# blootbot.lang: configurable responses. # by the xk. ### # Welcome reply: Things to say when people thank me. welcome no problem my pleasure sure thing no worries de nada de rien bitte pas de quoi # Dunno reply (when i recognize a query but can't answer it): dunno i don't know i haven't a clue no idea wish i knew bugger all, i dunno I give up, what is it? I don't know, could you explain it? I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox? parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about are you smoking crack? # moron reply. moron You think I'm human? Think again! h0 h0 h0 Hi, how's life? What do you want? Are you on drugs? Wassup G? # confuse/refuse learn. confused I think you lost me on that one what are you talking about? # Hello reply (ways to say hello): hello hello hi hey niihau bonjour hola salut que tal privet what's up # Cookie reply: added by the xk. cookie ACTION spins the wheel of knowledge and ponders... ##KEY... ##VALUE ACTION pulls out the cookie jar and finds ##KEY... ##VALUE Hey ##WHO, ##KEY is ##VALUE # Factoid reply: factoid methinks ##KEY is ##VALUE i heard ##KEY is ##VALUE i guess ##KEY is ##VALUE from memory, ##KEY is ##VALUE hmm... ##KEY is ##VALUE ##KEY is probably ##VALUE ##KEY is, like, ##VALUE rumour has it, ##KEY is ##VALUE it has been said that ##KEY is ##VALUE somebody said ##KEY was ##VALUE well, ##KEY is ##VALUE extra, extra, read all about it, ##KEY is ##VALUE [##KEY] ##VALUE # HowAreYou reply: howareyou eh, ok peachy just great you know how it is... pretty good. how about you? mas o menos # Question word. qWord who who is who are what what is what are where where is where are # botsnack etc praise # TODO add ACTION support praise :) thanks aw, gee