// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; defineModule("contexts", { exports: ["Contexts", "Group", "contexts"], require: ["services", "util"] }); lazyRequire("commands", ["ArgType", "CommandOption", "commands"]); lazyRequire("options", ["Option"]); lazyRequire("overlay", ["overlay"]); lazyRequire("storage", ["File"]); lazyRequire("template", ["template"]); var Const = function Const(val) Class.Property({ enumerable: true, value: val }); var Group = Class("Group", { init: function init(name, description, filter, persist) { this.name = name; this.description = description; this.filter = filter || this.constructor.defaultFilter; this.persist = persist || false; this.hives = []; this.children = []; }, get contexts() this.modules.contexts, set lastDocument(val) { this._lastDocument = util.weakReference(val); }, get lastDocument() this._lastDocument && this._lastDocument.get(), modifiable: true, cleanup: function cleanup(reason) { for (let hive in values(this.hives)) util.trapErrors("cleanup", hive); this.hives = []; for (let hive in keys(this.hiveMap)) delete this[hive]; if (reason != "shutdown") this.children.splice(0).forEach(this.contexts.closure.removeGroup); }, destroy: function destroy(reason) { for (let hive in values(this.hives)) util.trapErrors("destroy", hive); if (reason != "shutdown") this.children.splice(0).forEach(this.contexts.closure.removeGroup); }, argsExtra: function argsExtra() ({}), makeArgs: function makeArgs(doc, context, args) { let res = update({ doc: doc, context: context }, args); return update(res, this.argsExtra(res), args); }, get toStringParams() [this.name], get builtin() this.modules.contexts.builtinGroups.indexOf(this) >= 0, }, { compileFilter: function (patterns, default_=false) { function siteFilter(uri) let (match = array.nth(siteFilter.filters, f => f(uri), 0)) match ? match.result : default_; return update(siteFilter, { toString: function () this.filters.join(","), toJSONXML: function (modules) let (uri = modules && modules.buffer.uri) template.map(this.filters, f => ["span", { highlight: uri && f(uri) ? "Filter" : "" }, ("toJSONXML" in f ? f.toJSONXML() : String(f))], ","), filters: Option.parse.sitelist(patterns) }); }, defaultFilter: Class.Memoize(function () this.compileFilter(["*"])) }); var Contexts = Module("contexts", { init: function () { this.pluginModules = {}; }, cleanup: function () { for each (let module in this.pluginModules) util.trapErrors("unload", module); this.pluginModules = {}; }, Local: function Local(dactyl, modules, window) ({ init: function () { const contexts = this; this.modules = modules; Object.defineProperty(modules.plugins, "contexts", Const({})); this.groupList = []; this.groupMap = {}; this.groupsProto = {}; this.hives = {}; this.hiveProto = {}; this.builtin = this.addGroup("builtin", "Builtin items"); this.user = this.addGroup("user", "User-defined items", null, true); this.builtinGroups = [this.builtin, this.user]; this.builtin.modifiable = false; this.GroupFlag = Class("GroupFlag", CommandOption, { init: function (name) { this.name = name; this.type = ArgType("group", function (group) { return isString(group) ? contexts.getGroup(group, name) : group[name]; }); }, get toStringParams() [this.name], names: ["-group", "-g"], description: "Group to which to add", get default() (contexts.context && contexts.context.group || contexts.user)[this.name], completer: function (context) modules.completion.group(context) }); memoize(modules, "userContext", () => contexts.Context(modules.io.getRCFile("~", true), contexts.user, [modules, true])); memoize(modules, "_userContext", () => contexts.Context(modules.io.getRCFile("~", true), contexts.user, [modules.userContext])); }, cleanup: function () { for each (let hive in this.groupList.slice()) util.trapErrors("cleanup", hive, "shutdown"); }, destroy: function () { for each (let hive in values(this.groupList.slice())) util.trapErrors("destroy", hive, "shutdown"); for (let [name, plugin] in iter(this.modules.plugins.contexts)) if (plugin && "onUnload" in plugin && callable(plugin.onUnload)) util.trapErrors("onUnload", plugin); }, signals: { "browser.locationChange": function (webProgress, request, uri) { this.flush(); } }, Group: Class("Group", Group, { modules: modules, get hiveMap() modules.contexts.hives }), Hives: Class("Hives", Class.Property, { init: function init(name, constructor) { const { contexts } = modules; if (this.Hive) return { enumerable: true, get: () => array(contexts.groups[this.name]) }; this.Hive = constructor; this.name = name; memoize(contexts.Group.prototype, name, function () { let group = constructor(this); this.hives.push(group); contexts.flush(); return group; }); memoize(contexts.hives, name, () => Object.create(Object.create(contexts.hiveProto, { _hive: { value: name } }))); memoize(contexts.groupsProto, name, function () [group[name] for (group in values(this.groups)) if (Set.has(group, name))]); }, get toStringParams() [this.name, this.Hive] }) }), Context: function Context(file, group, args) { const { contexts, io, newContext, plugins, userContext } = this.modules; let isPlugin = array.nth(io.getRuntimeDirectories("plugins"), dir => dir.contains(file, true), 0); let isRuntime = array.nth(io.getRuntimeDirectories(""), dir => dir.contains(file, true), 0); let name = isPlugin ? file.getRelativeDescriptor(isPlugin).replace(File.PATH_SEP, "-") : file.leafName; let id = util.camelCase(name.replace(/\.[^.]*$/, "")); let contextPath = file.path; let self = Set.has(plugins, contextPath) && plugins.contexts[contextPath]; if (!self && isPlugin && false) self = Set.has(plugins, id) && plugins[id]; if (self) { if (Set.has(self, "onUnload")) util.trapErrors("onUnload", self); } else { let params = Array.slice(args || [userContext]); params[2] = params[2] || File(file).URI.spec; self = args && !isArray(args) ? args : newContext.apply(null, params); update(self, { NAME: Const(id), PATH: Const(file.path), CONTEXT: Const(self), set isGlobalModule(val) { // Hack. if (val) throw Contexts; }, unload: Const(function unload() { if (plugins[this.NAME] === this || plugins[this.PATH] === this) if (this.onUnload) util.trapErrors("onUnload", this); if (plugins[this.NAME] === this) delete plugins[this.NAME]; if (plugins[this.PATH] === this) delete plugins[this.PATH]; if (plugins.contexts[contextPath] === this) delete plugins.contexts[contextPath]; if (!this.GROUP.builtin) contexts.removeGroup(this.GROUP); }) }); if (group !== this.user) Class.replaceProperty(plugins, file.path, self); // This belongs elsewhere if (isPlugin) Object.defineProperty(plugins, self.NAME, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function () self, set: function (val) { util.dactyl(val).reportError(FailedAssertion(_("plugin.notReplacingContext", self.NAME), 3, false), true); } }); } let path = isRuntime ? file.getRelativeDescriptor(isRuntime) : file.path; let name = isRuntime ? path.replace(/^(plugin|color)s([\\\/])/, "$1$2") : "script-" + path; if (!group) group = this.addGroup(commands.nameRegexp .iterate(name.replace(/\.[^.]*$/, "")) .join("-").replace(/--+/g, "-"), _("context.scriptGroup", file.path), null, false); Class.replaceProperty(self, "GROUP", group); Class.replaceProperty(self, "group", group); return plugins.contexts[contextPath] = self; }, Script: function Script(file, group) { return this.Context(file, group, [this.modules.userContext, true]); }, Module: function Module(uri, isPlugin) { const { io, plugins } = this.modules; let canonical = uri.spec; if (uri.scheme == "resource") canonical = services["resource:"].resolveURI(uri); if (uri instanceof Ci.nsIFileURL) var file = File(uri.file); let isPlugin = array.nth(io.getRuntimeDirectories("plugins"), dir => dir.contains(file, true), 0); let name = isPlugin && file && file.getRelativeDescriptor(isPlugin) .replace(File.PATH_SEP, "-"); let id = util.camelCase(name.replace(/\.[^.]*$/, "")); let self = Set.has(this.pluginModules, canonical) && this.pluginModules[canonical]; if (!self) { self = Object.create(jsmodules); update(self, { NAME: Const(id), PATH: Const(file && file.path), CONTEXT: Const(self), get isGlobalModule() true, set isGlobalModule(val) { util.assert(val, "Loading non-global module as global", false); }, unload: Const(function unload() { if (contexts.pluginModules[canonical] == this) { if (this.onUnload) util.trapErrors("onUnload", this); delete contexts.pluginModules[canonical]; } for each (let { plugins } in overlay.modules) if (plugins[this.NAME] == this) delete plugins[this.name]; }) }); JSMLoader.loadSubScript(uri.spec, self, File.defaultEncoding); this.pluginModules[canonical] = self; } // This belongs elsewhere if (isPlugin) Object.defineProperty(plugins, self.NAME, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function () self, set: function (val) { util.dactyl(val).reportError(FailedAssertion(_("plugin.notReplacingContext", self.NAME), 3, false), true); } }); return self; }, context: null, /** * Returns a frame object describing the currently executing * command, if applicable, otherwise returns the passed frame. * * @param {nsIStackFrame} frame */ getCaller: function getCaller(frame) { if (this.context && this.context.file) return { __proto__: frame, filename: this.context.file[0] == "[" ? this.context.file : File(this.context.file).URI.spec, lineNumber: this.context.line }; return frame; }, groups: Class.Memoize(function () this.matchingGroups()), allGroups: Class.Memoize(function () Object.create(this.groupsProto, { groups: { value: this.initializedGroups() } })), matchingGroups: function (uri) Object.create(this.groupsProto, { groups: { value: this.activeGroups(uri) } }), activeGroups: function (uri) { if (uri instanceof Ci.nsIDOMDocument) var [doc, uri] = [uri, uri.documentURIObject || util.newURI(uri.documentURI)]; if (!uri) var { uri, doc } = this.modules.buffer; return this.initializedGroups().filter(function (g) { let res = uri && g.filter(uri, doc); if (doc) g.lastDocument = res && doc; return res; }); }, flush: function flush() { delete this.groups; delete this.allGroups; }, initializedGroups: function (hive) let (need = hive ? [hive] : Object.keys(this.hives)) this.groupList.filter(group => need.some(Set.has(group))), addGroup: function addGroup(name, description, filter, persist, replace) { let group = this.getGroup(name); if (group) name = group.name; if (!group) { group = this.Group(name, description, filter, persist); this.groupList.unshift(group); this.groupMap[name] = group; this.hiveProto.__defineGetter__(name, function () group[this._hive]); } if (replace) { util.trapErrors("cleanup", group); if (description) group.description = description; if (filter) group.filter = filter; group.persist = persist; } this.flush(); return group; }, removeGroup: function removeGroup(name) { if (isObject(name)) { if (this.groupList.indexOf(name) === -1) return; name = name.name; } let group = this.getGroup(name); util.assert(!group || !group.builtin, _("group.cantRemoveBuiltin")); if (group) { name = group.name; this.groupList.splice(this.groupList.indexOf(group), 1); util.trapErrors("destroy", group); } if (this.context && this.context.group === group) this.context.group = null; delete this.groupMap[name]; delete this.hiveProto[name]; this.flush(); return group; }, getGroup: function getGroup(name, hive) { if (name === "default") var group = this.context && this.context.context && this.context.context.GROUP; else if (Set.has(this.groupMap, name)) group = this.groupMap[name]; if (group && hive) return group[hive]; return group; }, getDocs: function getDocs(context) { try { if (isinstance(context, ["Sandbox"])) { let info = "INFO" in context && Cu.evalInSandbox("this.INFO instanceof XML ? INFO.toXMLString() : this.INFO", context); return /^ args[b] ? b : a, default_); switch (type) { case "-builtin": let noremap = true; /* fallthrough */ case "-keys": let silent = args["-silent"]; rhs = DOM.Event.canonicalKeys(rhs, true); var action = function action() { events.feedkeys(action.macro(makeParams(this, arguments)), noremap, silent); }; action.macro = util.compileMacro(rhs, true); break; case "-ex": action = function action() modules.commands .execute(action.macro, makeParams(this, arguments), false, null, action.context); action.macro = util.compileMacro(rhs, true); action.context = this.context && update({}, this.context); break; case "-javascript": if (callable(params)) action = dactyl.userEval("(function action() { with (action.makeParams(this, arguments)) {" + args.literalArg + "} })"); else action = dactyl.userFunc.apply(dactyl, params.concat(args.literalArg)); process = param => isObject(param) && param.valueOf ? param.valueOf() : param; action.params = params; action.makeParams = makeParams; break; } action.toString = function toString() (type === default_ ? "" : type + " ") + rhs; args = null; return action; }, withContext: function withContext(defaults, callback, self) this.withSavedValues(["context"], function () { this.context = defaults && update({}, defaults); return callback.call(self, this.context); }) }, { Hive: Class("Hive", { init: function init(group) { this.group = group; }, cleanup: function cleanup() {}, destroy: function destroy() {}, get modifiable() this.group.modifiable, get argsExtra() this.group.argsExtra, get makeArgs() this.group.makeArgs, get builtin() this.group.builtin, get name() this.group.name, set name(val) this.group.name = val, get description() this.group.description, set description(val) this.group.description = val, get filter() this.group.filter, set filter(val) this.group.filter = val, get persist() this.group.persist, set persist(val) this.group.persist = val, prefix: Class.Memoize(function () this.name === "builtin" ? "" : this.name + ":"), get toStringParams() [this.name] }) }, { commands: function initCommands(dactyl, modules, window) { const { commands, contexts } = modules; commands.add(["gr[oup]"], "Create or select a group", function (args) { if (args.length > 0) { var name = Option.dequote(args[0]); util.assert(name !== "builtin", _("group.cantModifyBuiltin")); util.assert(commands.validName.test(name), _("group.invalidName", name)); var group = contexts.getGroup(name); } else if (args.bang) var group = args.context && args.context.group; else return void modules.completion.listCompleter("group", "", null, null); util.assert(group || name, _("group.noCurrent")); let filter = Group.compileFilter(args["-locations"]); if (!group || args.bang) group = contexts.addGroup(name, args["-description"], filter, !args["-nopersist"], args.bang); else if (!group.builtin) { if (args.has("-locations")) group.filter = filter; if (args.has("-description")) group.description = args["-description"]; if (args.has("-nopersist")) group.persist = !args["-nopersist"]; } if (!group.builtin && args.has("-args")) { group.argsExtra = contexts.bindMacro({ literalArg: "return " + args["-args"] }, "-javascript", util.identity); group.args = args["-args"]; } if (args.context) { args.context.group = group; if (args.context.context) { args.context.context.group = group; let parent = args.context.context.GROUP; if (parent && parent != group) { group.parent = parent; if (!~parent.children.indexOf(group)) parent.children.push(group); } } } util.assert(!group.builtin || !["-description", "-locations", "-nopersist"] .some(Set.has(args.explicitOpts)), _("group.cantModifyBuiltin")); }, { argCount: "?", bang: true, completer: function (context, args) { if (args.length == 1) modules.completion.group(context); }, keepQuotes: true, options: [ { names: ["-args", "-a"], description: "JavaScript Object which augments the arguments passed to commands, mappings, and autocommands", type: CommandOption.STRING }, { names: ["-description", "-desc", "-d"], description: "A description of this group", default: "User-defined group", type: CommandOption.STRING }, { names: ["-locations", "-locs", "-loc", "-l"], description: "The URLs for which this group should be active", default: ["*"], type: CommandOption.LIST }, { names: ["-nopersist", "-n"], description: "Do not save this group to an auto-generated RC file" } ], serialGroup: 20, serialize: function () [ { command: this.name, bang: true, options: iter([v, typeof group[k] == "boolean" ? null : group[k]] // FIXME: this map is expressed multiple times for ([k, v] in Iterator({ args: "-args", description: "-description", filter: "-locations" })) if (group[k])).toObject(), arguments: [group.name], ignoreDefaults: true } for (group in values(contexts.initializedGroups())) if (!group.builtin && group.persist) ].concat([{ command: this.name, arguments: ["user"] }]) }); commands.add(["delg[roup]"], "Delete a group", function (args) { util.assert(args.bang ^ !!args[0], _("error.argumentOrBang")); if (args.bang) contexts.groupList = contexts.groupList.filter(g => g.builtin); else { util.assert(contexts.getGroup(args[0]), _("group.noSuch", args[0])); contexts.removeGroup(args[0]); } }, { argCount: "?", bang: true, completer: function (context, args) { if (args.bang) return; context.filters.push(({ item }) => !item.builtin); modules.completion.group(context); } }); commands.add(["fini[sh]"], "Stop sourcing a script file", function (args) { util.assert(args.context, _("command.finish.illegal")); args.context.finished = true; }, { argCount: "0" }); function checkStack(cmd) { util.assert(contexts.context && contexts.context.stack && contexts.context.stack[cmd] && contexts.context.stack[cmd].length, _("command.conditional.illegal")); } function pop(cmd) { checkStack(cmd); return contexts.context.stack[cmd].pop(); } function push(cmd, value) { util.assert(contexts.context, _("command.conditional.illegal")); if (arguments.length < 2) value = contexts.context.noExecute; contexts.context.stack = contexts.context.stack || {}; contexts.context.stack[cmd] = (contexts.context.stack[cmd] || []).concat([value]); } commands.add(["if"], "Execute commands until the next :elseif, :else, or :endif only if the argument returns true", function (args) { args.context.noExecute = !dactyl.userEval(args[0]); }, { always: function (args) { push("if"); }, argCount: "1", literal: 0 }); commands.add(["elsei[f]", "elif"], "Execute commands until the next :elseif, :else, or :endif only if the argument returns true", function (args) {}, { always: function (args) { checkStack("if"); args.context.noExecute = args.context.stack.if.slice(-1)[0] || !args.context.noExecute || !dactyl.userEval(args[0]); }, argCount: "1", literal: 0 }); commands.add(["el[se]"], "Execute commands until the next :endif only if the previous conditionals were not executed", function (args) {}, { always: function (args) { checkStack("if"); args.context.noExecute = args.context.stack.if.slice(-1)[0] || !args.context.noExecute; }, argCount: "0" }); commands.add(["en[dif]", "fi"], "End a string of :if/:elseif/:else conditionals", function (args) {}, { always: function (args) { args.context.noExecute = pop("if"); }, argCount: "0" }); }, completion: function initCompletion(dactyl, modules, window) { const { completion, contexts } = modules; completion.group = function group(context, active) { context.title = ["Group"]; let uri = modules.buffer.uri; context.keys = { active: group => group.filter(uri), text: "name", description: function (g) ["", g.filter.toJSONXML ? g.filter.toJSONXML(modules).concat("\u00a0") : "", g.description || ""] }; context.completions = (active === undefined ? contexts.groupList : contexts.initializedGroups(active)) .slice(0, -1); iter({ Active: true, Inactive: false }).forEach(function ([name, active]) { context.split(name, null, function (context) { context.title[0] = name + " Groups"; context.filters.push(({ item }) => !!item.filter(modules.buffer.uri) == active); }); }); }; } }); endModule(); // catch(e){ if (!e.stack) e = Error(e); dump(e.fileName+":"+e.lineNumber+": "+e+"\n" + e.stack); } // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 sts=4 ts=8 et ft=javascript: