#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Usage: service .nn # Temps: incoming/P.nn use strict; use Debbugs::Config; use Debbugs::Email; use Debbugs::DBase; use Debbugs::Common; use Getopt::Long; use Mail::Address; ############################################################################# # Gloabal Variable Declaration ############################################################################# my $VERSION = '3.01'; #External Version number my $BANNER = "DebBugs v$VERSION"; #Version Banner - text form my $FILE = 'debbugs-service1'; #File name my $config = ''; my @config = undef; my $inputfilename; #file specified on commandline my @inputfile; my @imputlog; my $control; #call to control or request ############################################################################# # Commandline parsing ############################################################################# # Hash used to process commandline options my $verbose = 0; my $quiet = 0; my $debug = 0; my %opthash = (# ------------------ actions "config|c=s" => \$config, "help|h" => \&syntax, "version|V" => \&banner, "verbose|v!" => \$verbose, "quiet|q!" => \$quiet, "debug|d+" => \$debug, # Count the -d flags ); Getopt::Long::config('bundling', 'no_getopt_compat', 'no_auto_abbrev'); GetOptions(%opthash) or &syntax( 1 ); if ( $debug > 1 ) { print "D2: Commandline:\n"; print "\tconfig = $config\n" unless $config eq ''; print "\tverbos\n" if $verbose; print "\tquiet\n" if $quiet; print "\tdebug = $debug\n"; } $Globals{ 'debug' } = $debug; $Globals{ 'quiet' } = $quiet; $Globals{ 'verbose' } = $verbose; ############################################################################# # Read Config File and parse ############################################################################# $config = "./debbugs.cfg" if( $config eq '' ); print "D1: config file=$config\n" if $Globals{ 'debug' }; @config = ParseConfigFile( $config ); ############################################################################# # Find file name and load input file ############################################################################# $_=shift; m/^[RC]\.\d+$/ || &quit("bad argument"); $control= m/C/; $inputfilename = $_; if (!rename( $Globals{ 'spool-dir' }."G$inputfilename", $Globals{ 'spool-dir' }."P$inputfilename")) { $_=$!.''; m/no such file or directory/i && exit 0; &fail("renaming to lock: $!"); } open( M, "P$inputfilename" ); @inputfile=; @inputlog = @inputfile; close( M ); ####################################### HERE ############################### grep((s/\n$//,s/\s+$//),@msg); #remove blank lines ## DEBUG ## print "###\n",join("##\n",@msg),"\n###\n" if $debug; for ($i=0; $i<=$#msg; $i++) { $_ = $msg[$i]; last unless length($_); $fwd .= $_."\n"; while ($msg[$i+1] =~ m/^\s/) { $i++; $_ .= ' '.$msg[$i]; } print ">$_<\n" if $debug; if (s/^(\S+):\s*//) { $v= $1; $v =~ y/A-Z/a-z/; print ">$v=$_<\n" if $debug; $header{$v}= $_; } else { print "!>$_<\n" if $debug; } } defined($header{'from'}) || &quit("no From header"); $replyto= defined($header{'reply-to'}) ? $header{'reply-to'} : $header{'from'}; $controlrequestaddr= $control ? "control\@$gEmailDomain" : "request\@$gEmailDomain"; $transcript=''; &transcript("Processing commands for $controlrequestaddr:\n\n"); $dl= 0; $state= 'idle'; $lowstate= 'idle'; $mergelowstate= 'idle'; $midix=0; $extras=""; #strip blank line(s) after header while ( $i <= $#msg && !length( $msg[$i] ) ) { $fwd .