# # Unit defintions # 18 May 2001 M-J. Dominus . # This file is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. # All rights abandoned. # # If you discover definitions of units that do not appear in this # file, you are invited to mail them to mjd-perl-units+@plover.com, so # that I can include them in a future version. Please include the # date of this file, 18 May 2001, with all such submissions. # If a unit is defined as `***', that means # it has no definition because it is a fundamental unit. # http://perl.plover.com/units/unittab # Fundamental units: # Seven instrinsic SI units: gram *** meter *** # Tim Riker adds metre alias metre meter second *** ampere *** candela *** Kelvin *** mole *** # Two supplementary units radian *** steradian *** # Some miscellany dollar *** bit *** sheet *** # Of paper turn *** # Of coiled wire # DIMENSIONLESS pi 3.1415926535897932386 two 2 half 1|2 e 2.718281828459045 # Why did I put this in? Oh, I don't know. Neper 1 # Unit of logarithmic ratio Np Neper # Would it be better to make this a fundamental unit? bel .868588963 Np # 2/ln(10) actually B bel dB decibel # LENGTH m meter km kilometer cm centimeter mm millimeter micron micrometer inch 2.54 cm # This is the official definition and is exact in inch barleycorn 1/3 inch # Tim Riker