%{ // -*-Fundamental-*- /* parser.yy -- Bison/C++ parser for lilypond source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter (c) 1997--2003 Han-Wen Nienhuys Jan Nieuwenhuizen */ /* Four shift/reduce problems: 1. foo = bar. "bar" -> String -> Lyric -> Music -> music-assignment "bar" -> String -> string-assignment Similar problem for * \markup identifier. * \markup { } 2. \repeat \repeat .. \alternative \repeat { \repeat .. \alternative } or \repeat { \repeat } \alternative ) --hwn */ /* TODO: * The rules for who is protecting what are very shady. Uniformise this. * There are too many lexical modes? */ #include #include #include "scm-option.hh" #include "translator-def.hh" #include "lily-guile.hh" #include "misc.hh" #include "my-lily-lexer.hh" #include "paper-def.hh" #include "midi-def.hh" #include "main.hh" #include "file-path.hh" #include "warn.hh" #include "dimensions.hh" #include "my-lily-parser.hh" #include "score.hh" #include "input-file-results.hh" #include "input.hh" #include "lilypond-input-version.hh" #include "scm-hash.hh" #include "auto-change-iterator.hh" #include "ly-modules.hh" #include "music-sequence.hh" #include "input-smob.hh" #include "event.hh" #include "text-item.hh" #include "music-list.hh" #define MY_MAKE_MUSIC(x) make_music_by_name (ly_symbol2scm (x)) #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 My_lily_parser* my_lily_parser; #define YYPARSE_PARAM my_lily_parser #define YYLEX_PARAM my_lily_parser #define THIS\ ((My_lily_parser *) my_lily_parser) #define yyerror THIS->parser_error /* Add symbols to the TAGS field of a music object. */ void tag_music (Music*m, SCM tag, Input ip) { SCM tags = m->get_mus_property ("tags"); if (gh_symbol_p (tag)) tags = scm_cons (tag, tags); else if (gh_list_p (tag)) tags = gh_append2 (tag, tags); else ip.warning (_("Tag must be symbol or list of symbols.")); m->set_mus_property ("tags", tags); } bool regular_identifier_b (SCM id) { String str = ly_scm2string (id); char const *s = str.to_str0 () ; bool v = true; while (*s && v) { v = v && isalpha (*s); s++; } return v; } SCM make_simple_markup (SCM a) { static SCM simple; if (!simple) simple = scm_c_eval_string ("simple-markup"); return scm_list_n (simple, a, SCM_UNDEFINED); } bool is_duration_b (int t) { return t && t == 1 << intlog2 (t); } void set_music_properties (Music *p, SCM a) { for (SCM k = a; gh_pair_p (k); k = ly_cdr (k)) { p->internal_set_mus_property (ly_caar (k), ly_cdar (k)); } } SCM make_chord_step (int step, int alter) { if (step == 7) alter--; /* ugh: fucks up above 13 */ Pitch m(step > 7 ? 1 : 0,(step - 1) % 7, alter); return m.smobbed_copy (); } SCM make_chord (SCM pitch, SCM dur, SCM modification_list) { static SCM chord_ctor; if (!chord_ctor) chord_ctor= scm_c_eval_string ("construct-chord"); SCM ch= scm_call_3 (chord_ctor, pitch, dur, modification_list); scm_gc_protect_object (ch); return ch; } /* Todo: actually also use apply iso. call too ... */ bool ly_input_procedure_p (SCM x) { return gh_procedure_p (x) || (gh_pair_p (x) && gh_procedure_p (gh_car (x))); } Music* set_property_music (SCM sym, SCM value) { Music * p = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("PropertySet"); p->set_mus_property ("symbol", sym); p->set_mus_property ("value", value); return p; } %} /* We use SCMs to do strings, because it saves us the trouble of deleting them. Let's hope that a stack overflow doesnt trigger a move of the parse stack onto the heap. */ %union { String * string; Music *music; Score *score; Music_output_def * outputdef; SCM scm; int i; } %{ int yylex (YYSTYPE *s, void * v) { My_lily_parser *pars = (My_lily_parser*) v; My_lily_lexer * lex = pars->lexer_; lex->lexval = (void*) s; lex->prepare_for_next_token(); return lex->yylex (); } %} %pure_parser %token ACCEPTS %token ADDLYRICS %token ALIAS %token ALTERNATIVE %token APPLY %token APPLYCONTEXT %token APPLYOUTPUT %token AUTOCHANGE %token BAR %token BREATHE %token CHORDMODIFIERS %token CHORDS %token LESSLESS %token MOREMORE %token CLEF %token COMMANDSPANREQUEST %token CONSISTS %token CONSISTSEND %token CONTEXT %token DEFAULT %token DENIES %token DESCRIPTION %token DURATION %token EXTENDER %token FIGURES FIGURE_OPEN FIGURE_CLOSE %token FIGURE_BRACKET_CLOSE FIGURE_BRACKET_OPEN %token GRACE %token ACCIACCATURA %token APPOGGIATURA %token GROBDESCRIPTIONS %token HEADER %token HYPHEN %token INVALID %token KEY %token LYRICS %token MARK %token MIDI %token MULTI_MEASURE_REST %token NAME %token NEWCONTEXT %token NOTES %token OCTAVE %token ONCE %token OUTPUTPROPERTY %token OVERRIDE SET REVERT %token PAPER %token PARTCOMBINE %token PARTIAL %token PITCH %token PITCHNAMES %token PROPERTY %token RELATIVE %token REMOVE %token REPEAT %token REST %token SCM_T %token SCORE %token SEQUENTIAL %token SIMULTANEOUS %token SKIP %token SPANREQUEST %token TAG %token TEMPO %token TIMES %token TIME_T %token TRANSLATOR %token TRANSPOSE %token TYPE %token UNSET /* escaped */ %token E_CHAR E_EXCLAMATION E_SMALLER E_BIGGER E_OPEN E_CLOSE %token E_LEFTSQUARE E_RIGHTSQUARE E_TILDE %token E_BACKSLASH %token E_UNSIGNED %token CHORD_BASS CHORD_COLON CHORD_MINUS CHORD_CARET CHORD_SLASH %token FIGURE_SPACE %type exclamations questions dots optional_rest %type bass_mod %type grace_head %type lyric_element %type bass_number br_bass_figure bass_figure figure_list figure_spec %token DIGIT %token NOTENAME_PITCH %token TONICNAME_PITCH %token CHORDMODIFIER_PITCH %token DURATION_IDENTIFIER %token FRACTION %token IDENTIFIER %token CHORDNAMES %token CHORD_MODIFIER %token SCORE_IDENTIFIER %token MUSIC_OUTPUT_DEF_IDENTIFIER %token NUMBER_IDENTIFIER %token EVENT_IDENTIFIER %token MUSIC_IDENTIFIER TRANSLATOR_IDENTIFIER %token STRING_IDENTIFIER SCM_IDENTIFIER %token RESTNAME %token STRING %token SCM_T %token UNSIGNED %token REAL %token MARKUP %token MARKUP_HEAD_MARKUP0 %token MARKUP_HEAD_MARKUP0_MARKUP1 %token MARKUP_HEAD_SCM0 %token MARKUP_HEAD_SCM0_MARKUP1 %token MARKUP_HEAD_SCM0_SCM1 %token MARKUP_HEAD_SCM0_SCM1_SCM2 %token MARKUP_HEAD_SCM0_SCM1_MARKUP2 %token MARKUP_IDENTIFIER MARKUP_HEAD_LIST0 %type markup markup_line markup_list markup_list_body full_markup %type output_def %type lilypond_header lilypond_header_body %type open_event close_event %type sub_quotes sup_quotes %type simple_element event_chord command_element Simple_music Composite_music %type Repeated_music %type Alternative_music %type tremolo_type %type bare_int bare_unsigned %type script_dir %type identifier_init %type note_chord_element chord_body chord_body_element %type chord_body_elements %type steno_duration optional_notemode_duration multiplied_duration %type verbose_duration %type post_events %type gen_text_def direction_less_event direction_reqd_event %type steno_pitch pitch absolute_pitch pitch_also_in_chords %type explicit_pitch steno_tonic_pitch %type duration_length fraction %type new_chord step_number chord_items chord_item chord_separator step_numbers %type embedded_scm scalar %type Music Sequential_music Simultaneous_music %type relative_music re_rhythmed_music part_combined_music %type property_def translator_change simple_property_def %type Music_list %type music_output_def_body %type shorthand_command_req %type post_event tagged_post_event %type command_req verbose_command_req %type extender_req %type hyphen_req %type string_number_event %type string bare_number number_expression number_term number_factor %type score_block score_body %type translator_spec_block translator_spec_body %type tempo_event %type notenames_body notenames_block chordmodifiers_block %type script_abbreviation %left '-' '+' /* We don't assign precedence to / and *, because we might need varied prec levels in different prods */ %left UNARY_MINUS %% lilypond: /* empty */ | lilypond toplevel_expression {} | lilypond assignment { } | lilypond error { THIS->error_level_ = 1; } | lilypond INVALID { THIS->error_level_ = 1; } ; toplevel_expression: notenames_block { THIS->lexer_->pitchname_tab_ = $1; } | chordmodifiers_block { THIS->lexer_->chordmodifier_tab_ = $1; } | lilypond_header { THIS->input_file_->header_ = $1; } | score_block { THIS->input_file_->scores_.push ($1); } | output_def { if (dynamic_cast ($1)) THIS->lexer_->set_identifier (scm_makfrom0str ("$defaultpaper"), $1->self_scm ()); else if (dynamic_cast ($1)) THIS->lexer_->set_identifier (scm_makfrom0str ("$defaultmidi"), $1->self_scm ()); } ; embedded_scm: SCM_T | SCM_IDENTIFIER ; chordmodifiers_block: CHORDMODIFIERS notenames_body { $$ = $2; } ; notenames_block: PITCHNAMES notenames_body { $$ = $2; } ; notenames_body: embedded_scm { int i = scm_ilength ($1); SCM tab = scm_make_vector (gh_int2scm (i), SCM_EOL); for (SCM s = $1; gh_pair_p (s); s = ly_cdr (s)) { SCM pt = ly_cdar (s); scm_hashq_set_x (tab, ly_caar (s), pt); } $$ = tab; } ; lilypond_header_body: { $$ = ly_make_anonymous_module (); THIS->lexer_->add_scope ($$); } | lilypond_header_body assignment { } ; lilypond_header: HEADER '{' lilypond_header_body '}' { $$ = THIS->lexer_-> remove_scope(); } ; /* DECLARATIONS */ assignment: STRING { THIS->push_spot (); } /* cont */ '=' identifier_init { /* Should find generic way of associating input with objects. */ Input ip = THIS->pop_spot (); if (! regular_identifier_b ($1)) { ip.warning (_ ("Identifier should have alphabetic characters only")); } THIS->lexer_->set_identifier ($1, $4); /* TODO: devise standard for protection in parser. The parser stack lives on the C-stack, which means that all objects can be unprotected as soon as they're here. */ } | embedded_scm { } ; identifier_init: score_block { $$ = $1->self_scm (); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($$); } | full_markup { $$ = $1; } | output_def { $$ = $1->self_scm (); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($$); } | translator_spec_block { $$ = $1; } | Music { $$ = $1->self_scm (); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($$); } | post_event { $$ = $1->self_scm (); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($$); } | verbose_duration { $$ = $1; } | number_expression { $$ = $1; } | string { $$ = $1; } | embedded_scm { $$ = $1; } ; translator_spec_block: TRANSLATOR '{' translator_spec_body '}' { $$ = $3; } ; translator_spec_body: TRANSLATOR_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1; unsmob_translator_def ($$)-> set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } | TYPE STRING { $$ = Translator_def::make_scm (); Translator_def*td = unsmob_translator_def ($$); td->translator_group_type_ = $2; td->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } | translator_spec_body DESCRIPTION string { unsmob_translator_def ($$)->description_ = $3; } | translator_spec_body STRING '=' embedded_scm { unsmob_translator_def ($$)->add_property_assign ($2, $4); } | translator_spec_body STRING OVERRIDE embedded_scm '=' embedded_scm { unsmob_translator_def ($$) ->add_push_property (scm_string_to_symbol ($2), $4, $6); } | translator_spec_body STRING SET embedded_scm '=' embedded_scm { unsmob_translator_def ($$) ->add_push_property (scm_string_to_symbol ($2), $4, $6); } | translator_spec_body STRING REVERT embedded_scm { unsmob_translator_def ($$)->add_pop_property ( scm_string_to_symbol ($2), $4); } | translator_spec_body NAME STRING { unsmob_translator_def ($$)->type_name_ = scm_string_to_symbol ($3); } | translator_spec_body CONSISTS STRING { unsmob_translator_def ($$)->add_element ($3); } | translator_spec_body ALIAS STRING { Translator_def*td = unsmob_translator_def ($$); td->type_aliases_ = scm_cons (scm_string_to_symbol ($3), td->type_aliases_); } | translator_spec_body GROBDESCRIPTIONS embedded_scm { Translator_def*td = unsmob_translator_def($$); // td->add_property_assign (ly_symbol2scm ("allGrobDescriptions"), $3); for (SCM p = $3; gh_pair_p (p); p = ly_cdr (p)) td->add_property_assign (scm_symbol_to_string (ly_caar (p)), ly_cdar (p)); } | translator_spec_body CONSISTSEND STRING { unsmob_translator_def ($$)->add_last_element ( $3); } | translator_spec_body ACCEPTS STRING { unsmob_translator_def ($$)->set_acceptor (scm_string_to_symbol ($3), true); } | translator_spec_body DENIES STRING { unsmob_translator_def ($$)->set_acceptor (scm_string_to_symbol ($3), false); } | translator_spec_body REMOVE STRING { unsmob_translator_def ($$)->remove_element ($3); } ; /* SCORE */ score_block: SCORE { THIS->push_spot (); } /*cont*/ '{' score_body '}' { THIS->pop_spot (); $$ = $4; if (!