neurodebian (0.22) unstable; urgency=low [ Yaroslav Halchenko ] * blends-inject : * [6833800] 0.0.6: skip files based on regexp and "emptiness" * [69030fb] 0.0.7: NF/BF -- obtain source name from control, skip hash-commented control entries * [bed4bfa] added future/blends skeleton file (skel) and a set of new blends files * tools/* * [66e4c32] fixed passing of optional cmdline args in nd_ tools: must use "$@" instead of plain $* * [fd2c503] tools/nd_build: generate/update file with OK/FAILED per .build * [0872417] Slight clarifications in the description of -popularity-contest package [ Michael Hanke ] * [56d8e62] Enable TODO items in sphinx. * [b98b0b7] Move mailing list links into common list. * [56fde2f] Draft for a project list and two proposals. * [a12bc58] Link new projects list into the FAQ * [82b92d5] Renamed matlab -> matlab-support * [69f6512] Put icon links to extracts from DSCs (README, changelog, copyright) -- Yaroslav Halchenko Mon, 10 Jan 2011 11:06:54 -0500 neurodebian (0.21) unstable; urgency=low * Fixing bashism in popcon post-scripts -- no "+=" operator -- Yaroslav Halchenko Tue, 07 Dec 2010 08:48:53 -0500 neurodebian (0.20) unstable; urgency=low * New package neurodebian-popularity-contest, which all backported packages will depend on. -- Yaroslav Halchenko Mon, 06 Dec 2010 14:27:56 -0500 neurodebian (0.19) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release. -- Michael Hanke Thu, 25 Nov 2010 10:16:04 -0500