/* -*- mode: c++; c-file-style: "linux"; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- */ /* This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter. Copyright (C) 1997--2012 Han-Wen Nienhuys Jan Nieuwenhuizen LilyPond is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LilyPond. If not, see . */ /* Mode and indentation are at best a rough approximation based on TAB * formatting (reasonable for compatibility with unspecific editor * modes as Bison modes are hard to find) and need manual correction * frequently. Without a reasonably dependable way of formatting a * Bison file sensibly, there is little point in trying to fix the * inconsistent state of indentation. */ %{ #define yyerror Lily_parser::parser_error /* We use custom location type: Input objects */ #define YYLTYPE Input #define YYSTYPE SCM #define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current,Rhs,N) \ ((Current).set_location ((Rhs)[1], (Rhs)[N])) #define YYPRINT(file, type, value) \ do { \ if (scm_is_eq (value, SCM_UNSPECIFIED)) \ break; \ char *p = scm_to_locale_string \ (scm_simple_format (SCM_BOOL_F, \ scm_from_locale_string ("~S"), \ scm_list_1 (value))); \ fputs (p, file); \ free (p); \ } while (0) %} %parse-param {Lily_parser *parser} %parse-param {SCM *retval} %lex-param {Lily_parser *parser} %error-verbose %debug /* We use SCMs to do strings, because it saves us the trouble of deleting them. Let's hope that a stack overflow doesn't trigger a move of the parse stack onto the heap. */ %left PREC_BOT %nonassoc REPEAT %nonassoc ALTERNATIVE /* The above precedences tackle the shift/reduce problem 1. \repeat \repeat .. \alternative \repeat { \repeat .. \alternative } or \repeat { \repeat } \alternative */ %nonassoc COMPOSITE %left ADDLYRICS /* ADDLYRICS needs to have lower precedence than argument scanning, * or we won't be able to tell music apart from closed_music without * lookahead in the context of function calls. */ %nonassoc DEFAULT /* \default is only applied after exhausting function arguments */ %nonassoc FUNCTION_ARGLIST /* expressions with units are permitted into argument lists */ %right PITCH_IDENTIFIER NOTENAME_PITCH TONICNAME_PITCH UNSIGNED REAL DURATION_IDENTIFIER ':' /* The above are the symbols that can start optional function arguments that are recognized in the grammar rather than by predicate */ %nonassoc NUMBER_IDENTIFIER '/' /* Number-unit expressions, where permitted, are concatenated into * function arguments, just like fractions and tremoli. Tremoli must * not have higher precedence than UNSIGNED, or Lilypond will not * join ':' with a following optional number. */ %left PREC_TOP %pure_parser %locations %{ // -*-Fundamental-*- /* FIXME: * The rules for who is protecting what are very shady. Uniformise this. * There are too many lexical modes? */ #include "config.hh" #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "book.hh" #include "context-def.hh" #include "context-mod.hh" #include "dimensions.hh" #include "file-path.hh" #include "input.hh" #include "international.hh" #include "lily-guile.hh" #include "lily-lexer.hh" #include "lily-parser.hh" #include "main.hh" #include "misc.hh" #include "music.hh" #include "output-def.hh" #include "paper-book.hh" #include "scm-hash.hh" #include "score.hh" #include "text-interface.hh" #include "warn.hh" void Lily_parser::parser_error (Input const *i, Lily_parser *parser, SCM *, string s) { parser->parser_error (*i, s); } #define MYBACKUP(Token, Value, Location) \ do \ if (yychar == YYEMPTY) \ { \ if (Token) \ parser->lexer_->push_extra_token (Token, Value); \ parser->lexer_->push_extra_token (BACKUP); \ } else { \ parser->parser_error \ (Location, _("Too much lookahead")); \ } \ while (0) #define MYREPARSE(Location, Pred, Token, Value) \ do \ if (yychar == YYEMPTY) \ { \ parser->lexer_->push_extra_token (Token, Value); \ parser->lexer_->push_extra_token (REPARSE, \ Pred); \ } else { \ parser->parser_error \ (Location, _("Too much lookahead")); \ } \ while (0) %} %{ #define MY_MAKE_MUSIC(x, spot) make_music_with_input (ly_symbol2scm (x), spot) /* ES TODO: - Don't use lily module, create a new module instead. - delay application of the function */ #define LOWLEVEL_MAKE_SYNTAX(proc, args) \ scm_apply_0 (proc, args) /* Syntactic Sugar. */ #define MAKE_SYNTAX(name, location, ...) \ LOWLEVEL_MAKE_SYNTAX (ly_lily_module_constant (name), scm_list_n (parser->self_scm (), make_input (location) , ##__VA_ARGS__, SCM_UNDEFINED)) #define START_MAKE_SYNTAX(name, ...) \ scm_list_n (ly_lily_module_constant (name) , ##__VA_ARGS__, SCM_UNDEFINED) #define FINISH_MAKE_SYNTAX(start, location, ...) \ LOWLEVEL_MAKE_SYNTAX (scm_car (start), scm_cons2 (parser->self_scm (), make_input (location), scm_append_x (scm_list_2 (scm_cdr (start), scm_list_n (__VA_ARGS__, SCM_UNDEFINED))))) SCM get_next_unique_context_id (); SCM get_next_unique_lyrics_context_id (); #undef _ #if !HAVE_GETTEXT #define _(x) x #else #include #define _(x) gettext (x) #endif static Music *make_music_with_input (SCM name, Input where); SCM check_scheme_arg (Lily_parser *parser, Input loc, SCM arg, SCM args, SCM pred, SCM disp = SCM_UNDEFINED); SCM make_music_from_simple (Lily_parser *parser, Input loc, SCM pitch); SCM loc_on_music (Input loc, SCM arg); SCM make_chord_elements (Input loc, SCM pitch, SCM dur, SCM modification_list); SCM make_chord_step (SCM step, Rational alter); SCM make_simple_markup (SCM a); bool is_duration (int t); bool is_regular_identifier (SCM id, bool multiple=false); SCM try_string_variants (SCM pred, SCM str); int yylex (YYSTYPE *s, YYLTYPE *loc, Lily_parser *parser); %} /* The third option is an alias that will be used to display the syntax error. Bison CVS now correctly handles backslash escapes. FIXME: Bison needs to translate some of these, eg, STRING. */ /* Keyword tokens with plain escaped name. */ %token END_OF_FILE 0 "end of input" %token ACCEPTS "\\accepts" %token ADDLYRICS "\\addlyrics" %token ALIAS "\\alias" %token ALTERNATIVE "\\alternative" %token BOOK "\\book" %token BOOKPART "\\bookpart" %token CHANGE "\\change" %token CHORDMODE "\\chordmode" %token CHORDS "\\chords" %token CONSISTS "\\consists" %token CONTEXT "\\context" %token DEFAULT "\\default" %token DEFAULTCHILD "\\defaultchild" %token DENIES "\\denies" %token DESCRIPTION "\\description" %token DRUMMODE "\\drummode" %token DRUMS "\\drums" %token FIGUREMODE "\\figuremode" %token FIGURES "\\figures" %token HEADER "\\header" %token INVALID "\\version-error" %token LAYOUT "\\layout" %token LYRICMODE "\\lyricmode" %token LYRICS "\\lyrics" %token LYRICSTO "\\lyricsto" %token MARKUP "\\markup" %token MARKUPLIST "\\markuplist" %token MIDI "\\midi" %token NAME "\\name" %token NOTEMODE "\\notemode" %token OVERRIDE "\\override" %token PAPER "\\paper" %token REMOVE "\\remove" %token REPEAT "\\repeat" %token REST "\\rest" %token REVERT "\\revert" %token SCORE "\\score" %token SEQUENTIAL "\\sequential" %token SET "\\set" %token SIMULTANEOUS "\\simultaneous" %token TEMPO "\\tempo" %token TYPE "\\type" %token UNSET "\\unset" %token WITH "\\with" /* Keyword token exceptions. */ %token NEWCONTEXT "\\new" /* Other string tokens. */ %token CHORD_BASS "/+" %token CHORD_CARET "^" %token CHORD_COLON ":" %token CHORD_MINUS "-" %token CHORD_SLASH "/" %token ANGLE_OPEN "<" %token ANGLE_CLOSE ">" %token DOUBLE_ANGLE_OPEN "<<" %token DOUBLE_ANGLE_CLOSE ">>" %token E_BACKSLASH "\\" %token E_ANGLE_CLOSE "\\>" %token E_CHAR "\\C[haracter]" %token E_CLOSE "\\)" %token E_EXCLAMATION "\\!" %token E_BRACKET_OPEN "\\[" %token E_OPEN "\\(" %token E_BRACKET_CLOSE "\\]" %token E_ANGLE_OPEN "\\<" %token E_PLUS "\\+" %token E_TILDE "\\~" %token EXTENDER "__" /* If we give names, Bison complains. */ %token FIGURE_CLOSE /* "\\>" */ %token FIGURE_OPEN /* "\\<" */ %token FIGURE_SPACE "_" %token HYPHEN "--" %token CHORDMODIFIERS %token LYRIC_MARKUP %token MULTI_MEASURE_REST %token E_UNSIGNED %token UNSIGNED /* Artificial tokens, for more generic function syntax */ %token EXPECT_MARKUP "markup?" %token EXPECT_PITCH "ly:pitch?" %token EXPECT_DURATION "ly:duration?" %token EXPECT_SCM "scheme?" %token BACKUP "(backed-up?)" %token REPARSE "(reparsed?)" %token EXPECT_MARKUP_LIST "markup-list?" %token EXPECT_OPTIONAL "optional?" /* After the last argument. */ %token EXPECT_NO_MORE_ARGS; /* An artificial token for parsing embedded Lilypond */ %token EMBEDDED_LILY "#{" %token BOOK_IDENTIFIER %token CHORDMODIFIER_PITCH %token CHORD_MODIFIER %token CHORD_REPETITION %token CONTEXT_DEF_IDENTIFIER %token CONTEXT_MOD_IDENTIFIER %token DRUM_PITCH %token PITCH_IDENTIFIER %token DURATION_IDENTIFIER %token EVENT_IDENTIFIER %token EVENT_FUNCTION %token FRACTION %token LYRICS_STRING %token LYRIC_ELEMENT %token MARKUP_FUNCTION %token MARKUP_LIST_FUNCTION %token MARKUP_IDENTIFIER %token MARKUPLIST_IDENTIFIER %token MUSIC_FUNCTION %token MUSIC_IDENTIFIER %token NOTENAME_PITCH %token NUMBER_IDENTIFIER %token OUTPUT_DEF_IDENTIFIER %token REAL %token RESTNAME %token SCM_ARG %token SCM_FUNCTION %token SCM_IDENTIFIER %token SCM_TOKEN %token STRING %token SYMBOL_LIST %token TONICNAME_PITCH %left '-' '+' /* We don't assign precedence to / and *, because we might need varied prec levels in different prods */ %left UNARY_MINUS %% start_symbol: lilypond | EMBEDDED_LILY { SCM nn = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("pitchnames"); parser->lexer_->push_note_state (nn); } embedded_lilypond { parser->lexer_->pop_state (); *retval = $3; } ; lilypond: /* empty */ { $$ = SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } | lilypond toplevel_expression { } | lilypond assignment { } | lilypond error { parser->error_level_ = 1; } | lilypond INVALID { parser->error_level_ = 1; } ; toplevel_expression: { parser->lexer_->add_scope (get_header (parser)); } lilypond_header { parser->lexer_->set_identifier (ly_symbol2scm ("$defaultheader"), $2); } | book_block { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("toplevel-book-handler"); scm_call_2 (proc, parser->self_scm (), $1); } | bookpart_block { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("toplevel-bookpart-handler"); scm_call_2 (proc, parser->self_scm (), $1); } | score_block { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("toplevel-score-handler"); scm_call_2 (proc, parser->self_scm (), $1); } | composite_music { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("toplevel-music-handler"); scm_call_2 (proc, parser->self_scm (), $1); } | full_markup { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("toplevel-text-handler"); scm_call_2 (proc, parser->self_scm (), scm_list_1 ($1)); } | full_markup_list { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("toplevel-text-handler"); scm_call_2 (proc, parser->self_scm (), $1); } | SCM_TOKEN { // Evaluate and ignore #xxx, as opposed to \xxx parser->lexer_->eval_scm_token ($1); } | embedded_scm_active { SCM out = SCM_UNDEFINED; if (Text_interface::is_markup ($1)) out = scm_list_1 ($1); else if (Text_interface::is_markup_list ($1)) out = $1; if (scm_is_pair (out)) { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("toplevel-text-handler"); scm_call_2 (proc, parser->self_scm (), out); } else if (!scm_is_eq ($1, SCM_UNSPECIFIED)) parser->parser_error (@1, _("bad expression type")); } | output_def { SCM id = SCM_EOL; Output_def * od = unsmob_output_def ($1); if (od->c_variable ("is-paper") == SCM_BOOL_T) id = ly_symbol2scm ("$defaultpaper"); else if (od->c_variable ("is-midi") == SCM_BOOL_T) id = ly_symbol2scm ("$defaultmidi"); else if (od->c_variable ("is-layout") == SCM_BOOL_T) id = ly_symbol2scm ("$defaultlayout"); parser->lexer_->set_identifier (id, $1); } ; embedded_scm_bare: SCM_TOKEN { $$ = parser->lexer_->eval_scm_token ($1); } | SCM_IDENTIFIER ; embedded_scm_active: SCM_IDENTIFIER | scm_function_call ; embedded_scm_bare_arg: SCM_ARG | SCM_TOKEN { $$ = parser->lexer_->eval_scm_token ($1); } | full_markup | full_markup_list | context_modification | score_block | context_def_spec_block | book_block | bookpart_block | output_def ; /* The generic version may end in music, or not */ embedded_scm: embedded_scm_bare | scm_function_call ; embedded_scm_arg: embedded_scm_bare_arg | scm_function_call | music_arg ; scm_function_call: SCM_FUNCTION function_arglist { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("music-function", @$, $1, $2); } ; embedded_lilypond: /* empty */ { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("void-music", @$); } | identifier_init | music_embedded music_embedded music_list { $3 = scm_reverse_x ($3, SCM_EOL); if (unsmob_music ($2)) $3 = scm_cons ($2, $3); if (unsmob_music ($1)) $3 = scm_cons ($1, $3); $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("sequential-music", @$, $3); } | error { parser->error_level_ = 1; $$ = SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } | INVALID embedded_lilypond { parser->error_level_ = 1; $$ = $2; } ; lilypond_header_body: /* empty */ { $$ = SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } | lilypond_header_body assignment { } | lilypond_header_body embedded_scm { } ; lilypond_header: HEADER '{' lilypond_header_body '}' { $$ = parser->lexer_->remove_scope (); } ; /* DECLARATIONS */ assignment_id: STRING { $$ = $1; } | LYRICS_STRING { $$ = $1; } ; assignment: assignment_id '=' identifier_init { parser->lexer_->set_identifier ($1, $3); $$ = SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } | assignment_id property_path '=' identifier_init { SCM path = scm_cons (scm_string_to_symbol ($1), $2); parser->lexer_->set_identifier (path, $4); $$ = SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } ; identifier_init: score_block | book_block | bookpart_block | output_def | context_def_spec_block | music_assign | post_event_nofinger | number_expression | FRACTION | string | embedded_scm | full_markup_list | context_modification ; context_def_spec_block: CONTEXT '{' context_def_spec_body '}' { $$ = $3; } ; context_mod_arg: embedded_scm | composite_music ; context_mod_embedded: context_mod_arg { if (unsmob_music ($1)) { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("context-mod-music-handler"); $1 = scm_call_2 (proc, parser->self_scm (), $1); } if (unsmob_context_mod ($1)) $$ = $1; else { parser->parser_error (@1, _ ("not a context mod")); } } ; context_def_spec_body: /**/ { $$ = Context_def::make_scm (); unsmob_context_def ($$)->origin ()->set_spot (@$); } | CONTEXT_DEF_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1; unsmob_context_def ($$)->origin ()->set_spot (@$); } | context_def_spec_body context_mod { if (!SCM_UNBNDP ($2)) unsmob_context_def ($$)->add_context_mod ($2); } | context_def_spec_body context_modification { Context_def *td = unsmob_context_def ($$); SCM new_mods = unsmob_context_mod ($2)->get_mods (); for (SCM m = new_mods; scm_is_pair (m); m = scm_cdr (m)) { td->add_context_mod (scm_car (m)); } } | context_def_spec_body context_mod_embedded { Context_def *td = unsmob_context_def ($$); SCM new_mods = unsmob_context_mod ($2)->get_mods (); for (SCM m = new_mods; scm_is_pair (m); m = scm_cdr (m)) { td->add_context_mod (scm_car (m)); } } ; book_block: BOOK '{' book_body '}' { $$ = $3; pop_paper (parser); parser->lexer_->set_identifier (ly_symbol2scm ("$current-book"), SCM_BOOL_F); } ; /* FIXME: * Use 'handlers' like for toplevel-* stuff? * grok \layout and \midi? */ book_body: { Book *book = new Book; init_papers (parser); book->origin ()->set_spot (@$); book->paper_ = dynamic_cast (unsmob_output_def (parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("$defaultpaper"))->clone ()); book->paper_->unprotect (); push_paper (parser, book->paper_); book->header_ = get_header (parser); $$ = book->unprotect (); parser->lexer_->set_identifier (ly_symbol2scm ("$current-book"), $$); } | BOOK_IDENTIFIER { unsmob_book ($1)->origin ()->set_spot (@$); parser->lexer_->set_identifier (ly_symbol2scm ("$current-book"), $1); } | book_body paper_block { unsmob_book ($1)->paper_ = unsmob_output_def ($2); set_paper (parser, unsmob_output_def ($2)); } | book_body bookpart_block { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("book-bookpart-handler"); scm_call_2 (proc, $1, $2); } | book_body score_block { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("book-score-handler"); scm_call_2 (proc, $1, $2); } | book_body composite_music { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("book-music-handler"); scm_call_3 (proc, parser->self_scm (), $1, $2); } | book_body full_markup { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("book-text-handler"); scm_call_2 (proc, $1, scm_list_1 ($2)); } | book_body full_markup_list { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("book-text-handler"); scm_call_2 (proc, $1, $2); } | book_body SCM_TOKEN { // Evaluate and ignore #xxx, as opposed to \xxx parser->lexer_->eval_scm_token ($2); } | book_body embedded_scm_active { SCM out = SCM_UNDEFINED; if (Text_interface::is_markup ($2)) out = scm_list_1 ($2); else if (Text_interface::is_markup_list ($2)) out = $2; if (scm_is_pair (out)) { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("book-text-handler"); scm_call_2 (proc, $1, out); } else if (!scm_is_eq ($2, SCM_UNSPECIFIED)) parser->parser_error (@2, _("bad expression type")); } | book_body { parser->lexer_->add_scope (unsmob_book ($1)->header_); } lilypond_header | book_body error { Book *book = unsmob_book ($1); book->paper_ = 0; book->scores_ = SCM_EOL; book->bookparts_ = SCM_EOL; } ; bookpart_block: BOOKPART '{' bookpart_body '}' { $$ = $3; parser->lexer_->set_identifier (ly_symbol2scm ("$current-bookpart"), SCM_BOOL_F); } ; bookpart_body: { Book *book = new Book; book->origin ()->set_spot (@$); $$ = book->unprotect (); parser->lexer_->set_identifier (ly_symbol2scm ("$current-bookpart"), $$); } | BOOK_IDENTIFIER { unsmob_book ($1)->origin ()->set_spot (@$); parser->lexer_->set_identifier (ly_symbol2scm ("$current-bookpart"), $1); } | bookpart_body paper_block { unsmob_book ($$)->paper_ = unsmob_output_def ($2); } | bookpart_body score_block { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("bookpart-score-handler"); scm_call_2 (proc, $1, $2); } | bookpart_body composite_music { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("bookpart-music-handler"); scm_call_3 (proc, parser->self_scm (), $1, $2); } | bookpart_body full_markup { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("bookpart-text-handler"); scm_call_2 (proc, $1, scm_list_1 ($2)); } | bookpart_body full_markup_list { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("bookpart-text-handler"); scm_call_2 (proc, $1, $2); } | bookpart_body SCM_TOKEN { // Evaluate and ignore #xxx, as opposed to \xxx parser->lexer_->eval_scm_token ($2); } | bookpart_body embedded_scm_active { SCM out = SCM_UNDEFINED; if (Text_interface::is_markup ($2)) out = scm_list_1 ($2); else if (Text_interface::is_markup_list ($2)) out = $2; if (scm_is_pair (out)) { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("bookpart-text-handler"); scm_call_2 (proc, $1, out); } else if (!scm_is_eq ($2, SCM_UNSPECIFIED)) parser->parser_error (@2, _("bad expression type")); } | bookpart_body { Book *book = unsmob_book ($1); if (!ly_is_module (book->header_)) book->header_ = ly_make_module (false); parser->lexer_->add_scope (book->header_); } lilypond_header | bookpart_body error { Book *book = unsmob_book ($1); book->paper_ = 0; book->scores_ = SCM_EOL; } ; score_block: SCORE '{' score_body '}' { $$ = $3; } ; score_body: music { SCM scorify = ly_lily_module_constant ("scorify-music"); $$ = scm_call_2 (scorify, $1, parser->self_scm ()); unsmob_score ($$)->origin ()->set_spot (@$); } | embedded_scm_active { Score *score; if (unsmob_score ($1)) score = new Score (*unsmob_score ($1)); else { score = new Score; parser->parser_error (@1, _("score expected")); } unsmob_score ($$)->origin ()->set_spot (@$); $$ = score->unprotect (); } | score_body { Score *score = unsmob_score ($1); if (!ly_is_module (score->get_header ())) score->set_header (ly_make_module (false)); parser->lexer_->add_scope (score->get_header ()); } lilypond_header | score_body output_def { Output_def *od = unsmob_output_def ($2); if (od->lookup_variable (ly_symbol2scm ("is-paper")) == SCM_BOOL_T) { parser->parser_error (@2, _("\\paper cannot be used in \\score, use \\layout instead")); } else { unsmob_score ($1)->add_output_def (od); } } | score_body error { unsmob_score ($$)->error_found_ = true; } ; /* OUTPUT DEF */ paper_block: output_def { Output_def *od = unsmob_output_def ($1); if (od->lookup_variable (ly_symbol2scm ("is-paper")) != SCM_BOOL_T) { parser->parser_error (@1, _ ("need \\paper for paper block")); $$ = get_paper (parser)->unprotect (); } } ; output_def: output_def_body '}' { $$ = $1; parser->lexer_->remove_scope (); parser->lexer_->pop_state (); } ; output_def_head: PAPER { Output_def *p = get_paper (parser); p->input_origin_ = @$; parser->lexer_->add_scope (p->scope_); $$ = p->unprotect (); } | MIDI { Output_def *p = get_midi (parser); $$ = p->unprotect (); parser->lexer_->add_scope (p->scope_); } | LAYOUT { Output_def *p = get_layout (parser); parser->lexer_->add_scope (p->scope_); $$ = p->unprotect (); } ; output_def_head_with_mode_switch: output_def_head { parser->lexer_->push_initial_state (); $$ = $1; } ; // We need this weird nonterminal because both music as well as a // context definition can start with \context and the difference is // only apparent after looking at the next token. If it is '{', there // is still time to escape from notes mode. music_or_context_def: music_arg { parser->lexer_->pop_state (); } | CONTEXT { parser->lexer_->pop_state (); } '{' context_def_spec_body '}' { $$ = $4; } ; output_def_body: output_def_head_with_mode_switch '{' { $$ = $1; unsmob_output_def ($$)->input_origin_.set_spot (@$); } | output_def_head_with_mode_switch '{' OUTPUT_DEF_IDENTIFIER { Output_def *o = unsmob_output_def ($3); o->input_origin_.set_spot (@$); $$ = o->self_scm (); parser->lexer_->remove_scope (); parser->lexer_->add_scope (o->scope_); } | output_def_body assignment { } | output_def_body embedded_scm { } | output_def_body { SCM nn = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("pitchnames"); parser->lexer_->push_note_state (nn); } music_or_context_def { if (unsmob_context_def ($3)) assign_context_def (unsmob_output_def ($1), $3); else { SCM proc = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("output-def-music-handler"); scm_call_3 (proc, parser->self_scm (), $1, $3); } } | output_def_body error { } ; tempo_event: TEMPO steno_duration '=' tempo_range { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("tempo", @$, SCM_EOL, $2, $4); } | TEMPO scalar_closed steno_duration '=' tempo_range { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("tempo", @$, $2, $3, $5); } | TEMPO scalar { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("tempo", @$, $2); } ; /* The representation of a list is reversed to have efficient append. */ music_list: /* empty */ { $$ = SCM_EOL; } | music_list music_embedded { if (unsmob_music ($2)) $$ = scm_cons ($2, $1); } | music_list error { Music *m = MY_MAKE_MUSIC("Music", @$); // ugh. code dup m->set_property ("error-found", SCM_BOOL_T); $$ = scm_cons (m->self_scm (), $1); m->unprotect (); /* UGH */ } ; braced_music_list: '{' music_list '}' { $$ = scm_reverse_x ($2, SCM_EOL); } ; music: music_arg | lyric_element_music ; music_embedded: music | embedded_scm { if (unsmob_music ($1) || scm_is_eq ($1, SCM_UNSPECIFIED)) $$ = $1; else { @$.warning (_ ("Ignoring non-music expression")); $$ = SCM_UNSPECIFIED; } } ; music_arg: simple_music { $$ = make_music_from_simple (parser, @1, $1); if (!unsmob_music ($$)) parser->parser_error (@1, _ ("music expected")); } | composite_music %prec COMPOSITE ; music_assign: simple_music | composite_music %prec COMPOSITE ; repeated_music: REPEAT simple_string unsigned_number music { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("repeat", @$, $2, $3, $4, SCM_EOL); } | REPEAT simple_string unsigned_number music ALTERNATIVE braced_music_list { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("repeat", @$, $2, $3, $4, $6); } ; sequential_music: SEQUENTIAL braced_music_list { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("sequential-music", @$, $2); } | braced_music_list { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("sequential-music", @$, $1); } ; simultaneous_music: SIMULTANEOUS braced_music_list { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("simultaneous-music", @$, $2); } | DOUBLE_ANGLE_OPEN music_list DOUBLE_ANGLE_CLOSE { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("simultaneous-music", @$, scm_reverse_x ($2, SCM_EOL)); } ; simple_music: event_chord | music_property_def | context_change ; context_modification: WITH { parser->lexer_->push_initial_state (); } '{' context_mod_list '}' { parser->lexer_->pop_state (); $$ = $4; } | WITH CONTEXT_MOD_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $2; } | CONTEXT_MOD_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1; } | WITH embedded_scm_closed { if (unsmob_context_mod ($2)) $$ = $2; else { parser->parser_error (@2, _ ("not a context mod")); $$ = Context_mod ().smobbed_copy (); } } ; optional_context_mod: /**/ { $$ = SCM_EOL; } | context_modification { $$ = $1; } ; context_mod_list: /**/ { $$ = Context_mod ().smobbed_copy (); } | context_mod_list context_mod { if (!SCM_UNBNDP ($2)) unsmob_context_mod ($1)->add_context_mod ($2); } | context_mod_list CONTEXT_MOD_IDENTIFIER { Context_mod *md = unsmob_context_mod ($2); if (md) unsmob_context_mod ($1)->add_context_mods (md->get_mods ()); } | context_mod_list context_mod_embedded { unsmob_context_mod ($1)->add_context_mods (unsmob_context_mod ($2)->get_mods ()); } ; composite_music: complex_music | music_bare ; /* Music that can be parsed without lookahead */ closed_music: music_bare | complex_music_prefix closed_music { $$ = FINISH_MAKE_SYNTAX ($1, @$, $2); } | music_function_call_closed ; music_bare: mode_changed_music | MUSIC_IDENTIFIER | grouped_music_list ; grouped_music_list: simultaneous_music { $$ = $1; } | sequential_music { $$ = $1; } ; /* An argument list. If a function \foo expects scm scm pitch, then the lexer expands \foo into the token sequence: MUSIC_FUNCTION EXPECT_PITCH EXPECT_SCM EXPECT_SCM EXPECT_NO_MORE_ARGS and this rule returns the reversed list of arguments. */ /* Function argument lists come in a number of flavors. Whenever * LilyPond has to pick between different flavors, the decision is * either made because of tokens it has already seen, or it is * postponed until tokens suitable for making the decision come up. * For postponing decisions, it may be necessary that the competing * rules are written in a way making them compatible until a decision * can be made. Sometimes this is done by putting common traits into * a separate "common" rule set. * * function_arglist: a full argument list. Optional arguments at the * end of the list can only be skipped by writing \default in their * place. * * function_arglist_backup: an argument list ending in an optional * argument that may be skipped depending on its predicate. * * function_arglist_skip: an argument list _not_ ending in an optional * argument that is actually taken. * * function_arglist_nonbackup: an argument list ending in an optional * argument that may not be skipped because it is in end position and * has not been shortcircuited with \default. * * function_arglist* / function_arglist_closed*: The closed variants * don't end in simple music expressions that might still accept * things like a duration or a postevent. */ function_arglist_skip: function_arglist_common | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_PITCH function_arglist_skip { $$ = scm_cons ($1, $3); } %prec FUNCTION_ARGLIST | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_DURATION function_arglist_skip { $$ = scm_cons ($1, $3); } %prec FUNCTION_ARGLIST | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_skip { $$ = scm_cons ($1, $3); } %prec FUNCTION_ARGLIST ; function_arglist_nonbackup_common: EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_PITCH function_arglist pitch_also_in_chords { $$ = scm_cons ($4, $3); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_DURATION function_arglist_closed duration_length { $$ = scm_cons ($4, $3); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist FRACTION { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @4, $4, $3, $2); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed post_event_nofinger { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @4, $4, $3, $2); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed '-' UNSIGNED { SCM n = scm_difference ($5, SCM_UNDEFINED); if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($2, n))) $$ = scm_cons (n, $3); else { Music *t = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("FingeringEvent", @5); t->set_property ("digit", $5); $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @4, t->unprotect (), $3, $2, n); } } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed '-' REAL { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @4, scm_difference ($5, SCM_UNDEFINED), $3, $2); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed '-' NUMBER_IDENTIFIER { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @4, scm_difference ($5, SCM_UNDEFINED), $3, $2); } ; function_arglist_closed_nonbackup: function_arglist_nonbackup_common | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist embedded_scm_arg_closed { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @4, $4, $3, $2); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed bare_number_closed { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @4, $4, $3, $2); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist SCM_IDENTIFIER { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @4, try_string_variants ($2, $4), $3, $2, $4); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist STRING { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @4, try_string_variants ($2, $4), $3, $2, $4); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist LYRICS_STRING { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @4, try_string_variants ($2, $4), $3, $2, $4); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist lyric_markup { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @4, $4, $3, $2); } ; symbol_list_arg: SYMBOL_LIST | SYMBOL_LIST '.' symbol_list_rev { $$ = scm_append (scm_list_2 ($1, scm_reverse_x ($3, SCM_EOL))); } ; symbol_list_rev: symbol_list_part | symbol_list_rev '.' symbol_list_part { $$ = scm_append_x (scm_list_2 ($3, $1)); } ; // symbol_list_part delivers elements in reverse copy. symbol_list_part: symbol_list_element { SCM sym_l_p = ly_lily_module_constant ("symbol-list?"); $$ = try_string_variants (sym_l_p, $1); if (SCM_UNBNDP ($$)) { parser->parser_error (@1, _("not a symbol")); $$ = SCM_EOL; } else $$ = scm_reverse ($$); } ; symbol_list_element: STRING | LYRICS_STRING | embedded_scm_bare ; function_arglist_nonbackup: function_arglist_nonbackup_common | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist embedded_scm_arg { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @4, $4, $3, $2); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed bare_number { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @4, $4, $3, $2); } | function_arglist_nonbackup_reparse REPARSE SCM_ARG { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $1, $2); } | function_arglist_nonbackup_reparse REPARSE lyric_element_music { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $1, $2); } | function_arglist_nonbackup_reparse REPARSE symbol_list_arg { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $1, $2); } ; function_arglist_nonbackup_reparse: EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist SCM_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $3; SCM res = try_string_variants ($2, $4); if (!SCM_UNBNDP (res)) if (scm_is_pair (res)) MYREPARSE (@4, $2, SYMBOL_LIST, res); else MYREPARSE (@4, $2, SCM_ARG, res); else if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($2, make_music_from_simple (parser, @4, $4)))) MYREPARSE (@4, $2, LYRICS_STRING, $4); else MYREPARSE (@4, $2, SCM_ARG, $4); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist LYRICS_STRING { $$ = $3; SCM res = try_string_variants ($2, $4); if (!SCM_UNBNDP (res)) if (scm_is_pair (res)) MYREPARSE (@4, $2, SYMBOL_LIST, res); else MYREPARSE (@4, $2, SCM_ARG, res); else if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($2, make_music_from_simple (parser, @4, $4)))) MYREPARSE (@4, $2, LYRICS_STRING, $4); else MYREPARSE (@4, $2, SCM_ARG, $4); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist STRING { $$ = $3; SCM res = try_string_variants ($2, $4); if (!SCM_UNBNDP (res)) if (scm_is_pair (res)) MYREPARSE (@4, $2, SYMBOL_LIST, res); else MYREPARSE (@4, $2, SCM_ARG, res); else MYREPARSE (@4, $2, SCM_ARG, $4); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist lyric_markup { $$ = $3; if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($2, $4))) MYREPARSE (@4, $2, SCM_ARG, $4); else if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($2, make_music_from_simple (parser, @4, $4)))) MYREPARSE (@4, $2, LYRICS_STRING, $4); else MYREPARSE (@4, $2, SCM_ARG, $4); } ; function_arglist_keep: function_arglist_common | function_arglist_backup ; function_arglist_closed_keep: function_arglist_closed_common | function_arglist_backup ; function_arglist_backup: EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_keep embedded_scm_arg_closed { if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($2, $4))) { $$ = scm_cons ($4, $3); } else { $$ = scm_cons (loc_on_music (@3, $1), $3); MYBACKUP (SCM_ARG, $4, @4); } } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed_keep post_event_nofinger { if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($2, $4))) { $$ = scm_cons ($4, $3); } else { $$ = scm_cons (loc_on_music (@3, $1), $3); MYBACKUP (EVENT_IDENTIFIER, $4, @4); } } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_keep lyric_markup { if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($2, $4))) $$ = scm_cons ($4, $3); else { $$ = scm_cons (loc_on_music (@3, $1), $3); MYBACKUP (LYRIC_ELEMENT, $4, @4); } } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed_keep UNSIGNED { if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($2, $4))) { $$ = $3; MYREPARSE (@4, $2, UNSIGNED, $4); } else { $$ = scm_cons (loc_on_music (@3, $1), $3); MYBACKUP (UNSIGNED, $4, @4); } } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed_keep REAL { if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($2, $4))) { $$ = $3; MYREPARSE (@4, $2, REAL, $4); } else { $$ = scm_cons (loc_on_music (@3, $1), $3); MYBACKUP (REAL, $4, @4); } } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed_keep NUMBER_IDENTIFIER { if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($2, $4))) { $$ = scm_cons ($4, $3); } else { $$ = scm_cons (loc_on_music (@3, $1), $3); MYBACKUP (NUMBER_IDENTIFIER, $4, @4); } } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_keep FRACTION { if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($2, $4))) { $$ = scm_cons ($4, $3); } else { $$ = scm_cons (loc_on_music (@3, $1), $3); MYBACKUP (FRACTION, $4, @4); } } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed_keep '-' UNSIGNED { SCM n = scm_difference ($5, SCM_UNDEFINED); if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($2, n))) { $$ = $3; MYREPARSE (@5, $2, REAL, n); } else { Music *t = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("FingeringEvent", @5); t->set_property ("digit", $5); $$ = t->unprotect (); if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($2, $$))) $$ = scm_cons ($$, $3); else { $$ = scm_cons (loc_on_music (@3, $1), $3); MYBACKUP (UNSIGNED, $5, @5); parser->lexer_->push_extra_token ('-'); } } } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed_keep '-' REAL { SCM n = scm_difference ($5, SCM_UNDEFINED); if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($2, n))) { MYREPARSE (@5, $2, REAL, n); $$ = $3; } else { $$ = scm_cons (loc_on_music (@3, $1), $3); MYBACKUP (REAL, n, @5); } } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed_keep '-' NUMBER_IDENTIFIER { SCM n = scm_difference ($5, SCM_UNDEFINED); if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($2, n))) { $$ = scm_cons (n, $3); } else { $$ = scm_cons (loc_on_music (@3, $1), $3); MYBACKUP (NUMBER_IDENTIFIER, n, @5); } } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_PITCH function_arglist_keep pitch_also_in_chords { $$ = scm_cons ($4, $3); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_DURATION function_arglist_closed_keep duration_length { $$ = scm_cons ($4, $3); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_keep SCM_IDENTIFIER { SCM res = try_string_variants ($2, $4); if (!SCM_UNBNDP (res)) if (scm_is_pair (res)) { $$ = $3; MYREPARSE (@4, $2, SYMBOL_LIST, res); } else $$ = scm_cons (res, $3); else { $$ = scm_cons (loc_on_music (@3, $1), $3); MYBACKUP (SCM_IDENTIFIER, $4, @4); } } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_keep STRING { SCM res = try_string_variants ($2, $4); if (!SCM_UNBNDP (res)) if (scm_is_pair (res)) { $$ = $3; MYREPARSE (@4, $2, SYMBOL_LIST, res); } else $$ = scm_cons (res, $3); else { $$ = scm_cons (loc_on_music (@3, $1), $3); MYBACKUP (STRING, $4, @4); } } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_keep LYRICS_STRING { SCM res = try_string_variants ($2, $4); if (!SCM_UNBNDP (res)) if (scm_is_pair (res)) { $$ = $3; MYREPARSE (@4, $2, SYMBOL_LIST, res); } else $$ = scm_cons (res, $3); else { $$ = scm_cons (loc_on_music (@3, $1), $3); MYBACKUP (LYRICS_STRING, $4, @4); } } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_backup BACKUP { $$ = scm_cons ($1, $3); MYBACKUP(0, SCM_UNDEFINED, @3); } | function_arglist_backup REPARSE bare_number { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $1, $2); } | function_arglist_backup REPARSE symbol_list_arg { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $1, $2); } ; function_arglist: function_arglist_common | function_arglist_nonbackup ; function_arglist_common: function_arglist_bare | EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_optional embedded_scm_arg { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $2, $1); } | EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed_optional bare_number { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $2, $1); } | EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_optional FRACTION { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $2, $1); } | EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed_optional post_event_nofinger { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $2, $1); } | EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed_optional '-' NUMBER_IDENTIFIER { SCM n = scm_difference ($4, SCM_UNDEFINED); $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @4, n, $2, $1); } | function_arglist_common_reparse REPARSE SCM_ARG { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $1, $2); } | function_arglist_common_reparse REPARSE lyric_element_music { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $1, $2); } | function_arglist_common_reparse REPARSE bare_number { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $1, $2); } | function_arglist_common_reparse REPARSE symbol_list_arg { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $1, $2); } ; function_arglist_common_reparse: EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_optional SCM_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $2; SCM res = try_string_variants ($1, $3); if (!SCM_UNBNDP (res)) if (scm_is_pair (res)) MYREPARSE (@3, $1, SYMBOL_LIST, res); else MYREPARSE (@3, $1, SCM_ARG, res); else if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($1, make_music_from_simple (parser, @3, $3)))) MYREPARSE (@3, $1, LYRIC_ELEMENT, $3); else // This is going to flag a syntax error, we // know the predicate to be false. MYREPARSE (@3, $1, SCM_ARG, $3); } | EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_optional STRING { $$ = $2; SCM res = try_string_variants ($1, $3); if (!SCM_UNBNDP (res)) if (scm_is_pair (res)) MYREPARSE (@3, $1, SYMBOL_LIST, res); else MYREPARSE (@3, $1, SCM_ARG, res); else // This is going to flag a syntax error, we // know the predicate to be false. MYREPARSE (@3, $1, SCM_ARG, $3); } | EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_optional LYRICS_STRING { $$ = $2; SCM res = try_string_variants ($1, $3); if (!SCM_UNBNDP (res)) if (scm_is_pair (res)) MYREPARSE (@3, $1, SYMBOL_LIST, res); else MYREPARSE (@3, $1, SCM_ARG, res); else if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($1, make_music_from_simple (parser, @3, $3)))) MYREPARSE (@3, $1, LYRIC_ELEMENT, $3); else // This is going to flag a syntax error, we // know the predicate to be false. MYREPARSE (@3, $1, SCM_ARG, $3); } | EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_optional lyric_markup { $$ = $2; if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($1, $3))) MYREPARSE (@3, $1, SCM_ARG, $3); else if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($1, make_music_from_simple (parser, @3, $3)))) MYREPARSE (@3, $1, LYRIC_ELEMENT, $3); else // This is going to flag a syntax error, we // know the predicate to be false. MYREPARSE (@3, $1, SCM_ARG, $3); } | EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed_optional '-' UNSIGNED { $$ = $2; SCM n = scm_difference ($4, SCM_UNDEFINED); if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($1, n))) MYREPARSE (@4, $1, REAL, n); else { Music *t = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("FingeringEvent", @4); t->set_property ("digit", $4); SCM m = t->unprotect (); if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 ($1, m))) MYREPARSE (@4, $1, SCM_ARG, m); else MYREPARSE (@4, $1, SCM_ARG, $4); } } | EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed_optional '-' REAL { $$ = $2; SCM n = scm_difference ($4, SCM_UNDEFINED); MYREPARSE (@4, $1, REAL, n); } ; function_arglist_closed: function_arglist_closed_common | function_arglist_closed_nonbackup ; function_arglist_closed_common: function_arglist_bare | EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_optional embedded_scm_arg_closed { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $2, $1); } | EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed_optional bare_number { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $2, $1); } | EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed_optional '-' NUMBER_IDENTIFIER { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, scm_difference ($4, SCM_UNDEFINED), $2, $1); } | EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_closed_optional post_event_nofinger { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $2, $1); } | EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_optional FRACTION { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $2, $1); } | function_arglist_common_reparse REPARSE SCM_ARG { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $1, $2); } | function_arglist_common_reparse REPARSE bare_number { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $1, $2); } | function_arglist_common_reparse REPARSE symbol_list_arg { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $1, $2); } ; function_arglist_optional: function_arglist_keep %prec FUNCTION_ARGLIST | function_arglist_backup BACKUP | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_PITCH function_arglist_optional { $$ = scm_cons ($1, $3); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_DURATION function_arglist_optional { $$ = scm_cons ($1, $3); } ; function_arglist_closed_optional: function_arglist_closed_keep %prec FUNCTION_ARGLIST | function_arglist_backup BACKUP | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_PITCH function_arglist_closed_optional { $$ = scm_cons ($1, $3); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_DURATION function_arglist_closed_optional { $$ = scm_cons ($1, $3); } ; embedded_scm_closed: embedded_scm_bare | scm_function_call_closed ; embedded_scm_arg_closed: embedded_scm_bare_arg | scm_function_call_closed | closed_music ; scm_function_call_closed: SCM_FUNCTION function_arglist_closed { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("music-function", @$, $1, $2); } %prec FUNCTION_ARGLIST ; function_arglist_bare: EXPECT_NO_MORE_ARGS { $$ = SCM_EOL; } | EXPECT_PITCH function_arglist_optional pitch_also_in_chords { $$ = scm_cons ($3, $2); } | EXPECT_DURATION function_arglist_closed_optional duration_length { $$ = scm_cons ($3, $2); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_PITCH function_arglist_skip DEFAULT { $$ = scm_cons ($1, $3); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_DURATION function_arglist_skip DEFAULT { $$ = scm_cons ($1, $3); } | EXPECT_OPTIONAL EXPECT_SCM function_arglist_skip DEFAULT { $$ = scm_cons ($1, $3); } ; music_function_call: MUSIC_FUNCTION function_arglist { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("music-function", @$, $1, $2); } ; optional_id: /**/ { $$ = SCM_EOL; } | '=' simple_string { $$ = $2; } ; complex_music: music_function_call | repeated_music { $$ = $1; } | re_rhythmed_music { $$ = $1; } | complex_music_prefix music { $$ = FINISH_MAKE_SYNTAX ($1, @$, $2); } ; complex_music_prefix: CONTEXT simple_string optional_id optional_context_mod { Context_mod *ctxmod = unsmob_context_mod ($4); SCM mods = SCM_EOL; if (ctxmod) mods = ctxmod->get_mods (); $$ = START_MAKE_SYNTAX ("context-specification", $2, $3, mods, SCM_BOOL_F); } | NEWCONTEXT simple_string optional_id optional_context_mod { Context_mod *ctxmod = unsmob_context_mod ($4); SCM mods = SCM_EOL; if (ctxmod) mods = ctxmod->get_mods (); $$ = START_MAKE_SYNTAX ("context-specification", $2, $3, mods, SCM_BOOL_T); } ; mode_changed_music: mode_changing_head grouped_music_list { if ($1 == ly_symbol2scm ("chords")) { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("unrelativable-music", @$, $2); } else { $$ = $2; } parser->lexer_->pop_state (); } | mode_changing_head_with_context optional_context_mod grouped_music_list { Context_mod *ctxmod = unsmob_context_mod ($2); SCM mods = SCM_EOL; if (ctxmod) mods = ctxmod->get_mods (); $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("context-specification", @$, $1, SCM_EOL, mods, SCM_BOOL_T, $3); if ($1 == ly_symbol2scm ("ChordNames")) { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("unrelativable-music", @$, $$); } parser->lexer_->pop_state (); } ; mode_changing_head: NOTEMODE { SCM nn = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("pitchnames"); parser->lexer_->push_note_state (nn); $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("notes"); } | DRUMMODE { SCM nn = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("drumPitchNames"); parser->lexer_->push_note_state (nn); $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("drums"); } | FIGUREMODE { parser->lexer_->push_figuredbass_state (); $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("figures"); } | CHORDMODE { SCM nn = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("chordmodifiers"); parser->lexer_->chordmodifier_tab_ = alist_to_hashq (nn); nn = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("pitchnames"); parser->lexer_->push_chord_state (nn); $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("chords"); } | LYRICMODE { parser->lexer_->push_lyric_state (); $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("lyrics"); } ; mode_changing_head_with_context: DRUMS { SCM nn = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("drumPitchNames"); parser->lexer_->push_note_state (nn); $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("DrumStaff"); } | FIGURES { parser->lexer_->push_figuredbass_state (); $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("FiguredBass"); } | CHORDS { SCM nn = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("chordmodifiers"); parser->lexer_->chordmodifier_tab_ = alist_to_hashq (nn); nn = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("pitchnames"); parser->lexer_->push_chord_state (nn); $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("ChordNames"); } | LYRICS { parser->lexer_->push_lyric_state (); $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("Lyrics"); } ; new_lyrics: ADDLYRICS { parser->lexer_->push_lyric_state (); } /*cont */ composite_music { /* Can also use music at the expensive of two S/Rs similar to \repeat \alternative */ parser->lexer_->pop_state (); $$ = scm_cons ($3, SCM_EOL); } | new_lyrics ADDLYRICS { parser->lexer_->push_lyric_state (); } composite_music { parser->lexer_->pop_state (); $$ = scm_cons ($4, $1); } ; re_rhythmed_music: composite_music new_lyrics { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("add-lyrics", @$, $1, scm_reverse_x ($2, SCM_EOL)); } %prec COMPOSITE | LYRICSTO simple_string { parser->lexer_->push_lyric_state (); } music { parser->lexer_->pop_state (); $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("lyric-combine", @$, $2, $4); } ; context_change: CHANGE STRING '=' STRING { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("context-change", @$, scm_string_to_symbol ($2), $4); } ; property_path: symbol_list_rev { $$ = scm_reverse_x ($1, SCM_EOL); } | symbol_list_rev property_path { $$ = scm_reverse_x ($1, $2); } ; property_operation: STRING '=' scalar { $$ = scm_list_3 (ly_symbol2scm ("assign"), scm_string_to_symbol ($1), $3); } | UNSET simple_string { $$ = scm_list_2 (ly_symbol2scm ("unset"), scm_string_to_symbol ($2)); } | OVERRIDE property_path '=' scalar { if (scm_ilength ($2) < 2) { parser->parser_error (@2, _("bad grob property path")); $$ = SCM_UNDEFINED; } else { $$ = scm_cons (ly_symbol2scm ("push"), scm_cons2 (scm_car ($2), $4, scm_cdr ($2))); } } | REVERT revert_arg { $$ = scm_list_3 (ly_symbol2scm ("pop"), scm_car ($2), scm_cdr ($2)); } ; // This is all quite awkward for the sake of substantial backward // compatibility while at the same time allowing a more "natural" form // of specification not separating grob specification from grob // property path. The purpose of this definition of revert_arg is to // allow the symbol list which specifies grob and property to revert // to be optionally be split into two parts after the grob (which in // this case is just the first element of the list). symbol_list_part // is only one path component, but it can be parsed without lookahead, // so we can follow it with a synthetic BACKUP token when needed. If // the first symbol_list_part already contains multiple elements (only // possible if a Scheme expression provides them), we just parse for // additional elements introduced by '.', which is what the // SYMBOL_LIST backup in connection with the immediately following // rule using symbol_list_arg does. // // As long as we don't have our coffers filled with both grob and at // least one grob property specification, the rest of the required // symbol list chain may be provided either with or without a leading // dot. This is for both allowing the traditional // \revert Accidental #'color // as well as well as the "naive" form // \revert Accidental.color revert_arg: revert_arg_part { if (scm_is_null ($1) || scm_is_null (scm_cdr ($1))) MYBACKUP (SCM_ARG, $1, @1); else MYBACKUP (SYMBOL_LIST, scm_reverse_x ($1, SCM_EOL), @1); } | revert_arg BACKUP symbol_list_arg { $$ = $3; } ; // revert_arg_part delivers results in reverse revert_arg_part: symbol_list_part | revert_arg BACKUP SCM_ARG '.' symbol_list_part { $$ = scm_append_x (scm_list_2 ($5, $3)); } | revert_arg BACKUP SCM_ARG symbol_list_part { $$ = scm_append_x (scm_list_2 ($4, $3)); } ; context_def_mod: CONSISTS { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("consists"); } | REMOVE { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("remove"); } | ACCEPTS { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("accepts"); } | DEFAULTCHILD { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("default-child"); } | DENIES { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("denies"); } | ALIAS { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("alias"); } | TYPE { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("translator-type"); } | DESCRIPTION { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("description"); } | NAME { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("context-name"); } ; context_mod: property_operation { $$ = $1; } | context_def_mod STRING { $$ = scm_list_2 ($1, $2); } | context_def_mod embedded_scm { if (!scm_is_string ($2) && ly_symbol2scm ("consists") != $1 && ly_symbol2scm ("remove") != $1) { $$ = SCM_EOL; parser->parser_error (@1, _ ("only \\consists and \\remove take non-string argument.")); } else { $$ = scm_list_2 ($1, $2); } } ; // If defined, at least two members. grob_prop_spec: symbol_list_rev { SCM l = scm_reverse_x ($1, SCM_EOL); if (scm_is_pair (l) && to_boolean (scm_object_property (scm_car (l), ly_symbol2scm ("is-grob?")))) l = scm_cons (ly_symbol2scm ("Bottom"), l); if (scm_is_null (l) || scm_is_null (scm_cdr (l))) { parser->parser_error (@1, _ ("bad grob property path")); l = SCM_UNDEFINED; } $$ = l; } ; // If defined, at least three members grob_prop_path: grob_prop_spec { if (!SCM_UNBNDP ($1) && scm_is_null (scm_cddr ($1))) { parser->parser_error (@1, _ ("bad grob property path")); $$ = SCM_UNDEFINED; } } | grob_prop_spec property_path { if (!SCM_UNBNDP ($1)) { $$ = scm_append_x (scm_list_2 ($1, $2)); if (scm_is_null (scm_cddr ($$))) { parser->parser_error (@$, _ ("bad grob property path")); $$ = SCM_UNDEFINED; } } } ; // Exactly two elements or undefined context_prop_spec: symbol_list_rev { SCM l = scm_reverse_x ($1, SCM_EOL); switch (scm_ilength (l)) { case 1: l = scm_cons (ly_symbol2scm ("Bottom"), l); case 2: break; default: parser->parser_error (@1, _ ("bad context property path")); l = SCM_UNDEFINED; } $$ = l; } ; simple_music_property_def: OVERRIDE grob_prop_path '=' scalar { if (SCM_UNBNDP ($2)) $$ = SCM_UNDEFINED; else { $$ = scm_list_5 (scm_car ($2), ly_symbol2scm ("OverrideProperty"), scm_cadr ($2), $4, scm_cddr ($2)); } } | REVERT simple_revert_context revert_arg { $$ = scm_list_4 ($2, ly_symbol2scm ("RevertProperty"), scm_car ($3), scm_cdr ($3)); } | SET context_prop_spec '=' scalar { if (SCM_UNBNDP ($2)) $$ = SCM_UNDEFINED; else $$ = scm_list_4 (scm_car ($2), ly_symbol2scm ("PropertySet"), scm_cadr ($2), $4); } | UNSET context_prop_spec { if (SCM_UNBNDP ($2)) $$ = SCM_UNDEFINED; else $$ = scm_list_3 (scm_car ($2), ly_symbol2scm ("PropertyUnset"), scm_cadr ($2)); } ; // This is all quite awkward for the sake of substantial backward // compatibility while at the same time allowing a more "natural" form // of specification not separating grob specification from grob // property path. The purpose of this definition of // simple_revert_context is to allow the symbol list which specifies // grob and property to revert to be optionally be split into two // parts after the grob (which may be preceded by a context // specification, a case which we distinguish by checking whether the // first symbol is a valid grob symbol instead). // // See revert_arg above for the main work horse of this arrangement. // simple_revert_context just caters for the context and delegates the // rest of the job to revert_arg. simple_revert_context: symbol_list_part { $1 = scm_reverse_x ($1, SCM_EOL); if (scm_is_null ($1) || to_boolean (scm_object_property (scm_car ($1), ly_symbol2scm ("is-grob?")))) { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("Bottom"); parser->lexer_->push_extra_token (SCM_IDENTIFIER, $1); } else { $$ = scm_car ($1); parser->lexer_->push_extra_token (SCM_IDENTIFIER, scm_cdr ($1)); } } ; music_property_def: simple_music_property_def { if (SCM_UNBNDP ($1)) $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("void-music", @1); else $$ = LOWLEVEL_MAKE_SYNTAX (ly_lily_module_constant ("property-operation"), scm_cons2 (parser->self_scm (), make_input (@$), $1)); } ; string: STRING { $$ = $1; } | full_markup | string '+' string { if (!scm_is_string ($1)) { parser->parser_error (@1, (_ ("simple string expected"))); $1 = scm_string (SCM_EOL); } if (!scm_is_string ($3)) { parser->parser_error (@3, (_ ("simple string expected"))); $3 = scm_string (SCM_EOL); } $$ = scm_string_append (scm_list_2 ($1, $3)); } ; simple_string: STRING { $$ = $1; } | LYRICS_STRING { $$ = $1; } | embedded_scm_bare { if (scm_is_string ($1)) { $$ = $1; } else { parser->parser_error (@1, (_ ("simple string expected"))); $$ = scm_string (SCM_EOL); } } ; scalar: embedded_scm_arg | SCM_IDENTIFIER | bare_number | FRACTION | lyric_element | STRING ; scalar_closed: embedded_scm_arg_closed | SCM_IDENTIFIER | bare_number | FRACTION | lyric_element | STRING ; event_chord: simple_element post_events { // Let the rhythmic music iterator sort this mess out. if (scm_is_pair ($2)) { $$ = make_music_from_simple (parser, @1, $1); if (unsmob_music ($$)) unsmob_music ($$)->set_property ("articulations", scm_reverse_x ($2, SCM_EOL)); else parser->parser_error (@1, _("music expected")); } } | simple_chord_elements post_events { SCM elts = ly_append2 ($1, scm_reverse_x ($2, SCM_EOL)); Input i; /* why is this giving wrong start location? -ns * i = @$; */ i.set_location (@1, @2); $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("event-chord", i, elts); } | CHORD_REPETITION optional_notemode_duration post_events { Input i; i.set_location (@1, @3); $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("repetition-chord", i, $2, scm_reverse_x ($3, SCM_EOL)); } | MULTI_MEASURE_REST optional_notemode_duration post_events { Input i; i.set_location (@1, @3); $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("multi-measure-rest", i, $2, scm_reverse_x ($3, SCM_EOL)); } | command_element | note_chord_element ; note_chord_element: chord_body optional_notemode_duration post_events { Music *m = unsmob_music ($1); SCM dur = unsmob_duration ($2)->smobbed_copy (); SCM es = m->get_property ("elements"); SCM postevs = scm_reverse_x ($3, SCM_EOL); for (SCM s = es; scm_is_pair (s); s = scm_cdr (s)) unsmob_music (scm_car (s))->set_property ("duration", dur); es = ly_append2 (es, postevs); m-> set_property ("elements", es); m->set_spot (@$); $$ = m->self_scm (); } ; chord_body: ANGLE_OPEN chord_body_elements ANGLE_CLOSE { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("event-chord", @$, scm_reverse_x ($2, SCM_EOL)); } ; chord_body_elements: /* empty */ { $$ = SCM_EOL; } | chord_body_elements chord_body_element { if (!SCM_UNBNDP ($2)) $$ = scm_cons ($2, $1); } ; chord_body_element: pitch exclamations questions octave_check post_events { bool q = to_boolean ($3); bool ex = to_boolean ($2); SCM check = $4; SCM post = $5; Music *n = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("NoteEvent", @$); n->set_property ("pitch", $1); if (q) n->set_property ("cautionary", SCM_BOOL_T); if (ex || q) n->set_property ("force-accidental", SCM_BOOL_T); if (scm_is_pair (post)) { SCM arts = scm_reverse_x (post, SCM_EOL); n->set_property ("articulations", arts); } if (scm_is_number (check)) { int q = scm_to_int (check); n->set_property ("absolute-octave", scm_from_int (q-1)); } $$ = n->unprotect (); } | DRUM_PITCH post_events { Music *n = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("NoteEvent", @$); n->set_property ("drum-type", $1); if (scm_is_pair ($2)) { SCM arts = scm_reverse_x ($2, SCM_EOL); n->set_property ("articulations", arts); } $$ = n->unprotect (); } | music_function_chord_body { Music *m = unsmob_music ($1); while (m && m->is_mus_type ("music-wrapper-music")) { $$ = m->get_property ("element"); m = unsmob_music ($$); } if (!(m && m->is_mus_type ("rhythmic-event"))) { parser->parser_error (@$, _ ("not a rhythmic event")); $$ = SCM_UNDEFINED; } } ; music_function_chord_body: music_function_call | MUSIC_IDENTIFIER ; // Event functions may only take closed arglists, otherwise it would // not be clear whether a following postevent should be associated // with the last argument of the event function or with the expression // for which the function call acts itself as event. music_function_call_closed: MUSIC_FUNCTION function_arglist_closed { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("music-function", @$, $1, $2); } ; event_function_event: EVENT_FUNCTION function_arglist_closed { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("music-function", @$, $1, $2); } ; command_element: command_event { $$ = $1; } | E_BRACKET_OPEN { Music *m = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("LigatureEvent", @$); m->set_property ("span-direction", scm_from_int (START)); $$ = m->unprotect(); } | E_BRACKET_CLOSE { Music *m = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("LigatureEvent", @$); m->set_property ("span-direction", scm_from_int (STOP)); $$ = m->unprotect (); } | E_BACKSLASH { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("voice-separator", @$); } | '|' { SCM pipe = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("pipeSymbol"); Music *m = unsmob_music (pipe); if (m) { m = m->clone (); m->set_spot (@$); $$ = m->unprotect (); } else $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("bar-check", @$); } ; command_event: E_TILDE { $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("PesOrFlexaEvent", @$)->unprotect (); } | tempo_event { $$ = $1; } ; post_events: /* empty */ { $$ = SCM_EOL; } | post_events post_event { unsmob_music ($2)->set_spot (@2); $$ = scm_cons ($2, $$); } ; post_event_nofinger: direction_less_event { $$ = $1; } | script_dir music_function_call_closed { $$ = $2; if (!SCM_UNBNDP ($1)) { unsmob_music ($$)->set_property ("direction", $1); } } | HYPHEN { if (!parser->lexer_->is_lyric_state ()) parser->parser_error (@1, _ ("have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics")); $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("HyphenEvent", @$)->unprotect (); } | EXTENDER { if (!parser->lexer_->is_lyric_state ()) parser->parser_error (@1, _ ("have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics")); $$ = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("ExtenderEvent", @$)->unprotect (); } | script_dir direction_reqd_event { if (!SCM_UNBNDP ($1)) { Music *m = unsmob_music ($2); m->set_property ("direction", $1); } $$ = $2; } | script_dir direction_less_event { if (!SCM_UNBNDP ($1)) { Music *m = unsmob_music ($2); m->set_property ("direction", $1); } $$ = $2; } | '^' fingering { $$ = $2; unsmob_music ($$)->set_property ("direction", scm_from_int (UP)); } | '_' fingering { $$ = $2; unsmob_music ($$)->set_property ("direction", scm_from_int (DOWN)); } ; post_event: post_event_nofinger | '-' fingering { $$ = $2; } ; string_number_event: E_UNSIGNED { Music *s = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("StringNumberEvent", @$); s->set_property ("string-number", $1); $$ = s->unprotect (); } ; direction_less_char: '[' { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("bracketOpenSymbol"); } | ']' { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("bracketCloseSymbol"); } | '~' { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("tildeSymbol"); } | '(' { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("parenthesisOpenSymbol"); } | ')' { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("parenthesisCloseSymbol"); } | E_EXCLAMATION { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("escapedExclamationSymbol"); } | E_OPEN { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("escapedParenthesisOpenSymbol"); } | E_CLOSE { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("escapedParenthesisCloseSymbol"); } | E_ANGLE_CLOSE { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("escapedBiggerSymbol"); } | E_ANGLE_OPEN { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("escapedSmallerSymbol"); } ; direction_less_event: direction_less_char { SCM predefd = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier_symbol ($1); Music *m = 0; if (unsmob_music (predefd)) { m = unsmob_music (predefd)->clone (); m->set_spot (@$); } else { m = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("Music", @$); } $$ = m->unprotect (); } | string_number_event | EVENT_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1; } | tremolo_type { Music *a = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("TremoloEvent", @$); a->set_property ("tremolo-type", $1); $$ = a->unprotect (); } | event_function_event ; direction_reqd_event: gen_text_def { $$ = $1; } | script_abbreviation { SCM s = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("dash" + ly_scm2string ($1)); Music *a = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("ArticulationEvent", @$); if (scm_is_string (s)) a->set_property ("articulation-type", s); else parser->parser_error (@1, _ ("expecting string as script definition")); $$ = a->unprotect (); } ; octave_check: /**/ { $$ = SCM_EOL; } | '=' quotes { $$ = $2; } ; quotes: /* empty */ { $$ = SCM_INUM0; } | sub_quotes | sup_quotes ; sup_quotes: '\'' { $$ = scm_from_int (1); } | sup_quotes '\'' { $$ = scm_oneplus ($1); } ; sub_quotes: ',' { $$ = scm_from_int (-1); } | sub_quotes ',' { $$ = scm_oneminus ($1); } ; steno_pitch: NOTENAME_PITCH quotes { if (!scm_is_eq (SCM_INUM0, $2)) { Pitch p = *unsmob_pitch ($1); p = p.transposed (Pitch (scm_to_int ($2),0,0)); $$ = p.smobbed_copy (); } } ; /* ugh. duplication */ steno_tonic_pitch: TONICNAME_PITCH quotes { if (!scm_is_eq (SCM_INUM0, $2)) { Pitch p = *unsmob_pitch ($1); p = p.transposed (Pitch (scm_to_int ($2),0,0)); $$ = p.smobbed_copy (); } } ; pitch: steno_pitch | PITCH_IDENTIFIER ; pitch_also_in_chords: pitch | steno_tonic_pitch ; gen_text_def: full_markup { Music *t = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("TextScriptEvent", @$); t->set_property ("text", $1); $$ = t->unprotect (); } | STRING { Music *t = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("TextScriptEvent", @$); t->set_property ("text", make_simple_markup ($1)); $$ = t->unprotect (); } | LYRICS_STRING { Music *t = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("TextScriptEvent", @$); t->set_property ("text", make_simple_markup ($1)); $$ = t->unprotect (); } | embedded_scm_closed { Music *m = unsmob_music ($1); if (m && m->is_mus_type ("post-event")) $$ = $1; else if (Text_interface::is_markup ($1)) { Music *t = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("TextScriptEvent", @$); t->set_property ("text", $1); $$ = t->unprotect (); } else parser->parser_error (@1, _ ("not an articulation")); } ; fingering: UNSIGNED { Music *t = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("FingeringEvent", @$); t->set_property ("digit", $1); $$ = t->unprotect (); } ; script_abbreviation: '^' { $$ = scm_from_locale_string ("Hat"); } | '+' { $$ = scm_from_locale_string ("Plus"); } | '-' { $$ = scm_from_locale_string ("Dash"); } | '|' { $$ = scm_from_locale_string ("Bar"); } | ANGLE_CLOSE { $$ = scm_from_locale_string ("Larger"); } | '.' { $$ = scm_from_locale_string ("Dot"); } | '_' { $$ = scm_from_locale_string ("Underscore"); } ; script_dir: '_' { $$ = scm_from_int (DOWN); } | '^' { $$ = scm_from_int (UP); } | '-' { $$ = SCM_UNDEFINED; } ; duration_length: multiplied_duration { $$ = $1; } ; maybe_notemode_duration: { $$ = SCM_UNDEFINED; } | multiplied_duration { $$ = $1; parser->default_duration_ = *unsmob_duration ($$); } ; optional_notemode_duration: maybe_notemode_duration { if (SCM_UNBNDP ($$)) $$ = parser->default_duration_.smobbed_copy (); } ; steno_duration: UNSIGNED dots { int len = 0; int n = scm_to_int ($1); if (!is_duration (n)) parser->parser_error (@1, _f ("not a duration: %d", n)); else len = intlog2 (n); $$ = Duration (len, scm_to_int ($2)).smobbed_copy (); } | DURATION_IDENTIFIER dots { Duration *d = unsmob_duration ($1); Duration k (d->duration_log (), d->dot_count () + scm_to_int ($2)); k = k.compressed (d->factor ()); scm_remember_upto_here_1 ($1); $$ = k.smobbed_copy (); } ; multiplied_duration: steno_duration { $$ = $1; } | multiplied_duration '*' UNSIGNED { $$ = unsmob_duration ($$)->compressed (scm_to_int ($3)).smobbed_copy (); } | multiplied_duration '*' FRACTION { Rational m (scm_to_int (scm_car ($3)), scm_to_int (scm_cdr ($3))); $$ = unsmob_duration ($$)->compressed (m).smobbed_copy (); } ; dots: /* empty */ { $$ = SCM_INUM0; } | dots '.' { $$ = scm_oneplus ($1); } ; tremolo_type: ':' { $$ = SCM_INUM0; } | ':' UNSIGNED { int n = scm_to_int ($2); if (!is_duration (n)) parser->parser_error (@2, _f ("not a duration: %d", n)); $$ = $2; } ; bass_number: UNSIGNED { $$ = $1; } | STRING { $$ = $1; } | full_markup { $$ = $1; } | embedded_scm_bare { // as an integer, it needs to be non-negative, and otherwise // it needs to be suitable as a markup. if (scm_is_integer ($1) ? scm_is_true (scm_negative_p ($1)) : !Text_interface::is_markup ($1)) { parser->parser_error (@1, _ ("bass number expected")); $$ = SCM_INUM0; } } ; figured_bass_alteration: '-' { $$ = ly_rational2scm (FLAT_ALTERATION); } | '+' { $$ = ly_rational2scm (SHARP_ALTERATION); } | '!' { $$ = scm_from_int (0); } ; bass_figure: FIGURE_SPACE { Music *bfr = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("BassFigureEvent", @$); $$ = bfr->unprotect (); } | bass_number { Music *bfr = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("BassFigureEvent", @$); $$ = bfr->self_scm (); if (scm_is_number ($1)) bfr->set_property ("figure", $1); else if (Text_interface::is_markup ($1)) bfr->set_property ("text", $1); bfr->unprotect (); } | bass_figure ']' { $$ = $1; unsmob_music ($1)->set_property ("bracket-stop", SCM_BOOL_T); } | bass_figure figured_bass_alteration { Music *m = unsmob_music ($1); if (scm_to_double ($2)) { SCM salter = m->get_property ("alteration"); SCM alter = scm_is_number (salter) ? salter : scm_from_int (0); m->set_property ("alteration", scm_sum (alter, $2)); } else { m->set_property ("alteration", scm_from_int (0)); } } | bass_figure figured_bass_modification { Music *m = unsmob_music ($1); if ($2 == ly_symbol2scm ("plus")) { m->set_property ("augmented", SCM_BOOL_T); } else if ($2 == ly_symbol2scm ("slash")) { m->set_property ("diminished", SCM_BOOL_T); } else if ($2 == ly_symbol2scm ("exclamation")) { m->set_property ("no-continuation", SCM_BOOL_T); } else if ($2 == ly_symbol2scm ("backslash")) { m->set_property ("augmented-slash", SCM_BOOL_T); } } ; figured_bass_modification: E_PLUS { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("plus"); } | E_EXCLAMATION { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("exclamation"); } | '/' { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("slash"); } | E_BACKSLASH { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("backslash"); } ; br_bass_figure: bass_figure { $$ = $1; } | '[' bass_figure { $$ = $2; unsmob_music ($$)->set_property ("bracket-start", SCM_BOOL_T); } ; figure_list: /**/ { $$ = SCM_EOL; } | figure_list br_bass_figure { $$ = scm_cons ($2, $1); } ; figure_spec: FIGURE_OPEN figure_list FIGURE_CLOSE { $$ = scm_reverse_x ($2, SCM_EOL); } ; optional_rest: /**/ { $$ = SCM_BOOL_F; } | REST { $$ = SCM_BOOL_T; } ; simple_element: pitch exclamations questions octave_check maybe_notemode_duration optional_rest { if (!parser->lexer_->is_note_state ()) parser->parser_error (@1, _ ("have to be in Note mode for notes")); if (!SCM_UNBNDP ($2) || !SCM_UNBNDP ($3) || scm_is_number ($4) || !SCM_UNBNDP ($5) || scm_is_true ($6)) { Music *n = 0; if (scm_is_true ($6)) n = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("RestEvent", @$); else n = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("NoteEvent", @$); n->set_property ("pitch", $1); if (SCM_UNBNDP ($5)) n->set_property ("duration", parser->default_duration_.smobbed_copy ()); else n->set_property ("duration", $5); if (scm_is_number ($4)) { int q = scm_to_int ($4); n->set_property ("absolute-octave", scm_from_int (q-1)); } if (to_boolean ($3)) n->set_property ("cautionary", SCM_BOOL_T); if (to_boolean ($2) || to_boolean ($3)) n->set_property ("force-accidental", SCM_BOOL_T); $$ = n->unprotect (); } } | DRUM_PITCH optional_notemode_duration { Music *n = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("NoteEvent", @$); n->set_property ("duration", $2); n->set_property ("drum-type", $1); $$ = n->unprotect (); } | RESTNAME optional_notemode_duration { Music *ev = 0; if (ly_scm2string ($1) == "s") { /* Space */ ev = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("SkipEvent", @$); } else { ev = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("RestEvent", @$); } ev->set_property ("duration", $2); $$ = ev->unprotect (); } ; simple_chord_elements: new_chord { if (!parser->lexer_->is_chord_state ()) parser->parser_error (@1, _ ("have to be in Chord mode for chords")); $$ = $1; } | figure_spec optional_notemode_duration { for (SCM s = $1; scm_is_pair (s); s = scm_cdr (s)) { unsmob_music (scm_car (s))->set_property ("duration", $2); } $$ = $1; } ; lyric_element: lyric_markup { $$ = $1; } | LYRICS_STRING { $$ = $1; } | LYRIC_ELEMENT ; lyric_element_music: lyric_element optional_notemode_duration post_events { $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("lyric-event", @$, $1, $2); if (scm_is_pair ($3)) unsmob_music ($$)->set_property ("articulations", scm_reverse_x ($3, SCM_EOL)); } ; new_chord: steno_tonic_pitch optional_notemode_duration { $$ = make_chord_elements (@$, $1, $2, SCM_EOL); } | steno_tonic_pitch optional_notemode_duration chord_separator chord_items { SCM its = scm_reverse_x ($4, SCM_EOL); $$ = make_chord_elements (@$, $1, $2, scm_cons ($3, its)); } ; chord_items: /**/ { $$ = SCM_EOL; } | chord_items chord_item { $$ = scm_cons ($2, $$); } ; chord_separator: CHORD_COLON { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("chord-colon"); } | CHORD_CARET { $$ = ly_symbol2scm ("chord-caret"); } | CHORD_SLASH steno_tonic_pitch { $$ = scm_list_2 (ly_symbol2scm ("chord-slash"), $2); } | CHORD_BASS steno_tonic_pitch { $$ = scm_list_2 (ly_symbol2scm ("chord-bass"), $2); } ; chord_item: chord_separator { $$ = $1; } | step_numbers { $$ = scm_reverse_x ($1, SCM_EOL); } | CHORD_MODIFIER { $$ = $1; } ; step_numbers: step_number { $$ = scm_cons ($1, SCM_EOL); } | step_numbers '.' step_number { $$ = scm_cons ($3, $$); } ; step_number: UNSIGNED { $$ = make_chord_step ($1, 0); } | UNSIGNED '+' { $$ = make_chord_step ($1, SHARP_ALTERATION); } | UNSIGNED CHORD_MINUS { $$ = make_chord_step ($1, FLAT_ALTERATION); } ; tempo_range: UNSIGNED { $$ = $1; } | UNSIGNED '~' UNSIGNED { $$ = scm_cons ($1, $3); } ; /* UTILITIES TODO: should deprecate in favor of Scheme? */ number_expression: number_expression '+' number_term { $$ = scm_sum ($1, $3); } | number_expression '-' number_term { $$ = scm_difference ($1, $3); } | number_term ; number_term: number_factor { $$ = $1; } | number_factor '*' number_factor { $$ = scm_product ($1, $3); } | number_factor '/' number_factor { $$ = scm_divide ($1, $3); } ; number_factor: '-' number_factor { /* %prec UNARY_MINUS */ $$ = scm_difference ($2, SCM_UNDEFINED); } | bare_number ; bare_number: bare_number_closed | UNSIGNED NUMBER_IDENTIFIER { $$ = scm_product ($1, $2); } | REAL NUMBER_IDENTIFIER { $$ = scm_product ($1, $2); } ; bare_number_closed: UNSIGNED | REAL | NUMBER_IDENTIFIER ; unsigned_number: UNSIGNED | NUMBER_IDENTIFIER ; exclamations: { $$ = SCM_UNDEFINED; } | exclamations '!' { if (SCM_UNBNDP ($1)) $$ = SCM_BOOL_T; else $$ = scm_not ($1); } ; questions: { $$ = SCM_UNDEFINED; } | questions '?' { if (SCM_UNBNDP ($1)) $$ = SCM_BOOL_T; else $$ = scm_not ($1); } ; /* This should be done more dynamically if possible. */ lyric_markup: LYRIC_MARKUP { parser->lexer_->push_markup_state (); } markup_top { $$ = $3; parser->lexer_->pop_state (); } ; full_markup_list: MARKUPLIST { parser->lexer_->push_markup_state (); } markup_list { $$ = $3; parser->lexer_->pop_state (); } ; full_markup: MARKUP { parser->lexer_->push_markup_state (); } markup_top { $$ = $3; parser->lexer_->pop_state (); } ; markup_top: markup_list { $$ = scm_list_2 (ly_lily_module_constant ("line-markup"), $1); } | markup_head_1_list simple_markup { $$ = scm_car (scm_call_2 (ly_lily_module_constant ("map-markup-command-list"), $1, scm_list_1 ($2))); } | simple_markup { $$ = $1; } ; markup_scm: embedded_scm_bare { if (Text_interface::is_markup ($1)) MYBACKUP (MARKUP_IDENTIFIER, $1, @1); else if (Text_interface::is_markup_list ($1)) MYBACKUP (MARKUPLIST_IDENTIFIER, $1, @1); else { parser->parser_error (@1, _ ("not a markup")); MYBACKUP (MARKUP_IDENTIFIER, scm_string (SCM_EOL), @1); } } BACKUP ; markup_list: markup_composed_list { $$ = $1; } | markup_braced_list { $$ = $1; } | markup_command_list { $$ = scm_list_1 ($1); } | markup_scm MARKUPLIST_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $2; } ; markup_composed_list: markup_head_1_list markup_braced_list { $$ = scm_call_2 (ly_lily_module_constant ("map-markup-command-list"), $1, $2); } ; markup_braced_list: '{' markup_braced_list_body '}' { $$ = scm_reverse_x ($2, SCM_EOL); } ; markup_braced_list_body: /* empty */ { $$ = SCM_EOL; } | markup_braced_list_body markup { $$ = scm_cons ($2, $1); } | markup_braced_list_body markup_list { $$ = scm_reverse_x ($2, $1); } ; markup_command_list: MARKUP_LIST_FUNCTION markup_command_list_arguments { $$ = scm_cons ($1, scm_reverse_x($2, SCM_EOL)); } ; markup_command_basic_arguments: EXPECT_MARKUP_LIST markup_command_list_arguments markup_list { $$ = scm_cons ($3, $2); } | EXPECT_SCM markup_command_list_arguments embedded_scm_closed { $$ = check_scheme_arg (parser, @3, $3, $2, $1); } | EXPECT_NO_MORE_ARGS { $$ = SCM_EOL; } ; markup_command_list_arguments: markup_command_basic_arguments { $$ = $1; } | EXPECT_MARKUP markup_command_list_arguments markup { $$ = scm_cons ($3, $2); } ; markup_head_1_item: MARKUP_FUNCTION EXPECT_MARKUP markup_command_list_arguments { $$ = scm_cons ($1, scm_reverse_x ($3, SCM_EOL)); } ; markup_head_1_list: markup_head_1_item { $$ = scm_list_1 ($1); } | markup_head_1_list markup_head_1_item { $$ = scm_cons ($2, $1); } ; simple_markup: STRING { $$ = make_simple_markup ($1); } | SCORE { SCM nn = parser->lexer_->lookup_identifier ("pitchnames"); parser->lexer_->push_note_state (nn); } '{' score_body '}' { $$ = scm_list_2 (ly_lily_module_constant ("score-markup"), $4); parser->lexer_->pop_state (); } | MARKUP_FUNCTION markup_command_basic_arguments { $$ = scm_cons ($1, scm_reverse_x ($2, SCM_EOL)); } | markup_scm MARKUP_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $2; } ; markup: markup_head_1_list simple_markup { SCM mapper = ly_lily_module_constant ("map-markup-command-list"); $$ = scm_car (scm_call_2 (mapper, $1, scm_list_1 ($2))); } | simple_markup { $$ = $1; } ; %% void Lily_parser::set_yydebug (bool x) { yydebug = x; } SCM Lily_parser::do_yyparse () { SCM retval = SCM_UNDEFINED; yyparse (this, &retval); return retval; } /* It is a little strange to have this function in this file, but otherwise, we have to import music classes into the lexer. */ int Lily_lexer::try_special_identifiers (SCM *destination, SCM sid) { if (unsmob_book (sid)) { Book *book = unsmob_book (sid)->clone (); *destination = book->self_scm (); book->unprotect (); return BOOK_IDENTIFIER; } else if (scm_is_number (sid)) { *destination = sid; return NUMBER_IDENTIFIER; } else if (unsmob_context_def (sid)) { Context_def *def= unsmob_context_def (sid)->clone (); *destination = def->self_scm (); def->unprotect (); return CONTEXT_DEF_IDENTIFIER; } else if (unsmob_context_mod (sid)) { *destination = unsmob_context_mod (sid)->smobbed_copy (); return CONTEXT_MOD_IDENTIFIER; } else if (Music *mus = unsmob_music (sid)) { mus = mus->clone (); *destination = mus->self_scm (); unsmob_music (*destination)-> set_property ("origin", make_input (last_input_)); bool is_event = mus->is_mus_type ("post-event"); mus->unprotect (); return is_event ? EVENT_IDENTIFIER : MUSIC_IDENTIFIER; } else if (unsmob_pitch (sid)) { *destination = unsmob_pitch (sid)->smobbed_copy (); return PITCH_IDENTIFIER; } else if (unsmob_duration (sid)) { *destination = unsmob_duration (sid)->smobbed_copy (); return DURATION_IDENTIFIER; } else if (unsmob_output_def (sid)) { Output_def *p = unsmob_output_def (sid); p = p->clone (); *destination = p->self_scm (); p->unprotect (); return OUTPUT_DEF_IDENTIFIER; } return -1; } SCM get_next_unique_context_id () { return scm_from_locale_string ("$uniqueContextId"); } SCM get_next_unique_lyrics_context_id () { static int new_context_count; char s[128]; snprintf (s, sizeof (s)-1, "uniqueContext%d", new_context_count++); return scm_from_locale_string (s); } // check_scheme_arg checks one argument with a given predicate for use // in an argument list and throws a syntax error if it is unusable. // The argument is prepended to the argument list in any case. After // throwing a syntax error, the argument list is terminated with #f as // its last cdr in order to mark it as uncallable while not losing // track of its total length. // // There are a few special considerations: if optional argument disp // is given (otherwise it defaults to SCM_UNDEFINED), it will be used // instead of arg in a prospective error message. This is useful if // arg is not the actual argument but rather a transformation of it. // // If arg itself is SCM_UNDEFINED, the predicate is considered false // and an error message using disp is produced unconditionally. SCM check_scheme_arg (Lily_parser *parser, Input loc, SCM arg, SCM args, SCM pred, SCM disp) { if (SCM_UNBNDP (arg)) args = scm_cons (disp, args); else { args = scm_cons (arg, args); if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 (pred, arg))) return args; } scm_set_cdr_x (scm_last_pair (args), SCM_EOL); MAKE_SYNTAX ("argument-error", loc, scm_length (args), pred, SCM_UNBNDP (disp) ? arg : disp); scm_set_cdr_x (scm_last_pair (args), SCM_BOOL_F); return args; } SCM loc_on_music (Input loc, SCM arg) { if (Music *m = unsmob_music (arg)) { m = m->clone (); m->set_spot (loc); return m->unprotect (); } return arg; } SCM try_string_variants (SCM pred, SCM str) { // a matching predicate is always ok if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 (pred, str))) return str; // a symbol may be interpreted as a list of symbols if it helps if (scm_is_symbol (str)) { str = scm_list_1 (str); if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 (pred, str))) return str; return SCM_UNDEFINED; } // If this cannot be a string representation of a symbol list, // we are through. if (!is_regular_identifier (str, true)) return SCM_UNDEFINED; str = scm_string_split (str, SCM_MAKE_CHAR ('.')); for (SCM p = str; scm_is_pair (p); p = scm_cdr (p)) scm_set_car_x (p, scm_string_to_symbol (scm_car (p))); // Let's attempt the symbol list interpretation first. if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 (pred, str))) return str; // If there is just one symbol in the list, we might interpret // it as a single symbol if (scm_is_null (scm_cdr (str))) { str = scm_car (str); if (scm_is_true (scm_call_1 (pred, str))) return str; } return SCM_UNDEFINED; } bool is_regular_identifier (SCM id, bool multiple) { if (!scm_is_string (id)) return false; string str = ly_scm2string (id); bool middle = false; for (string::iterator it=str.begin(); it != str.end (); it++) { int c = *it & 0xff; if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c > 0x7f) middle = true; else if (middle && (c == '-' || c == '_' || (multiple && c == '.'))) middle = false; else return false; } return middle; } SCM make_music_from_simple (Lily_parser *parser, Input loc, SCM simple) { if (unsmob_music (simple)) return simple; if (parser->lexer_->is_note_state ()) { if (scm_is_symbol (simple)) { Music *n = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("NoteEvent", loc); n->set_property ("duration", parser->default_duration_.smobbed_copy ()); n->set_property ("drum-type", simple); return n->unprotect (); } if (unsmob_pitch (simple)) { Music *n = MY_MAKE_MUSIC ("NoteEvent", loc); n->set_property ("duration", parser->default_duration_.smobbed_copy ()); n->set_property ("pitch", simple); return n->unprotect (); } return simple; } else if (parser->lexer_->is_lyric_state ()) { if (Text_interface::is_markup (simple)) return MAKE_SYNTAX ("lyric-event", loc, simple, parser->default_duration_.smobbed_copy ()); } else if (parser->lexer_->is_chord_state ()) { if (unsmob_pitch (simple)) return make_chord_elements (loc, simple, parser->default_duration_.smobbed_copy (), SCM_EOL); } return simple; } Music * make_music_with_input (SCM name, Input where) { Music *m = make_music_by_name (name); m->set_spot (where); return m; } SCM make_simple_markup (SCM a) { return a; } bool is_duration (int t) { return t && t == 1 << intlog2 (t); } SCM make_chord_step (SCM step_scm, Rational alter) { int step = scm_to_int (step_scm); if (step == 7) alter += FLAT_ALTERATION; while (step < 0) step += 7; Pitch m ((step -1) / 7, (step - 1) % 7, alter); return m.smobbed_copy (); } SCM make_chord_elements (Input loc, SCM pitch, SCM dur, SCM modification_list) { SCM chord_ctor = ly_lily_module_constant ("construct-chord-elements"); SCM res = scm_call_3 (chord_ctor, pitch, dur, modification_list); for (SCM s = res; scm_is_pair (s); s = scm_cdr (s)) { unsmob_music (scm_car (s))->set_spot (loc); } return res; } int yylex (YYSTYPE *s, YYLTYPE *loc, Lily_parser *parser) { Lily_lexer *lex = parser->lexer_; lex->lexval_ = s; lex->lexloc_ = loc; lex->prepare_for_next_token (); return lex->yylex (); }