# Revised: 19991109. # Author: xk ### main: I learn mainly by observing declarative statements such as "x is at http://www.xxx.com", and then reply when people ask things like "where can i find x?" literal: used to get a raw factoid contents literal: U: ## literal: E: ## blootbot author: oznoid (mailto:lenzo@ri.cmu.edu) is my original author. corrections: If I come back with "...but x is at http://xx.xx.xx" or something like that, and you want to change the entry, use "no, x is at http://sdfsdfsdf". The "No," tells me to supercede the existing value. corrections: you can append stuff to a factoid with "also". "x is also at ..." action: This is used to override the usual response. "x is does the hokey-pokey". When asked about x, the bot does this "* blootbot does the hokey-pokey" reply: There is a special tag, , that is used to override the usual response. Usually, a response is "X is Y", but it can be made "Y" by making the entry "X is Y". alternation: The || symbol in an entry causes an blootbot to choose one of the replies at random. "X is Y||Z" will produce "X is Y" or "X is Z" randomly. redirection: If a factoid x contains simply " see y", then when asked for x, I will deliver factoidor command result y instead. # now the commands... lobotomy: I can be given a lobotomy ([o] is required) if people start to abuse me. To bring me back to life, give me an unlobotomy unlobotomy: Which is not possible in real life, an unlobotomy will bring me back to life in the case of a lobotomy. addressing: It is a good idea if I stay in REQUIRE mode so that I won't yell out random crap if I listen in too hard. Currently there is no way to turn this off on-the-fly. (REQUIRE mode requires me to be addressed by name if I am to respond) forget: If I have an old/redundant factoid x, "forget x" will cause me to erase it. unforget: If a factoid has been forgotten, "unforget x" will cause me to unerase it. find: D: Debian Packages (fallback to Contents) search find: U: ## [dist] find: E: ## strings.h find: E: ## x11amp potato contents: D: Debian Contents search only (no Packages) contents: U: ## [dist] contents: E: ## strings.h contents: E: ## x11amp potato dauthor: D: Find Debian package maintainers, and list the packages they maintain dauthor: U: ## [dist] dauthor: E: ## Wichert dauthor: E: ## Wichert potato ddesc: D: Search the Description: lines in Debian packages ddesc: U: ## [dist] ddesc: E: ## mule ddesc: E: ## mule potato bugs: D: Show the current count of release critical bugs (latest versions) bugs: U: ## dstats: D: Show basic stats on the current size of the Debian distros dstats: U: ## [dist] dstats: E: ## dstats: E: ## potato uptime: D: Show the current uptime, and the top 3 uptimes recorded uptime: U: ## rename: D: Factoid renaming rename: U: ## 'from' 'to' rename: E: ## 'infobot' 'blootbot' nslookup: D: Query DNS nslookup: U: ## nslookup: E: ## debian.org nslookup: E: ## spell: You've guessed it right, I'm a spell checker. Give me any word and I can confirm whether it's good or bad. crypt: It's good that you thought about encryption. I can do it for you. crypt: U: ## crypt: E: ## changeme 69 join: U: ## <#chan> [key] join: E: ## #debian join: E: ## #debian rules kick: U: ## [#chan] kick: E: ## oznoid kick: E: ## larne #debian wantnick: If someone's taken my nick (I hope not) and I'm using some temporary nick, I can change back to my original nick if it's not taken (again). chaninfo: D: Display channel statistics on Op, Ban, Deop, Unban, Part, Join, SignOff, PublicMsg, Kick and Topic chaninfo: U: ## [#channel] chaninfo: E: ## chaninfo: E: ## #debian dict: D: DICT Protocol Client dict: U: ## dict: E: ## AI dict: E: ## 1 linux freshmeat: D: Frontend to www.freshmeat.net freshmeat: U: ## freshmeat: E: ## blootbot factstats: D: Display statistical data (max of 15) about factoids. factstats: U: ## factstats: == author -- top author of factoids. factstats: == deadredir -- ?? factstats: == duplicate -- duplicate factoids. factstats: == listfix -- ?? factstats: == locked -- locked factoids. factstats: == new -- recent addition of factoids. factstats: == nullfactoids -- ?? factstats: == partdupe -- initial partial duplicate factoids. factstats: == profanity -- possibly offensive factoids. factstats: == redir -- redirection in factoids. factstats: == reqrate -- ?? factstats: == requested -- most requested factoids. factstats: == requesters -- most requested factoids. factstats: == seefix -- ?? factstats: == toolong -- factoid {key|value} exceeding specified length. factstats: == tooshort -- factoid {key|value} shorter than specified length. factstats: == total -- ?? factstats: == unrequest -- unrequested factoids. factstats: == vandalism -- ?? factstats: E: ## new lart: D: Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool lart: U: ## [#chan] lart: E: ## lenzo infobot's bugginess lart: E: ## #perl everyone perl \=\= lamerville listauth: D: Search the factoid extension db by creator listauth: U: ## listauth: E: ## xk listkeys: D: Search the factoid database by key (factoid) listkeys: U: ## listkeys: E: ## blootbot listvalues: D: Search the factoid database by value (description) listvalues: U: ## listvalues: E: ## blootbot quote: D: Frontend to yahoo's online stock market share listing quote: U: ## quote: E: ## RHAT,MSFT topic add: D: Add your own topic topic add: U: ## topic add: E: ## This is a test topic del: D: Delete one or two subtopics topic del: U: ## <#> topic del: E: ## 1 topic del: E: ## 1-3,5 topic del: E: ## last topic mod: D: Search and replace strings in the topic topic mod: U: ## topic mod: E: s/test/TEST/ topic mod: E: s#msg test#/msg test#g topic mv: D: Move subtopics around. topic mv: U: ## <#> <#> topic mv: E: ## 1 after 2 topic mv: E: ## first before last topic restore: D: Restores the topic to an earlier version topic restore: U: ## <#> topic restore: E: ## 3 topic: Usage for 'topic [#chan] ': topic: ---------------- __Subtopic__: topic: add - Append to topic. topic: del <#> - Remove subtopic <#> from topic. topic: list - Display subtopics. topic: mod s/old/new/ - Search and replace topic. topic: mv - 'topic mv'. topic: shuffle - Randomly organize subtopics. topic: ---------------- __Topic__ topic: history - Show previous topics. topic: restore <#> - Restore topic to <#>. topic: rehash - Rehash changes to topic. topic: info - Who and time info. topic: ---------------- __Misc__ topic: about - Read the file :) topic: help - This screen. topic: NOTE: #chan arg is only required if command is sent over private message to nick, otherwise it is not needed if sent to the channel. topic: NOTE: commands can be preceeded? with '-' in order not to enforce changes to topic. topic: End of help. part: D: Leave a channel (DCC only) part: U: ## <#channel> part: E: ## #debian part: NOTE: /kick is an alternative seen: D: Report last seen time for somebody seen: U: ## seen: E: ## blootbot factinfo: D: View statistical information about a particular factoid. factinfo: U: ## factinfo: E: ## test cookie: I can feed your appetite with random factoids. slashdot: D: News for nerds, Stuff that matters. [tm] (shows the headlines) slashdot: U: ## babelfish: D: Frontend to babelfish translating service provided by http://babelfish.altavista.com/ Note that utf8 is used for non-ascii characters. babelfish: U: x babelfish: U: translate babelfish: E: x en de your cars rock search: U: ## for search: E: ## google for evil karma: Karma is a community rating system. Use "X++" to increase the karma, or "X--" to decrease it. Ask for ratings using "karma for X?" kernel: D: Frontend to linux.kernel.org's finger response. kernel: U: ## lock: D: Factoid locking to prevent removal by others. lock: U: ## lock: E: ## abuse lock: N: By default, only registered "ops" on the bots or factoids matching the user's nick are able to lock factoids. lock: N: Requires factoid extension (extra) support enabled. unlock: D: Factoid unlocking to allow removal by others. unlock: U: ## unlock: E: ## abuse dollar variables: D: To be used in factoids dollar variables: $Fdunno - ... dollar variables: $Fquestion - ... dollar variables: $Fupdate - ... dollar variables: $channel - channel from which the factoid was requested dollar variables: $date - current date dollar variables: $factoids - factoid count dollar variables: $host - hostname of factoid requester dollar variables: $ident - bot nick dollar variables: $lastspeaker - ... dollar variables: $memusage - ... dollar variables: $rand - random number, also $rand100.2 dollar variables: $randnick - random nick dollar variables: $startTime - start time dollar variables: $time - current time dollar variables: $uptime - ... dollar variables: $user - username of factoid requester dollar variables: $who - nick of factoid requester chanset: D: FIXME chanset: U: ## [#chan] [what] [val] chanset: E: ## #c +test chanset: E: ## #c -test chanset: E: ## #c test chanset: E: ## #c test testing123 chanunset: D: FIXME. chanunset: U: ## <#chan> [what] chanunset: E: ## #c chanunset: E: ## #c test chpass: D: FIXME. chpass: U: ## [user] chpass: E: ## testing chpass: E: ## testing test0R chattr: D: FIXME. chattr: U: ## [flags] chattr: E: ## bloot +nmo chattr: E: ## bloot -ot chattr: E: ## bloot chnick: D: FIXME. chnick: U: ## [nick] chnick: E: ## moron chnick: E: ## owner eleet +host: D: FIXME. +host: U: ## [user] +host: E: ## *!*@owns.org +host: E: ## owner leet!leet@*.heh.org -host: D: FIXME. -host: U: ## [user] -host: E: ## *!*@owns.org -host: E: ## owner leet!leet@*.heh.org +ban: D: FIXME. +ban: U: ## [chan] [time] [reason] +ban: E: ## *!*@owns.org #bots 60 stop flooding. +ban: E: ## *!*@*microsoft.com STOOPID +ban: E: ## MoronMan -ban: D: FIXME. -ban: U: ## -ban: E: ## *!*@owns.org -ban: E: ## MoronMan ircstats: ircstats dumps some status information on the bot's IRC connection status: status dumps general status information cpustats: cpustats dumps the bot's cpu usage this session ord: D: Convert ascii to decimal ord: U: ## ord: E: ## c hex: D: Convert ascii to hex hex: U: ## hex: E: ## carrot cycle: D: Causes me to cycle in the channel it's said, or in the named channel cycle: U: ## [channel] cycle: E: ## cycle: E: ## #debian-bots rot13: D: ROT13's the given string rot13: U: ## rot13: E: ## guvf vf n ynzr rknzcyr nickometer: D: Measures the lame-ness of a nick or channel nickometer: U: ## {nick,channel} nickometer: E: ## unknown_lamer nickometer: E: ## #debian-bots news: D: News functin news: U: ## [chan] news add: D: Add news items news add: U: news [chan] add news add: E: news add This is a test news add: see _news set Text_ aswell news set: D: Set stuff for news item news set: U: news [chan] set <item> <what> [value] news set: valid <what>: Expire, Text news set: E: news set 1 Text ok, this works news set: E: news set test Text and this is a test news set: E: news set test Text news set expire: D: Set expire for news item news set expire: U: news [chan] expire <what> <value> news set expire: value can be: Xd Xh Xm Xs news set expire: value can be: never news set expire: news expire 1 3days news set expire: news expire 2 +20d news set expire: news expire Test 30d 20h 10m 5s news set expire: news expire TEST never news del: D: Delete news item (requires +o or be author) news del: U: news [chan] del <item> news del: E: news del 1 news del: E: news del test news mod: D: Modify a news item (todo: modify Text aswell) news mod: E: news [chan] mod <item> s/<from>/<to>/[g] news mod: E: news mod 1 s/test/Test/ news mod: E: news mod test s/test/Test/g tell: D: Tell someone about a factoid or command tell: U: tell <who> -?about <what> tell: E: tell me about blootbot tell: E: tell someone -about testing