// Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; defineModule("messages", { exports: ["Messages", "messages", "_"], require: ["services", "util"] }); var Messages = Module("messages", { init: function init(name = "messages") { let self = this; this.name = name; this._ = Class("_", String, { init: function _(message) { this.args = arguments; }, instance: {}, message: Class.Memoize(function () { let message = this.args[0]; if (this.args.length > 1) { let args = Array.slice(this.args, 1); return self.format(message + "-" + args.length, args, null) || self.format(message, args); } return self.get(message); }), valueOf: function valueOf() this.message, toString: function toString() this.message }); }, cleanup: function cleanup() { services.stringBundle.flushBundles(); }, bundles: Class.Memoize(function () array.uniq([JSMLoader.getTarget("dactyl://locale/" + this.name + ".properties"), JSMLoader.getTarget("dactyl://locale-local/" + this.name + ".properties"), "resource://dactyl-locale/en-US/" + this.name + ".properties", "resource://dactyl-locale-local/en-US/" + this.name + ".properties"], true) .map(services.stringBundle.createBundle) .filter(function (bundle) { try { bundle.getSimpleEnumeration(); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } })), iterate: function () { let seen = {}; for (let bundle in values(this.bundles)) for (let { key, value } in iter(bundle.getSimpleEnumeration(), Ci.nsIPropertyElement)) if (!Set.add(seen, key)) yield [key, value]; }, get: function get(value, default_) { for (let bundle in values(this.bundles)) try { let res = bundle.GetStringFromName(value); if (res.slice(0, 2) == "+ ") return res.slice(2).replace(/\s+/g, " "); return res; } catch (e) {} // Report error so tests fail, but don't throw if (arguments.length < 2) // Do *not* localize these strings util.reportError(Error("Invalid locale string: " + value)); return arguments.length > 1 ? default_ : value; }, format: function format(value, args, default_) { for (let bundle in values(this.bundles)) try { let res = bundle.formatStringFromName(value, args, args.length); if (res.slice(0, 2) == "+ ") return res.slice(2).replace(/\s+/g, " "); return res; } catch (e) {} // Report error so tests fail, but don't throw if (arguments.length < 3) // Do *not* localize these strings util.reportError(Error("Invalid locale string: " + value)); return arguments.length > 2 ? default_ : value; }, /** * Exports known localizable strings to a properties file. * * @param {string|nsIFile} {file} The file to which to export * the strings. */ export: function export_(file) { let { Buffer, commands, hints, io, mappings, modes, options, sanitizer } = overlay.activeModules; file = io.File(file); function properties(base, iter_, prop = "description") iter(function _properties() { function key(...args) [base, obj.identifier || obj.name].concat(args).join(".").replace(/[\\:=]/g, "\\$&"); for (var obj in iter_) { if (!obj.hive || obj.hive.name !== "user") { yield key(prop) + " = " + obj[prop]; if (iter_.values) for (let [k, v] in isArray(obj.values) ? array.iterValues(obj.values) : iter(obj.values)) yield key("values", k) + " = " + v; for (let opt in values(obj.options)) yield key("options", opt.names[0]) + " = " + opt.description; if (obj.deprecated) yield key("deprecated") + " = " + obj.deprecated; } } }()).toArray(); file.write( array(commands.allHives.map(h => properties("command", h))) .concat(modes.all.map(m => properties("map", values(mappings.builtin.getStack(m) .filter(map => map.modes[0] == m))))) .concat(properties("mode", values(modes.all.filter(m => !m.hidden)))) .concat(properties("option", options)) .concat(properties("hintmode", values(hints.modes), "prompt")) .concat(properties("pageinfo", values(Buffer.pageInfo), "title")) .concat(properties("sanitizeitem", values(sanitizer.itemMap))) .flatten().uniq().join("\n")); } }, { Localized: Class("Localized", Class.Property, { init: function init(prop, obj) { let _prop = "unlocalized_" + prop; if (this.initialized) { /* if (config.locale === "en-US") return { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: this.default, writable: true }; */ if (!Set.has(obj, "localizedProperties")) obj.localizedProperties = { __proto__: obj.localizedProperties }; obj.localizedProperties[prop] = true; obj[_prop] = this.default; return { get: function get() { let value = this[_prop]; function getter(key, default_) function getter() messages.get([name, key].join("."), default_); if (value != null) { var name = [this.constructor.className.toLowerCase(), this.identifier || this.name, prop].join("."); if (!isObject(value)) value = messages.get(name, value); else if (isArray(value)) // Deprecated iter(value).forEach(function ([k, v]) { if (isArray(v)) memoize(v, 1, getter(v[0], v[1])); else memoize(value, k, getter(k, v)); }); else iter(value).forEach(function ([k, v]) { memoize(value, k, () => messages.get([name, k].join("."), v)); }); } return Class.replaceProperty(this, prop, value); }, set: function set(val) this[_prop] = val }; } this.default = prop; this.initialized = true; } }) }, { javascript: function initJavascript(dactyl, modules, window) { let { JavaScript } = modules; JavaScript.setCompleter([this._, this.get, this.format], [ context => messages.iterate() ]); JavaScript.setCompleter([this.export], [function (context, obj, args) { context.quote[2] = ""; modules.completion.file(context, true); }]); } }); var { _ } = messages; endModule(); // catch(e){ if (!e.stack) e = Error(e); dump(e.fileName+":"+e.lineNumber+": "+e+"\n" + e.stack); } // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 sts=4 ts=8 et ft=javascript: