#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Find dependencies on perl stuff # Remove .packlist files BEGIN { push @INC, "debian", "/usr/share/debhelper" } use Dh_Lib; init(); my $ext = ''; my $lib_dir = 'usr/lib/perl5'; # Figure out the version of perl. If $ENV{PERL} is set, query the perl binary # it points to, otherwise query perl directly. my $version=sprintf("%.3f", $]); if (defined $ENV{PERL}) { $version=`$ENV{PERL} -e 'printf "%.3f", \$]'`; } # Cleaning the paths given on the command line foreach (@ARGV) { s#/$##; s#^/##; } # If -d is given, then we'll try to depend on one of the perl-5.00X-base # package instead of perl-5.00X $ext='-base' if ($dh{'D_FLAG'}); foreach $PACKAGE (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) { $TMP=tmpdir($PACKAGE); $EXT=pkgext($PACKAGE); my ($file, $v, $arch); my $dep_arch = ''; my $dep = ''; my $found = 0; # Check also for alternate locations given on the command line my $dirs = ''; foreach ($lib_dir, @ARGV) { $dirs .= "$TMP/$_ " if (-d "$TMP/$_"); } my $re = '(?:' . join('|', ($lib_dir, @ARGV)) . ')'; # Look for perl modules and check where they are installed if ($dirs) { foreach $file (split(/\n/,`find $dirs -type f \\( -name "*.pm" -or -name "*.so" \\)`)) { $found++; if ($file =~ m<^$TMP/$re/(\d\.\d{3})/([^/]+)/>) { $v = $1; $arch = $2; check_module_version ($v, $version); $v .= '-thread' if ($arch =~ /-thread/); $dep_arch = add_deps ($dep_arch, "perl-$v"); } elsif ($file =~ m<^$TMP/$re/(\d.\d{3})/>) { $v = $1; check_module_version ($v, $version); $dep_arch = add_deps ($dep_arch, "perl-$v"); } } } if ($found and not $dep_arch) { $dep = "perl5$ext"; } elsif ($dep_arch) { $dep = $dep_arch; } # Look for perl scripts my ($ff, $newdep); foreach $file (split(/\n/,`find $TMP -type f \\( -name "*.pl" -or -perm +111 \\)`)) { $ff=`file -b $file`; if ($ff =~ /perl/) { $newdep = dep_from_script ($file); $dep = add_deps ($dep, $newdep) if $newdep; } } # Remove .packlist files and eventually some empty directories if (not $dh{'K_FLAG'}) { foreach $file (split(/\n/,`find $TMP -type f -name .packlist`)) { unlink($file); # Get the directory name while ($file =~ s#/[^/]+$##){ last if (not -d $file); last if (not rmdir $file); } } } next unless $dep; if (-e "debian/$EXT\substvars") { open (IN, "; close IN; open (OUT, ">debian/$EXT\substvars"); print OUT @lines; } else { open (OUT, ">debian/$EXT\substvars"); } print OUT "perl:Depends=$dep\n"; close OUT; } sub add_deps { my ($dep, $new) = @_; # If the $new-base package can exist then add $ext to $new $new = "$new$ext" if ($new =~ m/^(?:perl5|perl-\d\.\d{3})$/); # If $new = perl5 or perl5-thread check if perl-X.XXX(-thread)? # is not already in the dependencies if ($new eq "perl5") { return $dep if ($dep =~ m/(^|\s)perl-5\.\d{3}(\s|,|$)/); } elsif ($new eq "perl5-thread") { return $dep if ($dep =~ m/(^|\s)perl-5\.\d{3}-thread(\s|,|$)/); } if (not $dep) { $dep = $new; } else { $dep .= ", $new" unless ($dep =~ m/(^|\s)$new(\s|,|$)/); } return $dep; } sub check_module_version { my ($v1, $v2) = @_; unless ($v1 eq $v2) { warning("A module has been found in perl-$v1 arch directory. But perl-$v2 is the perl currently used ...\n"); } } sub dep_from_script { my $file = shift; my ($line, $perl, $dep); open (SCRIPT, "<$file") || die "Can't open $file: $!\n"; $line =