// Copyright (c) 2009 by Doug Kearns // Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; // TODO: // - fix Sanitize autocommand // - add warning for TIMESPAN_EVERYTHING? // FIXME: // - finish 1.9.0 support if we're going to support sanitizing in Melodactyl defineModule("sanitizer", { exports: ["Range", "Sanitizer", "sanitizer"], require: ["config", "prefs", "services", "util"] }); lazyRequire("messages", ["_"]); lazyRequire("overlay", ["overlay"]); lazyRequire("storage", ["storage"]); lazyRequire("template", ["template"]); let tmp = Object.create(this); JSMLoader.loadSubScript("chrome://browser/content/sanitize.js", tmp); tmp.Sanitizer.prototype.__proto__ = Class.prototype; var Range = Struct("min", "max"); update(Range.prototype, { contains: function (date) date == null || (this.min == null || date >= this.min) && (this.max == null || date <= this.max), get isEternity() this.max == null && this.min == null, get isSession() this.max == null && this.min == sanitizer.sessionStart, get native() this.isEternity ? null : [this.min || 0, this.max == null ? Number.MAX_VALUE : this.max] }); var Item = Class("SanitizeItem", { init: function (name, params) { this.name = name; this.description = params.description; }, // Hack for completion: "0": Class.Property({ get: function () this.name }), "1": Class.Property({ get: function () this.description }), description: Messages.Localized(""), get cpdPref() (this.builtin ? "" : Item.PREFIX) + Item.BRANCH + Sanitizer.argToPref(this.name), get shutdownPref() (this.builtin ? "" : Item.PREFIX) + Item.SHUTDOWN_BRANCH + Sanitizer.argToPref(this.name), get cpd() prefs.get(this.cpdPref), get shutdown() prefs.get(this.shutdownPref), shouldSanitize: function (shutdown) (!shutdown || this.builtin || this.persistent) && prefs.get(shutdown ? this.shutdownPref : this.pref) }, { PREFIX: config.prefs.branch.root, BRANCH: "privacy.cpd.", SHUTDOWN_BRANCH: "privacy.clearOnShutdown." }); var Sanitizer = Module("sanitizer", XPCOM([Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference], tmp.Sanitizer), { sessionStart: Date.now() * 1000, init: function () { const self = this; util.addObserver(this); services.add("cookies", "@mozilla.org/cookiemanager;1", [Ci.nsICookieManager, Ci.nsICookieManager2, Ci.nsICookieService]); services.add("loginManager", "@mozilla.org/login-manager;1", Ci.nsILoginManager); services.add("permissions", "@mozilla.org/permissionmanager;1", Ci.nsIPermissionManager); this.itemMap = {}; this.addItem("all", { description: "Sanitize all items", shouldSanitize: function () false }); // Builtin items this.addItem("cache", { builtin: true, description: "Cache" }); this.addItem("downloads", { builtin: true, description: "Download history" }); this.addItem("formdata", { builtin: true, description: "Saved form and search history" }); this.addItem("offlineapps", { builtin: true, description: "Offline website data" }); this.addItem("passwords", { builtin: true, description: "Saved passwords" }); this.addItem("sessions", { builtin: true, description: "Authenticated sessions" }); // These builtin methods don't support hosts or otherwise have // insufficient granularity this.addItem("cookies", { builtin: true, description: "Cookies", persistent: true, action: function (range, host) { for (let c in Sanitizer.iterCookies(host)) if (range.contains(c.creationTime) || timespan.isSession && c.isSession) services.cookies.remove(c.host, c.name, c.path, false); }, override: true }); this.addItem("history", { builtin: true, description: "Browsing history", persistent: true, sessionHistory: true, action: function (range, host) { if (host) services.history.removePagesFromHost(host, true); else { if (range.isEternity) services.history.removeAllPages(); else services.history.removeVisitsByTimeframe(range.native[0], Math.min(Date.now() * 1000, range.native[1])); // XXX services.observer.notifyObservers(null, "browser:purge-session-history", ""); } if (!host || util.isDomainURL(prefs.get("general.open_location.last_url"), host)) prefs.reset("general.open_location.last_url"); }, override: true }); try { var { ForgetAboutSite } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ForgetAboutSite.jsm", {}); } catch (e) {} if (ForgetAboutSite) this.addItem("host", { description: "All data from the given host", action: function (range, host) { if (host) ForgetAboutSite.removeDataFromDomain(host); } }); this.addItem("sitesettings", { builtin: true, description: "Site preferences", persistent: true, action: function (range, host) { if (range.isSession) return; if (host) { for (let p in Sanitizer.iterPermissions(host)) { services.permissions.remove(util.createURI(p.host), p.type); services.permissions.add(util.createURI(p.host), p.type, 0); } for (let p in iter(services.contentPrefs.getPrefs(util.createURI(host)))) services.contentPrefs.removePref(util.createURI(host), p.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIProperty).name); } else { // "Allow this site to open popups" ... services.permissions.removeAll(); // Zoom level, ... services.contentPrefs.removeGroupedPrefs(); } // "Never remember passwords" ... for each (let domain in services.loginManager.getAllDisabledHosts()) if (!host || util.isSubdomain(domain, host)) services.loginManager.setLoginSavingEnabled(host, true); }, override: true }); function ourItems(persistent) [ item for (item in values(self.itemMap)) if (!item.builtin && (!persistent || item.persistent) && item.name !== "all") ]; function prefOverlay(branch, persistent, local) update(Object.create(local), { before: [ ["preferences", { id: branch.substr(Item.PREFIX.length) + "history", xmlns: "xul" }, template.map(ourItems(persistent), item => ["preference", { type: "bool", id: branch + item.name, name: branch + item.name }])] ], init: function init(win) { let pane = win.document.getElementById("SanitizeDialogPane"); for (let [, pref] in iter(pane.preferences)) pref.updateElements(); init.superapply(this, arguments); } }); util.timeout(function () { // Load order issue... let (branch = Item.PREFIX + Item.SHUTDOWN_BRANCH) { overlay.overlayWindow("chrome://browser/content/preferences/sanitize.xul", function (win) prefOverlay(branch, true, { append: { SanitizeDialogPane: ["groupbox", { orient: "horizontal", xmlns: "xul" }, ["caption", { label: config.appName + /*L*/" (see :help privacy)" }], ["grid", { flex: "1" }, ["columns", {}, ["column", { flex: "1" }], ["column", { flex: "1" }]], ["rows", {}, let (items = ourItems(true)) template.map(util.range(0, Math.ceil(items.length / 2)), i => ["row", {}, template.map(items.slice(i * 2, i * 2 + 2), item => ["checkbox", { xmlns: XUL, label: item.description, preference: branch + item.name }])])]]] } })); } let (branch = Item.PREFIX + Item.BRANCH) { overlay.overlayWindow("chrome://browser/content/sanitize.xul", function (win) prefOverlay(branch, false, { append: { itemList: [ ["listitem", { xmlns: "xul", label: /*L*/"See :help privacy for the following:", disabled: "true", style: "font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;" }], template.map(ourItems(), ([item, desc]) => ["listitem", { xmlns: "xul", preference: branch + item, type: "checkbox", label: config.appName + ", " + desc, onsyncfrompreference: "return gSanitizePromptDialog.onReadGeneric();" }]) ] }, ready: function ready(win) { let elem = win.document.getElementById("itemList"); elem.setAttribute("rows", elem.itemCount); win.Sanitizer = Class("Sanitizer", win.Sanitizer, { sanitize: function sanitize() { self.withSavedValues(["sanitizing"], function () { self.sanitizing = true; sanitize.superapply(this, arguments); sanitizer.sanitizeItems([item.name for (item in values(self.itemMap)) if (item.shouldSanitize(false))], Range.fromArray(this.range || [])); }, this); } }); } })); } }); }, firstRun: 0, addItem: function addItem(name, params) { let item = this.itemMap[name] || Item(name, params); this.itemMap[name] = item; for (let [k, prop] in iterOwnProperties(params)) if (!("value" in prop) || !callable(prop.value) && !(k in item)) Object.defineProperty(item, k, prop); let names = Set([name].concat(params.contains || []).map(e => "clear-" + e)); if (params.action) storage.addObserver("sanitizer", function (key, event, arg) { if (event in names) params.action.apply(params, arg); }, Class.objectGlobal(params.action)); if (params.privateEnter || params.privateLeave) storage.addObserver("private-mode", function (key, event, arg) { let meth = params[arg ? "privateEnter" : "privateLeave"]; if (meth) meth.call(params); }, Class.objectGlobal(params.action)); }, observers: { "browser:purge-domain-data": function (subject, host) { storage.fireEvent("sanitize", "domain", host); // If we're sanitizing, our own sanitization functions will already // be called, and with much greater granularity. Only process this // event if it's triggered externally. if (!this.sanitizing) this.sanitizeItems(null, Range(), data); }, "browser:purge-session-history": function (subject, data) { // See above. if (!this.sanitizing) this.sanitizeItems(null, Range(this.sessionStart), null, "sessionHistory"); }, "quit-application-granted": function (subject, data) { if (this.runAtShutdown && !this.sanitizeItems(null, Range(), null, "shutdown")) this.ranAtShutdown = true; }, "private-browsing": function (subject, data) { if (data == "enter") storage.privateMode = true; else if (data == "exit") storage.privateMode = false; storage.fireEvent("private-mode", "change", storage.privateMode); } }, /** * Returns a load context for the given thing, to be used with * interfaces needing one for per-window private browsing support. * * @param {Window|Document|Node} thing The thing for which to return * a load context. */ getContext: function getContext(thing) { if (!Ci.nsILoadContext) return null; if (thing instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNode && thing.ownerDocument) thing = thing.ownerDocument; if (thing instanceof Ci.nsIDOMDocument) thing = thing.defaultView; if (thing instanceof Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) thing = thing.getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation); return thing.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext); }, get ranAtShutdown() config.prefs.get("didSanitizeOnShutdown"), set ranAtShutdown(val) config.prefs.set("didSanitizeOnShutdown", Boolean(val)), get runAtShutdown() prefs.get("privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown"), set runAtShutdown(val) prefs.set("privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown", Boolean(val)), sanitize: function sanitize(items, range) this.withSavedValues(["sanitizing"], function () { this.sanitizing = true; let errors = this.sanitizeItems(items, range, null); for (let itemName in values(items)) { try { let item = this.items[Sanitizer.argToPref(itemName)]; if (item && !this.itemMap[itemName].override) { item.range = range.native; if ("clear" in item && item.canClear) item.clear(); } } catch (e) { errors = errors || {}; errors[itemName] = e; util.dump("Error sanitizing " + itemName); util.reportError(e); } } return errors; }), sanitizeItems: function sanitizeItems(items, range, host, key) this.withSavedValues(["sanitizing"], function () { this.sanitizing = true; if (items == null) items = Object.keys(this.itemMap); let errors; for (let itemName in values(items)) try { if (!key || this.itemMap[itemName][key]) storage.fireEvent("sanitizer", "clear-" + itemName, [range, host]); } catch (e) { errors = errors || {}; errors[itemName] = e; util.dump("Error sanitizing " + itemName); util.reportError(e); } return errors; }) }, { PERMS: { unset: 0, allow: 1, deny: 2, session: 8 }, UNPERMS: Class.Memoize(function () iter(this.PERMS).map(Array.reverse).toObject()), COMMANDS: { unset: /*L*/"Unset", allow: /*L*/"Allowed", deny: /*L*/"Denied", session: /*L*/"Allowed for the current session", list: /*L*/"List all cookies for domain", clear: /*L*/"Clear all cookies for domain", "clear-persistent": /*L*/"Clear all persistent cookies for domain", "clear-session": /*L*/"Clear all session cookies for domain" }, argPrefMap: { offlineapps: "offlineApps", sitesettings: "siteSettings" }, argToPref: function (arg) Sanitizer.argPrefMap[arg] || arg, prefToArg: function (pref) pref.replace(/.*\./, "").toLowerCase(), iterCookies: function iterCookies(host) { for (let c in iter(services.cookies, Ci.nsICookie2)) if (!host || util.isSubdomain(c.rawHost, host) || c.host[0] == "." && c.host.length < host.length && host.indexOf(c.host) == host.length - c.host.length) yield c; }, iterPermissions: function iterPermissions(host) { for (let p in iter(services.permissions, Ci.nsIPermission)) if (!host || util.isSubdomain(p.host, host)) yield p; } }, { load: function initLoad(dactyl, modules, window) { if (!sanitizer.firstRun++ && sanitizer.runAtShutdown && !sanitizer.ranAtShutdown) sanitizer.sanitizeItems(null, Range(), null, "shutdown"); sanitizer.ranAtShutdown = false; }, autocommands: function initAutocommands(dactyl, modules, window) { const { autocommands } = modules; storage.addObserver("private-mode", function (key, event, value) { autocommands.trigger("PrivateMode", { state: value }); }, window); storage.addObserver("sanitizer", function (key, event, value) { if (event == "domain") autocommands.trigger("SanitizeDomain", { domain: value }); else if (!value[1]) autocommands.trigger("Sanitize", { name: event.substr("clear-".length), domain: value[1] }); }, window); }, commands: function initCommands(dactyl, modules, window) { const { commands } = modules; commands.add(["sa[nitize]"], "Clear private data", function (args) { dactyl.assert(!modules.options['private'], _("command.sanitize.privateMode")); if (args["-host"] && !args.length && !args.bang) args[0] = "all"; let timespan = args["-timespan"] || modules.options["sanitizetimespan"]; let range = Range(); let [match, num, unit] = /^(\d+)([mhdw])$/.exec(timespan) || []; range[args["-older"] ? "max" : "min"] = match ? 1000 * (Date.now() - 1000 * parseInt(num, 10) * { m: 60, h: 3600, d: 3600 * 24, w: 3600 * 24 * 7 }[unit]) : (timespan[0] == "s" ? sanitizer.sessionStart : null); let opt = modules.options.get("sanitizeitems"); if (args.bang) dactyl.assert(args.length == 0, _("error.trailingCharacters")); else { dactyl.assert(opt.validator(args), _("error.invalidArgument")); opt = { __proto__: opt, value: args.slice() }; } let items = Object.keys(sanitizer.itemMap).slice(1).filter(opt.has, opt); function sanitize(items) { sanitizer.range = range.native; sanitizer.ignoreTimespan = range.min == null; sanitizer.sanitizing = true; if (args["-host"]) { args["-host"].forEach(function (host) { sanitizer.sanitizing = true; sanitizer.sanitizeItems(items, range, host); }); } else sanitizer.sanitize(items, range); } if (array.nth(opt.value, i => i == "all" || /^!/.test(i), 0) == "all" && !args["-host"]) modules.commandline.input(_("sanitize.prompt.deleteAll") + " ", function (resp) { if (resp.match(/^y(es)?$/i)) { sanitize(items); dactyl.echomsg(_("command.sanitize.allDeleted")); } else dactyl.echo(_("command.sanitize.noneDeleted")); }); else sanitize(items); }, { argCount: "*", // FIXME: should be + and 0 bang: true, completer: function (context) { context.title = ["Privacy Item", "Description"]; context.completions = modules.options.get("sanitizeitems").values; }, domains: function (args) args["-host"] || [], options: [ { names: ["-host", "-h"], description: "Only sanitize items referring to listed host or hosts", completer: function (context, args) { context.filters.push(item => !args["-host"].some(host => util.isSubdomain(item.text, host))); modules.completion.domain(context); }, type: modules.CommandOption.LIST }, { names: ["-older", "-o"], description: "Sanitize items older than timespan", type: modules.CommandOption.NOARG }, { names: ["-timespan", "-t"], description: "Timespan for which to sanitize items", completer: function (context) modules.options.get("sanitizetimespan").completer(context), type: modules.CommandOption.STRING, validator: function (arg) modules.options.get("sanitizetimespan").validator(arg) } ], privateData: true }); function getPerms(host) { let uri = util.createURI(host); if (uri) return Sanitizer.UNPERMS[services.permissions.testPermission(uri, "cookie")]; return "unset"; } function setPerms(host, perm) { let uri = util.createURI(host); services.permissions.remove(uri.host, "cookie"); services.permissions.add(uri, "cookie", Sanitizer.PERMS[perm]); } commands.add(["cookies", "ck"], "Change cookie permissions for sites", function (args) { let host = args.shift(); let session = true; if (!args.length) args = modules.options["cookies"]; for (let [, cmd] in Iterator(args)) switch (cmd) { case "clear": for (let c in Sanitizer.iterCookies(host)) services.cookies.remove(c.host, c.name, c.path, false); break; case "clear-persistent": session = false; case "clear-session": for (let c in Sanitizer.iterCookies(host)) if (c.isSession == session) services.cookies.remove(c.host, c.name, c.path, false); return; case "list": modules.commandline.commandOutput(template.tabular( ["Host", "Expiry (UTC)", "Path", "Name", "Value"], ["padding-right: 1em", "padding-right: 1em", "padding-right: 1em", "max-width: 12em; overflow: hidden;", "padding-left: 1ex;"], ([c.host, c.isSession ? ["span", { highlight: "Enabled" }, "session"] : (new Date(c.expiry * 1000).toJSON() || "Never").replace(/:\d\d\.000Z/, "").replace("T", " ").replace(/-/g, "/"), c.path, c.name, c.value] for (c in Sanitizer.iterCookies(host))))); return; default: util.assert(cmd in Sanitizer.PERMS, _("error.invalidArgument")); setPerms(host, cmd); } }, { argCount: "+", completer: function (context, args) { switch (args.completeArg) { case 0: modules.completion.visibleHosts(context); context.title[1] = "Current Permissions"; context.keys.description = function desc(host) { let count = [0, 0]; for (let c in Sanitizer.iterCookies(host)) count[c.isSession + 0]++; return [Sanitizer.COMMANDS[getPerms(host)], " (session: ", count[1], " persistent: ", count[0], ")"].join(""); }; break; case 1: context.completions = Sanitizer.COMMANDS; break; } }, }); }, completion: function initCompletion(dactyl, modules, window) { modules.completion.visibleHosts = function completeHosts(context) { let res = util.visibleHosts(window.content); if (context.filter && !res.some(host => host.indexOf(context.filter) >= 0)) res.push(context.filter); context.title = ["Domain"]; context.anchored = false; context.compare = modules.CompletionContext.Sort.unsorted; context.keys = { text: util.identity, description: util.identity }; context.completions = res; }; }, options: function initOptions(dactyl, modules) { const options = modules.options; options.add(["sanitizeitems", "si"], "The default list of private items to sanitize", "stringlist", "all", { get values() values(sanitizer.itemMap).toArray(), completer: function completer(context, extra) { if (context.filter[0] == "!") context.advance(1); return completer.superapply(this, arguments); }, has: function has(val) let (res = array.nth(this.value, v => (v == "all" || v.replace(/^!/, "") == val), 0)) res && !/^!/.test(res), validator: function (values) values.length && values.every(val => (val === "all" || Set.has(sanitizer.itemMap, val.replace(/^!/, "")))) }); options.add(["sanitizeshutdown", "ss"], "The items to sanitize automatically at shutdown", "stringlist", "", { initialValue: true, get values() [i for (i in values(sanitizer.itemMap)) if (i.persistent || i.builtin)], getter: function () !sanitizer.runAtShutdown ? [] : [ item.name for (item in values(sanitizer.itemMap)) if (item.shouldSanitize(true)) ], setter: function (value) { if (value.length === 0) sanitizer.runAtShutdown = false; else { sanitizer.runAtShutdown = true; let have = Set(value); for (let item in values(sanitizer.itemMap)) prefs.set(item.shutdownPref, Boolean(Set.has(have, item.name) ^ Set.has(have, "all"))); } return value; } }); options.add(["sanitizetimespan", "sts"], "The default sanitizer time span", "string", "all", { completer: function (context) { context.compare = context.constructor.Sort.Unsorted; context.completions = this.values; }, values: { "all": "Everything", "session": "The current session", "10m": "Last ten minutes", "1h": "Past hour", "1d": "Past day", "1w": "Past week" }, validator: bind("test", /^(a(ll)?|s(ession)|\d+[mhdw])$/) }); options.add(["cookies", "ck"], "The default mode for newly added cookie permissions", "stringlist", "session", { get values() Sanitizer.COMMANDS }); options.add(["cookieaccept", "ca"], "When to accept cookies", "string", "all", { PREF: "network.cookie.cookieBehavior", values: [ ["all", "Accept all cookies"], ["samesite", "Accept all non-third-party cookies"], ["none", "Accept no cookies"] ], getter: function () (this.values[prefs.get(this.PREF)] || ["all"])[0], setter: function (val) { prefs.set(this.PREF, this.values.map(i => i[0]).indexOf(val)); return val; }, initialValue: true, persist: false }); options.add(["cookielifetime", "cl"], "The lifetime for which to accept cookies", "string", "default", { PREF: "network.cookie.lifetimePolicy", PREF_DAYS: "network.cookie.lifetime.days", values: [ ["default", "The lifetime requested by the setter"], ["prompt", "Always prompt for a lifetime"], ["session", "The current session"] ], getter: function () (this.values[prefs.get(this.PREF)] || [prefs.get(this.PREF_DAYS)])[0], setter: function (value) { let val = this.values.map(i => i[0]).indexOf(value); if (val > -1) prefs.set(this.PREF, val); else { prefs.set(this.PREF, 3); prefs.set(this.PREF_DAYS, parseInt(value)); } }, initialValue: true, persist: false, validator: function validator(val) parseInt(val) == val || validator.superapply(this, arguments) }); } }); endModule(); // catch(e){dump(e.fileName+":"+e.lineNumber+": "+e+"\n" + e.stack);} // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 sts=4 ts=8 et ft=javascript: