Source: spike Tasks: debian-science/neuroscience-electrophysiology Language: C++, Octave/Matlab License: BSD-3 and Academic Free License Responsible: NeuroDebian Team Homepage: Published-Title: Spike Train Analysis Toolkit: Enabling Wider Application of Information-Theoretic Techniques to Neurophysiology Published-Authors: David H. Goldberg, Jonathan D. Victor, Esther P. Gardner, and Daniel Gardner Published-In: Neuroinformatics, 7, 165–178 Published-Year: 2009 Published-DOI: 10.1007/s12021-009-9049-y Pkg-Description: spike train analysis toolbox This toolbox implements several information-theoretic spike train analysis techniques. This implementation behaves like a typical MATLAB toolbox, but the underlying computations are coded in C and optimized for efficiency.