$$->defs_.size ()) { Music_output_def *id = unsmob_music_output_def (THIS->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("$defaultpaper")); $$->add_output (id ? id->clone () : new Paper_def ); } } ; score_body: Music { $$ = new Score; $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); SCM m = $1->self_scm (); scm_gc_unprotect_object (m); /* guh. */ SCM check_funcs = scm_c_eval_string ("toplevel-music-functions"); for (; gh_pair_p (check_funcs); check_funcs = gh_cdr (check_funcs)) m = gh_call1 (gh_car (check_funcs), m); $$->music_ = m; } | SCORE_IDENTIFIER { $$ = unsmob_score ($1); $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } | score_body lilypond_header { $$->header_ = $2; } | score_body output_def { $$->add_output ($2); } | score_body error { } ; /* MIDI */ output_def: music_output_def_body '}' { $$ = $1; THIS-> lexer_-> remove_scope (); } ; music_output_def_body: MIDI '{' { Music_output_def *id = unsmob_music_output_def (THIS->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("$defaultmidi")); Midi_def* p =0; if (id) p = dynamic_cast (id->clone ()); else p = new Midi_def; $$ = p; THIS->lexer_->add_scope (p->scope_); } | PAPER '{' { Music_output_def *id = unsmob_music_output_def (THIS->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("$defaultpaper")); Paper_def *p = 0; if (id) p = dynamic_cast (id->clone ()); else p = new Paper_def; THIS->lexer_->add_scope (p->scope_); $$ = p; } | PAPER '{' MUSIC_OUTPUT_DEF_IDENTIFIER { Music_output_def * o = unsmob_music_output_def ($3); $$ =o; THIS->lexer_->add_scope (o->scope_); } | MIDI '{' MUSIC_OUTPUT_DEF_IDENTIFIER { Music_output_def * o = unsmob_music_output_def ($3); $$ = o; THIS->lexer_->add_scope (o->scope_); } | music_output_def_body assignment { } | music_output_def_body translator_spec_block { $$->assign_translator ($2); } | music_output_def_body tempo_event { /* junk this ? there already is tempo stuff in music. */ int m = gh_scm2int ( $2->get_mus_property ("metronome-count")); Duration *d = unsmob_duration ($2->get_mus_property ("tempo-unit")); Midi_def * md = dynamic_cast ($$); if (md) md->set_tempo (d->get_length (), m); } | music_output_def_body error { } ; tempo_event: TEMPO steno_duration '=' bare_unsigned { $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("MetronomeChangeEvent"); $$->set_mus_property ("tempo-unit", $2); $$->set_mus_property ("metronome-count", gh_int2scm ( $4)); } ; /* The representation of a list is the (LIST . LAST-CONS) to have efficient append. */ Music_list: /* empty */ { $$ = scm_cons (SCM_EOL, SCM_EOL); } | Music_list Music { SCM s = $$; SCM c = scm_cons ($2->self_scm (), SCM_EOL); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($2->self_scm ()); /* UGH */ if (gh_pair_p (ly_cdr (s))) gh_set_cdr_x (ly_cdr (s), c); /* append */ else gh_set_car_x (s, c); /* set first cons */ gh_set_cdr_x (s, c) ; /* remember last cell */ } | Music_list error { } ; Music: Simple_music | Composite_music ; Alternative_music: /* empty */ { $$ = SCM_EOL; } | ALTERNATIVE '{' Music_list '}' { $$ = $3; } ; Repeated_music: REPEAT string bare_unsigned Music Alternative_music { Music *beg = $4; int times = $3; SCM alts = gh_pair_p ($5) ? gh_car ($5) : SCM_EOL; if (times < scm_ilength (alts)) { unsmob_music (gh_car (alts)) ->origin ()->warning ( _("More alternatives than repeats. Junking excess alternatives.")); alts = ly_truncate_list (times, alts); } static SCM proc; if (!proc) proc = scm_c_eval_string ("make-repeated-music"); SCM mus = scm_call_1 (proc, $2); scm_gc_protect_object (mus); // UGH. Music *r =unsmob_music (mus); if (beg) { r-> set_mus_property ("element", beg->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object (beg->self_scm ()); } r->set_mus_property ("repeat-count", gh_int2scm (times >? 1)); r-> set_mus_property ("elements",alts); if (gh_equal_p ($2, scm_makfrom0str ("tremolo"))) { /* we can not get durations and other stuff correct down the line, so we have to add to the duration log here. */ static SCM func; if (!func) func = scm_primitive_eval (ly_symbol2scm ("shift-duration-log")); int dots = ($3 % 3) ? 0 : 1; int shift = -intlog2 ((dots) ? ($3*2/3) : $3); Sequential_music * seq = dynamic_cast ($4); if (seq) { int list_len =scm_ilength (seq->music_list ()); if (list_len != 2) seq->origin ()->warning ("Chord tremolo must have 2 elements."); shift -= 1; r->compress (Moment (Rational (1,list_len))); } gh_call3 (func, r->self_scm (), gh_int2scm(shift),gh_int2scm(dots)); } r->set_spot (*$4->origin ()); $$ = r; } ; Sequential_music: SEQUENTIAL '{' Music_list '}' { $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("SequentialMusic"); $$->set_mus_property ("elements", ly_car ($3)); $$->set_spot(THIS->here_input()); } | '{' Music_list '}' { $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("SequentialMusic"); $$->set_mus_property ("elements", ly_car ($2)); $$->set_spot(THIS->here_input()); } ; Simultaneous_music: SIMULTANEOUS '{' Music_list '}'{ $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("SimultaneousMusic"); $$->set_mus_property ("elements", ly_car ($3)); $$->set_spot(THIS->here_input()); } | simul_open Music_list simul_close { $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("SimultaneousMusic"); $$->set_mus_property ("elements", ly_car ($2)); $$->set_spot(THIS->here_input()); } ; Simple_music: event_chord { $$ = $1; } | APPLYOUTPUT embedded_scm { if (!ly_input_procedure_p ($2)) THIS->parser_error (_ ("\\applycontext takes function argument")); $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("ApplyOutputEvent"); $$->set_mus_property ("procedure", $2); $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input()); } | APPLYCONTEXT embedded_scm { if (!ly_input_procedure_p ($2)) THIS->parser_error (_ ("\\applycontext takes function argument")); $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("ApplyContext"); $$->set_mus_property ("procedure", $2); $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input()); } | OUTPUTPROPERTY embedded_scm embedded_scm '=' embedded_scm { SCM pred = $2; if (!gh_symbol_p ($3)) { THIS->parser_error (_ ("Second argument must be a symbol")); } /* Should check # args */ if (!gh_procedure_p (pred)) { THIS->parser_error (_ ("First argument must be a procedure taking one argument")); } Music*m = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("OutputPropertySetMusic"); m->set_mus_property ("predicate", pred); m->set_mus_property ("grob-property", $3); m->set_mus_property ("grob-value", $5); $$ = m; } | MUSIC_IDENTIFIER { $$ = unsmob_music ($1); } | property_def | translator_change ; grace_head: GRACE { $$ = scm_makfrom0str ("Grace"); } | ACCIACCATURA { $$ = scm_makfrom0str ("Acciaccatura"); } | APPOGGIATURA { $$ = scm_makfrom0str ("Appoggiatura"); } ; Composite_music: CONTEXT STRING Music { Music*csm =MY_MAKE_MUSIC("ContextSpeccedMusic"); csm->set_mus_property ("element", $3->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($3->self_scm ()); csm->set_mus_property ("context-type", scm_string_to_symbol ($2)); csm->set_mus_property ("context-id", scm_makfrom0str ("")); $$ = csm; } | AUTOCHANGE STRING Music { Music*chm = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("AutoChangeMusic"); chm->set_mus_property ("element", $3->self_scm ()); chm->set_mus_property ("iterator-ctor", Auto_change_iterator::constructor_proc); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($3->self_scm ()); chm->set_mus_property ("what", scm_string_to_symbol ($2)); $$ = chm; chm->set_spot (*$3->origin ()); } | grace_head Music { #if 1 /* The other version is for easier debugging of Sequential_music_iterator in combination with grace notes. */ /* TODO: should distinguish between both grace types in the basic music objects too, since the meaning is different. */ String start_str = "start" + ly_scm2string ($1) + "Music"; String stop_str = "stop" + ly_scm2string ($1) + "Music"; SCM start = THIS->lexer_->lookup_identifier (start_str); SCM stop = THIS->lexer_->lookup_identifier (stop_str); Music *startm = unsmob_music (start); Music *stopm = unsmob_music (stop); SCM ms = SCM_EOL; if (stopm) { stopm = stopm->clone (); ms = scm_cons (stopm->self_scm (), ms); scm_gc_unprotect_object (stopm->self_scm ()); } ms = scm_cons ($2->self_scm (), ms); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($2->self_scm()); if (startm) { startm = startm->clone (); ms = scm_cons (startm->self_scm () , ms); scm_gc_unprotect_object (startm->self_scm ()); } Music* seq = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("SequentialMusic"); seq->set_mus_property ("elements", ms); $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("GraceMusic"); $$->set_mus_property ("element", seq->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object (seq->self_scm ()); #else $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("GraceMusic"); $$->set_mus_property ("element", $2->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($2->self_scm ()); #endif } | CONTEXT string '=' string Music { Music * csm = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("ContextSpeccedMusic"); csm->set_mus_property ("element", $5->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($5->self_scm ()); csm->set_mus_property ("context-type", scm_string_to_symbol ($2)); csm->set_mus_property ("context-id", $4); $$ = csm; } | NEWCONTEXT string Music { static int new_context_count; Music * csm = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("ContextSpeccedMusic"); csm->set_mus_property ("element", $3->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($3->self_scm ()); csm->set_mus_property ("context-type", scm_string_to_symbol ($2)); SCM new_id = scm_number_to_string (gh_int2scm (new_context_count ++), gh_int2scm (10)); csm->set_mus_property ("context-id", new_id); $$ = csm; } | TIMES { THIS->push_spot (); } /* CONTINUED */ fraction Music { int n = gh_scm2int (ly_car ($3)); int d = gh_scm2int (ly_cdr ($3)); Music *mp = $4; $$= MY_MAKE_MUSIC("TimeScaledMusic"); $$->set_spot (THIS->pop_spot ()); $$->set_mus_property ("element", mp->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object (mp->self_scm ()); $$->set_mus_property ("numerator", gh_int2scm (n)); $$->set_mus_property ("denominator", gh_int2scm (d)); $$->compress (Moment (Rational (n,d))); } | Repeated_music { $$ = $1; } | Simultaneous_music { $$ = $1; } | Sequential_music { $$ = $1; } | TRANSPOSE pitch_also_in_chords pitch_also_in_chords Music { $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("TransposedMusic"); Music *p = $4; Pitch from = *unsmob_pitch ($2); Pitch to = *unsmob_pitch ($3); p->transpose (interval (from, to)); $$->set_mus_property ("element", p->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object (p->self_scm ()); } | APPLY embedded_scm Music { if (!ly_input_procedure_p ($2)) THIS->parser_error (_ ("\\apply takes function argument")); SCM ret = gh_call1 ($2, $3->self_scm ()); Music *m = unsmob_music (ret); if (!m) { THIS->parser_error ("\\apply must return a Music"); m = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("Music"); } $$ = m; } | NOTES { THIS->lexer_->push_note_state (); } Music { $$ = $3; THIS->lexer_->pop_state (); } | FIGURES { THIS->lexer_->push_figuredbass_state (); } Music { Music * chm = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("UntransposableMusic"); chm->set_mus_property ("element", $3->self_scm ()); $$ = chm; scm_gc_unprotect_object ($3->self_scm()); THIS->lexer_->pop_state (); } | CHORDS { THIS->lexer_->push_chord_state (); } Music { Music * chm = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("UnrelativableMusic"); chm->set_mus_property ("element", $3->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($3->self_scm()); $$ = chm; THIS->lexer_->pop_state (); } | LYRICS { THIS->lexer_->push_lyric_state (); } Music { $$ = $3; THIS->lexer_->pop_state (); } | relative_music { $$ = $1; } | re_rhythmed_music { $$ = $1; } | part_combined_music { $$ = $1; } | TAG embedded_scm Music { tag_music ($3, $2, THIS->here_input ()); $$ = $3; } ; relative_music: RELATIVE absolute_pitch Music { Music * p = $3; Pitch pit = *unsmob_pitch ($2); $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("RelativeOctaveMusic"); $$->set_mus_property ("element", p->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object (p->self_scm ()); Pitch retpitch = p->to_relative_octave (pit); if (lily_1_8_relative) $$->set_mus_property ("last-pitch", retpitch.smobbed_copy ()); } ; re_rhythmed_music: ADDLYRICS Music Music { Music*l =MY_MAKE_MUSIC("LyricCombineMusic"); l->set_mus_property ("elements", gh_list ($2->self_scm (), $3->self_scm (), SCM_UNDEFINED)); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($3->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($2->self_scm ()); $$ = l; } ; part_combined_music: PARTCOMBINE STRING Music Music { Music * p= MY_MAKE_MUSIC("PartCombineMusic"); p->set_mus_property ("what", scm_string_to_symbol ($2)); p->set_mus_property ("elements", gh_list ($3->self_scm (),$4->self_scm (), SCM_UNDEFINED)); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($3->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($4->self_scm ()); $$ = p; } ; translator_change: TRANSLATOR STRING '=' STRING { Music*t= MY_MAKE_MUSIC("TranslatorChange"); t-> set_mus_property ("change-to-type", scm_string_to_symbol ($2)); t-> set_mus_property ("change-to-id", $4); $$ = t; $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } ; property_def: simple_property_def | ONCE simple_property_def { $$ = $2; SCM e = $2->get_mus_property ("element"); unsmob_music (e)->set_mus_property ("once", SCM_BOOL_T); } ; simple_property_def: PROPERTY STRING '.' STRING '=' scalar { Music *t = set_property_music (scm_string_to_symbol ($4), $6); Music *csm = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("ContextSpeccedMusic"); csm->set_mus_property ("element", t->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object (t->self_scm ()); $$ = csm; $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); csm-> set_mus_property ("context-type", scm_string_to_symbol ($2)); } | PROPERTY STRING '.' STRING UNSET { Music *t = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("PropertyUnset"); t->set_mus_property ("symbol", scm_string_to_symbol ($4)); Music *csm = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("ContextSpeccedMusic"); csm->set_mus_property ("element", t->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object (t->self_scm ()); $$ = csm; $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); csm-> set_mus_property ("context-type", scm_string_to_symbol ($2)); } | PROPERTY STRING '.' STRING SET embedded_scm '=' embedded_scm { bool autobeam = gh_equal_p ($4, scm_makfrom0str ("autoBeamSettings")); bool itc = internal_type_checking_global_b; Music *t = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("OverrideProperty"); t->set_mus_property ("symbol", scm_string_to_symbol ($4)); t->set_mus_property ("pop-first", SCM_BOOL_T); if (autobeam) internal_type_checking_global_b = false; t->set_mus_property ("grob-property", $6); if (autobeam) internal_type_checking_global_b = itc; t->set_mus_property ("grob-value", $8); Music *csm = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("ContextSpeccedMusic"); csm->set_mus_property ("element", t->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object (t->self_scm ()); $$ = csm; $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); csm-> set_mus_property ("context-type", scm_string_to_symbol ($2)); } | PROPERTY STRING '.' STRING OVERRIDE embedded_scm '=' embedded_scm { /* UGH UGH UGH UGH. */ bool autobeam = gh_equal_p ($4, scm_makfrom0str ("autoBeamSettings")); bool itc = internal_type_checking_global_b; Music *t = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("OverrideProperty"); t->set_mus_property ("symbol", scm_string_to_symbol ($4)); if (autobeam) internal_type_checking_global_b = false; t->set_mus_property ("grob-property", $6); t->set_mus_property ("grob-value", $8); if (autobeam) internal_type_checking_global_b = itc; Music *csm = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("ContextSpeccedMusic"); csm->set_mus_property ("element", t->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object (t->self_scm ()); $$ = csm; $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); csm-> set_mus_property ("context-type", scm_string_to_symbol ($2)); } | PROPERTY STRING '.' STRING REVERT embedded_scm { Music *t = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("RevertProperty"); bool autobeam = gh_equal_p ($4, scm_makfrom0str ("autoBeamSettings")); bool itc = internal_type_checking_global_b; t->set_mus_property ("symbol", scm_string_to_symbol ($4)); if (autobeam) internal_type_checking_global_b = false; t->set_mus_property ("grob-property", $6); if (autobeam) internal_type_checking_global_b = itc; Music *csm = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("ContextSpeccedMusic"); csm->set_mus_property ("element", t->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object (t->self_scm ()); $$ = csm; $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); csm-> set_mus_property ("context-type", scm_string_to_symbol ($2)); } ; scalar: string { $$ = $1; } | bare_int { $$ = gh_int2scm ($1); } | embedded_scm { $$ = $1; } | full_markup { $$ = $1; } | DIGIT { $$ = gh_int2scm ($1); } ; /* This is a trick: Adding pre_events to the simple_element makes the choice between string: STRING and simple_element: STRING a single shift/reduction conflict. nevertheless, this is not very clean, and we should find a different solution. */ pre_events: { THIS->push_spot (); } ; event_chord: pre_events simple_element post_events { SCM elts = $2-> get_mus_property ("elements"); elts = gh_append2 (elts, scm_reverse_x ($3, SCM_EOL)); $2->set_mus_property ("elements", elts); $$ = $2; } | command_element | note_chord_element ; note_chord_element: chord_body optional_notemode_duration post_events { SCM dur = unsmob_duration ($2)->smobbed_copy(); SCM es = $1->get_mus_property ("elements"); SCM postevs = scm_reverse_x ($3, SCM_EOL); for (SCM s = es; gh_pair_p (s); s = gh_cdr (s)) unsmob_music (gh_car(s))->set_mus_property ("duration", dur); es = gh_append2 (es, postevs); $1-> set_mus_property ("elements", es); $$ = $1; } ; chord_open: '<' ; chord_close: '>' ; simul_open: LESSLESS ; simul_close: MOREMORE ; chord_body: chord_open chord_body_elements chord_close { $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("EventChord"); $$->set_mus_property ("elements", scm_reverse_x ($2, SCM_EOL)); } ; chord_body_elements: /* empty */ { $$ = SCM_EOL; } | chord_body_elements chord_body_element { $$ = gh_cons ($2->self_scm(), $1); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($2->self_scm()); } ; chord_body_element: pitch exclamations questions post_events { Music * n = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("NoteEvent"); n->set_mus_property ("pitch", $1); if ($3 % 2) n->set_mus_property ("cautionary", SCM_BOOL_T); if ($2 % 2 || $3 % 2) n->set_mus_property ("force-accidental", SCM_BOOL_T); SCM arts = scm_reverse_x ($4, SCM_EOL); n->set_mus_property ("articulations", arts); $$ = n; } ; command_element: command_req { $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("EventChord"); $$->set_mus_property ("elements", scm_cons ($1->self_scm (), SCM_EOL)); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($1->self_scm()); $$-> set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); $1-> set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } | OCTAVE { THIS->push_spot (); } pitch { Music *l = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("RelativeOctaveCheck"); $$ = l; $$->set_spot (THIS->pop_spot ()); $$->set_mus_property ("pitch", $3); } | E_LEFTSQUARE { Music *l = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("LigatureEvent"); l->set_mus_property ("span-direction", gh_int2scm (START)); l->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("EventChord"); $$->set_mus_property ("elements", scm_cons (l->self_scm (), SCM_EOL)); scm_gc_unprotect_object (l->self_scm()); $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } | E_RIGHTSQUARE { Music *l = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("LigatureEvent"); l->set_mus_property ("span-direction", gh_int2scm (STOP)); l->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("EventChord"); $$->set_mus_property ("elements", scm_cons (l->self_scm (), SCM_EOL)); $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object (l->self_scm()); } | E_BACKSLASH { $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("VoiceSeparator"); $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } | '|' { $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("BarCheck"); $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); } | BAR STRING { Music *t = set_property_music (ly_symbol2scm ("whichBar"), $2); Music *csm = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("ContextSpeccedMusic"); csm->set_mus_property ("element", t->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object (t->self_scm ()); $$ = csm; $$->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); csm->set_mus_property ("context-type", ly_symbol2scm ("Timing")); } | PARTIAL duration_length { Moment m = - unsmob_duration ($2)->get_length (); Music * p = set_property_music (ly_symbol2scm ( "measurePosition"),m.smobbed_copy ()); Music * sp = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("ContextSpeccedMusic"); sp->set_mus_property ("element", p->self_scm ()); scm_gc_unprotect_object (p->self_scm ()); $$ =sp ; sp-> set_mus_property ("context-type", ly_symbol2scm ("Timing")); } | CLEF STRING { static SCM proc ; if (!proc) proc = scm_c_eval_string ("make-clef-set"); SCM result = scm_call_1 (proc, $2); scm_gc_protect_object (result); $$ = unsmob_music (result); } | TIME_T fraction { static SCM proc; if (!proc) proc = scm_c_eval_string ("make-time-signature-set"); SCM result = scm_apply_2 (proc, gh_car ($2), gh_cdr ($2), SCM_EOL); scm_gc_protect_object (result); $$ = unsmob_music (result); } ; command_req: shorthand_command_req { $$ = $1; } | verbose_command_req { $$ = $1; } ; shorthand_command_req: extender_req { $$ = $1; } | hyphen_req { $$ = $1; } | BREATHE { $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("BreathingSignEvent"); } | E_TILDE { $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("PesOrFlexaEvent"); } ; verbose_command_req: MARK DEFAULT { Music * m = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("MarkEvent"); $$ = m; } | MARK scalar { Music *m = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("MarkEvent"); m->set_mus_property ("label", $2); $$ = m; } | SKIP duration_length { Music * skip = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("SkipEvent"); skip->set_mus_property ("duration", $2); $$ = skip; } | tempo_event { $$ = $1; } | KEY DEFAULT { Music *key= MY_MAKE_MUSIC("KeyChangeEvent"); $$ = key; } | KEY NOTENAME_PITCH SCM_IDENTIFIER { Music *key= MY_MAKE_MUSIC("KeyChangeEvent"); if (scm_ilength ($3) > 0) { key->set_mus_property ("pitch-alist", $3); key->set_mus_property ("tonic", Pitch (0,0,0).smobbed_copy()); ((Music*)key)->transpose (* unsmob_pitch ($2)); } else { THIS->parser_error (_("Second argument must be pitch list.")); } $$ = key; } ; post_events: /* empty */ { $$ = SCM_EOL; } | post_events post_event { $2->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); $$ = gh_cons ($2->self_scm(), $$); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($2->self_scm()); } | post_events tagged_post_event { $2 -> set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); $$ = scm_cons ($2->self_scm(), $$); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($2->self_scm()); } ; tagged_post_event: '-' TAG embedded_scm post_event { tag_music ($4, $3, THIS->here_input ()); $$ = $4; } ; post_event: direction_less_event { $$ = $1; } | script_dir direction_reqd_event { if ($1) $2->set_mus_property ("direction", gh_int2scm ($1)); $$ = $2; } | script_dir direction_less_event { if ($1) $2->set_mus_property ("direction", gh_int2scm ($1)); $$ = $2; } | string_number_event ; string_number_event: E_UNSIGNED { Music * s = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("StringNumberEvent"); s->set_mus_property ("string-number", gh_int2scm($1)); s->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); $$ = s; } ; direction_less_event: '[' { /* TODO: should take all these defs out of the parser, adn make use configurable, i.e. (set-articulation '~ "trill") */ Music * m = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("BeamEvent"); m->set_spot (THIS->here_input()); m->set_mus_property ("span-direction" , gh_int2scm (START)); $$ = m; } | ']' { Music * m = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("BeamEvent"); m->set_spot (THIS->here_input()); m->set_mus_property ("span-direction" , gh_int2scm (STOP)); $$ = m; } | '~' { Music * m = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("TieEvent"); m->set_spot (THIS->here_input()); $$ = m; } | close_event { $$ = $1; dynamic_cast ($$)->set_mus_property ("span-direction", gh_int2scm (START)); } | open_event { $$ = $1; dynamic_cast ($$)->set_mus_property ("span-direction", gh_int2scm (STOP)) } | EVENT_IDENTIFIER { $$ = unsmob_music ($1); } | tremolo_type { Music * a = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("TremoloEvent"); a->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); a->set_mus_property ("tremolo-type", gh_int2scm ($1)); $$ = a; } ; direction_reqd_event: gen_text_def { $$ = $1; } | script_abbreviation { SCM s = THIS->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("dash" + ly_scm2string ($1)); Music *a = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("ArticulationEvent"); if (gh_string_p (s)) a->set_mus_property ("articulation-type", s); else THIS->parser_error (_ ("Expecting string as script definition")); $$ = a; } ; sup_quotes: '\'' { $$ = 1; } | sup_quotes '\'' { $$ ++; } ; sub_quotes: ',' { $$ = 1; } | sub_quotes ',' { $$ ++ ; } ; steno_pitch: NOTENAME_PITCH { $$ = $1; } | NOTENAME_PITCH sup_quotes { Pitch p = *unsmob_pitch ($1); p = p.transposed (Pitch ($2,0,0)); $$ = p.smobbed_copy (); } | NOTENAME_PITCH sub_quotes { Pitch p =* unsmob_pitch ($1); p = p.transposed (Pitch (-$2,0,0)); $$ = p.smobbed_copy (); } ; /* ugh. duplication */ steno_tonic_pitch: TONICNAME_PITCH { $$ = $1; } | TONICNAME_PITCH sup_quotes { Pitch p = *unsmob_pitch ($1); p = p.transposed (Pitch ($2,0,0)); $$ = p.smobbed_copy (); } | TONICNAME_PITCH sub_quotes { Pitch p =* unsmob_pitch ($1); p = p.transposed (Pitch (-$2,0,0)); $$ = p.smobbed_copy (); } ; pitch: steno_pitch { $$ = $1; } | explicit_pitch { $$ = $1; } ; pitch_also_in_chords: pitch | steno_tonic_pitch ; explicit_pitch: PITCH embedded_scm { $$ = $2; if (!unsmob_pitch ($2)) { THIS->parser_error (_f ("Expecting musical-pitch value", 3)); $$ = Pitch ().smobbed_copy (); } } ; verbose_duration: DURATION embedded_scm { $$ = $2; if (!unsmob_duration ($2)) { THIS->parser_error (_ ("Must have duration object")); $$ = Duration ().smobbed_copy (); } } ; extender_req: EXTENDER { if (!THIS->lexer_->lyric_state_b ()) THIS->parser_error (_ ("Have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics")); $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("ExtenderEvent"); } ; hyphen_req: HYPHEN { if (!THIS->lexer_->lyric_state_b ()) THIS->parser_error (_ ("Have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics")); $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("HyphenEvent"); } ; close_event: '(' { Music * s= MY_MAKE_MUSIC("SlurEvent"); $$ = s; s->set_spot (THIS->here_input()); } | E_OPEN { Music * s= MY_MAKE_MUSIC("PhrasingSlurEvent"); $$ = s; s->set_spot (THIS->here_input()); } | E_SMALLER { Music *s =MY_MAKE_MUSIC("CrescendoEvent"); $$ = s; s->set_spot (THIS->here_input()); } | E_BIGGER { Music *s =MY_MAKE_MUSIC("DecrescendoEvent"); $$ = s; s->set_spot (THIS->here_input()); } ; open_event: E_EXCLAMATION { Music *s = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("CrescendoEvent"); s->set_spot (THIS->here_input()); $$ = s; } | ')' { Music * s= MY_MAKE_MUSIC("SlurEvent"); $$ = s; s->set_spot (THIS->here_input()); } | E_CLOSE { Music * s= MY_MAKE_MUSIC("PhrasingSlurEvent"); $$ = s; s->set_mus_property ("span-type", scm_makfrom0str ( "phrasing-slur")); s->set_spot (THIS->here_input()); } ; gen_text_def: full_markup { Music *t = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("TextScriptEvent"); t->set_mus_property ("text", $1); t->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); $$ = t; } | string { Music *t = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("TextScriptEvent"); t->set_mus_property ("text", make_simple_markup ($1)); t->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); $$ = t; } | DIGIT { Music * t = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("FingerEvent"); t->set_mus_property ("digit", gh_int2scm ($1)); t->set_spot (THIS->here_input ()); $$ = t; } ; script_abbreviation: '^' { $$ = scm_makfrom0str ("Hat"); } | '+' { $$ = scm_makfrom0str ("Plus"); } | '-' { $$ = scm_makfrom0str ("Dash"); } | '|' { $$ = scm_makfrom0str ("Bar"); } | '>' { $$ = scm_makfrom0str ("Larger"); } | '.' { $$ = scm_makfrom0str ("Dot"); } | '_' { $$ = scm_makfrom0str ("Underscore"); } ; script_dir: '_' { $$ = DOWN; } | '^' { $$ = UP; } | '-' { $$ = CENTER; } ; absolute_pitch: steno_pitch { $$ = $1; } ; duration_length: multiplied_duration { $$ = $1; } | verbose_duration { $$ = $1; } ; optional_notemode_duration: { Duration dd = THIS->default_duration_; $$ = dd.smobbed_copy (); THIS->beam_check ($$); } | multiplied_duration { $$ = $1; THIS->default_duration_ = *unsmob_duration ($$); THIS->beam_check ($$); } | verbose_duration { $$ = $1; THIS->default_duration_ = *unsmob_duration ($$); } ; steno_duration: bare_unsigned dots { int l = 0; if (!is_duration_b ($1)) THIS->parser_error (_f ("not a duration: %d", $1)); else l = intlog2 ($1); $$ = Duration (l, $2).smobbed_copy (); } | DURATION_IDENTIFIER dots { Duration *d =unsmob_duration ($1); Duration k (d->duration_log (),d->dot_count () + $2); *d = k; $$ = $1; } ; multiplied_duration: steno_duration { $$ = $1; } | multiplied_duration '*' bare_unsigned { $$ = unsmob_duration ($$)->compressed ( $3) .smobbed_copy (); } | multiplied_duration '*' FRACTION { Rational m (gh_scm2int (ly_car ($3)), gh_scm2int (ly_cdr ($3))); $$ = unsmob_duration ($$)->compressed (m).smobbed_copy (); } ; fraction: FRACTION { $$ = $1; } | UNSIGNED '/' UNSIGNED { $$ = scm_cons (gh_int2scm ($1), gh_int2scm ($3)); } ; dots: /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | dots '.' { $$ ++; } ; tremolo_type: ':' { $$ =0; } | ':' bare_unsigned { if (!is_duration_b ($2)) THIS->parser_error (_f ("not a duration: %d", $2)); $$ = $2; } ; /***************************************************************** BASS FIGURES *****************************************************************/ bass_number: DIGIT { $$ = scm_number_to_string (gh_int2scm ($1), gh_int2scm (10)); } | UNSIGNED { $$ = scm_number_to_string (gh_int2scm ($1), gh_int2scm (10)); } | STRING { $$ = $1 } ; bass_mod: '-' { $$ = -1; } | '+' { $$ = 1; } | '!' { $$ = 0; } ; bass_figure: FIGURE_SPACE { Music *bfr = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("BassFigureEvent"); $$ = bfr->self_scm(); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($$); } | bass_number { Music *bfr = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("BassFigureEvent"); $$ = bfr->self_scm(); bfr->set_mus_property ("figure", $1); scm_gc_unprotect_object ($$); } | bass_figure bass_mod { Music *m = unsmob_music ($1); if ($2) { SCM salter =m->get_mus_property ("alteration"); int alter = gh_number_p ( salter) ? gh_scm2int (salter) : 0; m->set_mus_property ("alteration", gh_int2scm (alter + $2)); } else { m->set_mus_property ("alteration", gh_int2scm (0)); } } ; br_bass_figure: '[' bass_figure { $$ = $2; unsmob_music ($$)->set_mus_property ("bracket-start", SCM_BOOL_T); } | bass_figure { $$ = $1; } | br_bass_figure ']' { $$ = $1; unsmob_music ($1)->set_mus_property ("bracket-stop", SCM_BOOL_T); } ; figure_list: /**/ { $$ = SCM_EOL; } | figure_list br_bass_figure { $$ = scm_cons ($2, $1); } ; figure_spec: FIGURE_OPEN figure_list FIGURE_CLOSE { Music * m = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("EventChord"); $2 = scm_reverse_x ($2, SCM_EOL); m->set_mus_property ("elements", $2); $$ = m->self_scm (); } ; optional_rest: /**/ { $$ = 0; } | REST { $$ = 1; } ; simple_element: pitch exclamations questions optional_notemode_duration optional_rest { Input i = THIS->pop_spot (); if (!THIS->lexer_->note_state_b ()) THIS->parser_error (_ ("Have to be in Note mode for notes")); Music *n = 0; if ($5) n = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("RestEvent"); else n = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("NoteEvent"); n->set_mus_property ("pitch", $1); n->set_mus_property ("duration", $4); if ($3 % 2) n->set_mus_property ("cautionary", SCM_BOOL_T); if ($2 % 2 || $3 % 2) n->set_mus_property ("force-accidental", SCM_BOOL_T); Music *v = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("EventChord"); v->set_mus_property ("elements", scm_list_n (n->self_scm (), SCM_UNDEFINED)); scm_gc_unprotect_object (n->self_scm()); v->set_spot (i); n->set_spot (i); $$ = v; } | figure_spec optional_notemode_duration { Music * m = unsmob_music ($1); Input i = THIS->pop_spot (); m->set_spot (i); for (SCM s = m->get_mus_property ("elements"); gh_pair_p (s); s = ly_cdr (s)) { unsmob_music (ly_car (s))->set_mus_property ("duration", $2); } $$ = m; } | RESTNAME optional_notemode_duration { Input i = THIS->pop_spot (); Music * ev = 0; if (ly_scm2string ($1) =="s") { /* Space */ ev = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("SkipEvent"); } else { ev = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("RestEvent"); } ev->set_mus_property ("duration" ,$2); ev->set_spot (i); Music * velt = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("EventChord"); velt->set_mus_property ("elements", scm_list_n (ev->self_scm (),SCM_UNDEFINED)); velt->set_spot (i); $$ = velt; } | MULTI_MEASURE_REST optional_notemode_duration { THIS->pop_spot (); static SCM proc ; if (!proc) proc = scm_c_eval_string ("make-multi-measure-rest"); SCM mus = scm_call_2 (proc, $2, make_input (THIS->here_input())); scm_gc_protect_object (mus); $$ = unsmob_music (mus); } | lyric_element optional_notemode_duration { Input i = THIS->pop_spot (); if (!THIS->lexer_->lyric_state_b ()) THIS->parser_error (_ ("Have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics")); Music * lreq = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("LyricEvent"); lreq->set_mus_property ("text", $1); lreq->set_mus_property ("duration",$2); lreq->set_spot (i); Music * velt = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("EventChord"); velt->set_mus_property ("elements", scm_list_n (lreq->self_scm (), SCM_UNDEFINED)); $$= velt; } | new_chord { THIS->pop_spot (); if (!THIS->lexer_->chord_state_b ()) THIS->parser_error (_ ("Have to be in Chord mode for chords")); $$ = unsmob_music ($1); } ; lyric_element: full_markup { $$ = $1 } | STRING { $$ = $1 ; } ; new_chord: steno_tonic_pitch optional_notemode_duration { $$ = make_chord ($1, $2, SCM_EOL); } | steno_tonic_pitch optional_notemode_duration chord_separator chord_items { SCM its = scm_reverse_x ($4, SCM_EOL); $$ = make_chord ($1, $2, gh_cons ($3, its)); } ; chord_items: /**/ { $$ = SCM_EOL; } | chord_items chord_item { $$ = gh_cons ($2, $$); } ; chord_separator: CHORD_COLON { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("chord-colon"); } | CHORD_CARET { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("chord-caret"); } | CHORD_SLASH steno_tonic_pitch { $$ = scm_list_n (ly_symbol2scm ("chord-slash"), $2, SCM_UNDEFINED); } | CHORD_BASS steno_tonic_pitch { $$ = scm_list_n (ly_symbol2scm ("chord-bass"), $2, SCM_UNDEFINED); } ; chord_item: chord_separator { $$ = $1; } | step_numbers { $$ = scm_reverse_x ($1, SCM_EOL); } | CHORD_MODIFIER { $$ = $1; } ; step_numbers: step_number { $$ = gh_cons ($1, SCM_EOL); } | step_numbers '.' step_number { $$ = gh_cons ($3, $$); } ; step_number: bare_unsigned { $$ = make_chord_step ($1, 0); } | bare_unsigned '+' { $$ = make_chord_step ($1, 1); } | bare_unsigned CHORD_MINUS { $$ = make_chord_step ($1,-1); } ; /* UTILITIES TODO: should deprecate in favor of Scheme? */ number_expression: number_expression '+' number_term { $$ = scm_sum ($1, $3); } | number_expression '-' number_term { $$ = scm_difference ($1, $3); } | number_term ; number_term: number_factor { $$ = $1; } | number_factor '*' number_factor { $$ = scm_product ($1, $3); } | number_factor '/' number_factor { $$ = scm_divide ($1, $3); } ; number_factor: '-' number_factor { /* %prec UNARY_MINUS */ $$ = scm_difference ($2, SCM_UNDEFINED); } | bare_number ; bare_number: UNSIGNED { $$ = gh_int2scm ($1); } | REAL { $$ = $1; } | NUMBER_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1; } | REAL NUMBER_IDENTIFIER { $$ = gh_double2scm (gh_scm2double ($1) * gh_scm2double ($2)); } | UNSIGNED NUMBER_IDENTIFIER { $$ = gh_double2scm ($1 * gh_scm2double ($2)); } ; bare_unsigned: UNSIGNED { $$ = $1; } | DIGIT { $$ = $1; } ; bare_int: bare_number { if (scm_integer_p ($1) == SCM_BOOL_T) { int k = gh_scm2int ($1); $$ = k; } else { THIS->parser_error (_ ("need integer number arg")); $$ = 0; } } | '-' bare_int { $$ = -$2; } ; string: STRING { $$ = $1; } | STRING_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1; } | string '+' string { $$ = scm_string_append (scm_list_n ($1, $3, SCM_UNDEFINED)); } ; exclamations: { $$ = 0; } | exclamations '!' { $$ ++; } ; questions: { $$ = 0; } | questions '?' { $$ ++; } ; full_markup: MARKUP_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1; } | MARKUP { THIS->lexer_->push_markup_state (); } markup { $$ = $3; THIS->lexer_->pop_state (); } ; /* This should be done more dynamically if possible. */ markup: STRING { $$ = make_simple_markup ($1); } | MARKUP_HEAD_MARKUP0 markup { $$ = scm_list_n ($1, $2, SCM_UNDEFINED); } | MARKUP_HEAD_MARKUP0_MARKUP1 markup markup { $$ = scm_list_n ($1, $2, $3, SCM_UNDEFINED); } | MARKUP_HEAD_SCM0_MARKUP1 SCM_T markup { $$ = scm_list_n ($1, $2, $3, SCM_UNDEFINED); } | markup_line { $$ = $1; } | MARKUP_HEAD_LIST0 markup_list { $$ = scm_list_n ($1,$2, SCM_UNDEFINED); } | MARKUP_HEAD_SCM0 embedded_scm { $$ = scm_list_n ($1, $2, SCM_UNDEFINED); } | MARKUP_HEAD_SCM0_SCM1_MARKUP2 embedded_scm embedded_scm markup { $$ = scm_list_n ($1, $2, $3, $4, SCM_UNDEFINED); } | MARKUP_HEAD_SCM0_SCM1_SCM2 embedded_scm embedded_scm embedded_scm { $$ = scm_list_n ($1, $2, $3, $4, SCM_UNDEFINED); } | MARKUP_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1; } ; markup_list: chord_open markup_list_body chord_close { $$ = scm_reverse_x ($2, SCM_EOL); } ; markup_line: '{' markup_list_body '}' { static SCM line ; if (!line) line = scm_c_eval_string ("line-markup"); $$ = scm_list_n (line, scm_reverse_x ($2, SCM_EOL), SCM_UNDEFINED); } ; markup_list_body: /**/ { $$ = SCM_EOL; } | markup_list_body markup { $$ = gh_cons ($2, $1) ; } ; %% void My_lily_parser::set_yydebug (bool ) { #if 0 yydebug = 1; #endif } extern My_lily_parser * current_parser; void My_lily_parser::do_yyparse () { current_parser = this;; yyparse ((void*)this); } /* Should make this optional? It will also complain when you do [s4] which is entirely legitimate. Or we can scrap it. Barchecks should detect wrong durations, and skipTypesetting speeds it up a lot. */ void My_lily_parser::beam_check (SCM dur) { Duration *d = unsmob_duration (dur); if (unsmob_music (last_beam_start_) && d->duration_log () <= 2) { Music * m = unsmob_music (last_beam_start_); m->origin ()->warning (_("Suspect duration found following this beam")); } last_beam_start_ = SCM_EOL; } /* It is a little strange to have this function in this file, but otherwise, we have to import music classes into the lexer. */ int My_lily_lexer::try_special_identifiers (SCM * destination, SCM sid) { if (gh_string_p (sid)) { *destination = sid; return STRING_IDENTIFIER; } else if (gh_number_p (sid)) { *destination = sid; return NUMBER_IDENTIFIER; } else if (unsmob_translator_def (sid)) { *destination = unsmob_translator_def (sid)->clone_scm(); return TRANSLATOR_IDENTIFIER; } else if (unsmob_score (sid)) { Score *sc = new Score (*unsmob_score (sid)); *destination =sc->self_scm (); return SCORE_IDENTIFIER; } else if (Music * mus =unsmob_music (sid)) { *destination = unsmob_music (sid)->clone ()->self_scm(); unsmob_music (*destination)-> set_mus_property ("origin", make_input (last_input_)); return dynamic_cast (mus) ? EVENT_IDENTIFIER : MUSIC_IDENTIFIER; } else if (unsmob_duration (sid)) { *destination = unsmob_duration (sid)->smobbed_copy(); return DURATION_IDENTIFIER; } else if (unsmob_music_output_def (sid)) { Music_output_def *p = unsmob_music_output_def (sid); p = p->clone (); *destination = p->self_scm(); return MUSIC_OUTPUT_DEF_IDENTIFIER; } else if (Text_item::markup_p (sid)) { *destination = sid; return MARKUP_IDENTIFIER; } return -1; }