#! /usr/bin/perl # cran2deb turns R packages in to debs, and is released # under the terms of the GPL version 2, or any later version, at your # option. See the file README and COPYING for more information. # Copyright 2008 by Don Armstrong . # $Id: perl_script 1352 2009-01-25 02:04:38Z don $ use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; =head1 NAME cran2deb - turn a cran package into a rudimentary Debian package =head1 SYNOPSIS [options] Options: --debug, -d debugging level (Default 0) --help, -h display this help --man, -m display manual =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<--debug, -d> Debug verbosity. (Default 0) =item B<--help, -h> Display brief usage information. =item B<--man, -m> Display this manual. =back =head1 EXAMPLES =cut use Cwd; use POSIX qw(strftime); use vars qw($DEBUG); my %options = (debug => 0, help => 0, man => 0, ); GetOptions(\%options, 'debug|d+','help|h|?','man|m'); pod2usage() if $options{help}; pod2usage({verbose=>2}) if $options{man}; $DEBUG = $options{debug}; my @USAGE_ERRORS; if (1) { push @USAGE_ERRORS,"You must pass something"; } pod2usage(join("\n",@USAGE_ERRORS)) if @USAGE_ERRORS; my $DEBVERPREPEND = "0.r2d."; # function for lowcasing package names: sub lowerCase { my $name = shift; #my $oldname=$name; $name =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; $name =~ s/(\d*)-(\d)/$1\.$2/; #print "lowerCase: $oldname -> $name\n"; return $name; } sub write_rules { my ( $pkg, $maintainer ) = @_; my $repository = $pkg->{Repository}; my $name = $pkg->{DebName}; my $file = $pkg->{BuildDir} . "/debian/rules"; my $fh = IO::File->new($file,'w') or die "unable to open $file for writing: $!"; print "generating rules ...\n" if $DEBUG; my $year = strftime '%Y',gmtime; my $now = strftime '%a %b %e %Y', gmtime; print {$fh} <{isBinary} ) { print {$fh} "clean::\n\trm -f `find src -name \"*.o\" -o -name \"*.so\"`\n\n"; } $fh->close(); chmod( 0755, $file ) or die "Cannot chmod $file: $!\n"; } sub isbinary { my ($pkg) = @_; if ( !exists( $pkg->{isBinary} ) ) { if ( areHereFilesToCompile( $pkg->{BuildDir} . "/src" ) or areHereFilesToCompile( $pkg->{BuildDir} ) ) { $pkg->{isBinary} = 1; } else { $pkg->{isBinary} = 0; } } } sub write_control { my ( $pkg, $maintainer) = @_; my $repository = $pkg->{Repository}; #print Dumper(\$pkg); my $file = $pkg->{BuildDir} . "/debian/control"; my $control = IO::File->new($file,'w') or die "unable to open $file for writing: $!"; print "generating control ...\n" if $DEBUG; my $indep = ""; if ( $pkg->{isBinary} ) { $pkg->{arch} = "any"; $pkg->{archdeps} = "\${shlibs:Depends}, "; } else { $pkg->{arch} = "all"; $pkg->{archdeps} = ""; } my $dps = ""; $dps = join( ", ", @{ $pkg->{debiandependencies} } ) if ( defined $pkg->{debiandependencies} ); if ( $dps !~ // ) { $dps = ", " . $dps; } my $bdps = ""; $bdps = join( ", ", @{ $pkg->{debianbuilddependencies} } ) if ( defined $pkg->{debianbuilddependencies} ); if ( $bdps !~ // ) { $bdps = ", " . $bdps; } print {$control} "Source: $pkg->{DebName}\n"; print {$control} "Section: " . ( ( "" eq $pkg->{section} or "main" eq $pkg->{section} ) ? "" : "$pkg->{section}/" ) . "math\n"; print {$control} "Priority: optional\n" . "Maintainer: $maintainer\n" . "Standards-Version: 3.7.0\n" . "Build-Depends$indep: r-base-dev (>= 2.6.0), debhelper (>> 4.0.0), cdbs" . "$bdps\n"; #$Text::Wrap::columns = 720; # No wrapping of the URL if ( exists( $pkg->{URL} ) ) { # URL from DESCRIPTION: print {$control} "Homepage: " . $pkg->{URL} . "\n"; } print {$control} "\n" . "Package: " . $pkg->{DebNamePackage} . "\n" . "Architecture: " . $pkg->{arch} . "\n" . "Depends: " . $pkg->{archdeps} . " r-base-core (>= 2.6.0) $dps\n"; my $p = $pkg->{Package}; # TODO false ! # print {$control} "Recommends: " # . join( ", ", @{ $main::globalstuff{recommends}{$p} } ) . "\n" # if exists( $main::globalstuff{recommends}{$p} ); # print {$control} "Suggests: " # . join( ", ", @{ $main::globalstuff{suggests}{$p} } ) . "\n" # if exists( $main::globalstuff{suggests}{$p} ); local $Text::Wrap::columns = 72; # wrap the Description per Debian Policy if ( length( $pkg->{Title} ) < 50 ) { print {$control} "Description: GNU R package \"$pkg->{Title}\"\n"; } else { print {$control} "Description: GNU R package \"" . substr( $pkg->{Title}, 0, 50 ), "...\"\n"; print {$control} wrap( " ", " ", $pkg->{Title}, ".\n" ); } my $desc; if ( !defined( $pkg->{Contains} ) ) { $desc = $pkg->{Description}; } else { $desc = $pkg->{BundleDescription}; } $desc =~ s/\s+/ /g; print {$control} wrap( " ", " ", $desc, "\n" ); print {$control} " .\n" . wrap( " ", " ", "Author" . ( $pkg->{Author} =~ /,|(\sand\s)/ ? "s" : "" ) . ": ", $pkg->{Author}, "\n" ) if exists( $pkg->{Author} ); print {$control} wrap( " ", " ", "Date: ", $pkg->{Date}, "\n" ) if exists( $pkg->{Date} ); if ( exists( $pkg->{Tag} ) ) { if ( defined( $pkg->{Tag} ) ) { print {$control} "Tag: " . $pkg->{Tag} . "\n"; } } $control->close; } sub write_copyright { my ( $pkg, $maintainer ) = @_; my $repository = $pkg->{Repository}; my $license; if ( !defined( ( $pkg->{License} ) ) ) { $license = "unknown"; } else { $license = $pkg->{License}; $license =~ s/\n//g; } my $file = $pkg->{BuildDir} . "/debian/copyright"; my $copyright = IO::File->new($file,'w') or die "unable to open $file for writing: $!"; print "generating copyright ...\n" if $DEBUG; print {$copyright} <{DebName} package of $pkg->{Package}. It was written by $pkg->{Author}. This package was created by $maintainer using the automated build script cran2deb version $main::VERSION. Cran2deb is a modified and extended version of Albrecht Gebhardt's build script http://www.math.uni-klu.ac.at/~agebhard/build-R-contrib-debs.pl The package sources were downloaded from http://cran.us.r-project.org/src/contrib/ and should also be available on any other mirror of http://cran.r-project.org. The package was renamed from its upstream name \'$pkg->{Package}\' to \'r-cran-$pkg->{DebName}\' to fit the pattern of CRAN packages for R. The Copyright, as asserted in the DESCRIPTION file, is: $license On a Debian GNU/Linux system, common licenses are included in the directory /usr/share/common-licenses/. For reference, the upstream DESCRIPTION can be found at /usr/lib/R/site-library/$pkg->{Package}/DESCRIPTION EOT $copyright->close; } sub write_readme { my ( $pkg, $maintainer ) = @_; my $file = $pkg->{BuildDir} . "/debian/README.Debian"; my $readme = IO::File->new($file,'w') or die "unable to open $file for writing: $!"; print "generating README.Debian ...\n" if $DEBUG; my $date = strftime "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", localtime; my $repository = 'Unknown'; my $repository_url = 'an unknown location'; if ($pkg->{Repository} =~ /bioc/) { $repository = 'BioConductor project'; $repository_url = 'http://www.bioconductor.org/'; } elsif ($pkg->{Repository} =~ /omegahat/) { $repository = 'Omegahat'; $repository_url = 'http://www.omegahat.org/'; } else { $repository = 'Comprehensive R Archive Network'; $repository_url = 'http://cran.r-project.org/'; } print {$readme} <{Repository}-$pkg->{DebName} for Debian This Debian package was created from sources on the $repository site, accessible at ${repository_url}. The package was built using the script cran2deb, which was derived from http://www.math.uni-klu.ac.at/~agebhard/build-R-contrib-debs.pl by Albrecht Gebhard. This script is now maintained by the pkg-bioc project on http://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-bioc/ Since the packaging was performed in a semi-automated setup, one should not expect the Debian packages to match those in quality that are accessible via the main Debian distribution. At the same time we express our belief that an automated build can closely match the installation via methods intrinsic to R in actuality with a considerably lower administrative burden particularly for a larger number of machines. All users are welcomed to join in and aid improving on the packages or their documentation. -- $maintainer $date EOF $readme->close; } sub write_changelog { my ( $pkg, $maintainer) = @_; my $dbfile = $dbdir . "/" . $pkg->{DebName}; my $file = $pkg->{BuildDir} . "/debian/changelog"; print "generating changelog ...\n" if $main::verbose; my $changelog = IO::File->new($file,'w') or die "unable to open $file for writing: $!"; my $date = POSIX::strftime "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", localtime; print {$changelog} <{DebName} ($pkg->{DebRelease}) unstable; urgency=low * mechanically generated using cran2deb for $maintainer -- $maintainer $date EOT $changelog->close; } if (not -e 'DESCRIPTION') { die "Doesn't appear to be an R package"; } my $pkg; # read in description file my $description_fh = IO::File->new('DESCRIPTION','r') or die "Unable to open DESCRIPTION for reading: $!"; my $description = ''; { local $/; $description = <>; } $description =~ s/^\#[^\n]+//g; $description =~ s/\n\s+//g; my %description = map {/^([^:]+):\s+(.+)/?(lc($1),$2):()} split /\n/ $description; my %pkg; $pkg{BuildDir} = getcwd; $pkg{Repository} = 'cran'; $pkg{DebName} = 'r-cran-'.lc($description{package}); $pkg{DebNamePackage} = $pkg{DebName}; $pkg{Title} = $description{title}; $pkg{Description} = defined $description{contains}?$description{bundledescription}:$description{description}; $pkg{License} = $description{license}; mkdir('debian') if not -d 'debian'; my $maint = 'Don Armstrong don@debian.org'; isbinary(\%pkg); write_control(\%pkg,$maint); write_copyright(\%pkg,$maint); write_rules(\%pkg,$maint); write_readme(\%pkg,$maint); write_changelog(\%pkg,$maint); __END__