// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 by Martin Stubenschrott // Copyright (c) 2007-2011 by Doug Kearns // Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; try { defineModule("util", { exports: ["DOM", "$", "FailedAssertion", "Math", "NS", "Point", "Util", "XBL", "XHTML", "XUL", "util"], require: ["dom", "services"] }); lazyRequire("overlay", ["overlay"]); lazyRequire("storage", ["File", "storage"]); lazyRequire("template", ["template"]); var Magic = Class("Magic", { init: function init(str) { this.str = str; }, get message() this.str, toString: function () this.str }); var FailedAssertion = Class("FailedAssertion", ErrorBase, { init: function init(message, level, noTrace) { if (noTrace !== undefined) this.noTrace = noTrace; init.supercall(this, message, level); }, level: 3, noTrace: true }); var Point = Struct("Point", "x", "y"); var wrapCallback = function wrapCallback(fn, isEvent) { if (!fn.wrapper) fn.wrapper = function wrappedCallback() { try { let res = fn.apply(this, arguments); if (isEvent && res === false) { arguments[0].preventDefault(); arguments[0].stopPropagation(); } return res; } catch (e) { util.reportError(e); return undefined; } }; fn.wrapper.wrapped = fn; return fn.wrapper; } var Util = Module("Util", XPCOM([Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]), { Magic: Magic, init: function init() { this.Array = array; this.addObserver(this); this.windows = []; }, activeWindow: deprecated("overlay.activeWindow", { get: function activeWindow() overlay.activeWindow }), overlayObject: deprecated("overlay.overlayObject", { get: function overlayObject() overlay.closure.overlayObject }), overlayWindow: deprecated("overlay.overlayWindow", { get: function overlayWindow() overlay.closure.overlayWindow }), compileMatcher: deprecated("DOM.compileMatcher", { get: function compileMatcher() DOM.compileMatcher }), computedStyle: deprecated("DOM#style", function computedStyle(elem) DOM(elem).style), domToString: deprecated("DOM.stringify", { get: function domToString() DOM.stringify }), editableInputs: deprecated("DOM.editableInputs", { get: function editableInputs(elem) DOM.editableInputs }), escapeHTML: deprecated("DOM.escapeHTML", { get: function escapeHTML(elem) DOM.escapeHTML }), evaluateXPath: deprecated("DOM.XPath", function evaluateXPath(path, elem, asIterator) DOM.XPath(path, elem || util.activeWindow.content.document, asIterator)), isVisible: deprecated("DOM#isVisible", function isVisible(elem) DOM(elem).isVisible), makeXPath: deprecated("DOM.makeXPath", { get: function makeXPath(elem) DOM.makeXPath }), namespaces: deprecated("DOM.namespaces", { get: function namespaces(elem) DOM.namespaces }), namespaceNames: deprecated("DOM.namespaceNames", { get: function namespaceNames(elem) DOM.namespaceNames }), parseForm: deprecated("DOM#formData", function parseForm(elem) values(DOM(elem).formData).toArray()), scrollIntoView: deprecated("DOM#scrollIntoView", function scrollIntoView(elem, alignWithTop) DOM(elem).scrollIntoView(alignWithTop)), validateMatcher: deprecated("DOM.validateMatcher", { get: function validateMatcher() DOM.validateMatcher }), xmlToDom: deprecated("DOM.fromJSON", function xmlToDom() DOM.fromXML.apply(DOM, arguments)), map: deprecated("iter.map", function map(obj, fn, self) iter(obj).map(fn, self).toArray()), writeToClipboard: deprecated("dactyl.clipboardWrite", function writeToClipboard(str, verbose) util.dactyl.clipboardWrite(str, verbose)), readFromClipboard: deprecated("dactyl.clipboardRead", function readFromClipboard() util.dactyl.clipboardRead(false)), chromePackages: deprecated("config.chromePackages", { get: function chromePackages() config.chromePackages }), haveGecko: deprecated("config.haveGecko", { get: function haveGecko() config.closure.haveGecko }), OS: deprecated("config.OS", { get: function OS() config.OS }), dactyl: update(function dactyl(obj) { if (obj) var global = Class.objectGlobal(obj); return { __noSuchMethod__: function __noSuchMethod__(meth, args) { let win = overlay.activeWindow; var dactyl = global && global.dactyl || win && win.dactyl; if (!dactyl) return null; let prop = dactyl[meth]; if (callable(prop)) return prop.apply(dactyl, args); return prop; } }; }, { __noSuchMethod__: function __noSuchMethod__() this().__noSuchMethod__.apply(null, arguments) }), /** * Registers a obj as a new observer with the observer service. obj.observe * must be an object where each key is the name of a target to observe and * each value is a function(subject, data) to be called when the given * target is broadcast. obj.observe will be replaced with a new opaque * function. The observer is automatically unregistered on application * shutdown. * * @param {object} obj */ addObserver: update(function addObserver(obj) { if (!obj.observers) obj.observers = obj.observe; let cleanup = ["dactyl-cleanup-modules", "quit-application"]; function register(meth) { for (let target in Set(cleanup.concat(Object.keys(obj.observers)))) try { services.observer[meth](obj, target, true); } catch (e) {} } Class.replaceProperty(obj, "observe", function (subject, target, data) { try { if (~cleanup.indexOf(target)) register("removeObserver"); if (obj.observers[target]) obj.observers[target].call(obj, subject, data); } catch (e) { if (typeof util === "undefined") addObserver.dump("dactyl: error: " + e + "\n" + (e.stack || addObserver.Error().stack).replace(/^/gm, "dactyl: ")); else util.reportError(e); } }); obj.observe.unregister = function () register("removeObserver"); register("addObserver"); }, { dump: dump, Error: Error }), /* * Tests a condition and throws a FailedAssertion error on * failure. * * @param {boolean} condition The condition to test. * @param {string} message The message to present to the * user on failure. */ assert: function assert(condition, message, quiet) { if (!condition) throw FailedAssertion(message, 1, quiet === undefined ? true : quiet); return condition; }, /** * CamelCases a -non-camel-cased identifier name. * * @param {string} name The name to mangle. * @returns {string} The mangled name. */ camelCase: function camelCase(name) String.replace(name, /-(.)/g, function (m, m1) m1.toUpperCase()), /** * Capitalizes the first character of the given string. * @param {string} str The string to capitalize * @returns {string} */ capitalize: function capitalize(str) str && str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1).toLowerCase(), /** * Returns a RegExp object that matches characters specified in the range * expression *list*, or signals an appropriate error if *list* is invalid. * * @param {string} list Character list, e.g., "a b d-xA-Z" produces /[abd-xA-Z]/. * @param {string} accepted Character range(s) to accept, e.g. "a-zA-Z" for * ASCII letters. Used to validate *list*. * @returns {RegExp} */ charListToRegexp: function charListToRegexp(list, accepted) { list = list.replace(/\s+/g, ""); // check for chars not in the accepted range this.assert(RegExp("^[" + accepted + "-]+$").test(list), _("error.charactersOutsideRange", accepted.quote())); // check for illegal ranges for (let [match] in this.regexp.iterate(/.-./g, list)) this.assert(match.charCodeAt(0) <= match.charCodeAt(2), _("error.invalidCharacterRange", list.slice(list.indexOf(match)))); return RegExp("[" + util.regexp.escape(list) + "]"); }, /** * Returns a shallow copy of *obj*. * * @param {Object} obj * @returns {Object} */ cloneObject: function cloneObject(obj) { if (isArray(obj)) return obj.slice(); let newObj = {}; for (let [k, v] in Iterator(obj)) newObj[k] = v; return newObj; }, /** * Clips a string to a given length. If the input string is longer * than *length*, an ellipsis is appended. * * @param {string} str The string to truncate. * @param {number} length The length of the returned string. * @returns {string} */ clip: function clip(str, length) { return str.length <= length ? str : str.substr(0, length - 3) + "..."; }, /** * Compares two strings, case insensitively. Return values are as * in String#localeCompare. * * @param {string} a * @param {string} b * @returns {number} */ compareIgnoreCase: function compareIgnoreCase(a, b) String.localeCompare(a.toLowerCase(), b.toLowerCase()), compileFormat: function compileFormat(format) { let stack = [frame()]; stack.__defineGetter__("top", function () this[this.length - 1]); function frame() update( function _frame(obj) _frame === stack.top || _frame.valid(obj) ? _frame.elements.map(function (e) callable(e) ? e(obj) : e).join("") : "", { elements: [], seen: {}, valid: function valid(obj) this.elements.every(function (e) !e.test || e.test(obj)) }); let end = 0; for (let match in util.regexp.iterate(/(.*?)%(.)/gy, format)) { let [, prefix, char] = match; end += match[0].length; if (prefix) stack.top.elements.push(prefix); if (char === "%") stack.top.elements.push("%"); else if (char === "[") { let f = frame(); stack.top.elements.push(f); stack.push(f); } else if (char === "]") { stack.pop(); util.assert(stack.length, /*L*/"Unmatched %] in format"); } else { let quote = function quote(obj, char) obj[char]; if (char !== char.toLowerCase()) quote = function quote(obj, char) Commands.quote(obj[char]); char = char.toLowerCase(); stack.top.elements.push(update( function (obj) obj[char] != null ? quote(obj, char) : "", { test: function test(obj) obj[char] != null })); for (let elem in array.iterValues(stack)) elem.seen[char] = true; } } if (end < format.length) stack.top.elements.push(format.substr(end)); util.assert(stack.length === 1, /*L*/"Unmatched %[ in format"); return stack.top; }, /** * Compiles a macro string into a function which generates a string * result based on the input *macro* and its parameters. The * definitive documentation for macro strings resides in :help * macro-string. * * Macro parameters may have any of the following flags: * e: The parameter is only tested for existence. Its * interpolation is always empty. * q: The result is quoted such that it is parsed as a single * argument by the Ex argument parser. * * The returned function has the following additional properties: * * seen {set}: The set of parameters used in this macro. * * valid {function(object)}: Returns true if every parameter of * this macro is provided by the passed object. * * @param {string} macro The macro string to compile. * @param {boolean} keepUnknown If true, unknown macro parameters * are left untouched. Otherwise, they are replaced with the null * string. * @returns {function} */ compileMacro: function compileMacro(macro, keepUnknown) { let stack = [frame()]; stack.__defineGetter__("top", function () this[this.length - 1]); let unknown = util.identity; if (!keepUnknown) unknown = function () ""; function frame() update( function _frame(obj) _frame === stack.top || _frame.valid(obj) ? _frame.elements.map(function (e) callable(e) ? e(obj) : e).join("") : "", { elements: [], seen: {}, valid: function valid(obj) this.elements.every(function (e) !e.test || e.test(obj)) }); let defaults = { lt: "<", gt: ">" }; let re = util.regexp(literal(/* ([^]*?) // 1 (?: (<\{) | // 2 (< ((?:[a-z]-)?[a-z-]+?) (?:\[([0-9]+)\])? >) | // 3 4 5 (\}>) // 6 ) */), "gixy"); macro = String(macro); let end = 0; for (let match in re.iterate(macro)) { let [, prefix, open, full, macro, idx, close] = match; end += match[0].length; if (prefix) stack.top.elements.push(prefix); if (open) { let f = frame(); stack.top.elements.push(f); stack.push(f); } else if (close) { stack.pop(); util.assert(stack.length, /*L*/"Unmatched }> in macro"); } else { let [, flags, name] = /^((?:[a-z]-)*)(.*)/.exec(macro); flags = Set(flags); let quote = util.identity; if (flags.q) quote = function quote(obj) typeof obj === "number" ? obj : String.quote(obj); if (flags.e) quote = function quote(obj) ""; if (Set.has(defaults, name)) stack.top.elements.push(quote(defaults[name])); else { let index = idx; if (idx) { idx = Number(idx) - 1; stack.top.elements.push(update( function (obj) obj[name] != null && idx in obj[name] ? quote(obj[name][idx]) : Set.has(obj, name) ? "" : unknown(full), { test: function test(obj) obj[name] != null && idx in obj[name] && obj[name][idx] !== false && (!flags.e || obj[name][idx] != "") })); } else { stack.top.elements.push(update( function (obj) obj[name] != null ? quote(obj[name]) : Set.has(obj, name) ? "" : unknown(full), { test: function test(obj) obj[name] != null && obj[name] !== false && (!flags.e || obj[name] != "") })); } for (let elem in array.iterValues(stack)) elem.seen[name] = true; } } } if (end < macro.length) stack.top.elements.push(macro.substr(end)); util.assert(stack.length === 1, /*L*/"Unmatched <{ in macro"); return stack.top; }, /** * Converts any arbitrary string into an URI object. Returns null on * failure. * * @param {string} str * @returns {nsIURI|null} */ createURI: function createURI(str) { try { let uri = services.urifixup.createFixupURI(str, services.urifixup.FIXUP_FLAG_ALLOW_KEYWORD_LOOKUP); uri instanceof Ci.nsIURL; return uri; } catch (e) { return null; } }, /** * Expands brace globbing patterns in a string. * * Example: * "a{b,c}d" => ["abd", "acd"] * * @param {string|[string|Array]} pattern The pattern to deglob. * @returns [string] The resulting strings. */ debrace: function debrace(pattern) { try { if (isArray(pattern)) { // Jägermonkey hates us. let obj = ({ res: [], rec: function rec(acc) { let vals; while (isString(vals = pattern[acc.length])) acc.push(vals); if (acc.length == pattern.length) this.res.push(acc.join("")); else for (let val in values(vals)) this.rec(acc.concat(val)); } }); obj.rec([]); return obj.res; } if (pattern.indexOf("{") == -1) return [pattern]; let res = []; let split = function split(pattern, re, fn, dequote) { let end = 0, match, res = []; while (match = re.exec(pattern)) { end = match.index + match[0].length; res.push(match[1]); if (fn) fn(match); } res.push(pattern.substr(end)); return res.map(function (s) util.dequote(s, dequote)); }; let patterns = []; let substrings = split(pattern, /((?:[^\\{]|\\.)*)\{((?:[^\\}]|\\.)*)\}/gy, function (match) { patterns.push(split(match[2], /((?:[^\\,]|\\.)*),/gy, null, ",{}")); }, "{}"); let rec = function rec(acc) { if (acc.length == patterns.length) res.push(array(substrings).zip(acc).flatten().join("")); else for (let [, pattern] in Iterator(patterns[acc.length])) rec(acc.concat(pattern)); }; rec([]); return res; } catch (e if e.message && ~e.message.indexOf("res is undefined")) { // prefs.safeSet() would be reset on :rehash prefs.set("javascript.options.methodjit.chrome", false); util.dactyl.warn(_(UTF8("error.damnYouJägermonkey"))); return []; } }, /** * Briefly delay the execution of the passed function. * * @param {function} callback The function to delay. */ delay: function delay(callback) { let { mainThread } = services.threading; mainThread.dispatch(callback, mainThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL); }, /** * Removes certain backslash-quoted characters while leaving other * backslash-quoting sequences untouched. * * @param {string} pattern The string to unquote. * @param {string} chars The characters to unquote. * @returns {string} */ dequote: function dequote(pattern, chars) pattern.replace(/\\(.)/, function (m0, m1) chars.indexOf(m1) >= 0 ? m1 : m0), /** * Returns the nsIDocShell for the given window. * * @param {Window} win The window for which to get the docShell. * @returns {nsIDocShell} */ docShell: function docShell(win) win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell), /** * Prints a message to the console. If *msg* is an object it is pretty * printed. * * @param {string|Object} msg The message to print. */ dump: defineModule.dump, /** * Returns a list of reformatted stack frames from * {@see Error#stack}. * * @param {string} stack The stack trace from an Error. * @returns {[string]} The stack frames. */ stackLines: function stackLines(stack) { let lines = []; let match, re = /([^]*?)@([^@\n]*)(?:\n|$)/g; while (match = re.exec(stack)) lines.push(match[1].replace(/\n/g, "\\n").substr(0, 80) + "@" + util.fixURI(match[2])); return lines; }, /** * Dumps a stack trace to the console. * * @param {string} msg The trace message. * @param {number} frames The number of frames to print. */ dumpStack: function dumpStack(msg, frames) { let stack = util.stackLines(Error().stack); stack = stack.slice(1, 1 + (frames || stack.length)).join("\n").replace(/^/gm, " "); util.dump((arguments.length == 0 ? "Stack" : msg) + "\n" + stack + "\n"); }, /** * Escapes quotes, newline and tab characters in *str*. The returned string * is delimited by *delimiter* or " if *delimiter* is not specified. * {@see String#quote}. * * @param {string} str * @param {string} delimiter * @returns {string} */ escapeString: function escapeString(str, delimiter) { if (delimiter == undefined) delimiter = '"'; return delimiter + str.replace(/([\\'"])/g, "\\$1").replace("\n", "\\n", "g").replace("\t", "\\t", "g") + delimiter; }, /** * Converts *bytes* to a pretty printed data size string. * * @param {number} bytes The number of bytes. * @param {string} decimalPlaces The number of decimal places to use if * *humanReadable* is true. * @param {boolean} humanReadable Use byte multiples. * @returns {string} */ formatBytes: function formatBytes(bytes, decimalPlaces, humanReadable) { const unitVal = ["Bytes", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB"]; let unitIndex = 0; let tmpNum = parseInt(bytes, 10) || 0; let strNum = [tmpNum + ""]; if (humanReadable) { while (tmpNum >= 1024) { tmpNum /= 1024; if (++unitIndex > (unitVal.length - 1)) break; } let decPower = Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces); strNum = ((Math.round(tmpNum * decPower) / decPower) + "").split(".", 2); if (!strNum[1]) strNum[1] = ""; while (strNum[1].length < decimalPlaces) // pad with "0" to the desired decimalPlaces) strNum[1] += "0"; } for (let u = strNum[0].length - 3; u > 0; u -= 3) // make a 10000 a 10,000 strNum[0] = strNum[0].substr(0, u) + "," + strNum[0].substr(u); if (unitIndex) // decimalPlaces only when > Bytes strNum[0] += "." + strNum[1]; return strNum[0] + " " + unitVal[unitIndex]; }, /** * Converts *seconds* into a human readable time string. * * @param {number} seconds * @returns {string} */ formatSeconds: function formatSeconds(seconds) { function pad(n, val) ("0000000" + val).substr(-Math.max(n, String(val).length)); function div(num, denom) [Math.floor(num / denom), Math.round(num % denom)]; let days, hours, minutes; [minutes, seconds] = div(Math.round(seconds), 60); [hours, minutes] = div(minutes, 60); [days, hours] = div(hours, 24); if (days) return /*L*/days + " days " + hours + " hours"; if (hours) return /*L*/hours + "h " + minutes + "m"; if (minutes) return /*L*/minutes + ":" + pad(2, seconds); return /*L*/seconds + "s"; }, /** * Returns the file which backs a given URL, if available. * * @param {nsIURI} uri The URI for which to find a file. * @returns {File|null} */ getFile: function getFile(uri) { try { if (isString(uri)) uri = util.newURI(uri); if (uri instanceof Ci.nsIFileURL) return File(uri.file); if (uri instanceof Ci.nsIFile) return File(uri); let channel = services.io.newChannelFromURI(uri); try { channel.cancel(Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED); } catch (e) {} if (channel instanceof Ci.nsIFileChannel) return File(channel.file); } catch (e) {} return null; }, /** * Returns the host for the given URL, or null if invalid. * * @param {string} url * @returns {string|null} */ getHost: function getHost(url) { try { return util.createURI(url).host; } catch (e) {} return null; }, /** * Sends a synchronous or asynchronous HTTP request to *url* and returns * the XMLHttpRequest object. If *callback* is specified the request is * asynchronous and the *callback* is invoked with the object as its * argument. * * @param {string} url * @param {object} params Optional parameters for this request: * method: {string} The request method. @default "GET" * * params: {object} Parameters to append to *url*'s query string. * data: {*} POST data to send to the server. Ordinary objects * are converted to FormData objects, with one datum * for each property/value pair. * * onload: {function(XMLHttpRequest, Event)} The request's load event handler. * onerror: {function(XMLHttpRequest, Event)} The request's error event handler. * callback: {function(XMLHttpRequest, Event)} An event handler * called for either error or load events. * * background: {boolean} Whether to perform the request in the * background. @default true * * mimeType: {string} Override the response mime type with the * given value. * responseType: {string} Override the type of the "response" * property. * * headers: {objects} Extra request headers. * * user: {string} The user name to send via HTTP Authentication. * pass: {string} The password to send via HTTP Authentication. * * quiet: {boolean} If true, don't report errors. * * @returns {XMLHttpRequest} */ httpGet: function httpGet(url, callback, self) { let params = callback; if (!isObject(params)) params = { callback: params && function () callback.apply(self, arguments) }; try { let xmlhttp = services.Xmlhttp(); xmlhttp.mozBackgroundRequest = Set.has(params, "background") ? params.background : true; let async = params.callback || params.onload || params.onerror; if (async) { xmlhttp.addEventListener("load", function handler(event) { util.trapErrors(params.onload || params.callback, params, xmlhttp, event); }, false); xmlhttp.addEventListener("error", function handler(event) { util.trapErrors(params.onerror || params.callback, params, xmlhttp, event); }, false); } if (isObject(params.params)) { let data = [encodeURIComponent(k) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(v) for ([k, v] in iter(params.params))]; let uri = util.newURI(url); uri.query += (uri.query ? "&" : "") + data.join("&"); url = uri.spec; } if (isObject(params.data) && !(params.data instanceof Ci.nsISupports)) { let data = services.FormData(); for (let [k, v] in iter(params.data)) data.append(k, v); params.data = data; } if (params.mimeType) xmlhttp.overrideMimeType(params.mimeType); let args = [params.method || "GET", url, async]; if (params.user != null || params.pass != null) args.push(params.user); if (params.pass != null) args.push(prams.pass); xmlhttp.open.apply(xmlhttp, args); for (let [header, val] in Iterator(params.headers || {})) xmlhttp.setRequestHeader(header, val); if (params.responseType) xmlhttp.responseType = params.responseType; if (params.notificationCallbacks) xmlhttp.channel.notificationCallbacks = params.notificationCallbacks; xmlhttp.send(params.data); return xmlhttp; } catch (e) { if (!params.quiet) util.reportError(e); return null; } }, /** * The identity function. * * @param {Object} k * @returns {Object} */ identity: function identity(k) k, /** * Returns the intersection of two rectangles. * * @param {Object} r1 * @param {Object} r2 * @returns {Object} */ intersection: function intersection(r1, r2) ({ get width() this.right - this.left, get height() this.bottom - this.top, left: Math.max(r1.left, r2.left), right: Math.min(r1.right, r2.right), top: Math.max(r1.top, r2.top), bottom: Math.min(r1.bottom, r2.bottom) }), /** * Returns true if the given stack frame resides in Dactyl code. * * @param {nsIStackFrame} frame * @returns {boolean} */ isDactyl: Class.Memoize(function () { let base = util.regexp.escape(Components.stack.filename.replace(/[^\/]+$/, "")); let re = RegExp("^(?:.* -> )?(?:resource://dactyl(?!-content/eval.js)|" + base + ")\\S+$"); return function isDactyl(frame) re.test(frame.filename); }), /** * Returns true if *url* is in the domain *domain*. * * @param {string} url * @param {string} domain * @returns {boolean} */ isDomainURL: function isDomainURL(url, domain) util.isSubdomain(util.getHost(url), domain), /** * Returns true if *host* is a subdomain of *domain*. * * @param {string} host The host to check. * @param {string} domain The base domain to check the host against. * @returns {boolean} */ isSubdomain: function isSubdomain(host, domain) { if (host == null) return false; let idx = host.lastIndexOf(domain); return idx > -1 && idx + domain.length == host.length && (idx == 0 || host[idx - 1] == "."); }, /** * Iterates over all currently open documents, including all * top-level window and sub-frames thereof. */ iterDocuments: function iterDocuments(types) { types = types ? types.map(function (s) "type" + util.capitalize(s)) : ["typeChrome", "typeContent"]; let windows = services.windowMediator.getXULWindowEnumerator(null); while (windows.hasMoreElements()) { let window = windows.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIXULWindow); for each (let type in types) { let docShells = window.docShell.getDocShellEnumerator(Ci.nsIDocShellTreeItem[type], Ci.nsIDocShell.ENUMERATE_FORWARDS); while (docShells.hasMoreElements()) let (viewer = docShells.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell).contentViewer) { if (viewer) yield viewer.DOMDocument; }; } } }, // ripped from Firefox; modified unsafeURI: Class.Memoize(function () util.regexp(String.replace(literal(/* [ \s // Invisible characters (bug 452979) U001C U001D U001E U001F // file/group/record/unit separator U00AD // Soft hyphen UFEFF // BOM U2060 // Word joiner U2062 U2063 // Invisible times/separator U200B UFFFC // Zero-width space/no-break space // Bidi formatting characters. (RFC 3987 sections 3.2 and 4.1 paragraph 6) U200E U200F U202A U202B U202C U202D U202E ] */), /U/g, "\\u"), "gx")), losslessDecodeURI: function losslessDecodeURI(url) { return url.split("%25").map(function (url) { // Non-UTF-8 compliant URLs cause "malformed URI sequence" errors. try { return decodeURI(url).replace(this.unsafeURI, encodeURIComponent); } catch (e) { return url; } }, this).join("%25").replace(/[\s.,>)]$/, encodeURIComponent); }, /** * Creates a DTD fragment from the given object. Each property of * the object is converted to an ENTITY declaration. SGML special * characters other than ' and % are left intact. * * @param {object} obj The object to convert. * @returns {string} The DTD fragment containing entity declaration * for *obj*. */ makeDTD: let (map = { "'": "'", '"': """, "%": "%", "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">" }) function makeDTD(obj) { function escape(val) { let isDOM = DOM.isJSONXML(val); return String.replace(val == null ? "null" : isDOM ? DOM.toXML(val) : val, isDOM ? /['%]/g : /['"%&<>]/g, function (m) map[m]); } return iter(obj).map(function ([k, v]) [""].join("")) .join("\n"); }, /** * Converts a URI string into a URI object. * * @param {string} uri * @returns {nsIURI} */ newURI: function newURI(uri, charset, base) { if (uri instanceof Ci.nsIURI) var res = uri.clone(); else { let idx = uri.lastIndexOf(" -> "); if (~idx) uri = uri.slice(idx + 4); res = this.withProperErrors("newURI", services.io, uri, charset, base); } res instanceof Ci.nsIURL; return res; }, /** * Removes leading garbage prepended to URIs by the subscript * loader. */ fixURI: function fixURI(url) String.replace(url, /.* -> /, ""), /** * Pretty print a JavaScript object. Use HTML markup to color certain items * if *color* is true. * * @param {Object} object The object to pretty print. * @param {boolean} color Whether the output should be colored. * @returns {string} */ objectToString: function objectToString(object, color) { if (object == null) return object + "\n"; if (!isObject(object)) return String(object); if (object instanceof Ci.nsIDOMElement) { let elem = object; if (elem.nodeType == elem.TEXT_NODE) return elem.data; return DOM(elem).repr(color); } try { // for window.JSON var obj = String(object); } catch (e) { obj = Object.prototype.toString.call(obj); } if (color) { obj = template.highlightFilter(util.clip(obj, 150), "\n", function () ["span", { highlight: "NonText" }, "^J"]); var head = ["span", { highlight: "Title Object" }, obj, "::\n"]; } else head = util.clip(obj, 150).replace(/\n/g, "^J") + "::\n"; let keys = []; // window.content often does not want to be queried with "var i in object" try { let hasValue = !("__iterator__" in object || isinstance(object, ["Generator", "Iterator"])); if (object.dactyl && object.modules && object.modules.modules == object.modules) { object = Iterator(object); hasValue = false; } let keyIter = object; if ("__iterator__" in object && !callable(object.__iterator__)) keyIter = keys(object); for (let i in keyIter) { let value = Magic(""); try { value = object[i]; } catch (e) {} if (!hasValue) { if (isArray(i) && i.length == 2) [i, value] = i; else { var noVal = true; value = i; } } let key = i; if (!isNaN(i)) i = parseInt(i); else if (/^[A-Z_]+$/.test(i)) i = ""; if (color) value = template.highlight(value, true, 150, !color); else if (value instanceof Magic) value = String(value); else value = util.clip(String(value).replace(/\n/g, "^J"), 150); if (noVal) var val = value; else if (color) val = [["span", { highlight: "Key" }, key], ": ", value]; else val = key + ": " + value; keys.push([i, val]); } } catch (e) { util.reportError(e); } function compare(a, b) { if (!isNaN(a[0]) && !isNaN(b[0])) return a[0] - b[0]; return String.localeCompare(a[0], b[0]); } let vals = template.map(keys.sort(compare), function (f) f[1], "\n"); if (color) { return ["div", { style: "white-space: pre-wrap" }, head, vals]; } return head + vals.join(""); }, prettifyJSON: function prettifyJSON(data, indent, invalidOK) { const INDENT = indent || " "; function rec(data, level, seen) { if (isObject(data)) { if (~seen.indexOf(data)) throw Error("Recursive object passed"); seen = seen.concat([data]); } let prefix = level + INDENT; if (data === undefined) data = null; if (~["boolean", "number"].indexOf(typeof data) || data === null) res.push(String(data)); else if (isinstance(data, ["String", _])) res.push(JSON.stringify(String(data))); else if (isArray(data)) { if (data.length == 0) res.push("[]"); else { res.push("[\n"); for (let [i, val] in Iterator(data)) { if (i) res.push(",\n"); res.push(prefix); rec(val, prefix, seen); } res.push("\n", level, "]"); } } else if (isObject(data)) { res.push("{\n"); let i = 0; for (let [key, val] in Iterator(data)) { if (i++) res.push(",\n"); res.push(prefix, JSON.stringify(key), ": "); rec(val, prefix, seen); } if (i > 0) res.push("\n", level, "}"); else res[res.length - 1] = "{}"; } else if (invalidOK) res.push({}.toString.call(data)); else throw Error("Invalid JSON object"); } let res = []; rec(data, "", []); return res.join(""); }, observers: { "dactyl-cleanup-modules": function cleanupModules(subject, reason) { defineModule.loadLog.push("dactyl: util: observe: dactyl-cleanup-modules " + reason); for (let module in values(defineModule.modules)) if (module.cleanup) { util.dump("cleanup: " + module.constructor.className); util.trapErrors(module.cleanup, module, reason); } JSMLoader.cleanup(); if (!this.rehashing) services.observer.addObserver(this, "dactyl-rehash", true); }, "dactyl-rehash": function dactylRehash() { services.observer.removeObserver(this, "dactyl-rehash"); defineModule.loadLog.push("dactyl: util: observe: dactyl-rehash"); if (!this.rehashing) for (let module in values(defineModule.modules)) { defineModule.loadLog.push("dactyl: util: init(" + module + ")"); if (module.reinit) module.reinit(); else module.init(); } }, "dactyl-purge": function dactylPurge() { this.rehashing = 1; }, }, /** * A generator that returns the values between *start* and *end*, in *step* * increments. * * @param {number} start The interval's start value. * @param {number} end The interval's end value. * @param {boolean} step The value to step the range by. May be * negative. @default 1 * @returns {Iterator(Object)} */ range: function range(start, end, step) { if (!step) step = 1; if (step > 0) { for (; start < end; start += step) yield start; } else { while (start > end) yield start += step; } }, /** * An interruptible generator that returns all values between *start* and * *end*. The thread yields every *time* milliseconds. * * @param {number} start The interval's start value. * @param {number} end The interval's end value. * @param {number} time The time in milliseconds between thread yields. * @returns {Iterator(Object)} */ interruptibleRange: function interruptibleRange(start, end, time) { let endTime = Date.now() + time; while (start < end) { if (Date.now() > endTime) { util.threadYield(true, true); endTime = Date.now() + time; } yield start++; } }, /** * Creates a new RegExp object based on the value of expr stripped * of all white space and interpolated with the values from tokens. * If tokens, any string in the form of in expr is replaced * with the value of the property, 'key', from tokens, if that * property exists. If the property value is itself a RegExp, its * source is substituted rather than its string value. * * Additionally, expr is stripped of all JavaScript comments. * * This is similar to Perl's extended regular expression format. * * @param {string|XML} expr The expression to compile into a RegExp. * @param {string} flags Flags to apply to the new RegExp. * @param {object} tokens The tokens to substitute. @optional * @returns {RegExp} A custom regexp object. */ regexp: update(function (expr, flags, tokens) { flags = flags || [k for ([k, v] in Iterator({ g: "global", i: "ignorecase", m: "multiline", y: "sticky" })) if (expr[v])].join(""); if (isinstance(expr, ["RegExp"])) expr = expr.source; expr = String.replace(expr, /\\(.)/, function (m, m1) { if (m1 === "c") flags = flags.replace(/i/g, "") + "i"; else if (m1 === "C") flags = flags.replace(/i/g, ""); else return m; return ""; }); // Replace replacement . if (tokens) expr = String.replace(expr, /(\(?P)?<(\w+)>/g, function (m, n1, n2) !n1 && Set.has(tokens, n2) ? tokens[n2].dactylSource || tokens[n2].source || tokens[n2] : m); // Strip comments and white space. if (/x/.test(flags)) expr = String.replace(expr, /(\\.)|\/\/[^\n]*|\/\*[^]*?\*\/|\s+/gm, function (m, m1) m1 || ""); // Replace (?P parameters) if (/\(\?P]+)>|(\?))?/gy, function (m0, m1, m2, m3) { if (!m3) groups.push(m2 || "-group-" + groups.length); return m1 + "(" + (m3 || ""); }); var struct = Struct.apply(null, groups); } let res = update(RegExp(expr, flags.replace("x", "")), { closure: Class.Property(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Class.prototype, "closure")), dactylPropertyNames: ["exec", "match", "test", "toSource", "toString", "global", "ignoreCase", "lastIndex", "multiLine", "source", "sticky"], iterate: function iterate(str, idx) util.regexp.iterate(this, str, idx) }); // Return a struct with properties for named parameters if we // have them. if (struct) update(res, { exec: function exec() let (match = exec.superapply(this, arguments)) match && struct.fromArray(match), dactylSource: source, struct: struct }); return res; }, { /** * Escapes Regular Expression special characters in *str*. * * @param {string} str * @returns {string} */ escape: function regexp_escape(str) str.replace(/([\\{}()[\]^$.?*+|])/g, "\\$1"), /** * Given a RegExp, returns its source in the form showable to the user. * * @param {RegExp} re The regexp showable source of which is to be returned. * @returns {string} */ getSource: function regexp_getSource(re) re.source.replace(/\\(.)/g, function (m0, m1) m1 === "/" ? "/" : m0), /** * Iterates over all matches of the given regexp in the given * string. * * @param {RegExp} regexp The regular expression to execute. * @param {string} string The string to search. * @param {number} lastIndex The index at which to begin searching. @optional */ iterate: function iterate(regexp, string, lastIndex) iter(function () { regexp.lastIndex = lastIndex = lastIndex || 0; let match; while (match = regexp.exec(string)) { lastIndex = regexp.lastIndex; yield match; regexp.lastIndex = lastIndex; if (match[0].length == 0 || !regexp.global) break; } }()) }), /** * Flushes the startup or jar cache. */ flushCache: function flushCache(file) { if (file) services.observer.notifyObservers(file, "flush-cache-entry", ""); else services.observer.notifyObservers(null, "startupcache-invalidate", ""); }, /** * Reloads dactyl in entirety by disabling the add-on and * re-enabling it. */ rehash: function rehash(args) { storage.storeForSession("commandlineArgs", args); this.timeout(function () { this.flushCache(); this.rehashing = true; let addon = config.addon; addon.userDisabled = true; addon.userDisabled = false; }); }, errorCount: 0, errors: Class.Memoize(function () []), maxErrors: 15, /** * Reports an error to the Error Console and the standard output, * along with a stack trace and other relevant information. The * error is appended to {@see #errors}. */ reportError: function reportError(error) { if (error.noTrace) return; if (isString(error)) error = Error(error); Cu.reportError(error); try { this.errorCount++; let obj = update({}, error, { toString: function () String(error), stack: Magic(util.stackLines(String(error.stack || Error().stack)).join("\n").replace(/^/mg, "\t")) }); services.console.logStringMessage(obj.stack); this.errors.push([new Date, obj + "\n" + obj.stack]); this.errors = this.errors.slice(-this.maxErrors); this.errors.toString = function () [k + "\n" + v for ([k, v] in array.iterValues(this))].join("\n\n"); this.dump(String(error)); this.dump(obj); this.dump(""); } catch (e) { try { this.dump(String(error)); this.dump(util.stackLines(error.stack).join("\n")); } catch (e) { dump(e + "\n"); } } // ctypes.open("libc.so.6").declare("kill", ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.void_t, ctypes.int, ctypes.int)( // ctypes.open("libc.so.6").declare("getpid", ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.int)(), 2) }, /** * Given a domain, returns an array of all non-toplevel subdomains * of that domain. * * @param {string} host The host for which to find subdomains. * @returns {[string]} */ subdomains: function subdomains(host) { if (/(^|\.)\d+$|:.*:/.test(host)) // IP address or similar return [host]; let base = host.replace(/.*\.(.+?\..+?)$/, "$1"); try { base = services.tld.getBaseDomainFromHost(host); } catch (e) {} let ary = host.split("."); ary = [ary.slice(i).join(".") for (i in util.range(ary.length, 0, -1))]; return ary.filter(function (h) h.length >= base.length); }, /** * Returns the selection controller for the given window. * * @param {Window} window * @returns {nsISelectionController} */ selectionController: function selectionController(win) win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsISelectionDisplay) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsISelectionController), /** * Escapes a string against shell meta-characters and argument * separators. */ shellEscape: function shellEscape(str) '"' + String.replace(str, /[\\"$`]/g, "\\$&") + '"', /** * Suspend execution for at least *delay* milliseconds. Functions by * yielding execution to the next item in the main event queue, and * so may lead to unexpected call graphs, and long delays if another * handler yields execution while waiting. * * @param {number} delay The time period for which to sleep in milliseconds. */ sleep: function sleep(delay) { let mainThread = services.threading.mainThread; let end = Date.now() + delay; while (Date.now() < end) mainThread.processNextEvent(true); return true; }, /** * Behaves like String.split, except that when *limit* is reached, * the trailing element contains the entire trailing portion of the * string. * * util.split("a, b, c, d, e", /, /, 3) -> ["a", "b", "c, d, e"] * * @param {string} str The string to split. * @param {RegExp|string} re The regular expression on which to split the string. * @param {number} limit The maximum number of elements to return. * @returns {[string]} */ split: function split(str, re, limit) { re.lastIndex = 0; if (!re.global) re = RegExp(re.source || re, "g"); let match, start = 0, res = []; while (--limit && (match = re.exec(str)) && match[0].length) { res.push(str.substring(start, match.index)); start = match.index + match[0].length; } res.push(str.substring(start)); return res; }, /** * Split a string on literal occurrences of a marker. * * Specifically this ignores occurrences preceded by a backslash, or * contained within 'single' or "double" quotes. * * It assumes backslash escaping on strings, and will thus not count quotes * that are preceded by a backslash or within other quotes as starting or * ending quoted sections of the string. * * @param {string} str * @param {RegExp} marker * @returns {[string]} */ splitLiteral: function splitLiteral(str, marker) { let results = []; let resep = RegExp(/^(([^\\'"]|\\.|'([^\\']|\\.)*'|"([^\\"]|\\.)*")*?)/.source + marker.source); let cont = true; while (cont) { cont = false; str = str.replace(resep, function (match, before) { results.push(before); cont = match !== ""; return ""; }); } results.push(str); return results; }, yielders: 0, /** * Yields execution to the next event in the current thread's event * queue. This is a potentially dangerous operation, since any * yielders higher in the event stack will prevent execution from * returning to the caller until they have finished their wait. The * potential for deadlock is high. * * @param {boolean} flush If true, flush all events in the event * queue before returning. Otherwise, wait for an event to * process before proceeding. * @param {boolean} interruptable If true, this yield may be * interrupted by pressing , in which case, * Error("Interrupted") will be thrown. */ threadYield: function threadYield(flush, interruptable) { this.yielders++; try { let mainThread = services.threading.mainThread; /* FIXME */ util.interrupted = false; do { mainThread.processNextEvent(!flush); if (util.interrupted) throw Error("Interrupted"); } while (flush === true && mainThread.hasPendingEvents()); } finally { this.yielders--; } }, /** * Waits for the function *test* to return true, or *timeout* * milliseconds to expire. * * @param {function} test The predicate on which to wait. * @param {object} self The 'this' object for *test*. * @param {Number} timeout The maximum number of milliseconds to * wait. * @optional * @param {boolean} interruptable If true, may be interrupted by * pressing , in which case, Error("Interrupted") will be * thrown. */ waitFor: function waitFor(test, self, timeout, interruptable) { let end = timeout && Date.now() + timeout, result; let timer = services.Timer(function () {}, 10, services.Timer.TYPE_REPEATING_SLACK); try { while (!(result = test.call(self)) && (!end || Date.now() < end)) this.threadYield(false, interruptable); } finally { timer.cancel(); } return result; }, /** * Makes the passed function yieldable. Each time the function calls * yield, execution is suspended for the yielded number of * milliseconds. * * Example: * let func = yieldable(function () { * util.dump(Date.now()); // 0 * yield 1500; * util.dump(Date.now()); // 1500 * }); * func(); * * @param {function} func The function to mangle. * @returns {function} A new function which may not execute * synchronously. */ yieldable: function yieldable(func) function magic() { let gen = func.apply(this, arguments); (function next() { try { util.timeout(next, gen.next()); } catch (e if e instanceof StopIteration) {}; })(); }, /** * Wraps a callback function such that its errors are not lost. This * is useful for DOM event listeners, which ordinarily eat errors. * The passed function has the property *wrapper* set to the new * wrapper function, while the wrapper has the property *wrapped* * set to the original callback. * * @param {function} callback The callback to wrap. * @returns {function} */ wrapCallback: wrapCallback, /** * Returns the top-level chrome window for the given window. * * @param {Window} win The child window. * @returns {Window} The top-level parent window. */ topWindow: function topWindow(win) win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShellTreeItem).rootTreeItem .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow), /** * Traps errors in the called function, possibly reporting them. * * @param {function} func The function to call * @param {object} self The 'this' object for the function. */ trapErrors: function trapErrors(func, self, ...args) { try { if (!callable(func)) func = self[func]; return func.apply(self || this, args); } catch (e) { this.reportError(e); return undefined; } }, /** * Returns the file path of a given *url*, for debugging purposes. * If *url* points to a file (even if indirectly), the native * filesystem path is returned. Otherwise, the URL itself is * returned. * * @param {string} url The URL to mangle. * @returns {string} The path to the file. */ urlPath: function urlPath(url) { try { return util.getFile(url).path; } catch (e) { return url; } }, /** * Returns a list of all domains and subdomains of documents in the * given window and all of its descendant frames. * * @param {nsIDOMWindow} win The window for which to find domains. * @returns {[string]} The visible domains. */ visibleHosts: function visibleHosts(win) { let res = [], seen = {}; (function rec(frame) { try { if (frame.location.hostname) res = res.concat(util.subdomains(frame.location.hostname)); } catch (e) {} Array.forEach(frame.frames, rec); })(win); return res.filter(function (h) !Set.add(seen, h)); }, /** * Returns a list of URIs of documents in the given window and all * of its descendant frames. * * @param {nsIDOMWindow} win The window for which to find URIs. * @returns {[nsIURI]} The visible URIs. */ visibleURIs: function visibleURIs(win) { let res = [], seen = {}; (function rec(frame) { try { res = res.concat(util.newURI(frame.location.href)); } catch (e) {} Array.forEach(frame.frames, rec); })(win); return res.filter(function (h) !Set.add(seen, h.spec)); }, /** * Like Cu.getWeakReference, but won't crash if you pass null. */ weakReference: function weakReference(jsval) { if (jsval == null) return { get: function get() null }; return Cu.getWeakReference(jsval); }, /** * Wraps native exceptions thrown by the called function so that a * proper stack trace may be retrieved from them. * * @param {function|string} meth The method to call. * @param {object} self The 'this' object of the method. * @param ... Arguments to pass to *meth*. */ withProperErrors: function withProperErrors(meth, self, ...args) { try { return (callable(meth) ? meth : self[meth]).apply(self, args); } catch (e) { throw e.stack ? e : Error(e); } } }, { Array: array }); /** * Math utility methods. * @singleton */ var GlobalMath = Math; this.Math = update(Object.create(GlobalMath), { /** * Returns the specified *value* constrained to the range *min* - *max*. * * @param {number} value The value to constrain. * @param {number} min The minimum constraint. * @param {number} max The maximum constraint. * @returns {number} */ constrain: function constrain(value, min, max) Math.min(Math.max(min, value), max) }); endModule(); } catch(e){ if (!e.stack) e = Error(e); dump(e.fileName+":"+e.lineNumber+": "+e+"\n" + e.stack); } // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 sts=4 ts=8 et ft=javascript: