%{ // -*-Fundamental-*- #include #include #include "glob.hh" #include "string.hh" #include "lexer.hh" #include "keyword.hh" #include "vray.hh" #include "parser.hh" #include "debug.hh" sstack include_stack; static int last_print; const int DOTPRINT=50; // every 50 lines dots %} %option c++ %option noyywrap %option nodefault %option yylineno %option debug %x notes %x incl %x quote OPTSIGN !? NOTENAMEI A|B|C|D|E|F|G|As|Bes|Ces|Des|Es|Fes|Ges|Ais|Bis|Cis|Dis|Eis|Fis|Gis NOTENAMEII a|b|c|d|e|f|g|as|bes|ces|des|es|fes|ges|ais|bis|cis|dis|eis|fis|gis NOTENAMEIII Ases|Beses|Ceses|Deses|Eses|Feses|Geses|Aisis|Bisis|Cisis|Disis|Eisis|Fisis|Gisis NOTENAMEIIII ases|beses|ceses|deses|eses|feses|geses|aisis|bisis|cisis|disis|eisis|fisis|gisis RESTNAME r|s NOTENAME {NOTENAMEI}|{NOTENAMEII}|{NOTENAMEIII}|{NOTENAMEIIII} PITCH ['`]*{OPTSIGN}{NOTENAME} DURNAME 1|2|4|8|16|32 DURATION {DURNAME}\.* FULLNOTE {PITCH}{DURATION}? WORD [a-zA-Z]+ REAL [0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)? %% \$ { BEGIN(notes); return '$'; } {RESTNAME} { const char *s = YYText(); yylval.string = new String (s); mtor << "rest:"<< yylval.string; return RESTNAME; } {PITCH} { const char *s = YYText(); yylval.string = new String (s); mtor << "pitch:"<< *yylval.string; return PITCH; } {DURATION} { yylval.string = new String (YYText()); return DURATION; } [:space:]+ { } [ \t\n]+ { } %.* { } \$ { BEGIN(INITIAL); return '$'; } . { error("lexer error: illegal character found: " + String(YYText())); } \" { BEGIN(quote); } [^\"]* { yylval.string = new String (YYText()); } \" { BEGIN(INITIAL); return STRING; } <> { if(!close_input()) yyterminate(); } {WORD} { int l = lookup_keyword(YYText()); if (l == -1){ yylval.id = lookup_identifier(YYText()); return IDENTIFIER; } else return l; } {REAL} { Real r; int cnv=sscanf (YYText(), "%lf", &r); assert(cnv == 1); mtor << "token (REAL)" << r; yylval.real = r; return REAL; } [\{\}\[\]\(\)] { mtor << "parens\n"; return YYText()[0]; } [ \t\n]+ { } %.* { //ignore } . { error("lexer error: illegal character '"+String(YYText()[0])+ "' encountered"); return YYText()[0]; } %% yyFlexLexer *lexer=0; // set the new input to s, remember old file. void new_input(String s) { istream *newin ; if (s=="") newin = &cin; else newin = new ifstream( s ); // if ( ! *newin) error("cant open " + s); cout << "["<set_debug( !monitor.silence("Lexer")); } lexer->switch_streams(newin); } // pop the inputstack. bool close_input() { istream *closing= include_stack.pop(); if (closing != &cin) delete closing; cout << "]" << flush; if (include_stack.empty()) return false ; else lexer->switch_streams(include_stack.top()); return true; } int yylex() { return lexer->yylex(); } void yyerror(char *s) { *mlog << "error in line " << lexer->lineno() << ": " << s << '\n'; exit(1); } #if 0 {NOTENAME} { yylval.string = new String (YYText()); return NOTENAME; } #endif