#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Install files from debian/ into the package's DEBIAN directory. BEGIN { push @INC, "debian", "/usr/lib/debhelper" } use Dh_Lib; init(); foreach $PACKAGE (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) { $TMP=tmpdir($PACKAGE); $EXT=pkgext($PACKAGE); if (! -d "$TMP/DEBIAN") { doit("install","-o","root","-g","root","-d","$TMP/DEBIAN"); } # Install debian install scripts. # If any .debhelper files exist, add them into the scripts. foreach $file (qw{postinst preinst prerm postrm}) { $f=pkgfile($PACKAGE,$file); if ($f) { if (-f "debian/$EXT$file.debhelper") { # Add this into the script, where it has # #DEBHELPER# # TODO: do internally, no perl fork? complex_doit("perl -pe 's~#DEBHELPER#~qx{cat debian/$EXT$file.debhelper}~eg' < $f > $TMP/DEBIAN/$file"); } else { # Just get rid of any #DEBHELPER# in the # script. complex_doit("sed s/#DEBHELPER#// < $f > $TMP/DEBIAN/$file"); } doit("chown","root.root","$TMP/DEBIAN/$file"); doit("chmod",755,"$TMP/DEBIAN/$file"); } else { # Auto-generate script header and add .debhelper # content to it. if (-f "debian/$EXT$file.debhelper") { complex_doit("echo '#!/bin/sh -e' > $TMP/DEBIAN/$file"); complex_doit("cat debian/$EXT$file.debhelper >> $TMP/DEBIAN/$file"); doit("chown","root.root","$TMP/DEBIAN/$file"); doit("chmod",755,"$TMP/DEBIAN/$file"); } } } # Install non-executable files foreach $file (qw{shlibs conffiles}) { $f=pkgfile($PACKAGE,$file); if ($f) { doit("install","-o","root","-g","root","-m",644,"-p",$f,"$TMP/DEBIAN/$file"); } } }