\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article} \begin{document} \section{verb and verbatim} This file should not contain (and produce) any lilypond images! Snippets inside a verbatim environment or a comment are not run through lilypond, but left as is. You should see the begin/end lilypond commands in all three of the below tests. % TODO: These do not yet work, as \verb is explicitly disabled in lilypond-book for now! % \verb|\lilypond[fragment]{c' d' e'}| % % and The verbatim environment does not confuse lilypond-book: \begin{verbatim} \begin{lilypond} c d e \end{lilypond} \end{verbatim} % TODO: These do not yet work, as \verb is explicitly disabled in lilypond-book for now! % \verb|\begin{lilypond}[fragment]c d e\end{lilypond}| % \verb+\lilypondfile[quote,noindent]{screech-boink.ly}+ Neither does a verbatim inside verb: \verb|\begin{verbatim}\begin{lilypond}[fragment]c d e\end{lilypond}\end{verbatim}| or verb inside verbatim: \begin{verbatim} \verb|\begin{lilypond}[fragment]c d e\end{lilypond}| \end{verbatim} But these are just to stress \verb|lilypond-book|. \end{document}