= "\n"; $i++; } #strip, if exists, mime header if ( $msg[$i] =~ /^This is a multi-part message in MIME format./ ) { while ( $i <= $#msg && length( $msg[$i] ) ) { $fwd .= $msg[$i] . "\n"; $i++; } while ( $i <= $#msg && !length( $msg[$i] ) ) { $fwd .= "\n"; $i++; } } if ( $msg[$i] =~ /^--/ || $msg[$i] =~ /^\s*$/ ) { while ( $i <= $#msg && length( $msg[$i] ) ) { $fwd .= $msg[$i]; $i++; } while ( $i <= $#msg && !length( $msg[$i] ) ) { $fwd .= "\n"; $i++; } } for ($procline=$i; $procline<=$#msg; $procline++) { $state eq 'idle' || print "$state ?\n"; $lowstate eq 'idle' || print "$lowstate ?\n"; $mergelowstate eq 'idle' || print "$mergelowstate ?\n"; $_= $msg[$procline]; s/\s+$//; next unless m/\S/; next if m/^\s*\#/; &transcript("> $_\n"); $action= ''; if (m/^stop\s/i || m/^quit\s/i || m/^--/ || m/^thank\s/i) { &transcript("Stopping processing here.\n\n"); last; } elsif (m/^debug\s+(\d+)$/i && $1 >= 0 && $1 <= 1000) { $dl= $1+0; &transcript("Debug level $dl.\n\n"); } elsif (m/^(send|get)\s+\#?(\d{2,})$/i) { $ref= $2+0; $reffile= $ref; $reffile =~ s,^..,$&/$&,; &sendlynxdoc("db/$reffile.html","logs for $gBug#$ref"); } elsif (m/^send-detail\s+\#?(\d+)$/i) { $ref= $1+0; $reffile= $ref; $reffile =~ s,^..,$&/$&,; &sendlynxdoc("db/$reffile-b.html","additional logs for $gBug#$ref"); } elsif (m/^index(\s+full)?$/i) { &sendlynxdoc("db/ix/full.html",'full index'); } elsif (m/^index-summary\s+by-package$/i) { &sendlynxdoc("db/ix/psummary.html",'summary index sorted by package/title'); } elsif (m/^index-summary(\s+by-number)?$/i) { &sendlynxdoc("db/ix/summary.html",'summary index sorted by number/date'); } elsif (m/^index(\s+|-)pack(age)?s?$/i) { &sendlynxdoc("db/ix/packages.html",'index of packages'); } elsif (m/^index(\s+|-)maints?$/i) { &sendlynxdoc("db/ix/maintainers.html",'index of maintainers'); } elsif (m/^index(\s+|-)maint\s+(\S.*\S)$/i) { $substrg= $2; $matches=0; opendir(DBD,"$gWebDir/db/ma") || die $!; while (defined($_=readdir(DBD))) { next unless m/^l/ && m/\.html$/; &transcript("F|$_\n") if $dl>1; $filename= $_; s/^l//; s/\.html$//; &transcript("P|$_\n") if $dl>2; while (s/-(..)([^_])/-$1_-$2/) { } &transcript("P|$_\n") if $dl>2; s/^(.{0,2})_/$1-20_/g; while (s/([^-]..)_/$1-20_/) { }; &transcript("P|$_\n") if $dl>2; s/^,(.*),(.*),([^,]+)$/$1-40_$2-20_-28_$3-29_/; &transcript("P|$_\n") if $dl>2; s/^([^,]+),(.*),(.*),$/$1-20_-3c_$2-40_$3-3e_/; &transcript("P|$_\n") if $dl>2; s/\./-2e_/g; &transcript("P|$_\n") if $dl>2; $out=''; while (m/-(..)_/) { $out.= $`.sprintf("%c",hex($1)); $_=$'; } $out.=$_; &transcript("M|$out\n") if $dl>1; next unless index(lc $out, lc $substrg)>=0; &transcript("S|$filename\n") if $dl>0; &transcript("S|$out\n") if $dl>0; $matches++; &sendlynxdocraw("db/ma/$filename","$gBug list for maintainer \`$out'"); } if ($matches) { &transcript("$gBug list(s) for $matches maintainer(s) sent.\n\n"); } else { &transcript("No maintainers found containing \`$substrg'.\n". "Use \`index-maint' to get list of maintainers.\n\n"); } $ok++; } elsif (m/^index(\s+|-)pack(age)?s?\s+(\S.*\S)$/i) { $substrg= $+; $matches=0; opendir(DBD,"$gWebDir/db/pa") || die $!; while (defined($_=readdir(DBD))) { next unless m/^l/ && m/\.html$/; &transcript("F|$_\n") if $dl>1; $filename= $_; s/^l//; s/\.html$//; next unless index(lc $_, lc $substrg)>=0; &transcript("S|$filename\n") if $dl>0; &transcript("S|$out\n") if $dl>0; $matches++; &sendlynxdocraw("db/pa/$filename","$gBug list for package \`$_'"); } if ($matches) { &transcript("$gBug list(s) for $matches package(s) sent.\n\n"); } else { &transcript("No packages found containing \`$substrg'.\n". "Use \`index-packages' to get list of packages.\n\n"); } $ok++; } elsif (m/^send-unmatched(\s+this|\s+-?0)?$/i) { &sendlynxdoc("db/ju/unmatched-1.html","junk (this week)"); } elsif (m/^send-unmatched\s+(last|-1)$/i) { &sendlynxdoc("db/ju/unmatched-2.html","junk (last week)"); } elsif (m/^send-unmatched\s+(old|-2)$/i) { &sendlynxdoc("db/ju/unmatched-3.html","junk (two weeks ago)"); } elsif (m/^getinfo\s+(\S+)$/i) { $file= $1; if ($file =~ m/^\./ || $file !~ m/^[-.0-9a-z]+$/ || $file =~ m/\.gz$/) { &transcript("Filename $file is badly formatted.\n\n"); } elsif (open(P,"$gDocDir/$file")) { $ok++; &transcript("Info file $file appears below.\n\n"); $extras.= "\n---------- Info file $file follows:\n\n"; while(

) { $extras.= $_; } close(P); } else { &transcript("Info file $file does not exist.\n\n"); } } elsif (m/^help$/i) { &sendhelp; &transcript("\n"); $ok++; } elsif (m/^refcard$/i) { &sendtxthelp("bug-mailserver-refcard.txt","mailservers' reference card"); } elsif (m/^subscribe/i) { &transcript(<= 3) { &transcript("Too many unknown commands, stopping here.\n\n"); last; } } elsif (m/^close\s+\#?(\d+)$/i) { $ok++; $ref= $1; if (&setbug) { if (length($s_done)) { &transcript("$gBug is already closed, cannot re-close.\n\n"); &nochangebug; } else { $action= "$gBug closed, ack sent to submitter - they'd better know why !"; do { &addmaintainers($s_package); if ( length( $gDoneList ) > 0 && length( $gListDomain ) > 0 ) { &addccaddress("$gDoneList\@$gListDomain"); } $s_done= $replyto; $message= < This is an automatic notification regarding your $gBug report. It has been marked as closed by one of the developers, namely $replyto. You should be hearing from them with a substantive response shortly, if you have not already done so. If not, please contact them directly or myself. $gMaintainer (administrator, $gProject $gBugs database) END &sendmailmessage($message,$s_originator); } while (&getnextbug); } } } elsif (m/^reassign\s+\#?(\d+)\s+(\S.*\S)$/i) { $ok++; $ref= $1; $newpackage= $2; $newpackage =~ y/A-Z/a-z/; if (&setbug) { if (length($s_package)) { $action= "$gBug reassigned from package \`$s_package'". " to \`$newpackage'."; } else { $action= "$gBug assigned to package \`$newpackage'."; } do { &addmaintainers($s_package); &addmaintainers($newpackage); $s_package= $newpackage; } while (&getnextbug); } } elsif (m/^reopen\s+\#?(\d+)$/i ? ($noriginator='', 1) : m/^reopen\s+\#?(\d+)\s+\=$/i ? ($noriginator='', 1) : m/^reopen\s+\#?(\d+)\s+\!$/i ? ($noriginator=$replyto, 1) : m/^reopen\s+\#?(\d+)\s+(\S.*\S)$/i ? ($noriginator=$2, 1) : 0) { $ok++; $ref= $1; if (&setbug) { if (!length($s_done)) { &transcript("$gByg is already open, cannot reopen.\n\n"); &nochangebug; } else { $action= $noriginator eq '' ? "$gBug reopened, originator not changed." : "$gBug reopened, originator set to $noriginator."; do { &addmaintainers($s_package); $s_originator= $noriginator eq '' ? $s_originator : $noriginator; $s_done= ''; } while (&getnextbug); } } } elsif (m/^forwarded\s+\#?(\d+)\s+(\S.*\S)$/i) { $ok++; $ref= $1; $whereto= $2; if (&setbug) { if (length($s_forwarded)) { $action= "Forwarded-to-address changed from $s_forwarded to $whereto."; } else { $action= "Noted your statement that $gBug has been forwarded to $whereto."; } if (length($s_done)) { $extramessage= "(By the way, this $gBug is currently marked as done.)\n"; } do { &addmaintainers($s_package); if (length($gFowardList)>0 && length($gListDomain)>0 ) { &addccaddress("$gFowardList\@$gListDomain"); } $s_forwarded= $whereto; } while (&getnextbug); } } elsif (m/^notforwarded\s+\#?(\d+)$/i) { $ok++; $ref= $1; if (&setbug) { if (!length($s_forwarded)) { &transcript("$gBug is not marked as having been forwarded.\n\n"); &nochangebug; } else { $action= "Removed annotation that $gBug had been forwarded to $s_forwarded."; do { &addmaintainers($s_package); $s_forwarded= ''; } while (&getnextbug); } } } elsif (m/^severity\s+\#?(\d+)\s+([-0-9a-z]+)$/i || m/^priority\s+\#?(\d+)\s+([-0-9a-z]+)$/i) { $ok++; $ref= $1; $newseverity= $2; if (!grep($_ eq $newseverity, @severities, "$gDefaultSeverity")) { &transcript("Severity level \`$newseverity' is not known.\n". "Recognised are: ".join(' ',@showseverities).".\n\n"); } elsif (&setbug) { $printseverity= $s_severity; $printseverity= "$gDefaultSeverity" if $printseverity eq ''; $action= "Severity set to \`$newseverity'."; do { &addmaintainers($s_package); $s_severity= $newseverity; } while (&getnextbug); } } elsif (m/^retitle\s+\#?(\d+)\s+(\S.*\S)\s*$/i) { $ok++; $ref= $1; $newtitle= $2; if (&getbug) { &foundbug; &addmaintainers($s_package); $s_subject= $newtitle; $action= "Changed $gBug title."; &savebug; &transcript("$action\n"); if (length($s_done)) { &transcript("(By the way, that $gBug is currently marked as done.)\n"); } &transcript("\n"); } else { ¬foundbug; } } elsif (m/^unmerge\s+\#?(\d+)$/i) { $ok++; $ref= $1; if (&setbug) { if (!length($s_mergedwith)) { &transcript("$gBug is not marked as being merged with any others.\n\n"); &nochangebug; } else { $mergelowstate eq 'locked' || die "$mergelowstate ?"; $action= "Disconnected #$ref from all other report(s)."; @newmergelist= split(/ /,$s_mergedwith); $discref= $ref; do { &addmaintainers($s_package); $s_mergedwith= ($ref == $discref) ? '' : join(' ',grep($_ ne $ref,@newmergelist)); } while (&getnextbug); } } } elsif (m/^merge\s+(\d+(\s+\d+)+)\s*$/i) { $ok++; @tomerge= sort { $a <=> $b } split(/\s+/,$1); @newmergelist= (); &getmerge; while (defined($ref= shift(@tomerge))) { &transcript("D| checking merge $ref\n") if $dl; $ref+= 0; next if grep($_ eq $ref,@newmergelist); if (!&getbug) { ¬foundbug; @newmergelist=(); last } &foundbug; &transcript("D| adding $ref ($s_mergewith)\n") if $dl; $mismatch= ''; &checkmatch('package','m_package',$s_package); &checkmatch('forwarded addr','m_forwarded',$s_forwarded); &checkmatch('severity','m_severity',$s_severity); &checkmatch('done mark','m_done',length($s_done) ? 'done' : 'open'); if (length($mismatch)) { &transcript("Mismatch - only $Bugs in same state can be merged:\n". $mismatch."\n"); &cancelbug; @newmergelist=(); last; } push(@newmergelist,$ref); push(@tomerge,split(/ /,$s_mergedwith)); &cancelbug; } if (@newmergelist) { @newmergelist= sort { $a <=> $b } @newmergelist; $action= "Merged @newmergelist."; for $ref (@newmergelist) { &getbug || die "huh ? $gBug $ref disappeared during merge"; &addmaintainers($s_package); $s_mergedwith= join(' ',grep($_ ne $ref,@newmergelist)); &savebug; } &transcript("$action\n\n"); } &endmerge; } else { &transcript("Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.\n\n"); if (++$unknowns >= 5) { &transcript("Too many unknown commands, stopping here.\n\n"); last; } } } if ($procline>$#msg) { &transcript(">\nEnd of message, stopping processing here.\n\n"); } if (!$ok) { &transcript("No commands successfully parsed; sending the help text(s).\n"); &sendhelp; &transcript("\n"); } &transcript("MC\n") if $dl>1; @maintccs= (); for $maint (keys %maintccreasons) { &transcript("MM|$maint|\n") if $dl>1; next if $maint eq $replyto; $reasonstring= ''; $reasonsref= $maintccreasons{$maint}; &transcript("MY|$maint|\n") if $dl>2; for $p (sort keys %$reasonsref) { &transcript("MP|$p|\n") if $dl>2; $reasonstring.= ', ' if length($reasonstring); $reasonstring.= $p.' ' if length($p); $reasonstring.= join(' ',map("#$_",sort keys %{$$reasonsref{$p}})); } push(@maintccs,"$maint ($reasonstring)"); push(@maintccaddrs,"$maint"); } if (@maintccs) { &transcript("MC|@maintccs|\n") if $dl>2; $maintccs= "Cc: ".join(",\n ",@maintccs)."\n"; } else { $maintccs = ""; } $reply= < ${transcript}Please contact me if you need assistance. $gMaintainer (administrator, $gProject $gBugs database) $extras END $repliedshow= join(', ',$replyto,@maintccaddrs); &filelock("lock/-1"); open(AP,">>db/-1.log") || &quit("open db/-1.log: $!"); print(AP "\2\n$repliedshow\n\5\n$reply\n\3\n". "\6\n". "Request received from ". &sani($header{'from'})."\n". "to ".&sani($controlrequestaddr)."\n". "\3\n". "\7\n",@log,"\n\3\n") || &quit("writing db/-1.log: $!"); close(AP) || &quit("open db/-1.log: $!"); &unfilelock; utime(time,time,"db"); &sendmailmessage($reply,$replyto,@maintccaddrs); unlink("incoming/P$nn") || &quit("unlinking incoming/P$nn: $!"); sub get_addresses { return map { $_->address() } map { Mail::Address->parse($_) } @_; } sub sendmailmessage { local ($message,@recips) = @_; print "mailing to >@recips<\n" if $debug; $c= open(D,"|-"); defined($c) || &quit("mailing forking for sendmail: $!"); if (!$c) { # ie, we are the child process exec '/usr/lib/sendmail','-f'."$gMaintainerEmail",'-odi','-oem','-oi',get_addresses(@recips); die $!; } print(D $message) || &quit("writing to sendmail process: $!"); $!=0; close(D); $? && &quit("sendmail gave exit status $? ($!)"); $midix++; } sub sendhelp { &sendtxthelpraw("bug-log-mailserver.txt","instructions for request\@$gEmailDomain"); &sendtxthelpraw("bug-maint-mailcontrol.txt","instructions for control\@$gEmailDomain") if $control; } #sub unimplemented { # &transcript("Sorry, command $_[0] not yet implemented.\n\n"); #} sub checkmatch { local ($string,$mvarname,$svarvalue) = @_; local ($mvarvalue); if (@newmergelist) { eval "\$mvarvalue= \$$mvarname"; &transcript("D| checkmatch \`$string' /$mvarname/$mvarvalue/$svarvalue/\n") if $dl; $mismatch .= "Values for \`$string' don't match:\n". " #$newmergelist[0] has \`$mvarvalue';\n". " #$ref has \`$svarvalue'\n" if $mvarvalue ne $svarvalue; } else { &transcript("D| setupmatch \`$string' /$mvarname/$svarvalue/\n") if $dl; eval "\$$mvarname= \$svarvalue"; } } # High-level bug manipulation calls # Do announcements themselves # # Possible calling sequences: # setbug (returns 0) # # setbug (returns 1) # &transcript(something) # nochangebug # # setbug (returns 1) # $action= (something) # do { # (modify s_* variables) # } while (getnextbug); sub nochangebug { &dlen("nochangebug"); $state eq 'single' || $state eq 'multiple' || die "$state ?"; &cancelbug; &endmerge if $manybugs; $state= 'idle'; &dlex("nochangebug"); } sub setbug { &dlen("setbug $ref"); $state eq 'idle' || die "$state ?"; if (!&getbug) { ¬foundbug; &dlex("setbug => 0s"); return 0; } @thisbugmergelist= split(/ /,$s_mergedwith); if (!@thisbugmergelist) { &foundbug; $manybugs= 0; $state= 'single'; $sref=$ref; &dlex("setbug => 1s"); return 1; } &cancelbug; &getmerge; $manybugs= 1; if (!&getbug) { ¬foundbug; &endmerge; &dlex("setbug => 0mc"); return 0; } &foundbug; $state= 'multiple'; $sref=$ref; &dlex("setbug => 1m"); return 1; } sub getnextbug { &dlen("getnextbug"); $state eq 'single' || $state eq 'multiple' || die "$state ?"; &savebug; if (!$manybugs || !@thisbugmergelist) { length($action) || die; &transcript("$action\n$extramessage\n"); &endmerge if $manybugs; $state= 'idle'; &dlex("getnextbug => 0"); return 0; } $ref= shift(@thisbugmergelist); &getbug || die "bug $ref disappeared"; &foundbug; &dlex("getnextbug => 1"); return 1; } # Low-level bug-manipulation calls # Do no announcements # # getbug (returns 0) # # getbug (returns 1) # cancelbug # # getmerge # $action= (something) # getbug (returns 1) # savebug/cancelbug # getbug (returns 1) # savebug/cancelbug # [getbug (returns 0)] # &transcript("$action\n\n") # endmerge sub notfoundbug { &transcript("$gBug number $ref not found.\n\n"); } sub foundbug { &transcript("$gBug#$ref: $s_subject\n"); } sub getmerge { &dlen("getmerge"); $mergelowstate eq 'idle' || die "$mergelowstate ?"; &filelock('lock/merge'); $mergelowstate='locked'; &dlex("getmerge"); } sub endmerge { &dlen("endmerge"); $mergelowstate eq 'locked' || die "$mergelowstate ?"; &unfilelock; $mergelowstate='idle'; &dlex("endmerge"); } sub getbug { &dlen("getbug $ref"); $lowstate eq 'idle' || die "$state ?"; if (&lockreadbug($ref)) { $sref= $ref; $lowstate= "open"; &dlex("getbug => 1"); $extramessage=''; return 1; } $lowstate= 'idle'; &dlex("getbug => 0"); return 0; } sub cancelbug { &dlen("cancelbug"); $lowstate eq 'open' || die "$state ?"; &unfilelock; $lowstate= 'idle'; &dlex("cancelbug"); } sub savebug { &dlen("savebug $ref"); $lowstate eq 'open' || die "$lowstate ?"; length($action) || die; $ref == $sref || die "read $sref but saving $ref ?"; open(L,">>db/$ref.log") || &quit("opening db/$ref.log: $!"); print(L "\6\n". "".&sani($action)."\n". "Request was from ".&sani($header{'from'})."\n". "to ".&sani($controlrequestaddr).". \n". "\3\n". "\7\n",@log,"\n\3\n") || &quit("writing db/$ref.log: $!"); close(L) || &quit("closing db/$ref.log: $!"); open(S,">db/$ref.status.new") || &quit("opening db/$ref.status.new: $!"); print(S "$s_originator\n". "$s_date\n". "$s_subject\n". "$s_msgid\n". "$s_package\n". "$s_keywords\n". "$s_done\n". "$s_forwarded\n". "$s_mergedwith\n". "$s_severity\n") || &quit("writing db/$ref.status.new: $!"); close(S) || &quit("closing db/$ref.status.new: $!"); rename("db/$ref.status.new","db/$ref.status") || &quit("installing new db/$ref.status: $!"); &unfilelock; $lowstate= "idle"; &dlex("savebug"); } sub dlen { return if !$dl; &transcript("C> @_ ($state $lowstate $mergelowstate)\n"); } sub dlex { return if !$dl; &transcript("R> @_ ($state $lowstate $mergelowstate)\n"); } sub transcript { print $_[0] if $debug; $transcript.= $_[0]; } sub sendlynxdoc { &sendlynxdocraw; &transcript("\n"); $ok++; } sub sendtxthelp { &sendtxthelpraw; &transcript("\n"); $ok++; } sub sendtxthelpraw { local ($relpath,$description) = @_; $doc=''; open(D,"$gDocDir/$relpath") || &quit("open doc file $relpath: $!"); while() { $doc.=$_; } close(D); &transcript("Sending $description in separate message.\n"); &sendmailmessage(< END $ok++; } sub sendlynxdocraw { local ($relpath,$description) = @_; $doc=''; open(L,"lynx -nolist -dump $wwwbase/$relpath 2>&1 |") || &quit("fork for lynx: $!"); while() { $doc.=$_; } $!=0; close(L); if ($? == 255 && $doc =~ m/^\n*lynx: Can\'t access start file/) { &transcript("Information ($description) is not available -\n". "perhaps the $gBug does not exist or is not on the WWW yet.\n"); $ok++; } elsif ($?) { &transcript("Error getting $description (code $? $!):\n$doc\n"); } else { &transcript("Sending $description.\n"); &sendmailmessage(< END $ok++; } } sub addccaddress { my ($cca) = @_; $maintccreasons{$cca}{''}{$ref}= 1; } sub addmaintainers { # Data structure is: # maintainer email address &c -> assoc of packages -> assoc of bug#'s my ($p, $addmaint, $pshow); &ensuremaintainersloaded; $anymaintfound=0; $anymaintnotfound=0; for $p (split(m/[ \t?,()]+/,$_[0])) { $p =~ y/A-Z/a-z/; $pshow= ($p =~ m/[-+.a-z0-9]+/ ? $& : ''); if (defined($maintainerof{$p})) { $addmaint= $maintainerof{$p}; &transcript("MR|$addmaint|$p|$ref|\n") if $dl>2; $maintccreasons{$addmaint}{$p}{$ref}= 1; print "maintainer add >$p|$addmaint<\n" if $debug; } else { print "maintainer none >$p<\n" if $debug; } } } sub ensuremaintainersloaded { my ($a,$b); return if $maintainersloaded++; open(MAINT,"$gMaintainerFile") || die &quit("maintainers open: $!"); while () { m/^(\S+)\s+(\S.*\S)\n$/ || &quit("maintainers bogus \`$_'"); $a= $1; $b= $2; $a =~ y/A-Z/a-z/; $maintainerof{$1}= $2; } close(MAINT); } sub syntax { print "$BANNER\n"; print <<"EOT-EOT-EOT"; Syntax: $FILE [options] -c, --config CFGFILE read CFGFILE for configuration (default=./debvote.cfg) -h, --help display this help text -v, --verbose verbose messages -q, --quiet cancels verbose in a config file -V, --version display Debvote version and exit -d, --debug turn debug messages ON (multiple -d for more verbose) EOT-EOT-EOT exit $_[0]; }