBUG yydebug = b; #endif } void My_lily_parser::do_yyparse () { yyparse ((void*)this); }