// Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; defineModule("protocol", { exports: ["LocaleChannel", "Protocol", "RedirectChannel", "StringChannel", "XMLChannel"], require: ["services", "util"] }); var systemPrincipal = Cc["@mozilla.org/systemprincipal;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPrincipal); function Channel(url, orig, noErrorChannel, unprivileged) { try { if (url == null) return noErrorChannel ? null : NetError(orig); if (url instanceof Ci.nsIChannel) return url; if (typeof url === "function") return let ([type, data] = url(orig)) StringChannel(data, type, orig); if (isArray(url)) return let ([type, data] = url) StringChannel(data, type, orig); let uri = services.io.newURI(url, null, null); return (new XMLChannel(uri, null, noErrorChannel)).channel; } catch (e) { util.reportError(e); util.dump(url); throw e; } } function NetError(orig, error) { return services.InterfacePointer({ QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIChannel]), name: orig.spec, URI: orig, originalURI: orig, asyncOpen: function () { throw error || Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; }, open: function () { throw error || Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } }).data.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIChannel); } function RedirectChannel(to, orig, time, message) { let html = DOM.toXML( ["html", {}, ["head", {}, ["meta", { "http-equiv": "Refresh", content: (time || 0) + ";" + to }]], ["body", {}, ["h2", { style: "text-align: center" }, message || ""]]]); return StringChannel(html, "text/html", services.io.newURI(to, null, null)); } function Protocol(scheme, classID, contentBase) { function Protocol() { ProtocolBase.call(this); } Protocol.prototype = { __proto__: ProtocolBase.prototype, classID: Components.ID(classID), scheme: scheme, contentBase: contentBase, _xpcom_factory: JSMLoader.Factory(Protocol) }; return Protocol; } function ProtocolBase() { this.wrappedJSObject = this; this.pages = {}; this.providers = { "content": function (uri, path) this.pages[path] || this.contentBase + path, "data": function (uri) { var channel = services.io.newChannel(uri.path.replace(/^\/(.*)(?:#.*)?/, "data:$1"), null, null); channel.contentCharset = "UTF-8"; channel.owner = systemPrincipal; channel.originalURI = uri; return channel; } }; } ProtocolBase.prototype = { get contractID() services.PROTOCOL + this.scheme, get classDescription() this.scheme + " utility protocol", QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIProtocolHandler]), purge: function purge() { for (let doc in util.iterDocuments()) try { if (doc.documentURIObject.scheme == this.scheme) doc.defaultView.close(); } catch (e) { util.reportError(e); } }, defaultPort: -1, allowPort: function (port, scheme) false, protocolFlags: 0 | Ci.nsIProtocolHandler.URI_IS_UI_RESOURCE | Ci.nsIProtocolHandler.URI_IS_LOCAL_RESOURCE, newURI: function newURI(spec, charset, baseURI) { if (baseURI && (!(baseURI instanceof Ci.nsIURL) || baseURI.host === "data")) baseURI = null; return services.URL(services.URL.URLTYPE_AUTHORITY, this.defaultPort, spec, charset, baseURI); }, newChannel: function newChannel(uri) { try { uri.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIURL); let path = decodeURIComponent(uri.filePath.substr(1)); if (uri.host in this.providers) return Channel(this.providers[uri.host].call(this, uri, path), uri); return NetError(uri); } catch (e) { util.reportError(e); throw e; } } }; function LocaleChannel(pkg, locale, path, orig) { for (let locale of [locale, "en-US"]) for (let sep of "-/") { var channel = Channel(["resource:/", pkg + sep + locale, path].join("/"), orig, true, true); if (channel) return channel; } return NetError(orig); } function StringChannel(data, contentType, uri) { let channel = services.StreamChannel(uri); channel.contentStream = services.CharsetConv("UTF-8").convertToInputStream(data); if (contentType) channel.contentType = contentType; channel.contentCharset = "UTF-8"; channel.owner = systemPrincipal; if (uri) channel.originalURI = uri; return channel; } function XMLChannel(uri, contentType, noErrorChannel, unprivileged) { try { var channel = services.io.newChannelFromURI(uri); var channelStream = channel.open(); } catch (e) { this.channel = noErrorChannel ? null : NetError(uri); return; } this.uri = uri; this.sourceChannel = services.io.newChannelFromURI(uri); this.pipe = services.Pipe(true, true, 0, 0, null); this.writes = []; this.channel = services.StreamChannel(uri); this.channel.contentStream = this.pipe.inputStream; this.channel.contentType = contentType || channel.contentType; this.channel.contentCharset = "UTF-8"; if (!unprivileged) this.channel.owner = systemPrincipal; let type = this.channel.contentType; if (/^text\/|[\/+]xml$/.test(type)) { let stream = services.InputStream(channelStream); let [, pre, doctype, url, extra, open, post] = util.regexp(literal(/* ^ ([^]*?) (?: (\s]|\s[^[])*)) (\s+ \[)? ([^]*) )? $ */), "x").exec(stream.read(4096)); this.writes.push(pre); if (doctype) { this.writes.push(doctype + (extra || "") + " [\n"); if (url) this.addChannel(url); if (!open) this.writes.push("\n]"); for (let [, pre, url] in util.regexp.iterate(/([^]*?)(?:%include\s+"([^"]*)";|$)/gy, post)) { this.writes.push(pre); if (url) this.addChannel(url); } } } this.writes.push(channelStream); this.writeNext(); } XMLChannel.prototype = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIRequestObserver]), addChannel: function addChannel(url) { try { this.writes.push(services.io.newChannel(url, null, this.uri).open()); } catch (e) { util.dump("addChannel('" + url + "'):"); util.reportError(e); } }, writeNext: function () { try { if (!this.writes.length) this.pipe.outputStream.close(); else { let stream = this.writes.shift(); if (isString(stream)) stream = services.StringStream(stream); services.StreamCopier(stream, this.pipe.outputStream, null, false, true, 4096, true, false) .asyncCopy(this, null); } } catch (e) { util.reportError(e); } }, onStartRequest: function (request, context) {}, onStopRequest: function (request, context, statusCode) { this.writeNext(); } }; endModule(); // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 sts=4 ts=8 et ft=javascript: