// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 by Martin Stubenschrott // Copyright (c) 2007-2011 by Doug Kearns // Copyright (c) 2008-2011 by Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. /* use strict */ try { Components.utils.import("resource://dactyl/bootstrap.jsm"); defineModule("options", { exports: ["Option", "Options", "ValueError", "options"], require: ["contexts", "messages", "storage"] }, this); this.lazyRequire("config", ["config"]); /** @scope modules */ let ValueError = Class("ValueError", ErrorBase); // do NOT create instances of this class yourself, use the helper method // options.add() instead /** * A class representing configuration options. Instances are created by the * {@link Options} class. * * @param {[string]} names The names by which this option is identified. * @param {string} description A short one line description of the option. * @param {string} type The option's value data type (see {@link Option#type}). * @param {string} defaultValue The default value for this option. * @param {Object} extraInfo An optional extra configuration hash. The * following properties are supported. * completer - see {@link Option#completer} * domains - see {@link Option#domains} * getter - see {@link Option#getter} * initialValue - Initial value is loaded from getter * persist - see {@link Option#persist} * privateData - see {@link Option#privateData} * scope - see {@link Option#scope} * setter - see {@link Option#setter} * validator - see {@link Option#validator} * @optional * @private */ var Option = Class("Option", { init: function init(modules, names, description, defaultValue, extraInfo) { this.modules = modules; this.name = names[0]; this.realNames = names; this.description = description; if (extraInfo) this.update(extraInfo); this._defaultValue = defaultValue; if (this.globalValue == undefined && !this.initialValue) this.globalValue = this.defaultValue; }, magicalProperties: Set(["cleanupValue"]), /** * @property {string} This option's description, as shown in :listoptions. */ description: Messages.Localized(""), get helpTag() "'" + this.name + "'", initValue: function initValue() { util.trapErrors(function () this.value = this.value, this); }, get isDefault() this.stringValue === this.stringDefaultValue, /** @property {value} The value to reset this option to at cleanup time. */ get cleanupValue() options.cleanupPrefs.get(this.name), set cleanupValue(value) { if (options.cleanupPrefs.get(this.name) == null) options.cleanupPrefs.set(this.name, value); }, /** @property {value} The option's global value. @see #scope */ get globalValue() { let val = options.store.get(this.name, {}).value; if (val != null) return val; return this.globalValue = this.defaultValue; }, set globalValue(val) { options.store.set(this.name, { value: val, time: Date.now() }); }, /** * Returns *value* as an array of parsed values if the option type is * "charlist" or "stringlist" or else unchanged. * * @param {value} value The option value. * @returns {value|[string]} */ parse: function parse(value) Option.dequote(value), /** * Returns *values* packed in the appropriate format for the option type. * * @param {value|[string]} values The option value. * @returns {value} */ stringify: function stringify(vals) Commands.quote(vals), /** * Returns the option's value as an array of parsed values if the option * type is "charlist" or "stringlist" or else the simple value. * * @param {number} scope The scope to return these values from (see * {@link Option#scope}). * @returns {value|[string]} */ get: function get(scope) { if (scope) { if ((scope & this.scope) == 0) // option doesn't exist in this scope return null; } else scope = this.scope; let values; /* if (config.has("tabs") && (scope & Option.SCOPE_LOCAL)) values = tabs.options[this.name]; */ if ((scope & Option.SCOPE_GLOBAL) && (values == undefined)) values = this.globalValue; if (this.getter) return util.trapErrors(this.getter, this, values); return values; }, /** * Sets the option's value from an array of values if the option type is * "charlist" or "stringlist" or else the simple value. * * @param {number} scope The scope to apply these values to (see * {@link Option#scope}). */ set: function set(newValues, scope, skipGlobal) { scope = scope || this.scope; if ((scope & this.scope) == 0) // option doesn't exist in this scope return; if (this.setter) newValues = this.setter(newValues); if (newValues === undefined) return; /* if (config.has("tabs") && (scope & Option.SCOPE_LOCAL)) tabs.options[this.name] = newValues; */ if ((scope & Option.SCOPE_GLOBAL) && !skipGlobal) this.globalValue = newValues; this.hasChanged = true; this.setFrom = null; // dactyl.triggerObserver("options." + this.name, newValues); }, getValues: deprecated("Option#get", "get"), setValues: deprecated("Option#set", "set"), joinValues: deprecated("Option#stringify", "stringify"), parseValues: deprecated("Option#parse", "parse"), /** * @property {value} The option's current value. The option's local value, * or if no local value is set, this is equal to the * (@link #globalValue). */ get value() this.get(), set value(val) this.set(val), get stringValue() this.stringify(this.value), set stringValue(value) this.value = this.parse(value), get stringDefaultValue() this.stringify(this.defaultValue), set stringDefaultValue(val) this.defaultValue = this.parse(val), getKey: function getKey(key) undefined, /** * Returns whether the option value contains one or more of the specified * arguments. * * @returns {boolean} */ has: function has() Array.some(arguments, function (val) this.value.indexOf(val) >= 0, this), /** * Returns whether this option is identified by *name*. * * @param {string} name * @returns {boolean} */ hasName: function hasName(name) this.names.indexOf(name) >= 0, /** * Returns whether the specified *values* are valid for this option. * @see Option#validator */ isValidValue: function isValidValue(values) this.validator(values), invalidArgument: function invalidArgument(arg, op) _("error.invalidArgument", this.name + (op || "").replace(/=?$/, "=") + arg), /** * Resets the option to its default value. */ reset: function reset() { this.value = this.defaultValue; }, /** * Sets the option's value using the specified set *operator*. * * @param {string} operator The set operator. * @param {value|[string]} values The value (or values) to apply. * @param {number} scope The scope to apply this value to (see * {@link #scope}). * @param {boolean} invert Whether this is an invert boolean operation. */ op: function op(operator, values, scope, invert, str) { try { var newValues = this._op(operator, values, scope, invert); if (newValues == null) return _("option.operatorNotSupported", operator, this.type); if (!this.isValidValue(newValues)) return this.invalidArgument(str || this.stringify(values), operator); this.set(newValues, scope); } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof ValueError)) util.reportError(e); return this.invalidArgument(str || this.stringify(values), operator) + ": " + e.message; } return null; }, // Properties {{{2 /** @property {string} The option's canonical name. */ name: null, /** @property {[string]} All names by which this option is identified. */ names: Class.Memoize(function () this.realNames), /** * @property {string} The option's data type. One of: * "boolean" - Boolean, e.g., true * "number" - Integer, e.g., 1 * "string" - String, e.g., "Pentadactyl" * "charlist" - Character list, e.g., "rb" * "regexplist" - Regexp list, e.g., "^foo,bar$" * "stringmap" - String map, e.g., "key:v,foo:bar" * "regexpmap" - Regexp map, e.g., "^key:v,foo$:bar" */ type: null, /** * @property {number} The scope of the option. This can be local, global, * or both. * @see Option#SCOPE_LOCAL * @see Option#SCOPE_GLOBAL * @see Option#SCOPE_BOTH */ scope: 1, // Option.SCOPE_GLOBAL // XXX set to BOTH by default someday? - kstep /** * @property {function(CompletionContext, Args)} This option's completer. * @see CompletionContext */ completer: function completer(context, extra) { if (/map$/.test(this.type) && extra.value == null) return; if (this.values) context.completions = this.values; }, /** * @property {[[string, string]]} This option's possible values. * @see CompletionContext */ values: Messages.Localized(null), /** * @property {function(host, values)} A function which should return a list * of domains referenced in the given values. Used in determining whether * to purge the command from history when clearing private data. * @see Command#domains */ domains: null, /** * @property {function(host, values)} A function which should strip * references to a given domain from the given values. */ filterDomain: function filterDomain(host, values) Array.filter(values, function (val) !this.domains([val]).some(function (val) util.isSubdomain(val, host)), this), /** * @property {value} The option's default value. This value will be used * unless the option is explicitly set either interactively or in an RC * file or plugin. */ defaultValue: Class.Memoize(function () { let defaultValue = this._defaultValue; delete this._defaultValue; if (Set.has(this.modules.config.optionDefaults, this.name)) defaultValue = this.modules.config.optionDefaults[this.name]; if (defaultValue == null && this.getter) defaultValue = this.getter(); if (defaultValue == undefined) return null; if (this.type === "string") defaultValue = Commands.quote(defaultValue); if (isArray(defaultValue)) defaultValue = defaultValue.map(Option.quote).join(","); else if (isObject(defaultValue)) defaultValue = iter(defaultValue).map(function (val) val.map(Option.quote).join(":")).join(","); if (isArray(defaultValue)) defaultValue = defaultValue.map(Option.quote).join(","); return this.parse(defaultValue); }), /** * @property {function} The function called when the option value is read. */ getter: null, /** * @property {boolean} When true, this options values will be saved * when generating a configuration file. * @default true */ persist: true, /** * @property {boolean|function(values)} When true, values of this * option may contain private data which should be purged from * saved histories when clearing private data. If a function, it * should return true if an invocation with the given values * contains private data */ privateData: false, /** * @property {function} The function called when the option value is set. */ setter: null, testValues: function testValues(values, validator) validator(values), /** * @property {function} The function called to validate the option's value * when set. */ validator: function validator() { if (this.values || this.completer !== Option.prototype.completer) return Option.validateCompleter.apply(this, arguments); return true; }, /** * @property {boolean} Set to true whenever the option is first set. This * is useful to see whether it was changed from its default value * interactively or by some RC file. */ hasChanged: false, /** * Returns the timestamp when the option's value was last changed. */ get lastSet() options.store.get(this.name).time, set lastSet(val) { options.store.set(this.name, { value: this.globalValue, time: Date.now() }); }, /** * @property {nsIFile} The script in which this option was last set. null * implies an interactive command. */ setFrom: null }, { /** * @property {number} Global option scope. * @final */ SCOPE_GLOBAL: 1, /** * @property {number} Local option scope. Options in this scope only * apply to the current tab/buffer. * @final */ SCOPE_LOCAL: 2, /** * @property {number} Both local and global option scope. * @final */ SCOPE_BOTH: 3, has: { toggleAll: function toggleAll() toggleAll.supercall(this, "all") ^ !!toggleAll.superapply(this, arguments), }, parseRegexp: function parseRegexp(value, result, flags) { let keepQuotes = this && this.keepQuotes; if (isArray(flags)) // Called by Array.map result = flags = undefined; if (flags == null) flags = this && this.regexpFlags || ""; let [, bang, val] = /^(!?)(.*)/.exec(value); let re = util.regexp(Option.dequote(val), flags); re.bang = bang; re.result = result !== undefined ? result : !bang; re.key = re.bang + Option.quote(util.regexp.getSource(re), /^!|:/); re.toString = function () Option.unparseRegexp(this, keepQuotes); return re; }, unparseRegexp: function unparseRegexp(re, quoted) re.bang + Option.quote(util.regexp.getSource(re), /^!|:/) + (typeof re.result === "boolean" ? "" : ":" + (quoted ? re.result : Option.quote(re.result))), parseSite: function parseSite(pattern, result, rest) { if (isArray(rest)) // Called by Array.map result = undefined; let [, bang, filter] = /^(!?)(.*)/.exec(pattern); filter = Option.dequote(filter); let quote = this.keepQuotes ? util.identity : Option.quote; return update(Styles.matchFilter(filter), { bang: bang, filter: filter, result: result !== undefined ? result : !bang, toString: function toString() this.bang + Option.quote(this.filter, /:/) + (typeof this.result === "boolean" ? "" : ":" + quote(this.result)), }); }, getKey: { stringlist: function stringlist(k) this.value.indexOf(k) >= 0, get charlist() this.stringlist, regexplist: function regexplist(k, default_) { for (let re in values(this.value)) if ((re.test || re).call(re, k)) return re.result; return arguments.length > 1 ? default_ : null; }, get regexpmap() this.regexplist, get sitelist() this.regexplist, get sitemap() this.regexplist }, domains: { sitelist: function (vals) array.compact(vals.map(function (site) util.getHost(site.filter))), get sitemap() this.sitelist }, stringify: { charlist: function (vals) Commands.quote(vals.join("")), stringlist: function (vals) vals.map(Option.quote).join(","), stringmap: function (vals) [Option.quote(k, /:/) + ":" + Option.quote(v) for ([k, v] in Iterator(vals))].join(","), regexplist: function (vals) vals.join(","), get regexpmap() this.regexplist, get sitelist() this.regexplist, get sitemap() this.regexplist }, parse: { number: function (value) let (val = Option.dequote(value)) Option.validIf(Number(val) % 1 == 0, _("option.intRequired")) && parseInt(val), boolean: function boolean(value) Option.dequote(value) == "true" || value == true ? true : false, charlist: function charlist(value) Array.slice(Option.dequote(value)), stringlist: function stringlist(value) (value === "") ? [] : Option.splitList(value), regexplist: function regexplist(value) (value === "") ? [] : Option.splitList(value, true) .map(function (re) Option.parseRegexp(re, undefined, this.regexpFlags), this), sitelist: function sitelist(value) { if (value === "") return []; if (!isArray(value)) value = Option.splitList(value, true); return value.map(Option.parseSite, this); }, stringmap: function stringmap(value) array.toObject( Option.splitList(value, true).map(function (v) { let [count, key, quote] = Commands.parseArg(v, /:/); return [key, Option.dequote(v.substr(count + 1))]; })), regexpmap: function regexpmap(value) Option.parse.list.call(this, value, Option.parseRegexp), sitemap: function sitemap(value) Option.parse.list.call(this, value, Option.parseSite), list: function list(value, parse) let (prev = null) array.compact(Option.splitList(value, true).map(function (v) { let [count, filter, quote] = Commands.parseArg(v, /:/, true); let val = v.substr(count + 1); if (!this.keepQuotes) val = Option.dequote(val); if (v.length > count) return prev = parse.call(this, filter, val); else { util.assert(prev, _("error.syntaxError"), false); prev.result += "," + v; } }, this)) }, testValues: { regexpmap: function regexpmap(vals, validator) vals.every(function (re) validator(re.result)), get sitemap() this.regexpmap, stringlist: function stringlist(vals, validator) vals.every(validator, this), stringmap: function stringmap(vals, validator) values(vals).every(validator, this) }, dequote: function dequote(value) { let arg; [, arg, Option._quote] = Commands.parseArg(String(value), ""); Option._splitAt = 0; return arg; }, splitList: function splitList(value, keepQuotes) { let res = []; Option._splitAt = 0; while (value.length) { if (count !== undefined) value = value.slice(1); var [count, arg, quote] = Commands.parseArg(value, /,/, keepQuotes); Option._quote = quote; // FIXME res.push(arg); if (value.length > count) Option._splitAt += count + 1; value = value.slice(count); } return res; }, quote: function quote(str, re) isArray(str) ? str.map(function (s) quote(s, re)).join(",") : Commands.quoteArg[/[\s|"'\\,]|^$/.test(str) || re && re.test && re.test(str) ? (/[\b\f\n\r\t]/.test(str) ? '"' : "'") : ""](str, re), ops: { boolean: function boolean(operator, values, scope, invert) { if (operator != "=") return null; if (invert) return !this.value; return values; }, number: function number(operator, values, scope, invert) { if (invert) values = values[(values.indexOf(String(this.value)) + 1) % values.length]; let value = parseInt(values); util.assert(Number(values) % 1 == 0, _("command.set.numberRequired", this.name, values)); switch (operator) { case "+": return this.value + value; case "-": return this.value - value; case "^": return this.value * value; case "=": return value; } return null; }, string: function string(operator, values, scope, invert) { if (invert) return values[(values.indexOf(this.value) + 1) % values.length]; switch (operator) { case "+": return this.value + values; case "-": return this.value.replace(values, ""); case "^": return values + this.value; case "=": return values; } return null; }, stringmap: function stringmap(operator, values, scope, invert) { let res = update({}, this.value); switch (operator) { // The result is the same. case "+": case "^": return update(res, values); case "-": for (let [k, v] in Iterator(values)) if (v === res[k]) delete res[k]; return res; case "=": if (invert) { for (let [k, v] in Iterator(values)) if (v === res[k]) delete res[k]; else res[k] = v; return res; } return values; } return null; }, stringlist: function stringlist(operator, values, scope, invert) { values = Array.concat(values); function uniq(ary) { let seen = {}; return ary.filter(function (elem) !Set.add(seen, elem)); } switch (operator) { case "+": return uniq(Array.concat(this.value, values), true); case "^": // NOTE: Vim doesn't prepend if there's a match in the current value return uniq(Array.concat(values, this.value), true); case "-": return this.value.filter(function (item) !Set.has(this, item), Set(values)); case "=": if (invert) { let keepValues = this.value.filter(function (item) !Set.has(this, item), Set(values)); let addValues = values.filter(function (item) !Set.has(this, item), Set(this.value)); return addValues.concat(keepValues); } return values; } return null; }, get charlist() this.stringlist, get regexplist() this.stringlist, get regexpmap() this.stringlist, get sitelist() this.stringlist, get sitemap() this.stringlist }, validIf: function validIf(test, error) { if (test) return true; throw ValueError(error); }, /** * Validates the specified *values* against values generated by the * option's completer function. * * @param {value|[string]} values The value or array of values to validate. * @returns {boolean} */ validateCompleter: function validateCompleter(vals) { function completions(extra) { let context = CompletionContext(""); return context.fork("", 0, this, this.completer, extra) || context.allItems.items.map(function (item) [item.text]); }; if (isObject(vals) && !isArray(vals)) { let k = values(completions.call(this, { values: {} })).toObject(); let v = values(completions.call(this, { value: "" })).toObject(); return Object.keys(vals).every(Set.has(k)) && values(vals).every(Set.has(v)); } if (this.values) var acceptable = this.values.array || this.values; else acceptable = completions.call(this); if (isArray(acceptable)) acceptable = Set(acceptable.map(function ([k]) k)); if (this.type === "regexpmap" || this.type === "sitemap") return Array.concat(vals).every(function (re) Set.has(acceptable, re.result)); return Array.concat(vals).every(Set.has(acceptable)); }, types: {} }); ["Boolean", "Charlist", "Number", "RegexpList", "RegexpMap", "SiteList", "SiteMap", "String", "StringList", "StringMap"].forEach(function (name) { let type = name.toLowerCase(); let class_ = Class(name + "Option", Option, { type: type, _op: Option.ops[type] }); if (type in Option.getKey) class_.prototype.getKey = Option.getKey[type]; if (type in Option.parse) class_.prototype.parse = Option.parse[type]; if (type in Option.stringify) class_.prototype.stringify = Option.stringify[type]; if (type in Option.domains) class_.prototype.domains = Option.domains[type]; if (type in Option.testValues) class_.prototype.testValues = Option.testValues[type]; Option.types[type] = class_; this[class_.className] = class_; EXPORTED_SYMBOLS.push(class_.className); }, this); update(BooleanOption.prototype, { names: Class.Memoize(function () array.flatten([[name, "no" + name] for (name in values(this.realNames))])) }); var OptionHive = Class("OptionHive", Contexts.Hive, { init: function init(group) { init.supercall(this, group); this.values = {}; this.has = Set.has(this.values); }, add: function add(names, description, type, defaultValue, extraInfo) { return this.modules.options.add(names, description, type, defaultValue, extraInfo); } }); /** * @instance options */ var Options = Module("options", { Local: function Local(dactyl, modules, window) let ({ contexts } = modules) ({ init: function init() { const self = this; update(this, { hives: contexts.Hives("options", Class("OptionHive", OptionHive, { modules: modules })), user: contexts.hives.options.user }); this.needInit = []; this._options = []; this._optionMap = {}; storage.newMap("options", { store: false }); storage.addObserver("options", function optionObserver(key, event, option) { // Trigger any setters. let opt = self.get(option); if (event == "change" && opt) opt.set(opt.globalValue, Option.SCOPE_GLOBAL, true); }, window); modules.cache.register("options.dtd", function () util.makeDTD( iter(([["option", o.name, "default"].join("."), o.type === "string" ? o.defaultValue.replace(/'/g, "''") : o.defaultValue === true ? "on" : o.defaultValue === false ? "off" : o.stringDefaultValue] for (o in self)), ([["option", o.name, "type"].join("."), o.type] for (o in self)), config.dtd))); }, signals: { "io.source": function ioSource(context, file, modTime) { cache.flushEntry("options.dtd", modTime); } }, dactyl: dactyl, /** * Lists all options in *scope* or only those with changed values if * *onlyNonDefault* is specified. * * @param {function(Option)} filter Limit the list * @param {number} scope Only list options in this scope (see * {@link Option#scope}). */ list: function list(filter, scope) { if (!scope) scope = Option.SCOPE_BOTH; function opts(opt) { for (let opt in Iterator(this)) { let option = { __proto__: opt, isDefault: opt.isDefault, default: opt.stringDefaultValue, pre: "\u00a0\u00a0", // Unicode nonbreaking space. value: <> }; if (filter && !filter(opt)) continue; if (!(opt.scope & scope)) continue; if (opt.type == "boolean") { if (!opt.value) option.pre = "no"; option.default = (opt.defaultValue ? "" : "no") + opt.name; } else if (isArray(opt.value) && opt.type != "charlist") option.value = <>={template.map(opt.value, function (v) template.highlight(String(v)), <>, )}; else option.value = <>={template.highlight(opt.stringValue)}; yield option; } }; modules.commandline.commandOutput(template.options("Options", opts.call(this), this["verbose"] > 0)); }, cleanup: function cleanup() { for (let opt in this) if (opt.cleanupValue != null) opt.stringValue = opt.cleanupValue; }, /** * Adds a new option. * * @param {[string]} names All names for the option. * @param {string} description A description of the option. * @param {string} type The option type (see {@link Option#type}). * @param {value} defaultValue The option's default value. * @param {Object} extra An optional extra configuration hash (see * {@link Map#extraInfo}). * @optional */ add: function add(names, description, type, defaultValue, extraInfo) { const self = this; if (!util.isDactyl(Components.stack.caller)) deprecated.warn(add, "options.add", "group.options.add"); util.assert(type in Option.types, _("option.noSuchType", type), false); if (!extraInfo) extraInfo = {}; extraInfo.definedAt = contexts.getCaller(Components.stack.caller); let name = names[0]; if (name in this._optionMap) { this.dactyl.log(_("option.replaceExisting", name.quote()), 1); this.remove(name); } let closure = function () self._optionMap[name]; memoize(this._optionMap, name, function () Option.types[type](modules, names, description, defaultValue, extraInfo)); for (let alias in values(names.slice(1))) memoize(this._optionMap, alias, closure); if (extraInfo.setter && (!extraInfo.scope || extraInfo.scope & Option.SCOPE_GLOBAL)) if (this.dactyl.initialized) closure().initValue(); else memoize(this.needInit, this.needInit.length, closure); this._floptions = (this._floptions || []).concat(name); memoize(this._options, this._options.length, closure); // quickly access options with options["wildmode"]: this.__defineGetter__(name, function () this._optionMap[name].value); this.__defineSetter__(name, function (value) { this._optionMap[name].value = value; }); } }), /** @property {Iterator(Option)} @private */ __iterator__: function __iterator__() values(this._options.sort(function (a, b) String.localeCompare(a.name, b.name))), allPrefs: deprecated("prefs.getNames", function allPrefs() prefs.getNames.apply(prefs, arguments)), getPref: deprecated("prefs.get", function getPref() prefs.get.apply(prefs, arguments)), invertPref: deprecated("prefs.invert", function invertPref() prefs.invert.apply(prefs, arguments)), listPrefs: deprecated("prefs.list", function listPrefs() { this.modules.commandline.commandOutput(prefs.list.apply(prefs, arguments)); }), observePref: deprecated("prefs.observe", function observePref() prefs.observe.apply(prefs, arguments)), popContext: deprecated("prefs.popContext", function popContext() prefs.popContext.apply(prefs, arguments)), pushContext: deprecated("prefs.pushContext", function pushContext() prefs.pushContext.apply(prefs, arguments)), resetPref: deprecated("prefs.reset", function resetPref() prefs.reset.apply(prefs, arguments)), safeResetPref: deprecated("prefs.safeReset", function safeResetPref() prefs.safeReset.apply(prefs, arguments)), safeSetPref: deprecated("prefs.safeSet", function safeSetPref() prefs.safeSet.apply(prefs, arguments)), setPref: deprecated("prefs.set", function setPref() prefs.set.apply(prefs, arguments)), withContext: deprecated("prefs.withContext", function withContext() prefs.withContext.apply(prefs, arguments)), cleanupPrefs: Class.Memoize(function () config.prefs.Branch("cleanup.option.")), cleanup: function cleanup(reason) { if (~["disable", "uninstall"].indexOf(reason)) this.cleanupPrefs.resetBranch(); }, /** * Returns the option with *name* in the specified *scope*. * * @param {string} name The option's name. * @param {number} scope The option's scope (see {@link Option#scope}). * @optional * @returns {Option} The matching option. */ get: function get(name, scope) { if (!scope) scope = Option.SCOPE_BOTH; if (this._optionMap[name] && (this._optionMap[name].scope & scope)) return this._optionMap[name]; return null; }, /** * Parses a :set command's argument string. * * @param {string} args The :set command's argument string. * @param {Object} modifiers A hash of parsing modifiers. These are: * scope - see {@link Option#scope} * @optional * @returns {Object} The parsed command object. */ parseOpt: function parseOpt(args, modifiers) { let res = {}; let matches, prefix, postfix; [matches, prefix, res.name, postfix, res.valueGiven, res.operator, res.value] = args.match(/^\s*(no|inv)?([^=]+?)([?&!])?\s*(([-+^]?)=(.*))?\s*$/) || []; res.args = args; res.onlyNonDefault = false; // used for :set to print non-default options if (!args) { res.name = "all"; res.onlyNonDefault = true; } if (matches) { if (res.option = this.get(res.name, res.scope)) { if (prefix === "no" && res.option.type !== "boolean") res.option = null; } else if (res.option = this.get(prefix + res.name, res.scope)) { res.name = prefix + res.name; prefix = ""; } } res.prefix = prefix; res.postfix = postfix; res.all = (res.name == "all"); res.get = (res.all || postfix == "?" || (res.option && res.option.type != "boolean" && !res.valueGiven)); res.invert = (prefix == "inv" || postfix == "!"); res.reset = (postfix == "&"); res.unsetBoolean = (prefix == "no"); res.scope = modifiers && modifiers.scope; if (!res.option) return res; if (res.value === undefined) res.value = ""; res.optionValue = res.option.get(res.scope); try { if (!res.invert || res.option.type != "number") // Hack. res.values = res.option.parse(res.value); } catch (e) { res.error = e; } return res; }, /** * Remove the option with matching *name*. * * @param {string} name The name of the option to remove. This can be * any of the option's names. */ remove: function remove(name) { let opt = this.get(name); this._options = this._options.filter(function (o) o != opt); for (let name in values(opt.names)) delete this._optionMap[name]; }, /** @property {Object} The options store. */ get store() storage.options }, { }, { commands: function initCommands(dactyl, modules, window) { const { commands, contexts, options } = modules; let args = { getMode: function (args) findMode(args["-mode"]), iterate: function (args) { for (let map in mappings.iterate(this.getMode(args))) for (let name in values(map.names)) yield { name: name, __proto__: map }; }, format: { description: function (map) (XML.ignoreWhitespace = false, XML.prettyPrinting = false, <> {options.get("passkeys").has(map.name) ? ({ tempate.linkifyHelp(_("option.passkeys.passedBy")) }) : <>} {template.linkifyHelp(map.description)} ) } }; dactyl.addUsageCommand({ name: ["listo[ptions]", "lo"], description: "List all options along with their short descriptions", index: "option", iterate: function (args) options, format: { description: function (opt) (XML.ignoreWhitespace = false, XML.prettyPrinting = false, <> {opt.scope == Option.SCOPE_LOCAL ? ({_("option.bufferLocal")}) : ""} {template.linkifyHelp(opt.description)} ), help: function (opt) "'" + opt.name + "'" } }); function setAction(args, modifiers) { let bang = args.bang; if (!args.length) args[0] = ""; let list = []; function flushList() { let names = Set(list.map(function (opt) opt.option ? opt.option.name : "")); if (list.length) if (list.some(function (opt) opt.all)) options.list(function (opt) !(list[0].onlyNonDefault && opt.isDefault), list[0].scope); else options.list(function (opt) Set.has(names, opt.name), list[0].scope); list = []; } for (let [, arg] in args) { if (bang) { let onlyNonDefault = false; let reset = false; let invertBoolean = false; if (args[0] == "") { var name = "all"; onlyNonDefault = true; } else { var [matches, name, postfix, valueGiven, operator, value] = arg.match(/^\s*?((?:[^=\\']|\\.|'[^']*')+?)([?&!])?\s*(([-+^]?)=(.*))?\s*$/); reset = (postfix == "&"); invertBoolean = (postfix == "!"); } name = Option.dequote(name); if (name == "all" && reset) modules.commandline.input(_("pref.prompt.resetAll", config.host) + " ", function (resp) { if (resp == "yes") for (let pref in values(prefs.getNames())) prefs.reset(pref); }, { promptHighlight: "WarningMsg" }); else if (name == "all") modules.commandline.commandOutput(prefs.list(onlyNonDefault, "")); else if (reset) prefs.reset(name); else if (invertBoolean) prefs.toggle(name); else if (valueGiven) { if (value == undefined) value = ""; else if (value == "true") value = true; else if (value == "false") value = false; else if (Number(value) % 1 == 0) value = parseInt(value); else value = Option.dequote(value); if (operator) value = Option.ops[typeof value].call({ value: prefs.get(name) }, operator, value); prefs.set(name, value); } else modules.commandline.commandOutput(prefs.list(onlyNonDefault, name)); return; } let opt = modules.options.parseOpt(arg, modifiers); util.assert(opt, _("command.set.errorParsing", arg)); util.assert(!opt.error, _("command.set.errorParsing", opt.error)); let option = opt.option; util.assert(option != null || opt.all, _("command.set.unknownOption", opt.name)); // reset a variable to its default value if (opt.reset) { flushList(); if (opt.all) { for (let option in modules.options) option.reset(); } else { option.reset(); } } // read access else if (opt.get) list.push(opt); // write access else { flushList(); if (opt.option.type === "boolean") { util.assert(!opt.valueGiven, _("error.invalidArgument", arg)); opt.values = !opt.unsetBoolean; } else if (/^(string|number)$/.test(opt.option.type) && opt.invert) opt.values = Option.splitList(opt.value); try { var res = opt.option.op(opt.operator || "=", opt.values, opt.scope, opt.invert, opt.value); } catch (e) { res = e; } if (res) dactyl.echoerr(res); option.setFrom = contexts.getCaller(null); } } flushList(); } function setCompleter(context, args, modifiers) { const { completion } = modules; let filter = context.filter; if (args.bang) { // list completions for about:config entries if (filter[filter.length - 1] == "=") { context.advance(filter.length); filter = filter.substr(0, filter.length - 1); context.pushProcessor(0, function (item, text, next) next(item, text.substr(0, 100))); context.completions = [ [prefs.get(filter), _("option.currentValue")], [prefs.defaults.get(filter), _("option.defaultValue")] ].filter(function (k) k[0] != null); return null; } return completion.preference(context); } let opt = modules.options.parseOpt(filter, modifiers); let prefix = opt.prefix; context.highlight(); if (context.filter.indexOf("=") == -1) { if (false && prefix) context.filters.push(function ({ item }) item.type == "boolean" || prefix == "inv" && isArray(item.values)); return completion.option(context, opt.scope, opt.name == "inv" ? opt.name : prefix); } function error(length, message) { context.message = message; context.highlight(0, length, "SPELLCHECK"); } let option = opt.option; if (!option) return error(opt.name.length, _("option.noSuch", opt.name)); context.advance(context.filter.indexOf("=")); if (option.type == "boolean") return error(context.filter.length, _("error.trailingCharacters")); context.advance(1); if (opt.error) return error(context.filter.length, opt.error); if (opt.get || opt.reset || !option || prefix) return null; if (!opt.value && !opt.operator && !opt.invert) { context.fork("default", 0, this, function (context) { context.title = ["Extra Completions"]; context.pushProcessor(0, function (item, text, next) next(item, text.substr(0, 100))); context.completions = [ [option.stringValue, _("option.currentValue")], [option.stringDefaultValue, _("option.defaultValue")] ].filter(function (f) f[0] !== ""); context.quote = ["", util.identity, ""]; }); } let optcontext = context.fork("values"); modules.completion.optionValue(optcontext, opt.name, opt.operator); // Fill in the current values if we're removing if (opt.operator == "-" && isArray(opt.values)) { let have = Set([i.text for (i in values(context.allItems.items))]); context = context.fork("current-values", 0); context.anchored = optcontext.anchored; context.maxItems = optcontext.maxItems; context.filters.push(function (i) !Set.has(have, i.text)); modules.completion.optionValue(context, opt.name, opt.operator, null, function (context) { context.generate = function () option.value.map(function (o) [o, ""]); }); context.title = ["Current values"]; } } // TODO: deprecated. This needs to support "g:"-prefixed globals at a // minimum for now. The coderepos plugins make extensive use of global // variables. commands.add(["let"], "Set or list a variable", function (args) { let globalVariables = dactyl._globalVariables; args = (args[0] || "").trim(); function fmt(value) (typeof value == "number" ? "#" : typeof value == "function" ? "*" : " ") + value; if (!args || args == "g:") { let str = { template.map(globalVariables, function ([i, value]) { return ; }) }
{i} {fmt(value)}
; if (str.text().length() == str.*.length()) dactyl.echomsg(_("variable.none")); else dactyl.echo(str, modules.commandline.FORCE_MULTILINE); return; } let matches = args.match(/^([a-z]:)?([\w]+)(?:\s*([-+.])?=\s*(.*)?)?$/); if (matches) { let [, scope, name, op, expr] = matches; let fullName = (scope || "") + name; util.assert(scope == "g:" || scope == null, _("command.let.illegalVar", scope + name)); util.assert(Set.has(globalVariables, name) || (expr && !op), _("command.let.undefinedVar", fullName)); if (!expr) dactyl.echo(fullName + "\t\t" + fmt(globalVariables[name])); else { try { var newValue = dactyl.userEval(expr); } catch (e) {} util.assert(newValue !== undefined, _("command.let.invalidExpression", expr)); let value = newValue; if (op) { value = globalVariables[name]; if (op == "+") value += newValue; else if (op == "-") value -= newValue; else if (op == ".") value += String(newValue); } globalVariables[name] = value; } } else dactyl.echoerr(_("command.let.unexpectedChar")); }, { deprecated: "the options system", literal: 0 } ); [ { names: ["setl[ocal]"], description: "Set local option", modifiers: { scope: Option.SCOPE_LOCAL } }, { names: ["setg[lobal]"], description: "Set global option", modifiers: { scope: Option.SCOPE_GLOBAL } }, { names: ["se[t]"], description: "Set an option", modifiers: {}, extra: { serialize: function () [ { command: this.name, literalArg: [opt.type == "boolean" ? (opt.value ? "" : "no") + opt.name : opt.name + "=" + opt.stringValue] } for (opt in modules.options) if (!opt.getter && !opt.isDefault && (opt.scope & Option.SCOPE_GLOBAL)) ] } } ].forEach(function (params) { commands.add(params.names, params.description, function (args, modifiers) { setAction(args, update(modifiers, params.modifiers)); }, update({ bang: true, completer: setCompleter, domains: function domains(args) array.flatten(args.map(function (spec) { try { let opt = modules.options.parseOpt(spec); if (opt.option && opt.option.domains) return opt.option.domains(opt.values); } catch (e) { util.reportError(e); } return []; })), keepQuotes: true, privateData: function privateData(args) args.some(function (spec) { let opt = modules.options.parseOpt(spec); return opt.option && opt.option.privateData && (!callable(opt.option.privateData) || opt.option.privateData(opt.values)); }) }, params.extra || {})); }); // TODO: deprecated. This needs to support "g:"-prefixed globals at a // minimum for now. commands.add(["unl[et]"], "Delete a variable", function (args) { for (let [, name] in args) { name = name.replace(/^g:/, ""); // throw away the scope prefix if (!Set.has(dactyl._globalVariables, name)) { if (!args.bang) dactyl.echoerr(_("command.let.noSuch", name)); return; } delete dactyl._globalVariables[name]; } }, { argCount: "+", bang: true, deprecated: "the options system" }); }, completion: function initCompletion(dactyl, modules, window) { const { completion } = modules; completion.option = function option(context, scope, prefix) { context.title = ["Option"]; context.keys = { text: "names", description: "description" }; context.anchored = false; context.completions = modules.options; if (prefix == "inv") context.keys.text = function (opt) opt.type == "boolean" || isArray(opt.value) ? opt.names.map(function (n) "inv" + n) : opt.names; if (scope) context.filters.push(function ({ item }) item.scope & scope); }; completion.optionValue = function (context, name, op, curValue, completer) { let opt = modules.options.get(name); completer = completer || opt.completer; if (!completer || !opt) return; try { var curValues = curValue != null ? opt.parse(curValue) : opt.value; var newValues = opt.parse(context.filter); } catch (e) { context.message = _("error.error", e); context.completions = []; return; } let extra = {}; switch (opt.type) { case "boolean": return; case "sitelist": case "regexplist": newValues = Option.splitList(context.filter); // Fallthrough case "stringlist": break; case "charlist": Option._splitAt = newValues.length; break; case "stringmap": case "sitemap": case "regexpmap": let vals = Option.splitList(context.filter); let target = vals.pop() || ""; let [count, key, quote] = Commands.parseArg(target, /:/, true); let split = Option._splitAt; extra.key = Option.dequote(key); extra.value = count < target.length ? Option.dequote(target.substr(count + 1)) : null; extra.values = opt.parse(vals.join(",")); Option._splitAt = split + (extra.value == null ? 0 : count + 1); break; } // TODO: Highlight when invalid context.advance(Option._splitAt); context.filter = Option.dequote(context.filter); function val(obj) { if (isArray(opt.defaultValue)) { let val = array.nth(obj, function (re) re.key == extra.key, 0); return val && val.result; } if (Set.has(opt.defaultValue, extra.key)) return obj[extra.key]; } if (extra.key && extra.value != null) { context.fork("default", 0, this, function (context) { context.completions = [ [val(opt.value), _("option.currentValue")], [val(opt.defaultValue), _("option.defaultValue")] ].filter(function (f) f[0] !== "" && f[0] != null); }); context = context.fork("stuff", 0); } context.title = ["Option Value"]; context.quote = Commands.complQuote[Option._quote] || Commands.complQuote[""]; // Not Vim compatible, but is a significant enough improvement // that it's worth breaking compatibility. if (isArray(newValues)) { context.filters.push(function (i) newValues.indexOf(i.text) == -1); if (op == "+") context.filters.push(function (i) curValues.indexOf(i.text) == -1); if (op == "-") context.filters.push(function (i) curValues.indexOf(i.text) > -1); memoize(extra, "values", function () { if (op == "+") return curValues.concat(newValues); if (op == "-") return curValues.filter(function (v) newValues.indexOf(val) == -1); return newValues; }); } let res = completer.call(opt, context, extra); if (res) context.completions = res; }; }, javascript: function initJavascript(dactyl, modules, window) { const { options, JavaScript } = modules; JavaScript.setCompleter(Options.prototype.get, [function () ([o.name, o.description] for (o in options))]); }, sanitizer: function initSanitizer(dactyl, modules, window) { const { sanitizer } = modules; sanitizer.addItem("options", { description: "Options containing hostname data", action: function sanitize_action(timespan, host) { if (host) for (let opt in values(modules.options._options)) if (timespan.contains(opt.lastSet * 1000) && opt.domains) try { opt.value = opt.filterDomain(host, opt.value); } catch (e) { dactyl.reportError(e); } }, privateEnter: function privateEnter() { for (let opt in values(modules.options._options)) if (opt.privateData && (!callable(opt.privateData) || opt.privateData(opt.value))) opt.oldValue = opt.value; }, privateLeave: function privateLeave() { for (let opt in values(modules.options._options)) if (opt.oldValue != null) { opt.value = opt.oldValue; opt.oldValue = null; } } }); } }); endModule(); } catch(e){ if (!e.stack) e = Error(e); dump(e.fileName+":"+e.lineNumber+": "+e+"\n" + e.stack); } // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 ts=4 et ft=javascript: