Template: neurodebian-repository/title Type: title Description: NeuroDebian APT repository installer Template: neurodebian-repository/release Type: select Choices: auto, ${releases} Default: auto Description: Release name of the base system Specify for which Debian or Ubuntu release (e.g. wheezy or trusty). . If 'auto', Debian or Ubuntu release name will be deduced from apt-cache policy. Template: neurodebian-repository/mirror Type: select Choices: origin, best, custom, ${mirrors} Default: best Description: NeuroDebian mirror to use: NeuroDebian project has a number of community-maintainer mirrors around the globe. . If you do not know which mirror URL to choose, select among . - origin: original NeuroDebian repository - best: will try to use netselect to select "closest" mirror. Depending on the configuration of the firewall, and actual mirror setup, might fail to select actually closest one. If netselect is not available, default mirror (possibly 'origin') will be used. Template: neurodebian-repository/flavor Type: select Choices: auto, libre, full Default: auto Description: NeuroDebian flavor to use: NeuroDebian project adheres to Debian Free Software Guidelines and has three areas of the archive in all suites/releases: . libre only the DFSG-compliant materials full all three areas (main, contrib, non-free) auto determine which flavor to choose based on current output of apt-cache policy ('full' -- if non-free (Debian) or multiverse (Ubuntu) areas are enabled) Template: neurodebian-repository/components Type: multiselect Choices: software, data, devel Default: software, data Description: Select NeuroDebian repository components to enable NeuroDebian repository provides . software Packages containing software packages, often backports of stable software releases for previous Debian/Ubuntu releases devel Additional "bleeding edge" software packages, which might not be a good fit for being enabled by default. (Similar to Debian experimental) data Packages containing data (e.g. atlases, sample datasets), often required by software packages. Should generally be enabled. Template: neurodebian-repository/overwrite Type: boolean Default: true Description: Should existing NeuroDebian APT file be overridden? If not allowed, configuration would fail if there is an existing apt configuration file for the NeuroDebian. Template: neurodebian-repository/suffix Type: string Default: Description: Additional suffix to use in the NeuroDebian APT file name For instance if you would like to enable additional repository (e.g. NeuroDebian devel) or release, without interfering with the main/default configuration file. Template: neurodebian-repository/run-update-note Type: note Description: Upon completion of installation invoke update in your APT frontend. For the installed NeuroDebian APT configuration to take an effect, list of packages needs to be updated. This needs to be done "manually" (e.g. apt-get update) upon completion of installation of the neurodebian-repository package. Template: neurodebian-repository/netselect-not-found Type: error Description: netselect tool was not found Please install netselect tool first (apt-get install netselect) or choose a specific mirror. Template: neurodebian-repository/netselect-cannot-be-used Type: error Description: netselect tool was not found (no other mirror) Please install netselect tool first (apt-get install netselect) before installing/configuring this package, or run with a lower DEBIAN_PRIORITY to choose a specific mirror.