debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low Josip: * Fixed date, typos and added indentation in the virtual packages list, closes: #182792. Manoj * Clarify x-terminal-emulator virtual package eligibility, in an extention to an informative footnote. closes: Bug#165063 * Add 40 points, not 20, when the window manager is compliant with "The Window Manager Specification Project". closes: Bug#167004 * Fixed reference to the debconf URL (we can change the url as it changes again, and I don't think any additional load would accrue since people using the old URL were redirected to auric anyway). closes: Bug#184518 * Inserted the word only in the package name section. closes: Bug#184368 -- debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low Josip: * Added missing bits of information about Description: fields from the old Packaging manual, closes: #172022 * Fixed a stale reference to the "base system maintainer" to base-passwd maintainer, closes: #174927 * Fixed an accidental change from /usr/share/package to /usr/share/doc in the paragraph about not depending on /usr/share/doc/package, closes: #174048 * Fixed several errors reported by Guenther Palfinger, with some help from Richard Braakman, closes: #177205, #177206, #177207, #177208, #177209 * Added versions to links and docbook-xml source-dependencies, hopefully fixes the bug with potato, and even if it doesn't, I don't care :) closes: #103459 * Fixed typos in the debconf spec noticed by Jay Bonci, closes: #178455 * Clarified that using Build-Depends for build-dependencies is not a "may" but a "should", added proper linking among various sections dealing with the dependencies so that there is no confusion, closes: #87510 If any one of those poor, misguided people ;) still thinks that the requirement should be a "must" (in _our_ meaning, not RFC "MUST"), please file a new bug, as it's quite unproductive to have to sift through a 152-page bug log which mostly goes back-and-forth with explanations how policy should work, occasionally sprinkled with offtopic stuff, too. * When asked to restart a service that isn't already running, the init script should start it, closes: #60979 * Rephrased section on configuration files to remove confusing use of "should", closes: #170019 * Rearranged the shared library information properly, closes: #109166 This change also centralizes the info on how to ship static libraries in one place (hopefully not too ambiguous), closes: #93975 * Allow examples to be placed in /usr/share/doc/package/ in packages that are meant to provide examples, closes: #69864 * Removed several references to the Policy manual etc in the stuff imported from old packaging manual, closes: #181923 * Fixed too greedy wildcard match in the logrotate example, closes: #183544 -- Manoj Srivastava Fri, 7 Mar 2003 12:35:16 -0600 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low Manoj * Added example for why one may call ldconfig anywhere in the postsint. closes: Bug#120585 * Add the modifications about base system, as opposed to the soon to be obsolete base section (I assume it is) closes: Bug#53582 * Rearranged the virtual packages list. closes: Bug#72980 * This is basically an attempt to ratify the current practice of using debhelper in the clean target. Currently, policy does not require debhelper to be installed when the clean target is run, even though it is in the build-depends field. This was a simple oversight. closes: Bug#164035 * No longer depend on fileutils. closes: Bug#167425 * Added the Apps/Science menu section closes: Bug#162812 * Applied text patch from Joey Hess to the debconf spec simply make it conform to the reality of how some things work now. This is part of an effort to make debconf and cdebconf better substitutes for each other. Since it was not an XML patch, no special markup is present in the new content, except where I made guesses. closes: Bug#160776 * Clarify section 13.3. closes: Bug#160248 * Removed the undocumented(7) hack requirement. closes: Bug#39830 Josip * Removed the obsolete notion of documenting changes within the copyright file, closes: Bug#65764 -- Manoj Srivastava Fri, 15 Nov 2002 00:36:54 -0600 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Fix the debconf spec to (postinst -> postrm) closes: Bug#129375, Bug#160839 * Fix update-rc.d example, mention that changing run-levels or priority may require removing and re-creating the symbolic links. closes: Bug#149709 * Fix the groff and col -b interaction closes: Bug#164755 * Added section numbers to upgrading checklist closes: Bug#160914 * Fixed typo KB_Backspace -> KB_BackSpace * Clarify wording in the section about ChangeLog files to allow for symbolic links in /usr/share/doc/ directory (was already allowed in a previous section of policy 13.6) closes: Bug#111137 * Removed a spurious + from text. closes: Bug#160908 * Added a note in the debconf spec to consult debconf-devel(8) for details. closes: Bug#133030 * Added a reference to the local copy of the FHS. closes: Bug#122928 * Updated reference to ash (dash). This implements the non controversial parts of Bug#161455. -- Manoj Srivastava Sat, 26 Oct 2002 13:12:49 -0500 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Fixed some broken hrefs in links * No longer use local debiandoc stuff (it's been fixed upstream) * Added table of contents (index.html) to policy-process.sgml, fixing the new error reported to bug #137521 closes: Bug#137521 * Fixed a couple of typos closes: Bug#139832 * Ran through the policy document looking for long instances of text in the tag, and changed it to where appropriate. This is since the tag can handle line breaking, but the flag does not. closes: Bug#139820 * Change the requirement to ask permission to make devices to merely requiring a notification. closes: Bug#106280 * Added a build dependson docbook utils. closes: Bug#154660 * Since this is being built with a newer version of debiandoc-sgml, this should display better with lynx. closes: Bug#153704 * Add in the crypto-in-main amendment. closes: Bug#81852, Bug#144411 * we no longer have task packages, instead, we define tasks using a special field in the control file (and these should be added only after discussion on the mailing lists) closes: Bug#97755 * Clarify wording in the section for packages providing fonts. closes: Bug#109672 * Fix the doc base file for policy process closes: Bug#137521, Bug#147554 closes: Bug#146756 * using set -e is not dubious advice. Rejecting this. closes: Bug#139969 * Make the directory one is building under ./debian/ be up to the maintainer, instead of mandating ./debian/tmp/ closes: Bug#144297 * Add a standards version closes: Bug#145067 * Added virtual package debconf-2.0 closes: Bug#151328 * Added The Window Manager Specification Project support to the default window manager selection mechanism closes: Bug#155680 * The confusion between /var/mail and /var/spool/mail seems to have been disambiguated. closes: Bug#114949 * Mention the new Build-Depend-Indep semantic and the new build-indep/build-arch rules in upgrading checklist closes: Bug#116134 * Made package naming rules in policy consistent. I did not eliminate the duplication, since I don't want to make major changes to the flow, since we are supposed to be re-writing policy anyway. closes: Bug#131441 * Clarified wording about cases where we may have concrete and virtual packages with the same name. closes: Bug#134977 * Fixed typo 'be be' closes: Bug#138681 * Fixed typo in appendix G -- example of diversion closes: Bug#140697 * fix typo shlib: -> shlibs: closes: Bug#141903 * Provide a link between two sections dealing with virtual packages. closes: Bug#143770 * Fixed xtifr's email address in the menu policy closes: Bug#152965 * Allow shared library names to be have a hyphen between library name and soversion if the library name ends in a number. closes: Bug#100472 * Permit some libraries to only install static libs. closes: Bug#100346 * Remove the debug option, add noopt closes: Bug#157131, Bug#113525 * provide dhcp-client virtual package. closes: Bug#154142 * We do not need bits in policy that ``should not be enforced''. closes: Bug#150456 * We are building this with the latest debianndoc-sgml. closes: Bug#146703 * Finish incorporating all of the accepted changes in Bug#72335, and this closes: Bug#141307, Bug#156546 * Added virtual package aspell-dictionary closes: Bug#139067 * Added virtual package radius-server closes: Bug#118608 * Clarifying manual pages is not a policy issue. closes: Bug#112828 * Corrected the ldconfig handling instructions. closes: Bug#111025 * Not a policy issue. closes: Bug#106826 * Removed the /usr/doc/ symlink clause. closes: Bug#47298, Bug#69311 -- Manoj Srivastava Sat, 31 Aug 2002 02:18:02 -0500 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Set the cotact information for the FHS contact, and add mention of the FHS mailing list. closes: Bug#137172 * certainly seems to exist, and does contain the menu policy. closes: Bug#110711, Bug#121977 * Added java related virtual packages closes: Bug#110713 * Fixed confusion in appar4ently contradictory wording about /etc/init.d scripts: clarified to emphasize that the init.d files _are_ configuration files, and they _must_ have local changes preserved, either (if they are present in the .deb) by marking them as conffiles or, if they do not exist in the .deb file, by any other means. This does not change any requirements, and should have no affect on any conformant packages. closes: Bug#132621 * Fixed error in doc-base file closes: Bug#137521 * fixed typo in virtual packages list closes: Bug#110446 * Fixed typo in upgrading checklist. closes: Bug#110705 * Fixed typo (dependencies) in the policy closes: Bug#122931 * Fixed grammar errors in the policy closes: Bug#126131 * While I am cleaning out bugs, these are old and the reporter no longer wnats to pursue them, and there was never a consensus reached. If there is interest, new bugs can be filed. closes: Bug#51411, Bug#51412 * Added the virtual package dict-client closes: Bug#122996 * Added the virtual package foomatic-data closes: Bug#123570 * Added the virtual packages {x-}audio-mixer closes: Bug#131781 -- Manoj Srivastava Thu, 14 Mar 2002 12:16:53 -0600 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Change footnote about urgency values to the now-current list: low, medium, high, emergency. * Correct note about /etc/default files being conffiles/config files, which I mucked up (sorry Joey) [10.3.2] * [AMENDMENT 2001/06/26] Downgrade emacs/tex to optional closes: Bug#102204, Bug#53849 * [AMENDMENT 2001/06/26] Next stage in usr/doc -> usr/share/doc transition closes: Bug#102199 * [AMENDMENT 09/06/2001] Clarifying FHS policy closes: Bug#98291, Bug#60461 * Spelling correction closes: Bug#105625 * [AMMENDMENT 28/06/2001] Restrict http access to /usr/share/doc closes: Bug#100631 * [AMENDMENT 23/5/2001] Optional build-arch and build-indep targets for debian/rules closes: Bug#72335 * The old packaging manual is included in the policy document as an informative appendix. It is not part of Debian Technical Policy, and its presence is a temporary measure until dpkg documentation includes the information provided. closes: Bug#105535 * Added information about optional blank lines in the chagelog format. closes: Bug#105538 -- Manoj Srivastava Tue, 24 Jul 2001 21:43:22 -0500 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Fixed up incorrect entries in the changelog (there was an erroneous revision which never happened; it has now been correctly merged with the changelog entry) * Add section numbers to upgrading-checklist for all revisions from 3.0.0 onwards * Complete rewrite (and renumbering) of sections 9.1 and 9,2 * This time *really* include the HTML version of the FHS * Added doc-base support for all of the HTML files * Added several more files to the byhand list and rewrote chunks of debian/rules to do this * Add patched versions of debiandoc-sgml stuff to source package until patches are incorporated upstream * Versioned Build-Depend on debiandoc-sgml for fixed * Improved mkdir example in 10.1.2 closes: Bug#92744 * Made the "where examples live" entry in the upgrading-checklist clearer (add "for use by scripts") * Add a dpkg-statoverride description section closes: Bug#89473 * Fix the ldconfig usage description (remove "only if") closes: Bug#89674 * Clarification of package priority issues vis-a-vis the X Windows system closes: Bug#91249 * Enhanced x-terminal-emulator policy closes: Bug#91252 * Minor changes to X app-defaults policy closes: Bug#91259 * Clarification of X policy in respect to FHS closes: Bug#91260 * OpenMotif has the same rules as OSF/Motif closes: Bug#91261 * The X Font policy rewrite closes: Bug#91257 * The "man" program is no longer guaranteed to read header information to find alternative manpage names closes: Bug#94995 * Correction to meaning of Standards-Version closes: Bug#97072 * Split section 12.8 (X Window System) into subsections for readability * Plug-ins != shared libraries (at last) closes: Bug#66023 * Add packaging manual remnants to policy document as appendices, and mention this in control file closes: Bug#95906 * Clarification in Perl policy closes: Bug#98712 -- Julian Gilbey Fri, 1 Jun 2001 10:37:52 +0100 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * [ACCEPTED 2/4/01] /var/mail and /var/spool/mail closes: Bug#42052 * [AMENDMENT 26/04/2001] include Perl Policy closes: Bug#83977 * Also incorporates all the improvements that Julian has made to to the grammar and flow of the policy manual. The following are mostly Julian's fixes: * Removed reference to non-extant dpkg documentation * Fixed the confusing self referential language. closes: Bug#85503 * Correct ambiguous kanguage about declaring build dependencies. closes: Bug#86436 * Improved the woding of the footnote about shlibdeps. closes: Bug#87233 -- Manoj Srivastava Sat, 28 Apr 2001 13:30:21 -0500 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Removed recommendation on packaging-manual closes: Bug#86507, #93620, #93705 * Also now Conflicts and Replaces packaging-manual * Remove FSSTND from binary package, although retain it in the source package for the time being * Get the version.ent non-compression thingy right this time! * Also install FHS stuff byhand (as requested by webmasters) * Corrected GPL name and location closes: Bug#88788, #93047 * Correct bug severities closes: Bug#91276 * Correct typos etc. in policy-process * Rename all .text files as .txt * Fixed the "to to" typo in policy closes: Bug#87007 * Changed packaging manual ==> dpkg documentation closes: Bug#88651 * [ACCEPTED 14/03/2001] Deprecate confusing closes: Bug#87828 Build-Depends arch syntax * [AMENDMENT 29/03/2001] Clarification of example closes: Bug#87711 configuration files * Undo all renaming to text, since the change had not been propogated to the rules file, which broke badly. This shall have to wait for a later version. * Richard Braakman and Michael Dorman have expressed their resignation from policy maintenance duties. * fixed the date thinko in upgrading checklist. Thanks to Sébastien Montagne closes: Bug#84236 -- Manoj Srivastava Sun, 15 Apr 2001 13:36:19 -0500 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Add XFree86 app-defaults ammendment closes: Bug#83069 -- Julian Gilbey Sun, 18 Feb 2001 14:11:49 +0000 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Removed deprecated virtual package names closes: Bug#84641 * Changed rmdir postrm example (suggestion on -policy list) * Removed Richard Braakman from list of maintainers at his request * Corrected typos and grammatical errors found by Sean Perry closes: Bug#85501, #85504, #85505, #85506 closes: Bug#85508, #85510, #85511, #85514 closes: Bug#84631, #84636, #85497, #85982 closes: Bug#85986, #85993, #86001 * No longer include the old proposal document closes: Bug#84079 * Update footnote about dpkg-shlibdeps now that it uses objdump; bump up minor version number for this * Updated dpkg-shlibdeps example to use up-to-date package names (and correct dpkg-shlibdeps command line syntax) * Clarify error conditions for package installation (Bug#61801 from packaging-manual) * Add the "main" section of each distribution (got left out by accident!) (Bug#64304, #75955 from packaging-manual) * Clean version numbering string (Bug#73064 from packaging-manual) * Install HTML version of FHS closes: Bug#83487 * Removed bashism from debian/rules -- Julian Gilbey Thu, 15 Feb 2001 12:13:00 +0000 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * There have been numerous changes since the last major change, and peole have had tiome now to review the recent changes, so I am updating the policy minor version to reflect the quantity and magnitude of changes since 3.2.1 * More spelling corrections, thanks to "Christian T. Steigies" * Added mention of DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS in upgrading checklist. closes: Bug#83924 * Fixed some typos. closes: Bug#83960 * Policy now mentions preinst scripts. closes: Bug#80342 * [AMENDMENT 2000/12/26] allow/document use of Debian Configuration management system (debconf) closes: Bug#80347 * Yet more typo fixes closes: Bug#82743 * Document the fact that X font utilities have moved to the package xutils closes: Bug#82966 * Fixed the date in the virtual package list closes: Bug#83438 * Cleaned up some ephemeral informative foornotes of the polic. Thanks to Branden Robinson closes: Bug#83065 * Corrected reference to the mime policy. closes: Bug#79891 * Corrected reference to the menu policy. closes: Bug#75925 * Added a note to the effect that the example make snippet used to illustrate the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS environment variable is merely informative, and expanded the example to dismiss any confusion about potential failure due to accidentally trying to strip scripts. closes: Bug#80506 -- Manoj Srivastava Sun, 28 Jan 2001 21:59:16 -0600 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * The minimal change in version number is so that people can test and root out the bugs in this document before we make everyone change to this version. * Document the Enhances relationship * Removed the restriction that one, and exactly one, person must maintain a package. closes: Bug#51879 * Fixed a typo, and added the nogroup name, in uid/gid section of policy. closes: Bug#53496 * Fixed a misstatement in policy about not needing to depend on packages in the base system (not true -- the Essential tag is significant) closes: Bug#53700 * Clarified update-rc.d stuff closes: Bug#55048 * We have already included the material for shlibdep changes, and most of this is not relevant to policy anyway. closes: Bug#55730 * makedev--> MAKEDEV closes: Bug#57154 * Added restrictions on the files in /usr/share/doc/ closes: Bug#59403 * Changed