# Spam dealing with selling stuff, stocks, etc. is matched by these # rules # Financial/mortage spam --pasc 04/05/12 # Added the _L set --pasc 04/05/14 body MURPHY_FINANCE1 /m.?(o|\?).?r.?t.?g.?a.?g.?e.?a.?p.?p.?l.?i.?c.?a.?t.?(i|\?).?o.?n/ score MURPHY_FINANCE1 0.1 body MURPHY_FINANCE2 /b.?a.?d.?c.?r.?(e|\?).?d.?i.?t/ score MURPHY_FINANCE2 0.1 body MURPHY_FINANCE3 /lowest fixed rate/ score MURPHY_FINANCE3 0.1 body MURPHY_FINANCE4 /application (is )?accepted/i score MURPHY_FINANCE4 0.1 body MURPHY_FINANCE5 /loan/i score MURPHY_FINANCE5 0.1 body MURPHY_FINANCE6 /payment/i score MURPHY_FINANCE6 1.7 body MURPHY_FINANCE7 /re.?finance/i score MURPHY_FINANCE7 0.1 body MURPHY_FINANCE8 /interest.?rate/i score MURPHY_FINANCE8 0.1 # YEs I know about MURPHY_FINANCE1 body MURPHY_FINANCE9 /m.?(o|\?).?r.?t.?g.?a.?g.?e/i score MURPHY_FINANCE9 0.1 body MURPHY_FINANCE10 /borrow/i score MURPHY_FINANCE10 0.5 body MURPHY_FINANCE11 /pre.?approved/i score MURPHY_FINANCE11 1.0 body MURPHY_FINANCE_L1 /app(l|1)y/i score MURPHY_FINANCE_L1 0.0 body MURPHY_FINANCE_L2 /bil(l|1)/i score MURPHY_FINANCE_L2 0.0 body MURPHY_FINANCE_L3 /budget/i score MURPHY_FINANCE_L3 0.0 body MURPHY_FINANCE_L4 /home value/i score MURPHY_FINANCE_L4 0.0 body MURPHY_FINANCE_L5 /quote/i score MURPHY_FINANCE_L5 0.0 body MURPHY_FINANCE_L6 /income verification/i score MURPHY_FINANCE_L6 0.0 # meta MURPHY_FINANCE_LOW (MURPHY_FINANCE_L1 + MURPHY_FINANCE_L2 + MURPHY_FINANCE_L3 + MURPHY_FINANCE_L4 + MURPHY_FINANCE_L5 + MURPHY_FINANCE_L6) > 1 # score MURPHY_FINANCE_LOW 1.0 # meta MURPHY_FINANCE_META1 (MURPHY_FINANCE_LOW + MURPHY_FINANCE1 + MURPHY_FINANCE2 + MURPHY_FINANCE3 + MURPHY_FINANCE4 + MURPHY_FINANCE5 + MURPHY_FINANCE6 + MURPHY_FINANCE7 + MURPHY_FINANCE8 + MURPHY_FINANCE9 + MURPHY_FINANCE10 + MURPHY_FINANCE11) > 1 # score MURPHY_FINANCE_META1 3.0 # Try and catch some of this new spam --pasc 06/10/12 body M_CASH1 /(prompt|instant|immediate)(aneous)? (cash|funds|capital|finances)/i score M_CASH1 5 # Make money fast --pasc 061016 body M_CASH2 /(Learn|Find out) how to (make|generate).*k (daily|(a|per) day) from (your )?(home|house)/ score M_CASH2 5 #Stock market scam --pasc 061016 body M_CASH3 /this symbol will experience (phenomenal|fantastic|amazing) (growth|increase)/i score M_CASH3 5 # cjwatson, 2004-01-14 header STOCK_MARKET Subject =~ /STOCK MARKET ALERT/ describe STOCK_MARKET stock market spam score STOCK_MARKET 4 # cjwatson, 2004-02-12 body GOLDMINE /GOLD MINE SWEEPSTAKES LOTTERY/ describe GOLDMINE You have won a prize! Sure. score GOLDMINE 3 # blarson, 2004-03-18 body CASINO /casino/i describe CASINO Casino spam score CASINO 2 # blarson, 2005-09-21 body MORTGAGE /m\s*[o0]\s*r\s*t?\s*g\s*a\s*g+\s*e/i describe MORTGAGE Mortgage spam score MORTGAGE 2 # blarson 2004-04-27 body CORELDRAW /Corel Draw (graphics suite)?11/i describe CORELDRAW Corel sales spam score CORELDRAW 3 # blarson 2004-04-10 body FREESHIPPING /\bf.?r.?e.?e.?\s+s.?h.?[il1].?p.?p.?[il1].?n.?g\b/i describe FREESHIPPING free shipping score FREESHIPPING 3 # blarson 2004-04-27 body STOK /\b(OSSI|AMTK|LETH|QIIIF)\b/ describe STOK stock spam score STOK 3 # blarson 2004-04-18 body BANNEDCD /(banned|underground)\s*cd/i describe BANNEDCD banned cd spam score BANNEDCD 3 # cjwatson, 2003/10/09 body TIMESHARE /Would you like to sell or rent your Timeshare for a profit\?/ describe TIMESHARE Oddly enough, bugs don't own timeshares score TIMESHARE 4 # blarson 2004-05-02 body AUTOWAR /\b(auto|car)\s*warr?[ae]nt(y|ee|ie)/i describe AUTOWAR auto warrenty spam score AUTOWAR 3 # blarson 2004-05-02 body FORONLY /for\s+only\s+\$/i describe FORONLY sales spam score FORONLY 2 # blarson 2005-04-15 body ROLEX /\br[o0a][l1w][l1]?[ea][xzc]/i describe ROLEX Rolex score ROLEX 3 # blarson 2005-04-15 header HANDCLOCK subject =~ /\bhand\s*-?clock/i describe HANDCLOCK Hand Clock score HANDCLOCK 3 # blarson 2004-10-29 header REPLICAWATCH subject =~ /replica\s*watch/i describe REPLICAWATCH Replica Watch score REPLICAWATCH 2 # blarson 2004-10-29 body HANDBAG /hand\s*-?bag/i describe HANDBAG Handbag score HANDBAG 2 # blarson 2004-11-11 header ECONOBETTER subject =~ /Economy is much better/i describe ECONOBETTER Economy is much better score ECONOBETTER 3 # blarson 2004-11-11 header MRG subject =~ /\bmrg\b/i describe MRG mrg mortgage spammer score MRG 2 # blarson 2004-11-08 body CITIBANK /\bciti.?bank\b/i describe CITIBANK citibank scam score CITIBANK 2 # blarson 2005-01-14 body HOMEOWNER /home.?owner/i describe HOMEOWNER home owner score HOMEOWNER 2 # blarson 2005-03-09 body THOUSANDZ /\bTHOUSANDZ\b/ describe THOUSANDZ loan spam score THOUSANDZ 3 # blarson 2005-04-15 header EBAY subject =~ /\bebay\s+account\b/i describe EBAY ebay account score EBAY 3 # don 2006-10-19 body INVESTOR_ALERT /an\s*investor\s*alert/i describe INVESTOR_ALERT stock spam score INVESTOR_ALERT 2 # don 2006-10-19 body STOCK_ALERT /stock.+press\s*release.+stock/i describe STOCK_ALERT stock scam score STOCK_ALERT 2 # blarson 2006-10-25 header NEWSOFTWARE subject =~ /\bNew software uploaded by\b/i describe NEWSOFTWARE new software spam score NEWSOFTWARE 4 # blarson 2006-11-13 body REFI /\bhome re-fi\b/i describe REFI mortgage spam score REFI 3 # don 2006-11-25 full COMPANYSYMBOLPRICE /((company|symbol|price|marke?t|schlusskurs)\:.+){3,}/si describe COMPANYSYMBOLPRICE Stock scam score COMPANYSYMBOLPRICE 3 full COMPANYSYMBOLPRICE2 /(^(company|symb?o?l?|price|cost|marke?t)\:\s+.+\n){2,}/mi describe COMPANYSYMBOLPRICE2 Stock scam left column 2 score COMPANYSYMBOLPRICE2 3 # blarson 2007-04-09 body PRETTYRUS /\b(pretty|cute) russian (girl|woman)\b/i describe PRETTYRUS pretty russian spam score PRETTYRUS 3.5 # blarson 2007-04-17 header INVESTORS subject =~ /\b(investors?|portfolio|radar)\b/i describe INVESTORS stock spam score INVESTORS 2 # blarson 2007-04-20 body ANALLE /\bAN ALLE FINANZINVESTOREN\b/ describe ANALLE stock spam in german score ANALLE 3 # blarson 2007-06-17 2007-09-21 2007-10-20 2007-11-06 body REPWATCH2 /\brepl[i1]c+a\s*(?:w[a4]tch|timepiece)/i describe REPWATCH2 still pushing fake watches score REPWATCH2 3.5 # blarson 2007-07-19 header WEEKLYNEWS subject =~ /\bWeekly (:?Sales? )(Newsletter|Special)\b/i describe WEEKLYNEWS weekly spam score WEEKLYNEWS 3 # blarson 2007-07-23 body COSTWATCH /\b(dollar|costly|valuable|pricey|expensive)\s+watch\b/i describe COSTWATCH watch spam score COSTWATCH 4 # don 2007-07-26 body LEADINGPROVIDER /leading\s+providers?.*consult/i describe LEADINGPROVIDER Leading provider of consulting score LEADINGPROVIDER 2 # blarson 2007-07-31 body REFI /\bRe-Fi\b/i describe REFI mortgage spam score REFI 2 # don 2007-09-21 body BIGMONEY /(b|tr|m|z)[i1][l1]+[i1][0o]n\s+(d[o0][l1]+ar|yen|buck|pound|euro)/i describe BIGMONEY Money money money money! score BIGMONEY 1.5 # zobel 2007-09-30 (added by Cord) body DMXC /Look at D-M-X-C!/ describe DMXC stock spam score DMXC 4 body MONEY /((usd|yen|eur?o?|dollar|\$)\s*\d[\d\.\,]+|\d[\d\.\,]+\s*(usd|yen|eur?o?|dollar|\$))/i describe MONEY Some amount of money in body score MONEY 0.5 header SUBJMONEY subject =~ /((usd|yen|eur?o?|dollar|\$)\s*[\d\.\, ]+|[\d\.\, ]+\s*(usd|yen|eur?o?|dollar|\$))/i describe SUBJMONEY Some amount of money in subject score SUBJMONEY 3 body HIDDENCOSTS /hidden\s*(costs|fees)/i describe HIDDENCOSTS Hidden costs or fees? score HIDDENCOSTS 1.5 header EXCHANGEFIN subject =~ /\bE-exchange Finland\b/ describe EXCHANGEFIN EXCHANGEFIN E-money score EXCHANGEFIN 4.0 body STOCKFRLE /\bFRLE\b/i describe STOCKFRLE FRLE Stock Spam score STOCKFRLE 3.4 # blarson 2007-10-16 body OPORTUNI /\bOportunidade de Emprego\b/i describe OPORTUNI Oportunidade de Emprego score OPORTUNI 3.5 # blarson 2007-12-10 header WATCHES subject =~ /\b(?:watches|time\s*piece|Replica|aRolex|Cartier|Omega)\b/i describe WATCHES watches score WATCHES 2 # blarson 2007-12-29 body COUP0N /\bCoup0n\b/i describe COUP0N Coup0n score COUP0N 3 header SOFTWARERETAIL subject =~ /\bretail/i describe SOFTWARERETAIL Adobe RETAIL products score SOFTWARERETAIL 3.2 # cord 2008-01-23 full DEPOSIT /deposit/i describe DEPOSIT Deposit score DEPOSIT 2 # don 2008-07-21 full AMERO /\bamero\b/i describe AMERO Amero, whatever the hell it is, it's spam score AMERO 3