// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 by Martin Stubenschrott // Copyright (c) 2007-2011 by Doug Kearns // Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; let global = this; defineModule("config", { exports: ["ConfigBase", "Config", "config"], require: ["dom", "io", "protocol", "services", "util", "template"] }); lazyRequire("addons", ["AddonManager"]); lazyRequire("cache", ["cache"]); lazyRequire("highlight", ["highlight"]); lazyRequire("messages", ["_"]); lazyRequire("prefs", ["localPrefs", "prefs"]); lazyRequire("storage", ["storage", "File"]); lazyRequire("styles", ["Styles"]); function AboutHandler() {} AboutHandler.prototype = { get classDescription() "About " + config.appName + " Page", classID: Components.ID("81495d80-89ee-4c36-a88d-ea7c4e5ac63f"), get contractID() services.ABOUT + config.name, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAboutModule]), newChannel: function (uri) { let channel = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIIOService) .newChannel("dactyl://content/about.xul", null, null); channel.originalURI = uri; return channel; }, getURIFlags: function (uri) Ci.nsIAboutModule.ALLOW_SCRIPT }; var ConfigBase = Class("ConfigBase", { /** * Called on dactyl startup to allow for any arbitrary application-specific * initialization code. Must call superclass's init function. */ init: function init() { this.loadConfig(); this.features.push = deprecated("Set.add", function push(feature) Set.add(this, feature)); if (this.haveGecko("2b")) Set.add(this.features, "Gecko2"); JSMLoader.registerFactory(JSMLoader.Factory(AboutHandler)); JSMLoader.registerFactory(JSMLoader.Factory( Protocol("dactyl", "{9c8f2530-51c8-4d41-b356-319e0b155c44}", "resource://dactyl-content/"))); this.timeout(function () { cache.register("config.dtd", () => util.makeDTD(config.dtd)); }); services["dactyl:"].pages["dtd"] = () => [null, cache.get("config.dtd")]; update(services["dactyl:"].providers, { "locale": function (uri, path) LocaleChannel("dactyl-locale", config.locale, path, uri), "locale-local": function (uri, path) LocaleChannel("dactyl-local-locale", config.locale, path, uri) }); }, get prefs() localPrefs, get has() Set.has(this.features), configFiles: [ "resource://dactyl-common/config.json", "resource://dactyl-local/config.json" ], configs: Class.Memoize(function () this.configFiles.map(url => JSON.parse(File.readURL(url)))), loadConfig: function loadConfig(documentURL) { for each (let config in this.configs) { if (documentURL) config = config.overlays && config.overlays[documentURL] || {}; for (let [name, value] in Iterator(config)) { let prop = util.camelCase(name); if (isArray(this[prop])) this[prop] = [].concat(this[prop], value); else if (isObject(this[prop])) { if (isArray(value)) value = Set(value); this[prop] = update({}, this[prop], iter([util.camelCase(k), value[k]] for (k in value)).toObject()); } else this[prop] = value; } } }, modules: { global: ["addons", "base", "io", ["bookmarkcache", "bookmarkcache"], "buffer", "cache", "commands", "completion", "config", "contexts", "dom", "downloads", "finder", "help", "highlight", "javascript", "main", "messages", "options", "overlay", "prefs", "protocol", "sanitizer", "services", "storage", "styles", "template", "util"], window: ["dactyl", "modes", "commandline", "abbreviations", "autocommands", "editor", "events", "hints", "key-processors", "mappings", "marks", "mow", "statusline"] }, loadStyles: function loadStyles(force) { highlight.styleableChrome = this.styleableChrome; highlight.loadCSS(this.CSS.replace(/__MSG_(.*?)__/g, (m0, m1) => _(m1))); highlight.loadCSS(this.helpCSS.replace(/__MSG_(.*?)__/g, (m0, m1) => _(m1))); if (!this.haveGecko("2b")) highlight.loadCSS(literal(/* !TabNumber font-weight: bold; margin: 0px; padding-right: .8ex; !TabIconNumber { font-weight: bold; color: white; text-align: center; text-shadow: black -1px 0 1px, black 0 1px 1px, black 1px 0 1px, black 0 -1px 1px; } */)); let hl = highlight.set("Find", ""); hl.onChange = function () { function hex(val) ("#" + util.regexp.iterate(/\d+/g, val) .map(num => ("0" + Number(num).toString(16)).slice(-2)) .join("") ).slice(0, 7); let elem = services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow.document.createElement("div"); elem.style.cssText = this.cssText; let keys = iter(Styles.propertyIter(this.cssText)).map(p => p.name).toArray(); let bg = keys.some(bind("test", /^background/)); let fg = keys.indexOf("color") >= 0; let style = DOM(elem).style; prefs[bg ? "safeSet" : "safeReset"]("ui.textHighlightBackground", hex(style.backgroundColor)); prefs[fg ? "safeSet" : "safeReset"]("ui.textHighlightForeground", hex(style.color)); }; }, get addonID() this.name + "@dactyl.googlecode.com", addon: Class.Memoize(function () { return (JSMLoader.bootstrap || {}).addon || AddonManager.getAddonByID(this.addonID); }), get styleableChrome() Object.keys(this.overlays), /** * The current application locale. */ appLocale: Class.Memoize(() => services.chromeRegistry.getSelectedLocale("global")), /** * The current dactyl locale. */ locale: Class.Memoize(function () this.bestLocale(this.locales)), /** * The current application locale. */ locales: Class.Memoize(function () { // TODO: Merge with completion.file code. function getDir(str) str.match(/^(?:.*[\/\\])?/)[0]; let uri = "resource://dactyl-locale/"; let jar = io.isJarURL(uri); if (jar) { let prefix = getDir(jar.JAREntry); var res = iter(s.slice(prefix.length).replace(/\/.*/, "") for (s in io.listJar(jar.JARFile, prefix))) .toArray(); } else { res = array(f.leafName // Fails on FF3: for (f in util.getFile(uri).iterDirectory()) for (f in values(util.getFile(uri).readDirectory())) if (f.isDirectory())).array; } let exists = function exists(pkg) services["resource:"].hasSubstitution("dactyl-locale-" + pkg); return array.uniq([this.appLocale, this.appLocale.replace(/-.*/, "")] .filter(exists) .concat(res)); }), /** * Returns the best locale match to the current locale from a list * of available locales. * * @param {[string]} list A list of available locales * @returns {string} */ bestLocale: function (list) { return values([this.appLocale, this.appLocale.replace(/-.*/, ""), "en", "en-US", list[0]]) .nth(Set.has(Set(list)), 0); }, /** * A list of all known registered chrome and resource packages. */ get chromePackages() { // Horrible hack. let res = {}; function process(manifest) { for each (let line in manifest.split(/\n+/)) { let match = /^\s*(content|skin|locale|resource)\s+([^\s#]+)\s/.exec(line); if (match) res[match[2]] = true; } } function processJar(file) { let jar = services.ZipReader(file.file); if (jar) try { if (jar.hasEntry("chrome.manifest")) process(File.readStream(jar.getInputStream("chrome.manifest"))); } finally { jar.close(); } } for each (let dir in ["UChrm", "AChrom"]) { dir = File(services.directory.get(dir, Ci.nsIFile)); if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) for (let file in dir.iterDirectory()) if (/\.manifest$/.test(file.leafName)) process(file.read()); dir = File(dir.parent); if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) for (let file in dir.iterDirectory()) if (/\.jar$/.test(file.leafName)) processJar(file); dir = dir.child("extensions"); if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) for (let ext in dir.iterDirectory()) { if (/\.xpi$/.test(ext.leafName)) processJar(ext); else { if (ext.isFile()) ext = File(ext.read().replace(/\n*$/, "")); let mf = ext.child("chrome.manifest"); if (mf.exists()) process(mf.read()); } } } return Object.keys(res).sort(); }, /** * Returns true if the current Gecko runtime is of the given version * or greater. * * @param {string} min The minimum required version. @optional * @param {string} max The maximum required version. @optional * @returns {boolean} */ haveGecko: function (min, max) let ({ compare } = services.versionCompare, { platformVersion } = services.runtime) (min == null || compare(platformVersion, min) >= 0) && (max == null || compare(platformVersion, max) < 0), /** Dactyl's notion of the current operating system platform. */ OS: memoize({ _arch: services.runtime.OS, /** * @property {string} The normalised name of the OS. This is one of * "Windows", "Mac OS X" or "Unix". */ get name() this.isWindows ? "Windows" : this.isMacOSX ? "Mac OS X" : "Unix", /** @property {boolean} True if the OS is Windows. */ get isWindows() this._arch == "WINNT", /** @property {boolean} True if the OS is Mac OS X. */ get isMacOSX() this._arch == "Darwin", /** @property {boolean} True if the OS is some other *nix variant. */ get isUnix() !this.isWindows, /** @property {RegExp} A RegExp which matches illegal characters in path components. */ get illegalCharacters() this.isWindows ? /[<>:"/\\|?*\x00-\x1f]/g : /[\/\x00]/g, get pathListSep() this.isWindows ? ";" : ":" }), /** * @property {string} The pathname of the VCS repository clone's root * directory if the application is running from one via an extension * proxy file. */ VCSPath: Class.Memoize(function () { if (/pre$/.test(this.addon.version)) { let uri = util.newURI(this.addon.getResourceURI("").spec + "../.hg"); if (uri instanceof Ci.nsIFileURL && uri.file.exists() && io.pathSearch("hg")) return uri.file.parent.path; } return null; }), /** * @property {string} The name of the VCS branch that the application is * running from if using an extension proxy file or was built from if * installed as an XPI. */ branch: Class.Memoize(function () { if (this.VCSPath) return io.system(["hg", "-R", this.VCSPath, "branch"]).output; return (/pre-hg\d+-(\S*)/.exec(this.version) || [])[1]; }), /** @property {string} The name of the current user profile. */ profileName: Class.Memoize(function () { // NOTE: services.profile.selectedProfile.name doesn't return // what you might expect. It returns the last _actively_ selected // profile (i.e. via the Profile Manager or -P option) rather than the // current profile. These will differ if the current process was run // without explicitly selecting a profile. let dir = services.directory.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile); for (let prof in iter(services.profile.profiles)) if (prof.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIToolkitProfile).rootDir.path === dir.path) return prof.name; return "unknown"; }), /** @property {string} The Dactyl version string. */ version: Class.Memoize(function () { if (this.VCSPath) return io.system(["hg", "-R", this.VCSPath, "log", "-r.", "--template=hg{rev}-{branch}"]).output; return this.addon.version; }), buildDate: Class.Memoize(function () { if (this.VCSPath) return io.system(["hg", "-R", this.VCSPath, "log", "-r.", "--template={date|isodate}"]).output; if ("@DATE@" !== "@" + "DATE@") return _("dactyl.created", "@DATE@"); }), get fileExt() this.name.slice(0, -6), dtd: Class.Memoize(function () iter(this.dtdExtra, (["dactyl." + k, v] for ([k, v] in iter(config.dtdDactyl))), (["dactyl." + s, config[s]] for each (s in config.dtdStrings))) .toObject()), dtdDactyl: memoize({ get name() config.name, get home() "http://5digits.org/", get apphome() this.home + this.name, code: "http://code.google.com/p/dactyl/", get issues() this.home + "bug/" + this.name, get plugins() "http://5digits.org/" + this.name + "/plugins", get faq() this.home + this.name + "/faq", "list.mailto": Class.Memoize(() => config.name + "@googlegroups.com"), "list.href": Class.Memoize(() => "http://groups.google.com/group/" + config.name), "hg.latest": Class.Memoize(function () this.code + "source/browse/"), // XXX "irc": "irc://irc.oftc.net/#pentadactyl" }), dtdExtra: { "xmlns.dactyl": "http://vimperator.org/namespaces/liberator", "xmlns.html": "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "xmlns.xul": "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul", "tag.command-line": ["link", { xmlns: "dactyl", topic: "command-line" }, "command line"], "tag.status-line": ["link", { xmlns: "dactyl", topic: "status-line" }, "status line"], "mode.command-line": ["link", { xmlns: "dactyl", topic: "command-line-mode" }, "Command Line"] }, dtdStrings: [ "appName", "fileExt", "host", "hostbin", "idName", "name", "version" ], helpStyles: /^(Help|StatusLine|REPL)|^(Boolean|Dense|Indicator|MoreMsg|Number|Object|Logo|Key(word)?|String)$/, styleHelp: function styleHelp() { if (!this.helpStyled) { for (let k in keys(highlight.loaded)) if (this.helpStyles.test(k)) highlight.loaded[k] = true; } this.helpCSS = true; }, Local: function Local(dactyl, modules, { document, window }) ({ init: function init() { this.loadConfig(document.documentURI); let append = [ ["menupopup", { id: "viewSidebarMenu", xmlns: "xul" }], ["broadcasterset", { id: "mainBroadcasterSet", xmlns: "xul" }]]; for each (let [id, [name, key, uri]] in Iterator(this.sidebars)) { append[0].push( ["menuitem", { observes: "pentadactyl-" + id + "Sidebar", label: name, accesskey: key }]); append[1].push( ["broadcaster", { id: "pentadactyl-" + id + "Sidebar", autoCheck: "false", type: "checkbox", group: "sidebar", sidebartitle: name, sidebarurl: uri, oncommand: "toggleSidebar(this.id || this.observes);" }]); } util.overlayWindow(window, { append: append }); }, get window() window, get document() document, ids: Class.Update({ get commandContainer() document.documentElement.id }), browser: Class.Memoize(() => window.gBrowser), tabbrowser: Class.Memoize(() => window.gBrowser), get browserModes() [modules.modes.NORMAL], /** * @property {string} The ID of the application's main XUL window. */ mainWindowId: document.documentElement.id, /** * @property {number} The height (px) that is available to the output * window. */ get outputHeight() this.browser.mPanelContainer.boxObject.height, tabStrip: Class.Memoize(function () document.getElementById("TabsToolbar") || this.tabbrowser.mTabContainer) }), /** * @property {Object} A mapping of names and descriptions * of the autocommands available in this application. Primarily used * for completion results. */ autocommands: {}, /** * @property {Object} A map of :command-complete option values to completer * function names. */ completers: {}, /** * @property {Object} Application specific defaults for option values. The * property names must be the options' canonical names, and the values * must be strings as entered via :set. */ optionDefaults: {}, cleanups: {}, /** * @property {Object} A map of dialogs available via the * :dialog command. Property names map dialog names to an array * with the following elements: * [0] description - A description of the dialog, used in * command completion results for :dialog. * [1] action - The function executed by :dialog. * [2] test - Function which returns true if the dialog is available in * the current window. @optional */ dialogs: {}, /** * @property {set} A list of features available in this * application. Used extensively in feature test macros. Use * dactyl.has(feature) to check for a feature's presence * in this array. */ features: {}, /** * @property {string} The file extension used for command script files. * This is the name string sans "dactyl". */ get fileExtension() this.name.slice(0, -6), guioptions: {}, /** * @property {string} The name of the application that hosts the * extension. E.g., "Firefox" or "XULRunner". */ host: null, /** * @property {string} The name of the extension. * Required. */ name: null, /** * @property {[string]} A list of extra scripts in the dactyl or * application namespaces which should be loaded before dactyl * initialization. */ scripts: [], sidebars: {}, /** * @constant * @property {string} The default highlighting rules. * See {@link Highlights#loadCSS} for details. */ CSS: Class.Memoize(() => File.readURL("resource://dactyl-skin/global-styles.css")), helpCSS: Class.Memoize(() => File.readURL("resource://dactyl-skin/help-styles.css")) }, { }); JSMLoader.loadSubScript("resource://dactyl-local-content/config.js", this); config.INIT = update(Object.create(config.INIT), config.INIT, { init: function init(dactyl, modules, window) { init.superapply(this, arguments); let img = window.Image(); img.src = this.logo || "resource://dactyl-local-content/logo.png"; img.onload = util.wrapCallback(function () { highlight.loadCSS(literal(/* !Logo { display: inline-block; background: url({src}); width: {width}px; height: {height}px; } */).replace(/\{(.*?)\}/g, (m, m1) => img[m1])); img = null; }); }, load: function load(dactyl, modules, window) { load.superapply(this, arguments); this.timeout(function () { if (this.branch && this.branch !== "default" && modules.yes_i_know_i_should_not_report_errors_in_these_branches_thanks.indexOf(this.branch) === -1) dactyl.warn(_("warn.notDefaultBranch", config.appName, this.branch)); }, 1000); } }); endModule(); // catch(e){ if (typeof e === "string") e = Error(e); dump(e.fileName+":"+e.lineNumber+": "+e+"\n" + e.stack); } // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 sts=4 ts=8 et ft=javascript: