.TH DH_FIXPERMS 1 .SH NAME dh_fixperms \- fix permissions of files in package build directories .SH SYNOPSIS .B dh_fixperms .I "[-v] [-a] [-i] [-ppackage] [-Ptmpdir]" .SH "DESCRIPTION" dh_fixperms is a debhelper program that is responsible for setting the permissions of files in package build directories to a sane state. .P dh_fixperms makes all files in usr/doc in the package build directory (excluding files in the examples/ directory) be mode 644. It also changes the permissions of all man pages to mode 644. It makes all files be owned by root, and it removes group and other write permission from all files. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-v Verbose mode; show all commands that modify the package build directory. .TP .B \-a Fix permissions for all architecture dependent packages. .TP .B \-i Fix permissions for all architecture independent packages. .TP .B \-ppackage Fix permissions for the package named "package". .TP .B \-Ptmpdir Use "tmpdir" for package build directory. .SH NOTES The .B \-a .B \-i and .B \-p arguments are cumulative. If none are specified, then all packages listed in the control file will have thier permissions fixed. .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .I DH_VERBOSE Enables verbose mode .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR /usr/doc/debhelper/README .SH "CONFORMS TO" Debian policy, version .SH AUTHOR Joey Hess