// Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Kris Maglione // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 by Doug Kearns // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; try { defineModule("addons", { exports: ["AddonManager", "Addons", "Addon", "addons"], require: ["services", "util"] }); this.lazyRequire("completion", ["completion"]); lazyRequire("template", ["template"]); var callResult = function callResult(method, ...args) { return function (result) { result[method].apply(result, args); }; } var listener = function listener(action, event) function addonListener(install) { this.dactyl[install.error ? "echoerr" : "echomsg"]( _("addon.error", action, event, (install.name || install.sourceURI.spec) + (install.error ? ": " + addons.errors[install.error] : ""))); }; var AddonListener = Class("AddonListener", { init: function init(modules) { this.dactyl = modules.dactyl; }, onNewInstall: function (install) {}, onExternalInstall: function (addon, existingAddon, needsRestart) {}, onDownloadStarted: listener("download", "started"), onDownloadEnded: listener("download", "complete"), onDownloadCancelled: listener("download", "canceled"), onDownloadFailed: listener("download", "failed"), onDownloadProgress: function (install) {}, onInstallStarted: function (install) {}, onInstallEnded: listener("installation", "complete"), onInstallCancelled: listener("installation", "canceled"), onInstallFailed: listener("installation", "failed") }); var updateAddons = Class("UpgradeListener", AddonListener, { init: function init(addons, modules) { init.supercall(this, modules); util.assert(!addons.length || addons[0].findUpdates, _("error.unavailable", config.host, services.runtime.version)); this.remaining = addons; this.upgrade = []; this.dactyl.echomsg(_("addon.check", addons.map(a => a.name).join(", "))); for (let addon in values(addons)) addon.findUpdates(this, AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_USER_REQUESTED, null, null); }, onUpdateAvailable: function (addon, install) { this.upgrade.push(addon); install.addListener(this); install.install(); }, onUpdateFinished: function (addon, error) { this.remaining = this.remaining.filter(a => (a.type != addon.type || a.id != addon.id)); if (!this.remaining.length) this.dactyl.echomsg( this.upgrade.length ? _("addon.installingUpdates", this.upgrade.map(i => i.name).join(", ")) : _("addon.noUpdates")); } }); var actions = { delete: { name: ["extde[lete]", "extrm"], description: "Uninstall an extension", action: callResult("uninstall"), perm: "uninstall" }, enable: { name: "exte[nable]", description: "Enable an extension", action: function (addon) { addon.userDisabled = false; }, filter: function (addon) addon.userDisabled, perm: "enable" }, disable: { name: "extd[isable]", description: "Disable an extension", action: function (addon) { addon.userDisabled = true; }, filter: function (addon) !addon.userDisabled, perm: "disable" }, options: { name: ["exto[ptions]", "extp[references]"], description: "Open an extension's preference dialog", bang: true, action: function (addon, bang) { if (bang) this.window.openDialog(addon.optionsURL, "_blank", "chrome"); else this.dactyl.open(addon.optionsURL, { from: "extoptions" }); }, filter: function (addon) addon.isActive && addon.optionsURL }, rehash: { name: "extr[ehash]", description: "Reload an extension", action: function (addon) { util.assert(config.haveGecko("2b"), _("command.notUseful", config.host)); util.flushCache(); util.timeout(function () { addon.userDisabled = true; addon.userDisabled = false; }); }, get filter() { return addon => ( !addon.userDisabled && !(addon.operationsRequiringRestart & (AddonManager.OP_NEEDS_RESTART_ENABLE | AddonManager.OP_NEEDS_RESTART_DISABLE))); }, perm: "disable" }, toggle: { name: "extt[oggle]", description: "Toggle an extension's enabled status", action: function (addon) { addon.userDisabled = !addon.userDisabled; } }, update: { name: "extu[pdate]", description: "Update an extension", actions: updateAddons, perm: "upgrade" } }; var Addon = Class("Addon", { init: function init(addon, list) { this.addon = addon; this.instance = this; this.list = list; this.nodes = { commandTarget: this }; DOM.fromJSON( ["tr", { highlight: "Addon", key: "row" }, ["td", { highlight: "AddonName", key: "name" }], ["td", { highlight: "AddonVersion", key: "version" }], ["td", { highlight: "AddonButtons Buttons" }, ["a", { highlight: "Button", href: "javascript:0", key: "enable" }, _("addon.action.On")], ["a", { highlight: "Button", href: "javascript:0", key: "disable" }, _("addon.action.Off")], ["a", { highlight: "Button", href: "javascript:0", key: "delete" }, _("addon.action.Delete")], ["a", { highlight: "Button", href: "javascript:0", key: "update" }, _("addon.action.Update")], ["a", { highlight: "Button", href: "javascript:0", key: "options" }, _("addon.action.Options")]], ["td", { highlight: "AddonStatus", key: "status" }], ["td", { highlight: "AddonDescription", key: "description" }]], this.list.document, this.nodes); this.update(); }, commandAllowed: function commandAllowed(cmd) { util.assert(Set.has(actions, cmd), _("addon.unknownCommand")); let action = actions[cmd]; if ("perm" in action && !(this.permissions & AddonManager["PERM_CAN_" + action.perm.toUpperCase()])) return false; if ("filter" in action && !action.filter(this)) return false; return true; }, command: function command(cmd) { util.assert(this.commandAllowed(cmd), _("addon.commandNotAllowed")); let action = actions[cmd]; if (action.action) action.action.call(this.list.modules, this, true); else action.actions([this], this.list.modules); }, compare: function compare(other) String.localeCompare(this.name, other.name), get statusInfo() { let info = this.isActive ? ["span", { highlight: "Enabled" }, "enabled"] : ["span", { highlight: "Disabled" }, "disabled"]; let pending; if (this.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_UNINSTALL) pending = ["Disabled", "uninstalled"]; else if (this.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_DISABLE) pending = ["Disabled", "disabled"]; else if (this.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_INSTALL) pending = ["Enabled", "installed"]; else if (this.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_ENABLE) pending = ["Enabled", "enabled"]; else if (this.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_UPGRADE) pending = ["Enabled", "upgraded"]; if (pending) return [info, " (", ["span", { highlight: pending[0] }, pending[1]], " on ", ["a", { href: "#", "dactyl:command": "dactyl.restart" }, "restart"], ")"]; return info; }, update: function callee() { let update = (key, xml) => { let node = this.nodes[key]; while (node.firstChild) node.removeChild(node.firstChild); DOM(node).append(isArray(xml) ? xml : DOM.DOMString(xml)); } update("name", template.icon({ icon: this.iconURL }, this.name)); this.nodes.version.textContent = this.version; update("status", this.statusInfo); this.nodes.description.textContent = this.description; DOM(this.nodes.row).attr("active", this.isActive || null); for (let node in values(this.nodes)) if (node.update && node.update !== callee) node.update(); let event = this.list.document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("dactyl-commandupdate", true, false); this.list.document.dispatchEvent(event); } }); ["cancelUninstall", "findUpdates", "getResourceURI", "hasResource", "isCompatibleWith", "uninstall"].forEach(function (prop) { Addon.prototype[prop] = function proxy() this.addon[prop].apply(this.addon, arguments); }); ["aboutURL", "appDisabled", "applyBackgroundUpdates", "blocklistState", "contributors", "creator", "description", "developers", "homepageURL", "iconURL", "id", "install", "installDate", "isActive", "isCompatible", "isPlatformCompatible", "name", "operationsRequiringRestart", "optionsURL", "pendingOperations", "pendingUpgrade", "permissions", "providesUpdatesSecurely", "releaseNotesURI", "scope", "screenshots", "size", "sourceURI", "translators", "type", "updateDate", "userDisabled", "version"].forEach(function (prop) { Object.defineProperty(Addon.prototype, prop, { get: function get_proxy() this.addon[prop], set: function set_proxy(val) this.addon[prop] = val }); }); var AddonList = Class("AddonList", { init: function init(modules, types, filter) { this.modules = modules; this.filter = filter && filter.toLowerCase(); this.nodes = {}; this.addons = []; this.ready = false; AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(types, this.closure(function (addons) { this._addons = addons; if (this.document) this._init(); })); AddonManager.addAddonListener(this); }, cleanup: function cleanup() { AddonManager.removeAddonListener(this); }, _init: function _init() { this._addons.forEach(this.closure.addAddon); this.ready = true; this.update(); }, message: Class.Memoize(function () { DOM.fromJSON(["table", { highlight: "Addons", key: "list" }, ["tr", { highlight: "AddonHead" }, ["td", {}, _("title.Name")], ["td", {}, _("title.Version")], ["td"], ["td", {}, _("title.Status")], ["td", {}, _("title.Description")]]], this.document, this.nodes); if (this._addons) this._init(); return this.nodes.list; }), addAddon: function addAddon(addon) { if (addon.id in this.addons) this.update(addon); else { if (this.filter && addon.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.filter) === -1) return; addon = Addon(addon, this); this.addons[addon.id] = addon; let index = values(this.addons).sort((a, b) => a.compare(b)) .indexOf(addon); this.nodes.list.insertBefore(addon.nodes.row, this.nodes.list.childNodes[index + 1]); this.update(); } }, removeAddon: function removeAddon(addon) { if (addon.id in this.addons) { this.nodes.list.removeChild(this.addons[addon.id].nodes.row); delete this.addons[addon.id]; this.update(); } }, leave: function leave(stack) { if (stack.pop) this.cleanup(); }, update: function update(addon) { if (addon && addon.id in this.addons) this.addons[addon.id].update(); if (this.ready) this.modules.mow.resize(false); }, onDisabled: function (addon) { this.update(addon); }, onDisabling: function (addon) { this.update(addon); }, onEnabled: function (addon) { this.update(addon); }, onEnabling: function (addon) { this.update(addon); }, onInstalled: function (addon) { this.addAddon(addon); }, onInstalling: function (addon) { this.update(addon); }, onUninstalled: function (addon) { this.removeAddon(addon); }, onUninstalling: function (addon) { this.update(addon); }, onOperationCancelled: function (addon) { this.update(addon); }, onPropertyChanged: function onPropertyChanged(addon, properties) {} }); var Addons = Module("addons", { errors: Class.Memoize(() => array(["ERROR_NETWORK_FAILURE", "ERROR_INCORRECT_HASH", "ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE", "ERROR_FILE_ACCESS"]) .map(e => [AddonManager[e], _("AddonManager." + e)]) .toObject()) }, { }, { commands: function initCommands(dactyl, modules, window) { const { CommandOption, commands, completion, io } = modules; commands.add(["addo[ns]", "ao"], "List installed extensions", function (args) { let addons = AddonList(modules, args["-types"], args[0]); modules.commandline.echo(addons); if (modules.commandline.savingOutput) util.waitFor(() => addons.ready); }, { argCount: "?", options: [ { names: ["-types", "-type", "-t"], description: "The add-on types to list", default: ["extension"], completer: function (context, args) completion.addonType(context), type: CommandOption.LIST } ] }); let addonListener = AddonListener(modules); commands.add(["exta[dd]"], "Install an extension", function (args) { let url = args[0]; let file = io.File(url); function install(addonInstall) { addonInstall.addListener(addonListener); addonInstall.install(); } if (!file.exists()) AddonManager.getInstallForURL(url, install, "application/x-xpinstall"); else if (file.isReadable() && file.isFile()) AddonManager.getInstallForFile(file.file, install, "application/x-xpinstall"); else if (file.isDirectory()) dactyl.echoerr(_("addon.cantInstallDir", file.path.quote())); else dactyl.echoerr(_("io.notReadable", file.path)); }, { argCount: "1", completer: function (context) { context.filters.push(({ isdir, text }) => isdir || /\.xpi$/.test(text)); completion.file(context); }, literal: 0 }); // TODO: handle extension dependencies values(actions).forEach(function (command) { let perm = command.perm && AddonManager["PERM_CAN_" + command.perm.toUpperCase()]; function ok(addon) (!perm || addon.permissions & perm) && (!command.filter || command.filter(addon)); commands.add(Array.concat(command.name), command.description, function (args) { let name = args[0]; if (args.bang && !command.bang) dactyl.assert(!name, _("error.trailingCharacters")); else dactyl.assert(name, _("error.argumentRequired")); AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(args["-types"], dactyl.wrapCallback(function (list) { if (!args.bang || command.bang) { list = list.filter(addon => (addon.id == name || addon.name == name)); dactyl.assert(list.length, _("error.invalidArgument", name)); dactyl.assert(list.some(ok), _("error.invalidOperation")); list = list.filter(ok); } dactyl.assert(list.every(ok)); if (command.actions) command.actions(list, this.modules); else list.forEach(addon => { command.action.call(this.modules, addon, args.bang) }); })); }, { argCount: "?", // FIXME: should be "1" bang: true, completer: function (context, args) { completion.addon(context, args["-types"]); context.filters.push(({ item }) => ok(item)); }, literal: 0, options: [ { names: ["-types", "-type", "-t"], description: "The add-on types to operate on", default: ["extension"], completer: function (context, args) completion.addonType(context), type: CommandOption.LIST } ] }); }); }, completion: function initCompletion(dactyl, modules, window) { completion.addonType = function addonType(context) { let base = ["extension", "theme"]; function update(types) { context.completions = types.map(t => [t, util.capitalize(t)]); } context.generate = function generate() { update(base); if (AddonManager.getAllAddons) { context.incomplete = true; AddonManager.getAllAddons(function (addons) { context.incomplete = false; update(array.uniq(base.concat(addons.map(a => a.type)), true)); }); } }; }; completion.addon = function addon(context, types) { context.title = ["Add-on"]; context.anchored = false; context.keys = { text: addon => [addon.name, addon.id], description: "description", icon: "iconURL" }; context.generate = function () { context.incomplete = true; AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(types || ["extension"], function (addons) { context.incomplete = false; context.completions = addons; }); }; }; } }); Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm", this); endModule(); } catch(e){ if (isString(e)) e = Error(e); dump(e.fileName+":"+e.lineNumber+": "+e+"\n" + e.stack); } // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 sts=4 ts=8 et ft=javascript: