.TH DH_TESTROOT 1 .SH NAME dh_testversion \- ensure that the correct version of debhelper is installed .SH SYNOPSIS .B dh_testversion [operator] [version] .SH "DESCRIPTION" dh_testversion compares the version of debhelper against the version you specify, and if the condition is not met, exits with an error message. .P You should use this in your debian/rules files if a new debhelper feature is introduced, and your package requires that feature to build correctly. Use debhelper's changelog to figure out the version you need. .P Be sure not to overuse dh_testversion. If debhelper version 9.5 introduces a new dh_autofixbugs command, and your package uses it, then if someone tries to build it with debhelper 1.0, the build will fail anyway when dh_autofixbugs cannot be found, so there is no need for you to use dh_testversion. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B operator Optional comparison operator used in comparing the versions. If not specified, ">=" is used. For descriptions of the comparison operators, see dpkg --help. .TP .B version Version number to compare against the current version of debhelper. If not specified, dh_testversion does nothing. .SH EXAMPLES .TP .I dh_testversion 0.50 Make sure debhelper version 0.50 or higher is installed. .TP .I dh_testversion ge 0.50 Another way to make sure debhelper version 0.50 or higher is installed. .TP .I dh_testversion le 0.50 Make sure a version of debhelper less than version 0.50 is installed. .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .I DH_VERBOSE Enables verbose mode. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR /usr/doc/debhelper/README .SH AUTHOR Joey Hess