location of a paragraph about copyright files into the section that deals with copyright files. closes: Bug#65765 * init script configuration variables closes: Bug#66912 * Clarifed language about packages sharing a conffile need to be marked as conflicting closes: Bug#76028 -- Manoj Srivastava Thu, 18 Jan 2001 01:43:58 -0600 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Don't compress version.ent in the doc directory (it gets bigger!) * Incorporate the packaging manual into the policy document. The minimal change in version number is because I suspect that this version is going to be buggy. closes: Bug#62943, Bug#72949 * Fixed typo in menu-policy. closes: Bug#70442 * Fixed typo in policy manual closes: Bug#70634, Bug#70643 * Removed extraneous > from policy closes: Bug#77645 * Fixed two typos in upgrading checklist closes: Bug#78809, Bug#78822 * Fixed spelling of utility closes: Bug#82458 * [ACCEPTED 2000/09/08] Free pkgs depending on non-US should go into non-US/{main,contrib} closes: Bug#69229 * Added rsh-server and telnet server to the virtual packages list closes: Bug#77404 * Fixed outdated references to the FHS. closes: Bug#77650 -- Manoj Srivastava Tue, 16 Jan 2001 23:53:31 -0600 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * [AMENDMENT 15/01/2000] revision of the "to build with X support or not" policy. closes: Bug#53759 * [ACCEPTED 2000/06/06] Must/Should/May in policy This is only a clarifying change, and was not intended to change the intent of policy. closes: Bug#64437 * [ACCEPTED 03/05/2000] About the use of conffiles. closes: Bug#61308 * [AMENDMENT 10/05/2000] s/mail\.mail/root\.mail/ closes: Bug#62668 * [ACCEPTED 04/05/2000] Update for new non-US layout closes: Bug#62946 * [ACCEPTED 04/05/2000] s/debian-devel/debian-legal/ closes: Bug#62947 * [ACCEPTED 04/05/2000] s/bash/base-files/ closes: Bug#62948 * Typo: 1744s/tty/ttyS/ closes: Bug#64516 * proposal for mp3-encoder virtual package closes: Bug#64004 * proposal for mp3-decoder virtual package closes: Bug#64006 * new virtual package time-daemon closes: Bug#69031 * [PATCH] typos in menu-policy.sgml closes: Bug#69424 * [PATCH] typos and awkwardness in policy.sgml closes: Bug#69426 * the example for using nostrip in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS is incorrect. closes: Bug#69487 * [PATCH] more corrections closes: Bug#69670 * [AMENDMENT 26/10/99] Amend non-free definition closes: Bug#46522 * [AMMENDMENT 29/10/99] /bin/sh needs echo -n closes: Bug#48247 * [AMENDMENT 1999/11/23] Clarify meaning of Essential: yes closes: Bug#50832 * [ACCEPTED] Request for new virtual packages: rsh-client and telnet-client closes: Bug#58759 -- Manoj Srivastava Thu, 24 Aug 2000 02:06:30 -0500 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Fixed bugs in debian-policy package: * We have had doc-base support for a while now. closes: Bug#15709 * packaging manual: Added additional clarification on dpkg behaviour. closes: Bug#17369 * [PROPOSAL] Do not make hardlinks to conffiles closes: Bug#22935 * [PROPOSED]: clarification needed about diversions. fixed usage for dpkg-divert closes: Bug#29522 * [OLD PROPOSAL] debian-policy has an unclear statement on dependancies and priorities closes: Bug#39398 * [ACCEPTED 10/26/99] changelog.html.gz sanitization. closes: Bug#40934 * [AMENDED 07/09/1999] policy on -g, a proposal closes: Bug#43787 * Fixed missing tag. closes: Bug#51091 * Correct typo in section 2.3.5 closes: Bug#52225 * Documented that the library before the symlink hack (which dependend on file system specific kinks to work) is no longer required by newer versions of dpkg. closes: Bug#53405 * [ACCEPTED 02/01/2000] policy for usage of "xserver" alternative closes: Bug#53755 * [ACCEPTED 02/01/2000] additions to virtual package list closes: Bug#53756 * [ACCEPTED 02/01/2000] policy for "x-terminal-emulator" virtual package and alternative closes: Bug#53757 * [ACCEPTED 02/01/2000] policy for "x-window-manager" virtual package and alternative closes: Bug#53758 * [ACCEPTED 02/01/2000] revision of X application-defaults policy closes: Bug#53760 * [ACCEPTED 02/01/2000] revision of the Motif/LessTif policy closes: Bug#53761 * [ACCEPTED 02/01/2000] applying the FHS to packages that use X closes: Bug#53762 * [ACCEPTED 02/01/2000] policy for X font packages closes: Bug#53763 * Moved the documents into the Debian/ section, since that is where they belong, really. closes: Bug#54777 * Fixed the ftp location in the manuals. closes: Bug#56407 * Fixed missing urlname entity in the sgml docs (where was it defined before anyway?) closes: Bug#56692 * Fixed bugs in packaging-manual package: * Fixed typo where dpkg-genchanges was used instead of dpkg-gencontrol. closes: Bug#58771 * Other changes: * Added policy-process to document current procedures. * Added a dependency on fileutiles >=4.0, since the package would fail to install with older fileutils. * Installed FHS version 2.1 * Policy recommends packaging manual and vice versa * Added FHS details to copyright file * Updaed the upgrade checklist. Minor changes to the ./debian/rules file. * Added footnotes in the packaging manual warning about the upcoming dpkg-shlibdeps change as in Bug#55730 -- Manoj Srivastava Sun, 30 Jul 2000 17:43:02 -0500 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Fixed an upgrade bug when /usr/doc happens to be a symlink, and does not point to /usr/share/doc. A couple of people were bitten by this. -- Manoj Srivastava Mon, 28 Feb 2000 22:27:05 -0600 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Correct missing in packaging.sgml (closes: #51091) * Correct typo in policy 2.3.5 (closes: #52225) -- Julian Gilbey Mon, 20 Dec 1999 20:39:57 +0000 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Correction to typo in packaging manual, section 6.2. * Correction to typo in packaging manual, section 12.2.5 (closes: #50502) * More corrections to packaging manual typos (closes: #50857) -- Julian Gilbey Mon, 22 Nov 1999 19:23:31 +0000 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Correct description of negated architectures in Build-Depends description in Packaging manual (closes: #49901) -- Julian Gilbey Tue, 16 Nov 1999 15:03:48 +0000 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Add instructions on /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc symlinks (closes: #45561, #42447, #48570) * Added source dependencies (closes: #41232) * Deprecated /etc/rc.boot (closes: #32448, #32449) * Update-rc.d now only legal way to automatically access /etc/rc?.d directoried (closes: #41547) * FHS compliant location of examples (closes: #42849) * Added ispell-dictionary to virtual-packages.list (following new suggestions: no objections => accept) (closes: #8221) * Added man-browser to virtual-packages.list (closes: #24695) * Added ident-server to virtual-packages.list (closes: #45307) * Alphabeticised virtual packages list ;) * Corrected GPL reference in proposal.sgml * Clarification of "extra" priority (closes: #33076) * Remove buggy and seriously problematic licenses from list of contrib package criteria (closes: #45318) * Move docs to /usr/share/doc with a compatibility symlink (closes: #41829) * Update to FHS 2.1 draft #3 (for /var/state etc. changes). * Correct /var/lib/games -> /var/games (closes: #42358) * Added MIME subpolicy (closes: #46516) * Added support for VISUAL (closes: #41121) * Clarify non-dependence on /usr/local (closes: #44922) * Modified description of mail spool locking (closes: #43651) * Clarified wording of conffiles and configuration files (closes: #40766, #40767) * Changed description of release numbers (closes: #44620) * Added changelog.html -> changelog requirement (closes: $40934) * packaging-manual now correctly installs its docs (closes: #44643) * The packaging manual now discusses version numbers based on dates (closes: #17621) * Mention ls -f for testing order in which files appear on disk (closes: #19179) * Change order of '.' and '+' in description of version numbers (closes: #41095) * s/fields/field names/ in section 4.1 of packaging manual for clarity * Add Build-Depends-Indep: field to control file -- Julian Gilbey Thu, 4 Nov 1999 23:50:37 +0000 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Typo corrected in packaging manual. closes: Bug#40180 * Chnaged rules file to create ps and pdf files. -- Manoj Srivastava Mon, 16 Aug 1999 01:21:09 -0500 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * A few typos and omissions corrected * Added the pop3-server to the virtual packages list, as decided on the list. * Fix the self reference to a location on the web site. closes: Bug#39408 * Added the clarification that the .la files are essential for the packages using libtool's libltdl library, in which case the .la files must go in the run-time library package. (this is why this is version, and not * The virtual package list has new directions (this has been true for a while, I am just closing the bug now). closes: Bug#26159 * Since this package now contains the FHS, this closes: Bug#25533 * The General resolution prototcol handling of the logos closes: Bug#26915 * Inclusion of the Menu policy in the main policy document closes: Bug#30036 * Since proposal submitting guidelines are now in the policy package, this closes: Bug#38612 * Changed a /usr/doc reference to /usr/share/doc which had beeen missed before. closes: Bug#40864 -- Manoj Srivastava Thu, 15 Jul 1999 13:35:11 -0500 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * This is a test version of the policy package, and shall not be officially uploaded. * Merged in the packaging manual sources (we still have two separate .deb packages) * Multiple minor packaging tweaks. * [ACCEPTED 1998/05/01] Policy clarification about Standards-Version Added the clarifying paragraph (and the rationale in a footnote). closes: Bug#21969 * [ACCEPTED 1999/04/05] Policy note that GPL moved to /usr/share/common-licenses. Again, also added the rationale as a footnote. closes: Bug#28747 * [ACCEPTED 1999/05/04] Libtool archive (*.la) files in -dev' packages closes: Bug#37257, Bug#37338 * [ACCEPTED 1999/04/28] Logrotation. Standardizer on logrotate. closes: Bug# 37342 * [ACCEPTED 1999/05/23] Rewrite of section 5.7 (Programs for the X Window System) closes: Bug#38212 * [ACCEPTED 1999/05/15] Separate menu policy (like virtual package list) closes: Bug#37713 * [ACCEPTED 1999/05/09] Utmp group proposal closes: Bug#37389 * [ACCEPTED 1999/05/09] Adopt the FHS in place of FSSTND Changed all references to the proper FHS versions. This was a first scan, so some references may still need to be changed. closes: Bug#37345 * Updated the upgrading checklist. * updated the proposal for policy update to reflect the latest -- Manoj Srivastava Wed, 30 Jun 1999 22:49:15 -0500 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Removed double '>' marks from the policy document. closes: Bug#35095 * Corrected canonical source for "Csh Programming Considered Harmful" closes: Bug#36286 Bug#32499 * Fixed typo in invocation of update-rc.d. closes: Bug#34988 Bug#34543 * Fixed misspelling of accessible. Ran ispell over the rest of the document (painful because of the large number of technical terms in there). closes: Bug#34233 * Make the binary package contain the version.ent as well. closes: Bug#31033 * Fixed typo s/as is/is/. closes: Bug#30302 * AMENDMENT 23/04/1999: changed /etc/nntpserver recommendation to /etc/news/server. closes: Bug#21875 * Added the current list of policy maintainers. closes: Bug#30148 -- Manoj Srivastava Tue, 27 Apr 1999 11:10:29 -0500 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * AMENDMENT: Added in changes in Bug #25911, which rearranged sections to create a new section 4, namely, files. Section 3.3 ("Files") should become Section 4. The Sections that are currently Section 4 and Section 5 should be moved down to become Section 5 and Section 6 accordingly. What is now Section 5.5 ("Log files") should be moved to be a subsection of the new Section 4 ("Files"), becoming section 4.8, placing it after "Configuration files", moving the would-be Section 4.8 ("Permissions and owners") to Section 4.9. All subsections of the current Section 5 after 5.5 should be accordingly moved down to fill in the number gap. This, along with the next amendment, justifies bumping up the version number. closes: BUG#25911 * AMENDMENT: Added in changes in Bug #21185, about the naming and compression of changelog files. Now, if the upstream changelog file is HTML formatted, it should be accessible as /usr/doc//changelog.html.gz It also allows for this to be a symlink, if the upstream file name does not conform to Debian conventions. closes: BUG#21185 * AMENDMENT: Added in changes in Bug #7890, to make clear that the HTML documents should be supplied in _some_ package, not necessarily in the main binary package (at the discretion of the maintainer). closes: BUG#7890 * AMENDMENT: Added in changes in Bug #26461, which corrects the policy to refer to /usr/doc//copyright, rather than /usr/doc/copyright/. closes: BUG#26461 * AMENDMENT: Added in changes in Bug #25385, which allow the architecture specification strings to be of the form -, where os is one of linux, gnu. Previously, only linux was allowed, now we also cater to the hurd. closes: BUG#25385 * The responsibility of the contents of this package has now passed to the debian-policy mailing list. The packaging details are now being managed by a group of maintainers that do ot won the contents. * Make the package optional, not extra. * Re did the SGML markup. Normalized the document, and undid the omitted and shor tags. Personally, I use too many DTD's in real life to be so converssant with each one to be clever with tag omissions, and, since I have a smart editor, omitting tags does not byuy one much. In the process, I discovered a few errors in the markup (one of my predecessors hasd the unfortunate habit of treating

as a "create some space here" tag, and more often than not put it at the end of a paragraph, rather than using is as a container element (which is what it is, really). * Re did the control files, making them more robust * re did the rules file, making it more general, and easier to maintain by putting in a layer of abstractions. -- Manoj Srivastava Thu, 29 Oct 1998 15:16:52 -0600 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * New Maintainer -- Philip Hands Sat, 5 Sep 1998 02:41:35 +0100 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * New maintainer (with changes from Adam P. Harris' proposed NMU) * policy.sgml: some awkward phrasings fixed (closes Bug#22006) * policy.sgml: s/depreciated/deprecated (closes Bug#21831) * debian/control: added conflict doc-base (<< 0.6), which I still am not sure why we need this but hey (closes Bug#21554) * policy.sgml: use new tag where appropriate * policy.sgml, debian/control: always dynamically self reference the current version of policy, that is, do not hard code policy revision or date anywhere * debian/rules: use dpkg-gencontrol -isp * bugs fixed in some unknown previous version (closes Bug#23177) -- Philip Hands Tue, 11 Aug 1998 09:54:17 +0100 debian-policy ( frozen unstable; urgency=low * non-maintainer release * rebuild package to fix truncated Chapter 3 (Bug#23408, not marked as important but should be, since a gaping hole in policy is very annoying.) * bumped version of policy, within the document, to this version number, but not the date, indicating nothing really changed since then * no content changes * debian/rules: clean is a little cleaner -- Adam P. Harris Tue, 16 Jun 1998 03:15:22 -0400 debian-policy ( frozen unstable; urgency=low * Orphaned package -- Christian Schwarz Thu, 14 May 1998 21:54:50 +0200 debian-policy ( frozen unstable; urgency=low * Changes to the Debian Policy Manual: - Updated section 3.1.2 Site-specific programs and section 3.8 Keyboard configuration: + improved wording (fixes:bug#20129) - Updated section 2.1.7 Subsections: + fixed typos (fixes:bug#18145) - Updated section 3.3.5 Symbolic links: + symbolic links within a toplevel directory should be relative, symbolic links between toplevel directories should be absolute (cf., Policy Weekly Issue#6, topic 2) - Updated section 3.4 System run levels: + Intro: mention /etc/rcS.d (links to boot time scripts) + Notes: include rationale why /etc/init.d scripts have to be tagged as conffiles (fixes:bug#16199) + Example: changed example init.d script to handle force-reload and restart options and to comply with the console message standard (fixes:bug#19216) - Updated section 4.8 Emacs lisp programs: + Replaced old section about lisp programs with a reference to the file debian-emacs-policy.gz, installed by the emacsen-common package. - Updated section 4.9 Games: + manpages for games should be installed in /usr/man/man6 (cf., Policy Weekly Issue#6, topic 3) - Removed one example reference to the current standards version - Include manual's date as plain text in the .sgml source so that a recompiled manual uses the same release date * Changes to the authoritative list of virtual package names: - Removed obsolete virtual package `emacs' * New version numbering scheme: - The version numbers are independent of dpkg now, but all policy manuals (the Debian Policy Manual, the Debian Packaging Manual, and the Debian Developer's Reference) share the same version numbering scheme. - The first three digits of the version number specify the `Standards-Version.' This number is incremented with each policy change. The fourth digit represents the `patch-level,' which may differ between the manuals. If only the patch-level digit is incremented, no changes in policy have been made, except bug fixes and clarifications. Packages only have to specify the first three digits of the version number in the `Standards-Version' field of their source packages. * Packaging changes: - Uploaded to frozen and unstable. This is a documentation-only package and the changes to the manual are relevant for hamm. - Fixed FSF's address in copyright file (detected by Lintian) -- Christian Schwarz Tue, 14 Apr 1998 10:08:09 +0200 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Changes to the Debian Policy Manual: - Updated section 3.3.4 Scripts: + /bin/sh may be any POSIX compatible shell + scripts including bashisms have to specify /bin/bash as interpreter + scripts which create files in world-writable directories (e.g., in /tmp) should use tempfile or mktemp for creating the directory - Updated section 3.3.5 Symbolic Links: + symbolic links referencing compressed files must have the same file extension as the referenced file - Updated section 3.3.6 Device files: + /dev/tty* serial devices should be used instead of /dev/cu* - Updated section 3.4.2 Writing the scripts [in /etc/init.d]: + all /etc/init.d scripts have to provide the following options: start, stop, restart, force-reload + the reload option is optional and must never stop and restart the service - Updated section 3.5 Cron jobs: + cron jobs that need to be executed more often than daily should be installed into /etc/cron.d - Updated section 3.7 Menus: + removed section about how to register HTML docs to `menu' (the corresponding section in 4.4, Web servers and applications, has been removed in policy already, so this one was obsolete) - New section 3.8 Keyboard configuration: + details about how the backspace and delete keys should be handled - New section 3.9 Environment variables: + no program must depend on environment variables to get a reasonable default configuration - New section 4.6 News system configuration: + /etc/news/organization and /etc/news/server should be supported by all news servers and clients - Updated section 4.7 Programs for the X Windows system: + programs requiring a non-free Motif library should be provided as foo-smotif and foo-dmotif package + if lesstif works reliably for such program, it should be linked against lesstif and not against a non-free Motif library - Updated section 4.9 Games: + games for X Windows have to be installed in /usr/games, just as non-X games - Lots of typos fixed (thanks to Ray Dassen for the patch!) * Changes to the authoritative list of virtual package names: - added `libc-dev' and `emacsen' * Merged `/usr/doc/debian-policy/changelog-policy.gz' into this changelog file * Included `Policy checklist for upgrading your packages' from the Policy Home Page as /usr/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.text.gz * Added support for doc-base to register the Policy Manual to the online documentation systems dwww and dhelp (fixes:#15710) * Upgraded to standards version (no changes) -- Christian Schwarz Fri, 30 Jan 1998 21:58:25 +0100 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Changes in the Debian Policy Manual: - X library package is now called xlib6g * Changes in the authoritative list of virtual package names: - Added emacs, c-compiler, fortran77-compiler, lambdamoo-core, lambdamoo-server * Conflict with old dpkg-dev version that included policy manual (fixes #13790) * Removed `tentative-opt-draft' from package since people considered the draft official policy (which is not the case) * Don't use debstd anymore -- Christian Schwarz Tue, 21 Oct 1997 23:03:52 +0200 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Changes in the Debian Policy Manual: - reworked chapter `The Debian Archive' to cover new contrib/non-free policy - call "contrib" and "non-free" a `section' (not `distribution') - refer to license files (GPL, LGPL, etc.) as uncompressed files - changed `/etc/news/server' into `/etc/nntpserver' in example of maintainer scripts (fixes #11517) - new section about `Daemons' - updated section about `Configuration files' - MUAs and MTAs have to use liblockfile - fixed typos and grammatical errors * Changes in the authoritative list of virtual package names: - renamed tcl/tk virtual package names to `tclsh' and `wish' * Paper about libc6 migration: - fixed typos (fixes #11641), thanks to James Troup for the patch! * SGML source code included in package * don't use `2-up' style for PostScript version (fixes #11095) -- Christian Schwarz Mon, 2 Sep 1997 00:54:31 +0200 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Changes in the Debian Policy Manual: - completely reworked structure - moved sections about new maintainers, upload procedure, interim releases, and mailing lists into the Developers Reference Manual - moved a few (small) sections into the Debian Packaging Manual - removed all those ugly footnotes - new example for "reload" in section about console messages - mention Artistic License (fixes #9793) - don't mention dpkg's version number in Policy Manual - rewrote abstract and section introductions - mention "orphaned packages" - maintainer is responsible for a package license to comply with the distributions' policy - putting a package into base section requires discussion on debian-devel - rewrote sections about "pre-depends", "essential" and, "base" packages - added note that non-us' maintainers have to live outside the US - added crypto-hook statement (fixes #7257) - added section about arch spec strings - rewrote section about "Site specific programs" (/usr/local) - included Ian's suggestions for user IDs - added section about "menus" - removed section about "web menus" since this will be superseded with the new documentation policy soon - incorporated "Debian Free Software Guidelines" (fixes #9024) - removed note that linking with -g produces large a.out binary (fixes #11008) - added section about editors and pagers - added note about Package priorities and dependencies - added section about cron jobs (fixes #8814) - added section about device files - don't install shared libraries as executable (fixes #7129) - app-defaults files may not be conffiles (cf. #2717) - lots of minor changes not worth mentioning here (typos, formulations, etc.) * Changes in the authoritative list of virtual package names - Removed obsolete virtual packages: xR6shlib, xlibraries, compress, emacs, sgmls, inews, gs_x, gs_svga, gs_both, xpmR6 - Added new section about obsolete names * Added Helmut Geyer's paper about libc5-libc6 migration * Fixed package's description -- Christian Schwarz Sun, 13 Jul 1997 13:25:51 +0200 debian-policy ( frozen unstable; urgency=low * Mention Artistic License in section 2.5 (bug #9755) -- Christian Schwarz Wed, 14 May 1997 16:53:15 +0200 debian-policy ( frozen unstable; urgency=low * Fixed an email address, an URL, and several typos in chapter 6 (#9358) * Added new virtual package "wordlist" to list (requested by Joey Hess) * Changed wording in section about "non-free" packages as suggested by Kai Henningsen (#7076) -- Christian Schwarz Mon, 5 May 1997 20:05:39 +0200 debian-policy ( frozen unstable; urgency=low * Fixed bug in chapter 7: `-ur' should read `-us' (#8874) * Fixed bug in chapter 7: `-rwhatever' also needed for rebuild (#8874) * Create a PS and HTML version of the Policy Manual and upload it "byhand". * Install virtual-package-names-list.text in /usr/doc/debian-policy and upload it "byhand" too. -- Christian Schwarz Tue, 29 Apr 1997 18:02:14 +0200 debian-policy ( unstable; urgency=low * Initial Release. * New Policy Manager: Christian Schwarz * Added section 2.4 about the "non-us" distribution. * Added section 3.1.1 about the "Package" field in the control file. * Added section 3.2.1 about "Binaries": two programs with different functionality must not have the same name. * Changed headline of section 3.2.6 into "Debian changelog and upstream changelog" as suggested by Santiago Vila Doncel . * Added log-rotating example to section 3.2.9 that tests with `-sf', as suggested by Boris D. Beletsky . * Added section 3.13: "Webstandard 3.0" by Christoph Lameter. * Added section 3.14: "Standard for Console Messages" by Christian Schwarz. * Split section 4.1 into 4.1.1 (Options for binaries) and 4.1.2 (Options for libraries) * Added note to 4.1.2: Libraries should be compiled with `-D_REENTRANT' to make them compatible with LinuxThreads, by Rob Browning . * Added note to 4.1.2: Libraries should be stripped with "strip --strip-unneeded", by Guy Maor . * Section 5.2: Policy changelog is now "/usr/doc/debian-policy/changelog-policy.gz". This fixes bug #6130. * Section 6.2 renamed to "Uploading your first Debian package". This fixes bug #6130. -- Christian Schwarz Sat, 15 Mar 1997 18:08:56 +0100 debian-manuals ( frozen unstable; * Fixed even more typographical and grammatical errors in Policy and Programmer's manual * Corrected the contact email addresses again. * Added a paragraph to Policy 6.3 on taking over an old package (Guy Maor) * Added a paragraph to Programmer 4.2.14 on listing distributions to load a package into. (Guy Maor) * Further clarification of use of absolute pathnames in scripts in Programmer 6.1. -- David Morris Tue, 3 Dec 1996 23:28:04 -0600 debian-manuals ( frozen unstable; * Many editorial and formatting revisions with suggestions from Ian Jackson, Guy Maor and others * correction of chiark address in Policy 6.2 * footnote in Programmers chapter 2 pointing to deb(5) manpage for description of deb file format. * addition of more dpkg examples in Programmer chapter 2 * Replace paragraph in Policy 4.1 outlining compiling parameters for shared libraries. * Added paragraph in Programmer 6.1 on paths in maintainer scripts (Bug #2481) * Cleaned up language and formatting of Programmer's 12.2, shlibs * Corrected contact addresses for listmaster and override-change -- David Morris Wed, 27 Nov 1996 08:17:16 -0600 debian-manuals ( frozen unstable; * Mostly editorial changes in Policy Manual. * Added summary of distribution criteria to Introduction * Added section headings for copyright criteria * Fixed typos (Bugs #4485, #4622) * Added paragraph in Compilation Options related to use of shared and static libraries. (Bug #5299) * Paragraph added about where to find PGP and other export restricted packages in section on Procedure * Change in List administrator and in the contact address for becoming a package maintainer * A paragraph added related to who to contact for package maintainer changes. * Changed where to send upload announcements: uploads destined for unstable, frozen, or experimental go to debian-devel-changes. * Made some mostly editorial changes to Programmers Manual. * Added a recommendation to debmake in Introduction. * A further interpretation of the various Distributions is added with the intent of helping people decide which one to choose. (section 4.2.14) * Section 12 on Shared Libraries expanded with further technical information on various shlib files * Section in 2.2 on format of shlib file moved to new subsection within 12. * Paragraph on adding a symlink without version number added to Shared Library Section (Guy Maor, Bug #5299) -- David Morris Fri, 22 Nov 1996 23:41:39 -0600 debian-manuals ( unstable; * Hard links are forbidden in source packages (they didn't work anyway, and can't easily be made to work reliably). * Do not use dpkg-divert or update-alternatives without consultation. * Do not need to declare dependencies on Essential packages. * Restrictions on Pre-Depends stated in policy manual. * debian/substvars file is now almost always auto-generated. * Shared libraries must be installed stripped. * Essential and Pre-Depends put together in policy manual. * Explained component-wise (file-wise) vs. package-wise dependencies. -- Ian Jackson Thu, 12 Sep 1996 01:00:41 +0100 debian-manuals ( unstable; * Upstream changelog must be installed too (was just recommended). * Modification to use dpkg-shlibdeps added to conversion instructions. * Packages which are buggy and orphaned but which are preserved for compatibility go in contrib. * Programmers' manual source package section refers to conversion instructions in policy manual. * Make it clear that recommending a non-free or contrib package puts a package in contrib. -- Ian Jackson Sun, 1 Sep 1996 17:47:18 +0100 debian-manuals ( unstable; * varargs.h and libtermcap are obsolete - use stdarg.h and ncurses. * Shared library link/library ordering corrected (aargh). * When to byte-compile Elisp files. * Missing final newlines not represented by dpkg-source. * Must post upload announcements to debian-changes. * Moved some sections into new `configuring and building' chapter. * Typo fixes. -- Ian Jackson Sat, 31 Aug 1996 20:07:22 +0100 debian-manuals ( unstable; * Footnote added OK'ing copyrights which require name changes. * More detail about changelog format names. * Problematic licence restrictions are formatted as lists. * Mentioned 822-date utility as way to generate RFC822 format dates. * Typos corrected. * Released. -- Ian Jackson Mon, 26 Aug 1996 14:27:34 +0100 debian-manuals ( unstable; * Can't overwrite directories in one package with files in another. -- Ian Jackson Sat, 24 Aug 1996 18:44:54 +0100 debian-manuals ( unstable; * Policy says when and how to include original source in upload. * Need -sa on dpkg-genchanges/dpkg-buildpackage when converting. * Use minor patchlevel for meaning changes which don't affect packages. * More verbosity about netiquette. * Reorganised participation and upload policy: merged with mailing lists. -- Ian Jackson Fri, 23 Aug 1996 12:48:09 +0100 debian-manuals ( experimental; * Said that system administrators' manual does not exist. -- Ian Jackson Fri, 23 Aug 1996 04:05:36 +0100 debian-manuals ( experimental; * Draft releases. -- Ian Jackson Wed, 21 Aug 1996 15:07:53 +0100