# lilypond/GNUmakefile # # This file helps maintainers to keep their Makefile.am automatically # up to date using GNU make features. # If you don't have (or run) GNU make, Makefile.am will not be updated # automatically when source files are added/removed. # automake/wild-make should generate this file from Makefile.am.wild include Makefile # Makefile.am.wild: lilypond_SOURCES = $(wildcard *.cc) CURRENT_lilypond_SOURCES = $(wildcard *.cc) # ugh: there is a dummy file 'wild-check' to satisfy the wild-check target # for non-GNU makes in Makefile(.test) # but we'll ignore that # .PHONY: wild-check # ugh: stupid lexer.cc/parser.cc cluttering sourcedir! # but it works fine in other dirs (see ../mi2mu) # wild-check: check-lilypond-sources check-lilypond-sources: ifneq ($(lilypond_SOURCES),$(CURRENT_mi2mu_SOURCES)) @echo \"$(lilypond_SOURCES)\" @echo \"$(CURRENT_lilypond_SOURCES)\" @echo lilypond_SOURCES changed: NOT yet rerunning make-wild. Please type: @echo "$(PERL) $(top_srcdir)/bin/wild-perl < Makefile.am.wild > Makefile.am" endif